"Are you bleeding?"
"There's blood on that bag!"
There's a mark on one side, doesn't show up on the inside
"That's blood!"
It's on the same spot in the same shape on literally every bag right here
"I work in the health business, I know blood!"
Ok, so I managed to bleed on every bag in this lane- oh, looking at the next one, looks like every bag has it too
Bled on literally every single bag in the same spot in the store
"That's disgusting! I want a refund?"
K mate
This isn't even that bad, it's just the one I best remember. It's that scenario where you wonder if there should be a license to breathe.
And no, those weren't my live reactions, my reaction was pretty much just 'wut' with a cashier pointing out that the same mark is everywhere and a supervisor coming in, nodding along and just doing the refund.