Avatar of SpeakNoEvil
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SpeakNoEvil 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I'm just another promise you couldn't keep...
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4 yrs ago
I can chase you, and I can catch you, but there is nothing I can do to make you mine.
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5 yrs ago
"I would die a thousand times just to save you once."
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6 yrs ago
The Sun loved the Moon so much that he died every night just to let her breathe.
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6 yrs ago
She was everything real in a world of make-believe. It was her chaos that made her beautiful.


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Most Recent Posts

Yeah, sorry guys, I'm in the same boat as Red. I know I barely contributed but I'm just not finding the motivation for this roleplay anymore. I hate doing this, especially when I've been flaky from the start, but I'm gonna take my leave.
Sorry guys, didn't mean to ghost. Work got crazy and honestly I kinda forgot to check in...
Adam stared at the apple juice that Scott shoved into his hand before laughing his way into the house. Why did he honestly think anything was going to be any different just because he got detention and skipped out with the other delinquents he reluctantly had to share this day with? Did he seriously think he was suddenly going to be treated differently?
"Why does this shit always have to happen to me..."
Adam scowled at the juice one last time before tossing it on the ground and crushing it with his foot for good measure. He was the last one to enter the house which was probably going to earn him more backlash but whatever.
Let's just get this over with...
With a deep breath, he crossed the threshold to join the others. All he had to do was explore the house a bit and leave, right? He couldn't imagine the others wanting to spend more time in this house than absolutely necessary. He couldn't possibly be the only one getting the creeps from this place...
This first thing that Adam noticed was the smell. The dank musty odor assaulted his nose immediately. He couldn't help but gag and was about to make a comment but was then distracted by the clown paintings. Like most people, he hated clowns. There was just something creepy about them.... Who would even want paintings of clowns in their house anyway?
Adam finally made his way to the house, stumbling over to the group huddled around the entrance.

"Sorry I'm late guys!! Just needed to catch my breath..."

He stopped to rest his hands on his knees, taking in mouthfuls of air. Never the athlete, all the escaping and running and adrenaline rush were finally catching up to him. Not gonna lie, he definitely had no desire to be here. He had heard the rumors about this place. There were so many local urban legends surrounding the house that it's no wonder even demo crews wouldn't just demolish it already. Instead, it was left to rot and fester like a curse. Just looking at it gave Adam the heebie jeebies.

If it weren't for peer pressure, Adam would've just served his time in detention and let the others be the delinquents they were. This wasn't like him, Adam Harvey didn't get in trouble. He just wanted to fit in and detention made you a cool kid, right? When the girl he covered for in class sent him that smile and mouthed "thank you", the hopeless romantic in him plastered the goofiest grin on his face. But that grin didn't last long when he saw who he had to share detention with. Instant regret. Scott Larue, asshole extraordinaire. Even more regret when the five of them started plotting to escape detention and "have some fun". He wasn't sure who came up with the idea first but soon enough they were all sneaking their way through the halls and out the courtyard. Adam wanted to stay behind, the idea of playing hookie terrified him. Landing detention was bad enough, how was his father going to react when he found out?? But someone just scoffed and said something along the lines of not taking any chances for him to snitch and dragged him along with the rest of them.

Upon approaching the group, Scott made a comment about using his face as a battering ram, making Adam visibly cringe. Even though he said he was only joking, Adam definitely knew better.

"Jokes are supposed to be funny..." he muttered under his breath as Scott walked away. Readjusting his backpack, Adam took a deep breath and looked up at the house looming ominously under the unnaturally grey sky. It was too quiet and Adam hated quiet. The world was so naturally full of sound that when it was quiet like this, it just felt so wrong somehow... But always one to try and find the silver linings in things, Adam figured this was the big test. One giant trial to pass to FINALLY be accepted. This was Adam's chance to finally prove that he could be a nerd AND cool....
Haha geez, that water ought to be NASTY, given there is any water left in the place.
I'll post in the IC once my CS gets approval!
So sorry everyone for not posting a CS or intro yet! Work got hectic and I only now have free time. If ya'll are willing to wait for the Nerd Who Took the Blame, I'll have a CS and post for him within the hour. Feel free to use him as your proverbial punching bag, since that the kind of character I plan on writing! [insert sweatdrop emoji]
I don't mind being the Nerd Who Took the Blame. That was pretty much me in high school anyway.
After a long hiatus and getting back into story writing, this is the first interest check that caught my attention.
I'll work on a CS and hopefully have it up today or tomorrow.
I have a rough idea for a character.
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