Avatar of Spike


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12 mos ago
Current the creature from the vegetable soup
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5 yrs ago
cdn.discordapp.com/attachme… literally me irl rn
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5 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Yoooooooooooooooooo Cardcaptor Sakura is lit
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6 yrs ago
If you make the mistake to judge a man by his race you go through life with egg on your face.


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Oh right, I meant under their robes. Intriguing mystery. @Sho Minazuki

Maybe I'll have Rin go check...
Can I sign up as an OC?
Posting a WIP

"How did you even know I was gonna sneak in here, you a psychic or something?"

"Yup. And I gotta say, you have the filthiest mind I've seen." He said, a half smile on his face and a glint in his crimson eyes. She wasn't too far off the mark: After turning his back on her, he'd closed his eyes for a few seconds. He could feel the earth surrounding him, and every step she took has resonated in his mind. He'd pegged her as the curious type(Maybe nosy was a better word, but he liked her style, so he was gonna call her curious,) and she had done pretty much what he expected her to.

"You sure have morbid tastes. Do you want to see a body that much?" He asked, as he looked through the house. What he was most curious about was how the culprit had gotten in. He was also looking for any sign of a struggle or anything being stolen.

@Darkmoon Angel
"Stalker, much?" Rin's voice said as Luna entered the house. He was leaning against the wall, as if he'd expected her to enter. He was grinning, and he didn't seem angry.

"Hm. You know, they say that they always return to the scene of the crime. And you seemed pretty familiar with where this house was." He was stroking his chin now. "There can only be one explanation."

"You must be Jaque the Ripper! You're under arrest!" He exclaimed, pointing at her. But then his face broke back into a grin.

"On the other hand, you don't really look like a Jaque, and you're nowhere near stealthy enough. You're free to go."

@Darkmoon Angel
In Closed 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well, I figured how sharp it would be would depend on how good he is at it. Like, at the start he makes ones that are about as sharp as a really nice regular sword? Which is pretty sharp, but like, he couldn't cut a rock in half or anything like that.
In Closed 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hm...Would knives be better?
In Closed 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I was mostly thinking swords of various sizes. So basically they're just really sharp, lightweight regular weapons he materializes from hard light.
In Closed 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I was thinking my dude might specialize in making light-based constructs because that's what his family does? Would he be capable of that just going into the academy, and if so to what degree? Like, I was thinking mostly just making swords of "hard light" and maybe eventually graduating to actual laser swords that melt through stuff.

"You haven't heard?" He asked. "Jaque the Ripper. Charming name. Appropriate, because, allegedly, this individual...Well, rips. People's organs." He made a tearing motion with his hands. "Out of them." They were near the house. The scent of blood was in the air. "So they're asking me to investigate. I'm supposed to have a partner, but he's probably off at some travern." He shrugged. The house was cordoned off, and there was a sense of dread that hung heavy in the air in stark contrast to the festival.

"To be fair, I wish I could do the same, but that's my job." He shrugged. "Thanks for the help, by the way. Duty calls." He said, before heading over to the captain. "Sorry I'm late. Got a bit lost." He said. "Rin Utoh. Sheikah Ninja." He reached into his kimono, taking out the envelope which held the letter he'd recieved. "I've been called here to investigate the murder. May I see the corpse?" He looked over the house, curious how big it was. "Do we know how they got in? Any signs of forced entry?" He was different from how he had been talking to Luna. His airy, lighthearted demeanor was gone. His tone was of a professional, and his eyes had grown focused. They were the eyes of a hunter.
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