Elemental Academy

Many claim that nature is unaware of humanity. That it is not a true 'person' as the narrow minded believe it to be. Those are the scum of this world that treat the elements as slaves to their own hubris instead of partners. Wars have been fought over humans destructive prowess where the world is concerned.
Very few, however, realize that there was a time many years ago when primal forces fought against us. Disasters claimed whole civilizations overnight. The elementals rose from their native planes to wage war, to teach us, and nearly won. On the brink of extinction thousands of years ago a deal was struck. The gifted few were born capable of understanding the elements, to be the guardians of these aspects, and the shepards of new generations.
Gifted with control over one core element; Light, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth.
From the ashes of strife and war came a partnership unique to our world alone. Individuals had learned to respect and guide nature instead of spitting upon the soil as we destroyed whole mountains and lakes for vanity.
Guided by those that came before, a community was born. This tribe swelled to the ranks of hundreds, to thousands, and spanned from humanities darkest ages of history into the present. Few remember them, few care at all really, but the duty of the next generations remain the same. Learn your powers, control them, and walk in harmony with it.
The idealism of the past has changed with time. Control of the elements is seen as a plague, unnatural and sought out by the ungifted to be destroyed. But we mean no harm to them as they do us.
Our home, the greatest academy on Earth, dedicated to the growth of youth and life, has been molded from the stones amidst a string of mountains. The exact location is unknown to many but a select few. You are brought to this wondrous home of the elements by those very beings.
Despite the obvious need for secrecy this place is not entirely self sustained. Advancements in the world have reached it time and time again. Graduates find ways to send nearly anything you can find under the sun to their cherished school to aid those that come after their time is done. Food, clothing, seeds, electronics, anything to help the cause and help the peaceful way of life.
The school itself is gargantuan. The main dormitory can host nearly 700 people at any given time, with rooms split evenly between both genders, with private rooms above or even below ground as some prefer.
The main grounds of the school is referred to as the tower which consists of multiple floors reaching high into the sky.
The first floor is dedicated to the raw talents. Those who have not attained a elemental calling.
The basement is given to students of Earth, deep into the ground they can feel the thrum of the earths heart beat through stone and soil. On the perimeter of the school grounds in clusters are various gardens, fields, and even a jungle. The mountain itself is the home of all who accept her teachings.
The top floor, practically the roof, is for those who savor the thrill of the wind. High in the sky you can soar from the rooftops about the bustling streets of the academy, more akin to a city than a school. From your lofty perch the howl of of the summer winds echo in your soul, even as the gentle breeze whispers its secrets.
Students drawn to the flame, the all powerful element of destruction, have their own building entirely dedicated to it. A cathedral of sorts, this imposing building is the furthest from the main school buildings. From midday to late afternoon it lays in the hot sun. It is here that students gather to practice their control safely and under the watchful eye of their peers.
Students of the light have no classroom to call their own. The entire school is theirs as the teachers see fit, from the darkest caves to the brightest fields. Inspiration comes from many places.
Room assignments
Students will be diveded in 2 and will live in the dorm in one of the spacious rooms
As the title would suggest, the job of these individuals is to teach any new students how to control their abilities and offer challenges that offer personal growth in more than just elemental control.
Teacher CS
Appearance: (A picture is fine)
History: (Short. Maybe just 'why I'm teaching')
Class Taught:
As the title suggests, you are enrolled in this prestigious school of learning! All characters are restricted to a year 1 initiate unless you give me, or my Co-Gm a damn good reason.
Student CS:
Age: (14-15 only)
Element: (Can be assigned or you can choose)
Appearance: (Picture is fine; Keep it young)
Personality: (Don't be an emo.)
History: (Were you raised near the school grounds, or were you enrolled from afar)
Equipment: (If any. Nobody comes to school with an antique katana their great great grandfather used though.)
Students are given training weapons in their first year, and can be anything you can imagine, but all weapons are blunted or padded to avoid... needless damage
A side note; Some of you will try to be prodigies, capable of wielding an element with grace, and to that I firmly say no. Your knowledge should be extremely limited to simple tricks like splashing water, a burst of flame, shifting some rocks or dirt, or a blinding flash of light. Anything beyond that would be disastrous.
A small note here is that if you come from afar, you were cast out from your family or your parents encouraged you to follow where they walked as they were elementalists too. Sad backgrounds are fine but I really can't express enough how much I hate 'edgy kids'. Try to be at least a little multi faceted ok? Thanks.
The world has changed and the communion with other elements beyond the basic 5 have become more and more popular or common from birth. These elements are as follows:
Lightning / Aetherial / Blood
There are also some individuals, who shall not be named, that created machinery and gadgets that used latent energies of elemental essence to power them. These would later be called Techmentals. This field of work is exclusive in that very few people have the talent to do what the older generation was able to do. Both creators lacked a way to form a strong bond with a single element and found other unique ways to wield power.
Techmentals work in pairs, with one siphoning ambient energy and focusing it in a solid form while the other refines the power into usable energy. This process can make many astounding combinations and effects to those skilled in its use.
(If you can think of another sub-element you want, just ask. Might be able to work something out.)
Lastly, there is a final element that is hated by many, even teachers. Darkness. Years ago the ones responsible for manipulating shadows caused a calamity that nearly killed two of the oldest Elemental Spirits left in the world, an act of destruction so unforgivable that it has branded the users of this element as heretics even by other Elementalists. It's teaching has become all but forbidden.
(Note; I must list it, but there will be few who I will allow to use this element)
Emi Akemi / Bhu Adamina
Jideh Basrah / Amelia Lycrosse
Eirwen Soyala / Leanne Hillcrest
Dia Sidonia / Felix Williams
Kanako Nagasaki / nobody
Phoebe Dawn / Alexander Fulger
Jeremy Lindall / Zeke Joubert
Chaska Enapay / Tyler Ford
Silas Asara / Vera Wynn
Freya Amillis / Diana Schwarzwald
Fang ShiZhen / Lyra