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    1. SpookehScarySkeleton 10 yrs ago


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In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
His motivation is fairly simple, due to his personality he doesn't bind himself to a family or friends so keeps to himself and has done for pretty much all of his life, aside from a few friends that he has made along the way. Considering how long he has lived, he's clearly not a very pleasant man. His goal is self-perfection, to master every extent of his power which he still hasn't done, due to how difficult it is to master Blood magic. Also, he wishes to start his own "cult" I suppose you could say called the circle of blood, where he teaches this magic to others who take interest and forms his own seat of power within that cult.

He has ties to Romulus, Romulus being his closest friend and also respects Romulus for his power. So with the aid of Romulus he will try to forge his blood cult and give himself a stand point in the world, with people forged under his own image of perfection.

(I think that's what you meant at least.)

Also I thought there would be no better representation of Jericho other than Vlad, League's very own vampire x]
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Of course if one can open portals into empty spaces, or just space or manipulate and control vacuums they counter sound manipulation.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jericho Von Carstein

Jericho weighs 150 lb and is 6'1 feet tall.

Age: A pale man appearing to be in his mid twenties but is actually 12'345 years old.

Bio: Jericho Von Carstein was one of the ancient true vampires raised within the circle of blood, being born and having lived through countless wars and ancient times in the an unspecified desert.

Many folks have been driven to lunacy whilst roasting under the relentless glare of the desert sun, but it was a night's chilling embrace that Jericho relinquished his sanity. Jericho was born and brought up with a family of four in the wastes, blessed with caring parents and two elder brothers. His parents always saw him to be gifted and where hoping to see him grow in to the circle of bloods greatest boons, but it seemed fate schemed him up another course; during one night when Jericho was but seventeen years of age a darkness befell the young boy, as he was out scavenging from abandoned nomad camps which his family often did to help them survive in the barren land that was this sea of sand. After doing his daily round of the area Jericho returned to where his home should have been, his family lived in a series of two tents, one for his brothers and him and the other for his parents, but the tents where gone, all that was left was the rickety cart which his family used to move from place to place. Jericho was utterly lost and confused, where had his family gone and why would they leave the cart and all their belongings? Jericho knew something must have happened, and for awhile he was lost, destined to live off the land by himself, until he could not manage any longer, and fell in the cold sands left for dead. In his dreams, when his mind was at its most vulnerable, a familiar voice beckoned, one that comforted him in his dormancy, yet he could not identify it.

Jericho awoke, and was a changed man the harsh heat and cold nights of the desert taking its toll on the sanity of the boy, but not blinding him, simply blocking his empathy and love for the rest of the world. He found himself in a small cave, wrapped up warm and next to a crackling fire, stood by a pot near him was a man dressed in thin black robes, and covered in sand. After three years of living with this man, Jericho found out that his carer was in fact the reason for his parents missing, using a type of magic to be rid of his parents and completely drain them of their blood, this man belonged to the infamous circle of blood. Soon after finding this out, Jericho killed the man without a second thought. He used the only memento of his parents, that being a scimitar given to him to defend himself from those who would wish him wrong. The young man brutally stabbed his carer to death, near eviscerating his saviour, and for the first time in three years Jericho felt good.

He ventured into the desert, taking his victims supplies, out to learn of magic and intending to further spread his new found passion through the world and through time. He was willing to do anything in order to rescue them. Jericho soon found that thanks to the Vitae running in his blood-line, he could easily use this to harness the power he craved and through the years has mastered this deadly blood magic.

Jericho likes very little, accept for a select few people, his magic, his parents and inflicting pain. (Seeming as Jericho comes across as a bit of a sadist)

Jericho dislikes people in general, he is not bigoted as he treats everyone equally as bad. He doesn't want to make friends, he is not a friendly person. Jeircho considers himself far too busy to care about socialising, in fact he thinks relationships in general just dull the mind. Of course due to his personality he finds it rather difficult to communicate and build friendships between people.

Power: Blood Magic/Manipulation. He is able to manipulate the blood, using his own blood pool (a red orb formed of blood Jericho has created) and other creatures blood as long as they are cut.

Side: He is completely neutral, a rare few are safe from his wrath.

A scimitar with a golden handle, and a red gem at the base of it.
Needle Fingers: A strange set of needle like claws attached to the end of Jericho's fingers, used for quickly penetrating and further using his magic to drain the blood from one of his victims.
Blood Pool(Magic): Jericho collects and stores the blood of others and keeps the blood he collects in an Orb constantly floating around Jericho, allowing him to quickly tap into his magic.

Other: Jericho, thanks to his long lived life in a harsh environment gives him great survival skills, due to having been a vampire who lived in Egypt for so long, he has a long black robe that shields his body and face from the sun if he wishes to go out during the day.

Jericho, has taken part in many battles over the years, and has developed a skill in military and combat strategy.

In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I think you're all just too spooked by the spooky scary skeleton.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm not. -sigh
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Hgnn' it's not the same, image makes like fifty percent of a character who he is. Darth Vader wouldn't be Darth Vader if he didn't have his armour, Dex is not Dex if he is not a skeleton. I'll just have to make an entire new character.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Guys, if words can't convince you I'll take another approach. Listen to this, I'm sure it'll persuade you ;D Click Me
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
As Diamond said, I think it would add a creative change of flavour to the rp in it's self, I can promise I wont let any of you down, and correct uniqueness isn't always a good thing, but it's not like I'm roleplayin a massive cyclops with the ability to shoot nukes out of his ears.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Also you know, physically speaking a vampire is much stronger than a skeleton. He's incredibly frail, it's more a weakness than anything.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Personally I wouldn't feel the same role playing him if he wasn't a skeleton.
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