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In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Oh, by the way guys just a heads up. Jericho will be starting a cult called the circle of blood at some point. If any of your characters would be interested in studying and learning the ways of Blood Magic, feel free to approach me Icly or just let me know oocly. I'm hoping this can be fun and interesting for all of your characters in different ways. So, yeah please let me know.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Loki. Damn you, you midget vampire how dare you block my ball of blood!

And yep, I'm specifically not a Skeleton.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jericho in his consitent way watched as his ball was blocked by the converted kinetic energy, and braced himself as the explosion ruptured the roof he was stood upon. Pushing his right foot backwards as an entire area of the roof was destroyed, Jericho skids towards the edge of the roof, harnessing the blood around his robes, that had constantly been trickling from the runes on his clothing around the bottom of his feet to anchor him down, thus preventing him from falling. He grunts, and finally speak for the first time, his voice cold and monotone in it's way. "Hmff'..Do you remember nothing of honour, of glory on the battlefield? You who would parley with the humans, who would allow them to live under our very feet. You are -weak-, once again you prove too weak and powerless to do anything, you are vampire no longer, and speak for none but yourself in your weak family bonds, and I will take great pleasure in tearing them apart."

All the while whilst Jericho was speaking he allows the dispersed blood orb to reform by his head once again, keeping his hands held behind his back through out this entire scene. Finally once the orb had reformed he would push himself to the side of Romulus. "We will survive because we must, when this war is one our people will see prosperity at last. We are the true vampire-kind, we are slaves to nothing and no one, and we will burn away any remnants of weakness within us. When death arrives, will you stand and face it or kneel in defeat? I, Jericho the Blood Lord..Will show you what it means to be called Vampire, come now Romulus..Let our song of victory begin." he says, looking towards Romulus and nodding towards him gently.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jericho watched the entirety of events play out in the exact same way, silent, the orb of blood still floating by his head. The moment he saw Otto attack Romulus however his right hand flicks from behind his back revealing a claw like hand, covered in sharp needles. The moment this happened, Jericho who was harnessing his blood magic around the orb of crimson floating near by was sent hurtling foward towards Otto, like some kind of bloody cannon ball. It slings towards the young vampire with incredible speed and force, curling through the air to try and land directly on the side of Otto's body in a curved motion. If of course it where to hit him, Otto would be sent flying to his own right and would no doubt also be covered in blood from the orb that was flung towards him.

Once the ball had been flung, Jericho returns his hand behind his back, remaining still like a statue in that same position and staring with his dead-eyed glare directly ahead of him once more.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Standing in his usual quiet way, that same smirk placed on his face widens as he listens to Romulus. His cold dead eyes trace the small vampire that hurtles towards them like some kind of vampiric projectile. He keeps to himself, saying nothing and keeping his hands behind his back despite the young vampires rude approach towards him and his friend. The dark, emotionless pale gaze passed his strange black remains locked on to Otto the entire time, a dead-eyed stare piercing towards him.

Jericho himself, remained calm and composed however, in his mind simply assessing these so called "fakelings", needless to say he was unimpressed. He grunts, almost as if bemused by their behaviour allowing the large spheric orb of blood circling around him to come to a halt, just above his right shoulder. Once the orb had stopped, in a peculiar way thin trickles of blood, fresh blood for that matter, composed of various kinds of creatures Jericho had drained would start to drip down his black robes from the runes etched over his enigmatic attire.

As per the norm, he allows Romulus to do the talking, whilst remaining completely still and silent aside from the strange animation of his various magical components. A sinister and heavy breathing being heard passed the mouth-guard of his macabre guise.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jericho nods gently in response to his friend, bringing his orb gently to the left of his cowled face. "I did, I see you have already gotten started without me?" Jericho speaks in his usual darkened tone, the sharp needles on the ends of each of his fingers clinking together gently as I stands still as a statue, his dead eyed stare still locked on to Romulus for the time being.

Jericho watches as the blood is wiped clean from Romulus' shirt, and sighs, the though racing through his mind that he himself could have used it to further add to his Blood Orb. He quickly dismisses this trivial matter, before taking two gentle steps forward towards his old friend.

"I was starting to think you had forgotten about me, Romulus."
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The sound of Jericho's music box can be heard playing as he approached his old friend.

The destinct clicking sound of Jericho's foot steps can be heard upon the stone of the roof, as he slowly walks towards the left side of Romulus. He peers at Romulus with a gentle smirk laced over his pale face, his blood red eyes focusing on the well-dressed vampire for a moment.

The familiar orb of blood circles clock-wise the ancient Blood Mage, as he stands three metres back and to the left of Romulus.

Jericho was dressed in his black robes, with crimson insignias dotted all over the robes. He continues to announce himself to Romulus, whilst the wind sweeps his long white hair to the right.

"Good-evening, Romulus."
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Thanks pal, and sorry about the business with my previous character, you know how it is when you really want to rp a certain person.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
...Something went wrong there, sorry.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
His motivation is fairly simple, due to his personality he doesn't bind himself to a family or friends so keeps to himself and has done for pretty much all of his life, aside from a few friends that he has made along the way. Considering how long he has lived, he's clearly not a very pleasant man. His goal is self-perfection, to master every extent of his power which he still hasn't done, due to how difficult it is to master Blood magic. Also, he wishes to start his own "cult" I suppose you could say called the circle of blood, where he teaches this magic to others who take interest and forms his own seat of power within that cult.

He has ties to Romulus, Romulus being his closest friend and also respects Romulus for his power. So with the aid of Romulus he will try to forge his blood cult and give himself a stand point in the world, with people forged under his own image of perfection.

(I think that's what you meant at least.)

Also I thought there would be no better representation of Jericho other than Vlad, League's very own vampire x]
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