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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade
Romulus looked at the two weaklings and glared at them for a moment before give a sarcastic smile to them, seeming to just look at them in mockery.

"Well well, what have we here? A bunch of fakelings, hm? Tsk tsk tsk, shouldn't young little brats be in bed at night drinking from their cowardly little blood bags?" Romulus said in his natural Spanish accent, mocking the two of them.

Romulus pointed his cane at Otto, seeming to threaten him, "I warn you boy, you keep that up and your guts will be on the floor, or perhaps you would like something worse than death? Anyway, keep it up and you're [i]sure[/] to be rewarded!"

Romulus straightened his suit for a moment before throwing his cane up into the air, allowing it to disappear into hammerspace. After doing so, Romulus looked over at the puny little bat, shaking his head.

"How pathetic...a bat.....you know teleporting is quite easier, you don't have a chance of become catnip." Romulus said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya looked over at Klaus as he called Praetor a brute and giggled softly. She then saw Otto and Theo leave and she sighed, knowing how irrisponsible that was. "I'm going to maime them until they wish to be human again to get away from me" she mumbled to herself and realized she said that out loud. She cleared her throat and said to the scribe "I would eventually like to speak to you about a new product I am creating, but that could wait as I am still in the production stage." She smiled, trying to distract from the fact that she was left by irrisponsible dolts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Maria finished changing. It was her last song of the night. She hoped her family members would arrive soon. It was nearly feeding time and she was getting hungry. There weren't that many prospects left in the club, a lot of men leaving with hookers and tramps. But a few had stuck around. One in particular who was eyeing her. He was fat and ugly and had money. He watched her with hungry eyes as she moved and sang. It made her skin crawl. But he was fat enough to be an ample meal for several of her family.
Maria laughed to herself to think what awaited the horrid man.

Maria looked in the mirror at her pink dress, her hair done up and her pink jewels in her ears and on her head. Even with her signature red lips the effect was one of innocence, which she certainly didn't have anymore, but for the song it was perfect.
It was time to sing her Siren Song, her special power as a vampire that drew any straight male in the vicinity to her. It was why Maria was in charge of gathering food for the family.

Maria entered the room and went to the stage. The fat man was still there, staring. She shivered a bit, repulsed, but managed to hide it well enough that the human didn't notice.
Taking a deep breath, she began her Siren Song. It was a song about a young woman longing for the love of her life, telling him to come to her. Little wonder that it beckoned to the ear of males, human and vampire alike.

(ignore the guy in black, everything else is there)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander hadn't noticed that he spaced out and he saw that everyone was ready to leave to the club in which Maria is singing. He quickly shaked his head making sure that he was fully awake and ready to go so went out and followed everyone. He was still kind of sleepy but he was more hungry and needed something to eat and was wondering how Maria sang since he hadn't heard her before. So he ran up behind the rest still with his expressionless face but he was feeling excitement but couldn't show since his face is always expressionless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"Haha, fakelings. Is that what you think of us. If anything, your just a bunch of wannabe dracula's who run around killing humans for no reason. Taking blood from them means you don't have to murder them." Otto said slyly. Otto nodded at Theo, signaling for her to get the others. If Otto had to, he would have fight them, and one was not afraid to fight all of them, vampire to vampire/skeleton thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade
"Excuse me? We are no "Draculas" we kill people to feed and as punishment for their crimes; the was-man below me has commited adultary, whatever is left of him is in the bushes alone with the ugly fat whale he was with." Romulus said sneering at the fakeling.

"I've had enough of your cockiness...and as if to call on others to beat only two "trash lonely vampires..." " Romulus said.

At that precise moment, Romulus sent his hand out in a taunting way of course in a Force Choke manner, channeling his Vitae in that hand. Unknown to this poor vampire he sent his channeled Vitae towards the youngling's throat, due to this technique and Vitae being invisible, the vampire was unable to breath at this moment, being choked Star Wars style as, logically, there could be no way to counter this, seeing it for the first time and of course being an unexpected attack. Breathing became hard for Otto, his face turned red and gagging noise would most likely start to produce from your throat. You would just be there, gagging as you struggled to break free of this unknown and supernatural force Romulus controlled.

(This is an example of using Vitae, though it pretty much is an autohit, I won't kill, and you can get out of it as well obviously. The reason that this can't be dodged is due to the fact that no one would attack like that nor should it be possible. Think of True Vampires like demons from Hell or Angels from Heaven, depends on their morality. I'm not saying it is a CONFIRMED autohit, if you can dodge it, AWESOME! You found a loophole and I can improve my tactics!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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"Is that so Romulus." The elders voice firm and fierce. He stepped between Otto and him. He looked over his shoulder and Otto. "Threatening a Young Vampire specially one as brave as Otto is not a good thing. And everyone has their feeding habits and I can't judge it. But your feeding habits I can. But I will be generous this night with a slight slap on the hand. After all we are only Vampires " he had his hands behind his back and a hammer was in them. "But. Should you threaten Otto again. Well. I may just have to hit my gavel."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Let's go see darling Maria and find out if she's picked out any fresh blood at Tortuga for us. The sooner the better!” Alistair exclaimed excitably.

Béatrix eyed the flask of chartreuse that Ali nursed on “You should give in back, monsieur… as I was kind enough to share in the first place… and I don’t much like to share.” She pleaded up at him with false doe-eyes. When you reached a certain number of centuries in age, all innocence had to be feigned, and Trixy was certainly no exception. He mentioned seeking blood that Maria had attained, though Trixy much preferred to hunt her own prey. The fear of the chase and lust of the bite was almost as much sustenance for her as the blood itself.

It wasn’t long before the Blackmoore trio found their way to Tortuga. Lulled in by Maria’s sweet voice, it was a shame that she only fancied men. Talent and beauty shouldn’t be one sided, but that was just Trixy’s opinion -- An opinion that had changed drastically over the course of 630 years. The presence of Tortuga was warm and inviting, much like the blood-filled humans within it, and the air ran thick with the scent of desire. Maria no doubted basked in the chaos she created. Béatrix simply smiled and scanned the room for an acceptable meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

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"HEY!" Theodora jumped from Otto's shoulder and shifted back into her vampire form. "I am neither catnip nor am I a fake!" She glared at the two rouge vampires. She was about to lunge at them when the strange vampire lifted his hand and started choking Otto. "WHAT THE HELL KIND OF FREAK ARE YOU?!?!" Theodora jumped from the roof and ran into and ally way. She ignored the elder that had come to help. A quick sniff told and a side glance her no humans were around and she hurriedly shifted into a giant bat. She lifted herself into the sky and headed in the direction she saw Mira and the others go. As she passed over Tortuga, she landed in the back, shifted back into a Vampire, and went inside in search of her family. Instead of finding her own family, she saw the Blackmoores. For a moment, the memory of Otto held captive by a rouge left her mind. "Blackmoore...." Theodora growled. She crossed the room and bared her teeth at the female that walked in with two men.
"I hope the liqueur is the only think you will be drinking at the club tonight Trixy. I know you know the elder is in town and he wouldn't be too pleased to find one the families breaking the law while he is still in the city." She caught sight of Alexander. "Well hello handsome. Too bad you're such a naughty boy or me and could have some good times." She winked at him, then pushed past the small group of Blackmoores. "If you will excuse me, I have some important business to attend to." Theodora continued circling the club, she thought she could smell Mira near by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto was about to make another snark remarked before he felt an unusual pressure on his neck, as if he was being choked. He immediately realized that it was the rouge that was doing this to him. Otto became furious, the man was using the force or something, it was straight out of Star Wars. Otto was starting to turn red, and the elder was not really helping much. He held his hand towards the vampire, and used his own kinetic energy to blast the man off the roof with enough force to kill a human, but would only injure the vampire and through him of the roof.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa walked out of the shadows as the elder came out. "Would you please calm down? Everyone? This isn't the place to do this." She walked over to Otto with a concerned expression on her face. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" She looked up at the huge guy and glared at him. "That, sir, was completely and utterly unnessassary."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Franklin looked at Adelisa. "See to Otto and then I want the two of you to find Theodora and then go to Mira and tell her that I want them and Blackmoores to meet in the library court." He then looked back at Romulus
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Romulus Nightshade
(I never stated my name, if I did excuse me for forgetting, I'm tired and it's late. @Thanatos)

Romulus didn't expect this, being sent back flying into the air and of course being scorched slightly by the explosion. Using his acrobatic skills he flipped in midair, twirling as to come down in a perfect and quite finnese motion. Romulus threw his cane up into the air, letting it disappear into hammerspace, on his right hand was now a claw for combat. He looked over at the Elder and at Otto, whom he smiled at for a moment. Channeling his Vitae, he would quietly set the foundations of an illusion over the two, though not activated yet, it could be activated at any moment. Due to his old age and unknown method of magic, it was quite improbable that this would be detected, even for an Elder. On top of his old age, his experience and skill with Illusions made it near impossible to detect his illusions.

Romulus held on to his left arm, which was the limb that took the damage from the explosion, besides being sent backwards into the air. The foundations of the illusion were set, now all that remained was to spring it at the right moment; of course in his mind he began setting up the effect of the illusion and what his opponents would see in the illusion meanwhile.

"Tsk tsk tsk....well then.....Jericho, how about you help me?" Romulus says in his Spanish accent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alistair grinned and passed the flask back to Trixy – not fooled for a moment by her innocent facade – as they walked in through the doors of Tortuga. He was not particularly fond of the establishment given that he preferred to drink at home in the presence of friends rather than strangers; however, that it was his long-time companion Maria's favourite haunt and that of many other vampires in his clan made him willing to go there.

As it was, the small group of vampires walked in while Maria was singing, a bit like a siren. Alistair waved lethargically in greeting, hoping she saw as he walked around and over to where a very lonely member of Clan Blackmoore was sitting, Emilia. He reckoned she was enjoying the music as much as he was. Her table had the added bonus of being one of the more isolated ones, far enough away from the humans so he didn't tease himself with the promise of blood.

“It's not unusual for someone to go to a club alone,” he said to the girl. “We're going to be having a bit of fun soon. Care to join us?” Alistair tilted his head in the direction of Trixy and Alexander.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookehScarySkeleton


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Jericho watched the entirety of events play out in the exact same way, silent, the orb of blood still floating by his head. The moment he saw Otto attack Romulus however his right hand flicks from behind his back revealing a claw like hand, covered in sharp needles. The moment this happened, Jericho who was harnessing his blood magic around the orb of crimson floating near by was sent hurtling foward towards Otto, like some kind of bloody cannon ball. It slings towards the young vampire with incredible speed and force, curling through the air to try and land directly on the side of Otto's body in a curved motion. If of course it where to hit him, Otto would be sent flying to his own right and would no doubt also be covered in blood from the orb that was flung towards him.

Once the ball had been flung, Jericho returns his hand behind his back, remaining still like a statue in that same position and staring with his dead-eyed glare directly ahead of him once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa nodded at the elder, but heard what the muscle head said and stood up, stepping in front of the elder to protect him. She thought it her duty to do it, as he was an elder and she was just an apothecary. "Stop!" She screamed out. "This isn't going to solve anything! It's just annoying! Besides, we have to be careful of what we do! Stop this right now!" She glared at the spanish accented man and the skeleton. "Or are you two so childish that you would continue in this utterly horrendous fight?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Otto laughed as he watched the man fly off the roof and the mans expression as it happened. He could bet that the man was not expecting that, the man was now stuck on the floor to sulk in his defeat. Unfortunately that was not the case, the vampire seemed to be planing something, and Otto did not like evil plans that involved him getting hurt in any way. Otto readied him self for anything, and as soon an the vampire asked for assistance from the one named Jericho, Otto immediately kicked the elder and Adelisa off the roof and held his hand out towards Jericho's ball of blood, which was hurtiling at him at speeds that he could not exactly track, but he activated his powers anyway. He turned the balls kineitc energy into potential, causing an explosion that through all of them of the roof. Otto flew into the air and landed on the ground on his back, he coughed a but before looking back up at the roof, it was still burning and smoking. "Damn." He said to he said to himself as he spit blood onto the ground and checked his body for any wounds. Unfortunately, Otto had a diagonal cut on his left bicep that was bleeding profusely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookehScarySkeleton


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Jericho in his consitent way watched as his ball was blocked by the converted kinetic energy, and braced himself as the explosion ruptured the roof he was stood upon. Pushing his right foot backwards as an entire area of the roof was destroyed, Jericho skids towards the edge of the roof, harnessing the blood around his robes, that had constantly been trickling from the runes on his clothing around the bottom of his feet to anchor him down, thus preventing him from falling. He grunts, and finally speak for the first time, his voice cold and monotone in it's way. "Hmff'..Do you remember nothing of honour, of glory on the battlefield? You who would parley with the humans, who would allow them to live under our very feet. You are -weak-, once again you prove too weak and powerless to do anything, you are vampire no longer, and speak for none but yourself in your weak family bonds, and I will take great pleasure in tearing them apart."

All the while whilst Jericho was speaking he allows the dispersed blood orb to reform by his head once again, keeping his hands held behind his back through out this entire scene. Finally once the orb had reformed he would push himself to the side of Romulus. "We will survive because we must, when this war is one our people will see prosperity at last. We are the true vampire-kind, we are slaves to nothing and no one, and we will burn away any remnants of weakness within us. When death arrives, will you stand and face it or kneel in defeat? I, Jericho the Blood Lord..Will show you what it means to be called Vampire, come now Romulus..Let our song of victory begin." he says, looking towards Romulus and nodding towards him gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade
Romulus was sent flying once again, this time recieving more damage from the explosion which left him various bruises due to being unable to recover in mid-air this time. Though managing to break his fall somewhat, he rolled backwards, coming up to grab his left arm which was the most weakened limb as stated before. Baring his claw and looking down at Adelisa and the Elder, he gave off an evil smirk...his trap was soon to be sprung....

"Well then, I must admit.../you're/ quite the interesting one.." Romulus said in his Spanish accent as always.

More of his Vitae was channeled through out the battle area, which was undetectable to anyone. Even if it WERE detected, it would be an unknown source and could not be traced, this was of course a major advantage for Romulus and Jericho. Romulus was perhaps a rooftop away from Otto as he watched Jericho speak his battle speech, nodding in return to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

{{Okay, for Apollo and Makarov: if you want to reply to Mira's previous statements at all, go ahead and I'll edit this to include any response. But I wanna post, so yeah~}}

She watched as Blackmoore's filtered into the club, then sniffed. "Well let's go--" she started, though a stray bat caught her eye as it dropped into the club. Mira sighed and looked between her companions. "We're going in, fetching Theodora, then leaving," she said sternly. "We can't have her starting something. And don't let yourselves get distracted by the singing." She spared a pointed glance at a sobbing man as she walked up and into the club. As far as the family head was concerned, Tortuga was unofficially Blackmoore turf and not a place she enjoyed. Though, her face gave away nothing but boredom (and maybe annoyance at Theodora) as she walked in, eyes flickering about.
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