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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Silly girl…” Trixy purred, her accent thick and exotically foreign “You clearly have your ‘rules’ and ‘laws’ mixed up. Frankie knows all about the tendencies of my family, and dare I say, he even approves of the true way of our kind. Your family's rules bring cowardice and shame to our race.” Béatrix unlinked her arm from Alistair as he turned to greet Emilia and left her to deal with the young nuisance.

Trixy told a bold step forward and put a pointed fingernail under the girl’s chin, her steely blue eyes piercing into Theodora’s. “It would be wise to learn your place, young one, and wiser still to recognize when you are horribly outnumbered.” She didn’t even need to mess with the young vampire’s mind to be intimidating, she was a well-known supernatural headhunter in these parts, and her very presence spoke of danger. Lucky for Theodora, Trixy was looking for fun and only fun on this particular night, the job could wait. It was then that the girl made some comment about Alex being cute and then fluttered off. Trixy rolled her eyes and went to sit next to Emilia, one of the few members of their family that was actually older than her, and therefore one of the only members that she truly respected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia just minded her own business actually, she was actually enjoying herself. That was when a guy came out to her table, did she do know him or something? Perhaps she did. The girl rose an eyebrow looking at the two who he motioned too. Should she go? Yeah, she thought about it. And her answer was yes. The girl nodded, not saying a word as she stood up from the chair, looking towards Maria. Now turning around to face Alistair. "Where are we going again...?" Emilia said raising an eyebrow staring at him, as she ran a hand through her long black hair, sighing being a bit bored now. Emilia turned her head looking at Trixy. "Hey Trix. What's going on...?" she asked her friend, knowing her the most and she got along with her more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Do not kill women or children, do not kill women or children. Alistair's smile turned profoundly false as the girl – supposedly one of his own family – stood and turned without a word. “How... disrespectful,” he said to Emilia when she ran over to Trixy, prompting him to run a hand through his own hair in exasperation. Sniffing the air, he frowned. Kingstons? Where? “Unfortunately I have more pressing matters to attend to than to chastise a little girl.”

Alistair picked out the leader, Mira, easily, meandering over to her through the sparse crowd. “So, I wonder what your little family could want from Tortuga – we have a strict no-fighting policy here, y'know,” he started cheerfully, readying his sarcasm. “I don't suppose you're finally converting to the traditional ways of our kind?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Alexander walked into the club he was amazed that Maria sang so great that he spaced out again still expressionless. Until some girl ran past him bumping him a bit, Alexander was about to chase after the girl who ran past him but noticed that she didn't smell like a human. She smelled just like a vampire and Alexander thought that it must be one of the Kingston's family members. He didn't really feel like fighting but was quite hungry so he didn't mind it and walked up to a Emilia who was already in the club before him, Béatrix, and Alistair came in. He said, "Hello Emilia, how are you doing this night, I imagine well?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Looking for a good time, as always, Em.” Trixy said with a dark smile. “Spotted anyone yummy looking?” she asked, not afraid if humans heard her, they would just assume they were seeking out hot guys. She noticed that Alistair looked a little put off by Emilia’s disregard. “Why’d you blow off Ali like that?” she asked, not necessarily in a disapproving way, just simply curious.

Béatrix saw that Alistair was chatting with Mirabelle now, the head of the Kingston family. She let out an exasperated sigh, those boring wet blankets were bound to put a damper on a joyous feast. She hoped he’d offend them enough to leave their turf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maria finished her song and sensed a few of her family members had arrived at the club. She smiled as she curtsied to the applause. She was a little disappointed that Alistair had not been there to hear her song.
Her genuine smile at the thought of her sire turned sore when a repugnant smell reached her nose. It was the fat man, the one who had been watching her so closely. Her eyes darted to his seat to find it empty. She suppressed the urge to growl in annoyance. He was going to be trouble.

Maria went backstage to wait for her family to come to her. The male humans in the club were so wound up now they were not leaving any time soon. They would wait until she came out again in her street clothes and paraded herself before them. She was sure they would find her sisters just as appetizing as she was.
In the hallway she was accosted with the same sore smell. The fat man was in front of her dressing room door.
Maria attempted to walk past him without noticing but he stepped in front of her, blocking her way.
"You were lovely tonight Miss Blackmoore," her said, his eyes not quite meeting hers. "You have quite the talent. I should like to explore it further, perhaps with a private concert," he said, his gaze raking over her body.
Maria thought she would throw up. "I am not interested," she said curtly. "Good evening."
A sweaty hand grabbed her arm to stop her. "I will of course give you generous compensation for your... performance." His words said one thing but one look at his eyes and you knew he wasn't talking about having her sing.

Maria's smile was like a switchblade : thin and sharp. It was a dangerous smile. "I am not interested in anything you could possibly offer me," she said, her voice cutting like glass. "Now release me you sweaty pig before you lose your hand."
The man's eyes enlarged, then narrowed in anger. "You dare speak to me that way bitch?"
Maria only laughed at the insult. "You do not know the meaning of the word. I can show you a true bitch if you don't get out of my sight. Your stink sickens me."
He stepped back and glared at her. "This isn't over. You think because you are beautiful you can do whatever you want? Stupid cunt. When I'm through with you, you will be begging."

Maria watched him walk away and smirked evilly. It was over. He just didn't realize it yet. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he realized he wasn't leaving this place in one piece. She wouldn't poison herself or her family with his vile blood, but she was not about to let him go unpunished.
He wanted to see a bitch? Fine then. She would show him one...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Faeya glared up at the man and said "I'm not of any 'interest' to you." She looked over at Jericho and said "there is no need for such actions. We are all of the same species. Can we not have our own opinions on what we choose to have in our bodies?" She glanced at Otto as she realized he was left to defend himself. She glared at 'Romulus' once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia looked at Alistair and then back at Trixie. "What? I didn't blow him off! I said where were we going. I did not ignore him...!" she turned around to gotalk to Alistair but that was when Alexander showed up. "Hey Alex... hold on." the girl said putting an index finger infront of her and walking towards Alistair. "Hey... I didn't mean to do that. I didn't ignore you or anything... I did ask you where we were going. You should stop being so dramatic." Emilia said rolling her eyes at Alistair. "Now. Where are we going?" her final response, ignoring Mira, her eyes concentrated on Alistair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucian barely heard Mira speaking while they were standing outside of the Tortuga, He was much to captivated by the voice coming from inside, if anything his powers over sound made him more susceptible to such beauty, "Mira...This song is..." He didn't finish his sentence as he started to simply walk right inside not caring for anything other than seeing the face of the siren who would now haunt his dreams. As they all walked in however the singing stopped and he had missed his chance to see her, He almost spoke out in distaste of his rotten luck when he spotted more than a few Blackmoores, Alistair their head started talking to Mira but Lucian cared very little, using his advanced hearing and manipulation of soundwaves in the air he found the voice he was looking for and without saying a word as if possessed by some devil he went to find the voice who sang with such haunting beauty, As he came into the back area where he wasn't really supposed to be, he heard the conversation between the beautiful voice and some man calling her a bitch, and a stupid cunt, the man passed by him as he walked out and it took all of Lucian's control not to release a sound wave that would melt the mans brain. Now that he was gone Lucian could see her...the siren...she was much to beautiful it was as if Lucian were dreaming as he simply walked right up to her, "Miss...I...I heard your voice...from outside...I just...I had to see you..." He eyes were aglow, and his mind was racing, "That man...was a fool...Please...will you sing for me just once more...Right here even...Its all I ask..." He had to hear her again he would do anything, even go back to his old ways just to hear the song of her once more. His senses were screaming at him that she was a Blackmoore but he cared so very little, and even if she knew he was a Kingston which was likely because of the scent of his family on him, he didn't care about any of those things he just needed to hear her on more time. "Please...I'd give anything my lady..." His accent came out his old english shining through because of his lack of self control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Praetor was lucky enough to ignore the singing sticking to Mira's side he spotted Alistair approaching Mira he stepped between them to glare at Alistair. "Leave child, this our business here is our own if you antagonize I have no qualms with dealing with you and your pathetic clan." He had met Blackmoores before, having dealt serious blows to them in centuries past back when he was as Van Helsing in Europe. He turned to Mira the serious look on face spoke volumes of how much he hated this place."Miss Mira lets located the other and leave this distasteful and unclean establishment, the Blackmoores here are reminding why I used to murder vampires like them on the spot. Maybe I should demonstrate I am one of the oldest Vampires in the city right now." He turned gave Alistair a smug grin, if it came to fighting he would take down them down, beside's he was positive Alistair knew of him, he wouldn't try anything with the Kingston's heads personal bodyguard here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Praetor, there won't be any fighting," Mira said sharply, her eyes following Lucian for a moment before cursing to herself. "We're simply here to fetch our strays and then we'll be leaving," she added, stepping around her body guard to scowl at Alistair. She struggled to refrain from defending herself against his words of "tradition;" she knew she didn't need to prove anything to him and that it'd be a wasted effort to insist the Kingston way was better.

Then a young Blackmoore came up to Alistair and she looked to Praetor. "Let's just fetch Lucian and Theodora and leave. There's no need to talk big right now," she said evenly, though the words themselves were scolding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“I didn't know you surrounded by those who think you unable to speak for yourself, Miss Kingston,” Alistair said dryly, rolling his eyes. Although the head of Clan Blackmoore knew he was younger than the man, it didn't mean anything to him – he had chewed and scratched his way up the ranks of his own family, through leaders millennia older than him. Being cowardly didn't spark a change in the world. “An attack dog should go and bark somewhere else while its master is speaking.” He bared his teeth at the older vampire.

Peeling off his gloves, just in case, Alistair gave a toothy grin at Mira – not impolitely. “I'm glad you're here on peaceful business, since I have stuff to do, but your family's presence in the Tortuga is making my own... restless.” He folded his hands behind his back, turning to face Emilia even while he still spoke to the Kingston vampires. “I'm sure yours is feeling the same, however, I advise you to put a leash on it. A vampire war in this age of technology would be just what our kind needs to get ourselves exterminated – and dealing with exposures is my business.”

Peering at Emilia, who seemed to have a change of heart (though was still unbearably rude), he said rather patronisingly, “After this diplomatic matter has been dealt with and our guests are safely out of our territory, we're going for a bite to eat and then a little... after-dinner entertainment, but that last bit's a secret.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A shiver of disgust ran down Theodora's spine as she recalled Trixy's words in her head and the way she had put a finger under her chin. Stupid Blackmoore. She thinks she is so much better than us just because she has killed other Vampires before. Well! We have one of those too!! Just as she finished her thought, she spotted Mira and the others having what seemed to be, a rather heated conversation. Theodora bounced over and squeezed in between Mira and Alistair. She plastered an obviously fake smile on her face and greeted the head of the Blackmoore family, "Ali! Hi! How you doin'? Great! Glad to hear it! Sorry we interrupted what looks to be a family outing. We'll just be on our way. Something of deep importance has just come up at home and we desperately need Mira back at the manor. You know how us young vampires are, can't do anything right." She giggled a little too loud and tried to pull Mira out of the door. She leaned up into Mira's ear and whispered, "A Klaus and two rouges at the manor are in need of your attention. I suggest you deal with the rouges first, seeing as they are getting out of hand. Wait.... where is Lucian?" Theodora quickly glanced around the room and spotted Lucian talking to a girl, begging her to sing for him. She cut a glare at Alistair. "You son of a Bitch! You're trying to steal him!! I swear I will rip your throat out if it is the last thing I do!" The young girl lunged at Alistair and bared her teeth and took a snap at his neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander was watching and listening to the conversation until he saw what the girl who ran past him try to do. He quickly ran up in front of Alistair and pushed the girl back and he said to the girl, "Sorry but you can't possibly believe that you could actually attack sir Alistair like that now did you?"

He saw her intensions when she bared her teeth at Alistair and try to take a snap at his neck. Alexander bared his teeth at girl who tried to take a bite at Alistair's neck and said to her, " Now if you would listen to what Alistair has to say about your friend over there with Maria, because we don't know why he is over there, maybe you would know why he's over there in the first place and besides it's your fault you came in here on our turf, now stand back and try not to be foolish girl."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia turned towards the head of the Kingston family, seeing Alistair and her talking made her life boring as fuck. The girl rolled her eyes looking away from Alistair. "Whateveeer." she said turning around and walking away but that was when some girl tried to lunge at her leader, attempting to bite the shit out of his neck. Now using her super vampire speed, she grabbed her sai and quickly spun it around her hands as she got infront of Alistair and her sai weapon was right on Theodora's neck. "You better stand the hell back from him. Or you don't want any troubles, missy. I am not in the mood for this type of shit." Emilia looked at Mira. "Please, call your little bat back." she said bluntly and not even caring if it hurts Theodora's feelings. Emilia turned her head back to Theodora, staring at her with cold eyes, some dark passion that she had. No, Emilia wasn't THAT evil, but just don't mess with her leader... that's the only person that she would protect her life. He changed her life. The sai was still on Theodora's neck, well atleast it could be[if let be.]. There she stood staring at Theodora.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I suggest you remove the weapon from the girls throat or I simply have to start killing my way through your little family" Spoke Praetor pulling his shining silver blade out gently putting a arm around Theo looking at Mira. "Mira, take Theo and go I will collect Lucian and wash my hands of these villains and if they resort to violence well, then I'll be home late." He spoke coldly, from the way he spoke everyone could tell that if did come to blows that Praetor would be the toughest opponent in the room, more than likely with his age specialty in the hunting of other vampires he could probably hold off the group if not kill a few to many to make it worth attacking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alistair's arm had been halfway up to block the weird vampire's attack, even if the attempt would have sacrificed a perfectly good suit, but it seemed his family beat him to it. A perk of being the head of Clan Blackmoore – needing to act in self-defense was a thing of the ancient past.

Alexander became a name to remember, he thought to himself, as did Emilia. It seemed she did know who he was. “Well said, my friends,” Alistair ended up saying, fiddling with the collar of his shirt nonchalantly, even as the two Blackmoore vampires were poised to attack. “And they call me a barbarian. Perhaps it is your Kingston vampires who ought to learn self-restraint.”

“Mira, I suggest that you leave – peacefully – with those wild dogs, and maybe consider speaking a little louder, yes? They might not subvert your authority so much, then,” he smiled, all fangs. “Though if you're in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop in for a drink. I might even buy in some of that frozen pish for you.” Alistair ended with a cackle, drawing his sword lethargically. Maybe if he was a better person, he would have given Alexander and Emilia an order to stand down but... no harm in it, considering the Kingstons attacked first.

To the oldest vampire, he simply said, "What a hypocrite you are. It seems it was your family who 'resorted to violence' before we ever did. No matter, though; if you misplace a single hair on any of my family's heads you will see the strength that made me the head of Clan Blackmoore." He had taken on his grandmother, one of the most prolific sires in all of Iron Age Europe, in single combat and won. Age meant nothing with both parties having centuries of war under their belt – it was down to luck and skill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto as still lightly injured, he had a large cut on his are which was now bleeding profusely, and he was sure that Hus neck was starting to bruise. As much fun as the battle was, the damage that would be dealt if the fight continued was not in favor of either of the sides. One of them would have to be the bigger vampire and take the fall, and with his other 2 friends in the area, he could not guarantee there safety. "Look, let's stop this, just leave, this fight does not need to go on like this." he yelled at the rouge vampire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

So much was happening at once and Mira found her attention split between her own family and the Blackmoores. Embarrassment and anger boiled under her cold surface as her own started a fight with the Blackmoores. However, fear for them was also felt and probably what was seen flickering across her face. At Theodora's mention of Klaus, however, she found herself managing to relax a little. She could use some mentoring from her sire, dealing with all this. And then the rogues--she was just glad to have a reason to leave--

Theodora tried to attack Alistair, who was promptly defended by his family. The scuffle lead to Praetor drawing his blade and Alistair doing the same. She couldn't speak for the Blackmoores, so she snapped at her own, "Theodora, drop it. We're leaving. Now. Praetor, for the love of God, put it away. I will not have blood drawn here--especially for mortals to see." Her voice lowered to a hiss toward the end, her gaze flickering about worriedly. Her eyes settled on Emilia with her blades, hoping she would allow Theodora to go without injury.

She knew her family was at fault here--therefore she was at fault. But it'd be no good to scold them now. They had to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

When Emilia headed over to Alistair, Béatrix sauntered after her. They seemed to be locked in some battle of the heads, both of them ruffling their tail feathers like fighting peacocks. She confidently took a stand near Alistair, on his right hand side… exactly where a weapon should be. The three oldest vampires of the Blackmoore clan stood shoulder to shoulder, all twice the age of Kingston’s head. On another day, this probably wouldn’t have ended well, but Ali was trying to get them to peacefully leave – and the Blackmoores surprisingly weren’t looking to stir up that particular brand of trouble tonight.

Just then, the ignorant brat from earlier flung herself into the mix. If Trixy didn’t have such control of her emotions, she might have looked as shocked as she was internally at the outburst. Mira needed to learn how to control her newbie vamps, or they would be her downfall. Not only was she acting out against the head of the family, she was doing so without the permission of her own head, and in a public place where humans were around. She threatened exposing them all.

Apparently, Trixy wasn’t alone in her feelings, as both Alexander and Emilia jumped in to defend Alistair. Béatrix still believed their behavior to be rash, as it was done without permission. Perhaps that was the reason she found herself among the head members of the family. Either way, Ali looked please at not having to lift a finger in protest, still looking as devilishly handsome as when he walked in.

A low, predatory growl rumbled in Trixy’s throat and her trigger finger itched. “Master, may I kill this one? She’d look so pretty in chains, and I’d just love to toy with her head” she said in a hushed tone that only Alistair could hear, a dark smile plastered across her face as her eyes locked on to Theodora.
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