Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa sighed as she saw her efforts were unuseful. She walked over to Otto and lightly touched the spot his was injured in, concentrating on healing the injury. "After I'm done, take the elder back to the house. We're better protected there. Then I'll go get Mira as Theodora has failed to do." She finished healing him and stood. "Now hurry." She glared at Romulus over her shoulder before running as fast as she could to where Mira was. She hoped nothing major happened, but knowing Theodora... she might as well be walking into a war zone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was only seconds after Theodora had attacked that two of the Blackmoore's had stepped in her way, one of them shoving a sai up to her throat. She was about to spurt all sorts of nasty comments and try to attack again when the venom in Mira's voice made her wince. The young vampire suddenly felt ashamed of her actions. She took a step back from the rest of them and looked at Mira. "Sorry Mira. I'll leave, but those issues at the manor still need your attention." She pushed Praetor off of her and stalked to the door, her head down in embarrassment. As she left she called over her shoulder, "Could someone please, for the love of God get Lucian away from the Siren. If my little spat was embarrassing, could you imagine how embarrassing it would be for a Kingston to fall for a Blackmoore, even if it was under false pretense? Ugh!"
As soon as she was out of the door and down an abandoned ally, Theodora morphed into a tiny bat and took off in the direction of the manor. When she reached her home, she changed back into a vampire mid-sir, landed on the porch, and barged inside. She went straight to the kitchen where she pulled out a bottle of whiskey and looked at Klaus. "Mira and the others will be here shortly. Want a glass?" She poured herself a glass of whiskey and downed it in one gulp. Then poured herself another one and downed that one too. She looked up at Klaus and waited for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maria placed her hand on the doorknob but was once again stopped, this time by a kind voice. She turned her head and stared.

He was beautiful. His golden hair and his eyes... one sniff and she knew he was a Kingston. Another family. A shame.
She wondered if he was there for a fight or a social call. The Kingstons and the Blackmoores didn't exactly get along, due to their differing opinions on their feeding methods. There was just something about hot blood pumping from the vein that they hated for some reason, preferring bagged blood. It was like preferring a juice box over the most expensive wine.

But this one... He approached her and asked for her to sing for him. He said her voice was beautiful...
Of course she had heard that before, many times. But somehow, hearing it from this Kingston, was different. It was more... more... she couldn't describe it, but just more.

She smiled, revealing her dainty fangs. The smile was the first genuine one she had given to anyone outside of her family. She slipped into Old English as easily as he did. "I could not deny such a request from a fine gentleman. As you wish," she said and curtsied low.

Maria paused for a few moments after finishing and cocked her head, smiling softly. "I hope that pleased you good sir," she said. "I am already aware of your family, as you are no doubt aware of mine, so would you reward me with your name? I am Maria," she added, giving her name as well, wanting him to know and remember it, wanting to know him, wanting him to want to know her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia would still have the sai up to Theodora's neck, not giving a shit about what the others had to say around her. But she did listen to her boss, so she stepped back taking her sai back. "Whatever." she said with a mean as tone of voice. Emilia would put her weapon back where it belonged, turning around and walking away from the group. Yeah, she was really pissed off right now. How dare that girl just LUNGE at HER boss like that?! And then they call the Blackmoore's rude and vicious. Please, they should check again who are the rude and vicious ones. Emilia opened the door open from the club, making her way outside, leaving the others. Today, she did not have time for people like them. If her boss wasn't there to stop her, she would have killed that girl. Or atleast try to, with all those people there she wouldn't do something like that... or would she? Emilia ran a hand through her black hair, as she stopped, now leaning her back against a wall just outside of the club. Waiting for her members to come outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myst said
Maria placed her hand on the doorknob but was once again stopped, this time by a kind voice. She turned her head and stared.He was beautiful. His golden hair and his eyes... one sniff and she knew he was a Kingston. Another family. A shame.She wondered if he was there for a fight or a social call. The Kingstons and the Blackmoores didn't exactly get along, due to their differing opinions on their feeding methods. There was just something about hot blood pumping from the vein that they hated for some reason, preferring bagged blood. It was like preferring a juice box over the most expensive wine.But this one... He approached her and asked for her to sing for him. He said her voice was beautiful...Of course she had heard that before, many times. But somehow, hearing it from this Kingston, was different. It was more... more... she couldn't describe it, but just more.She smiled, revealing her dainty fangs. The smile was the first genuine one she had given to anyone outside of her family. She slipped into Old English as easily as he did. "I could not deny such a request from a fine gentleman. As you wish," she said and curtsied low.Maria paused for a few moments after finishing and cocked her head, smiling softly. "I hope that pleased you good sir," she said. "I am already aware of your family, as you are no doubt aware of mine, so would you reward me with your name? I am Maria," she added, giving her name as well, wanting him to know and remember it, wanting to know him, wanting him to want to know her.

Lucian smiled in return his fangs showing through his excitement, Her voice even when she spoke enthralled him like a siren, But when she started singing so close to him the beauty and power in her voice brought him almost to his knees as he had to hold his hand against the wall to steady his legs, This feeling...could it be real? how could a song make him weaker than any battle drum or war cry? and why did he love the feeling so damn deeply? His eyes never once left hers peering into her soul looking deep down into her very being wanting to know so much more about this enchantress, As it continued the things that were haunting him the pain and memories of all that bloodshed seemed to fade away like dust in the wind. By the time she was finished Lucian's eyes were filled with rapture as if he had seen an angel in the Tortuga..."My L-" He caught himself saying my love and stopped before his own tongue betrayed him, "My Lady...I have never heard anything that could move my cold heart...I felt my heart return to life in my cold chest when you sang...I..." She had asked for his name, "My name..." He couldn't pull it from his mind, "My lady Maria...I am Lucian...Once of the knights templar..." He outstretched his hand and gently took her before dropping to one knee and slightly kissing her fingers, "Madam...If you would be so kind...I wish to give you a gift in song as well...So that you my hear my heart instead of my muttered words..." And with that Lucian began singing deeply from his heart hoping that she of all creatures would see him for him.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Klaus sat in the kitchen, feet up on the table as he flipped through Dracula that had been left in Mira's office. He clearly wanted to be caught and scolded, but only one of the younger ones walked in and went straight for the alcohol. She told him that the others would be home shortly and his eyebrows raised for a moment and he sighed, "Wonderful." When he was offered a drink, he looked at the woman as she downed two full glasses. He stared at her for a moment, frowning. Then, when he felt like he made her wait long enough, simply said, "No," and seemed to turned his attention back on the book. However, he followed up shortly after with, "And what's your name, love?" despite his nose in the book.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa saw Theodora walk out of the pub as she was close to the area. She rolled her eyes and continued to the bar, entering it in a hurried fashion. She saw a lot of people in the area and her eyes widened. She never left the house. Ever. Besides the small pharmacy which only the elderly entered but that was about it. She saw the only familiar faces she saw were the ones that lived with her. She walked over to Mira and said "I apologize for the interuption of this... um... outing, but Otto and the Elder need your assistance with rogues..." She looked over at the other people and bowed her head. "I apologize for interupting." She then looked up and said "and for whatever Theodora had done to insult you as well. I apologize for both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lucian... the name was like a caress, bringing her a warm feeling of gentle peacefulness.
"Lucian," she said, her tongue lingering over it like it was a rich flavor in her mouth. With his former life and her pink gown it was all too easy to ignore the world around her and imagine they were in the past, a knight and a lady... maybe even his lady...

Then he began to sing.
And she was lost.

His voice was like her own, deeper and more classical then modern singers, full of feeling for the words they sang about. She knew she would never be able to sing her Siren Song, the song about finding love, without thinking of this vampire and his captivating voice. For the first time in her life, and afterlife, Maria knew what it felt like to be enraptured by a voice.

Her hand tingled from where his lips had touched her skin. Not since her first night with a man had she felt such intensity.
Could this possibly be... love at first sight...?

"Your voice... I have never heard it's equal," she told him. "It was an honor to sing for one such as you," she paused a moment, feeling actually shy for the first time in her life. "... I... I would do it again... if that would please you," she added.

The commotion out front broke through the haze of their little world. Maria's smile fell and her eyes filled with sadness as she looked at him. "It seems our evening has been cut far too short," she said sadly, taking his hand and threading her fingers into his. "This saddens me, angelic knight," she said, calling him as she saw him : a knight of old with an angelic voice to match his beauty.

"Will I see you again?" she asked, her voice and eyes betraying her hope.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Elder stood and look at Otto. "That was very brave Otto. Thank you." He looked at his cane and it flew to his hand. He then walked up to Otto "Follow me. Please. I want you to see something." He started walking to a dumpster
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Praetor walked over looking Lucian "Come on lover boy, it's time to go... The natives are getting restless." Placing a hand on the younger Vampire as he spoke. He kept a eye out many a vampire were watching him as he tried to persuade his old friend to leave, if they stayed much longer well he could get in to trouble, but he saw how the two of them looked at each other. "Alright 15 minutes of alone time, get your feeling out and meet back by the entrance."

Praetor walked away standing by the door leaning against the wall he sighed and pulled out a gold coin, he began to flip it absentmindedly. It wasn't just a coin to him it was his payment, the last piece of gold he had received from his emperor, Caesar. Some days he thought about ending it but he couldn't he would protect Mira and her clan if it killed him yet it seemed he was over bearing, perhaps she would be better off without him, he flipped the coin on last time heads he stayed with Mira until she told him to leave, tails he would start trying to find a way out of the clan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Romulus Nightshade
"It seems not fakeling, but it seems you are already defeated....and so are your allies." Romulus said to Otto, looking down at the Elder as he showed no offensive maneuver.

"Look around you, fakelings and try to move if you can!" Romulus said, his Vitae now detectable from this point on in the RP as an unknown supernatural force.

Romulus activated the Illusion, the Vitae in the area beginning to affect both Otto and the Elder's mind, Romulus began laughing.

(If the illusion hits read below)

Immediately Otto and the Elder were sent into a powerful illusion, paralyzing both their bodies as their hearts begans to beat fast, very fast. The illusion was seperate for each of them. Otto was paralyzed but trapped with many beautiful women. They curled up around him and teased him which seemed like a long time. Though suddenly, these women grabbed daggers as one of them said,

"A perfect victim for us Succubi!" The illusion Succubus said. All the succubi began sending their daggers into Otto's body, or as it was felt. Pain was very real in this illusion as he was being stabbed over and over again. A few of the succubi started skinning him alive, Otto trapped in this illusion, what would he do?

It was pitch black around the Elder, nothing could be seen except himself. Though free to move in this illusion, he suddenly fell as if being kicked in the back of the knee. The kick was followed with hot stabs, like a furnace hot blade sent into the body over and over, while being in pain it felt as if his limbs were being ripped out of their sockets, and thus that is what happened in the Illusion, as if someone ripped the limbs of the Elder and forced them back in over and over, this torture kept repeating itself seeming to go on for days.

This Psychokinesis felt all too real, dealing huge amounts of fear, mental trauma, and confusion. In the real world, Romulus was laughing as both of the bodies were collapsed on the floor jerking sudden body movements due to the Psychokinesis.

(Note: Psychokinesis is the same as illusions. Also, from this point on, I ve decided that my Vitae when being used for Mana is noticable much more easier as to be more fair with everyone)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucian couldn't shake this feeling, was this what it was to fall in love with a woman? If there was one thing he had never done in his immortality it was love another with all his heart, this woman was no normal creature, no this woman was the only good thing god had ever blessed the earth with. As he looked into her eyes and her back into his he thought about leaning in and kissing the enchantress called Maria, but then she did something even he never expected, she made her self vulnerable putting her true feelings out in the open to him by asking if she'd see him again. Lucian's eyes filled with a protective and knightly glow, had she called him an angelic knight? Him the horseman of war...to be an angel once more loved by god and more importantly Maria, "My Lady...Lucifer and all of his angels could not keep me from you...and not a moment will pass where your voice won't haunt me...Maria." His eyes sparked up like a fire letting her know he truly meant what he had just said. Suddenly he heard the sounds of weapons being drawn and calamity approaching, if only he could just whisk her away and out of harms way, but that wasn't an option now, Lucian could hear the sounds of everything going on in and around the entire building and he knew a fight was about to unleash between families, suddenly Preator's hand was on Lucian's shoulder telling him it was time to go Lucian eyes flared with absolute deadly rage but before he could speak it seemed his sire had some kind of heart, he gave them a few minutes alone and Lucian accepted it with grace turning to look at Maria, he looked to her as a strange revelation crossed over him, would he be willing to slay one of his own to protect Maria? Then something most dreadful happened...the voice in his head, the voice who had led him to become a god of destruction and shadow answered him, "Yes...for her you would slay even god..." For a moment he was gripped with shocking terror and then slowly his mind seemed to cool down and then he snapped right there as a smirk formed on his lips, for the first time in a very long time Lucian had a reason to fight and the passionate warrior that once could only find peace in killing had found another muse, The Horseman Of War had returned...but now he was different... Was this good or bad? Who could even know yet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just when Theodora thought Klaus was done talking to her, she had turned around and was about to go sulk in her room when he asked for her name. "Theodora, some people call me Theo. But you can call me Theodora." Her words were full of ice, she looked up at the Vampire reading the novel with a thin smile on her face. "Isn't that Mira's? I don't think she would like it if she knew you were touching it." The young girl slung back another glass of whiskey then poured herself another. This time she took sips as she talked. "I never liked that book." There was a pause before she spoke again. "Why are you here anyway? Mira didn't say anything about a Klaus visit. If she had known you were coming she would have locked me in the basement." Theodora scoffed and looked down at the glass, her eyes glazed over as she thought about her actions only minutes before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

As Praetor approached Lucian, Mira took it as her cue to leave seeing that Theodora was leaving and Adelisa was arriving. She trusted Praetor to handle Lucian and was confident he could handle himself if he had to--not that she wanted him to have to. "Adelisa, let's go. I'm aware of the problems but there were some...issues here, as well." She guided the younger vampire away with a hand on her shoulder as they walked for the exit. She let herself glance back at the Blackmoores with a frown, mostly for safety. "Tell me about the rogues as we walk," she prompted the other vampire as they stepped out into the night.
"Mira this, Mira that," Klaus chuckled. "I'm the one who turned her, you know. She isn't the boss of me like she is of the rest of you." He flipped a page, allowing her to down more whiskey in peace. Though she seemed interested in talking to him, so he obliged. "It is a terrible book. To be expected when written by a Roman brute," he agreed, nose wrinkling at even his mention of Praetor. "And why would she have locked you in the basement?" he asked instead of answering her own question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alistair simply looked at Trixy with false admonishment, a slight smile betraying him. “Sadly not, darlin',” he said. “You'd have to house-train her – and could you imagine the sound of her voice echoing around the lounge? Like nails on a chalkboard.” He shuddered theatrically.

“As for my brave defenders, I am most impressed,” he continued. “We've proven ourselves to be the better men – and ladies – in the room. I'd rather the Kingstons left in shame rather than the justified outrage they would have if we attacked. Although...”

Finally, he turned over to the two songbirds and called out, “Maria! Tell your new beau that he's welcome to visit any day – I'm not so heartless I would kick him out or worse, attack just because of the family he's from.” He was confident that Maria would never leave Clan Blackmoore, but knew her voice could tempt any man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Hmm…” Béatrix mused at Alistair’s response and chuckled “Nothing a little ball-gag couldn’t fix” she said, hinting at one of the many toys in her arsenal as Head Executioner. As kinky as that might sound, it had come in real handy with a few spell casters who needed there voice to use their powers, much like Maria. Regardless, no one said her job wasn’t an enjoyable one.

Trixy drew her attention to Maria and Lucian when Alistair had blatantly called them out. “My, my, what have we here? A modern day Romeo and Juliet… I wonder whose family will suffer the most losses.” She said, only loud enough for Alistair and Alexander to hear. Béatrix spoke up louder then, “Perhaps he’d even like to join us tonight for a bite to eat and a Blackmoore night on the town.” She said, her killer smile seemingly sinister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa heard the group's name and her eyes widened. "Excuse me, Miss Mira; but I would like to ask a few questions of the Blackmoores. Of course, it won't tempt them into war. I promise." She shook her grip from her shoulders before respectfully bowing her head and turning to the rival clan. "Sir, if this 'romance' is such a hinder that you would try to 'steal' someone's family member, then how would you feel if one of your members wished to join us for a 'night on the town' as you said? Wouldn't you feel betrayed?! Wouldn't you feel hurt if you lost one of your beloved friends?" Her eyes blazed with just thinking and determination. She showed no disgust or hate, as she thought everyone was equal. Her heart and intentions were pure. "Now, as I previously said, I apologize for Theodora's mistakes previously; but I will not stand for you to continue to gossip about her after her leave. It's humiliating on your part and I'd much rather not have people be humiliated. Even if it means the people who I am to dispise... Though honestly I think all of this is petty." She looked at the faces of the Blackmoores to show that she was being honest, even if she blushes slightly at looking at the guys (but that was in her nature). "Now, if Lucien and your siren are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, then why have them choose which family they wish to stay in and force things upon them? They could just have a relationship without us creating a riff. Their relationship is their business!" She smiled softly. "Besides, why try to get involved when we all could try and find what they have?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alistair tilted his head quizzically to the side at the newest Kingston vampire to attack, though the girl preferred to use words rather than teeth. Christ, were all of that family no more than children? Tangling fingers in his hair and sitting back against a nearby table, he reckoned that he could have fun with this.

“'Steal'? Now, who said anything about 'stealing'? I certainly didn't – I was merely extending a pleasant invitation to the young man over there obsessing over one of my own blood. Though I can now add just one more insult from a Kingston to the list; thief,” he said, a grin on his face that was all cold politeness, fangs glinting under the low candlelight. “Let me pose to you a question instead: would you not want to ensure the very best for one you turned personally? A man who respected her choices and had friends who didn't... attack hers' recklessly? Keeping my family safe is my business, especially from savages such as yourselves.” Alistair could do nothing to stop himself getting an extra dig in at the elder vampire from before, and the girl known as Theodora.

“There is a difference between gossip and picking fun of – and I believe I have a right to the latter given that she attacked me, humiliating herself and Miss Mirabelle in front of our whole clientele.” He straightened his suit jacket, half-turning towards Trixy in a dismissive gesture to the girl. “Your words may be wrapped in honey and manners, but believe me, child, that this world does not run on 'petty' high school drama about love and cliques and gossip as yours appears to. Run along now.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa stiffened and glared. "Then why, persay, are you acting like a child yourself? Seeing as I never called you a theif and I, sir, am not a child. Childhood is pure. Childhood is innocence. Being what and who we are is anything but. I do not 'wrap my words in honey', for that is your siren's job. My job is to heal. Let me ask you a question, since I can tell you honestly that I would never put this curse onto another, what you would do if you were in a position such as mine? Seeing one of my friends falling in love with someone he is supposed to hate and all you want is their happiness but you know that both families cannot set their differences aside for a minute or two to discuss such happenings without an arguement leading to people replacing your words with horrid ones."
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