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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Romulus Nightshade
Romulus had succesfully invaded a home, not too far from the Kingston estate, enough for his scent to be faintly sensed within the area. The room was dark as Romulus smiled, his cane now gone and replaced by his Claw. He noticed scattered along the floor children's toys which he ignored. Though not too late in the evening, it seemed the child was already asleep as sounds of love came from the bedroom, which Romulus followed. He opened the door, scaring two women and one man immediately as Romulus smirked at them.

He began to speak in his Spanish accent once more, "What have we here? Quite the dirty ones are we not?" Romulus said, nearing the man.

The man threw a punch at Romulus, buck naked as he jumped up and threw it at Romulus' pretty face. Romulus easily countered, moving his head out of the way as he slapped the behind of the hand with his claw hand, his empty hand balled up into a fist as it hit into the adultery commiting man, paralyzing his arm as he yelled in pain.

"Thou shalt not commit adultary!" Romulus said with a crazy looking grin before sending the claw down upon the man, letting it catch his skin and flesh at his shoulder. Romulus covered the man's mouth as the claw hooked onto the flesh. Pulling the man closely, Romulus sent the pagan a powerful knee into the chest, with his enchanced vamparic strength, it immediately knocking him out, letting the man fall on the ground. As the man fell, Romulus sent his claw deep into man's chest, letting blood splash over his elegent suit as it ripped into the flesh, piercing the heart. The women were in shock, unable to move due to the fear this sadistic "vampire" gave off. As the claw was ripped out of the man's chest, the man had already died due to internal bleeding and piercing the heart.

Romulus brought the claw up to his mouth, curling his tongue around each blade of the claw as to lick his spoil of war off of his weapon. Feasting off the blood of his claw, he went over towards the two women, one fat while the other one more acceptable, wearing a ring of marriage. Romulus gagged at the site of the fat woman as he neared her, claw readied. The chubby woman was scared and tried running but failed to do so as Romulus caught up to her.

"Such an ugly being should not live....I shall cleanse all ugliness in this world.." Romulus said, channeling his Vitae into his hand as to create a "bolt" of energy. The vitae energy bolt was sent towards the fat woman, screaming out loud as she fell on the floor immediately dead with no sign of death besides shock. The fat woman was thrown out of the window as he turned to the widow of the dead man.

"Now now belladonna...give up adultary and you shall go free.." Romulus said in his seducing Spanish accent, still feeding from the blood upon his claw.

The woman nodded and fear and ran out of the house, not even bothering to take her child as that was how much of a lowlife she was. Romulus heard the small footsteps of a child, turning to look at a boy, specifically the child whom has waken up from his slumber.

"W-who are you, mister? W-where is mummy? and daddy?" the boy asked.

Romulus give an evil smirk to the child, sending his hand upon the young boy's head, beginning to take away the memories of the boy as to he was never here. Draining the memory within a few seconds, the child collapsed, Romulus catching him, laying him down upon the floor.

"Such children do not know what is happening yet...we may meet again." Romulus said, going over to the dead man to feed from, using his claw as a fork as he gave off an evil laugh.

After having finished his meal, Romulus disposed of the body in the bushes below, the body completely drained of blood and missing the heart and brain from the body, this obviously indicated something "happened" to them. The room was clean, the boy was not to be disturbed as Romulus fleed to the house's roof for fresh air, still feasting upon blood from his claw. It was for sure, that the screams produced from the women and man could be heard at the Kingston estate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookehScarySkeleton


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The sound of Jericho's music box can be heard playing as he approached his old friend.

The destinct clicking sound of Jericho's foot steps can be heard upon the stone of the roof, as he slowly walks towards the left side of Romulus. He peers at Romulus with a gentle smirk laced over his pale face, his blood red eyes focusing on the well-dressed vampire for a moment.

The familiar orb of blood circles clock-wise the ancient Blood Mage, as he stands three metres back and to the left of Romulus.

Jericho was dressed in his black robes, with crimson insignias dotted all over the robes. He continues to announce himself to Romulus, whilst the wind sweeps his long white hair to the right.

"Good-evening, Romulus."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade
Romulus heard the sounds of the footsteps of Jericho, having already finished the blood off his claw, he disappeared it into his hammerspace. He got up to meet his old friend, seeming to give a small smile at Jericho.

Speaking in his Spanish accent as always, "Did you recieve my message, Jericho?" Romulus asked.

While he waited for the response of his friend, he summoned his elegent cane from his hammerspace, beginning to lean upon it as he began to wipe off the excess blood upon his sleeve and suit. Romulus snapped his fingers, getting rid of the blood staining his suit and anything else that may have ruined his suit. The sort of magic was like an instant cleaning cycle, it smelling nice and looking well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookehScarySkeleton


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Jericho nods gently in response to his friend, bringing his orb gently to the left of his cowled face. "I did, I see you have already gotten started without me?" Jericho speaks in his usual darkened tone, the sharp needles on the ends of each of his fingers clinking together gently as I stands still as a statue, his dead eyed stare still locked on to Romulus for the time being.

Jericho watches as the blood is wiped clean from Romulus' shirt, and sighs, the though racing through his mind that he himself could have used it to further add to his Blood Orb. He quickly dismisses this trivial matter, before taking two gentle steps forward towards his old friend.

"I was starting to think you had forgotten about me, Romulus."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Praetor laughed at Lucian comment "And what of me? Sure I am a kinder demon then? I've killed more men and Vampires then any of the other two Kingstons combined, we are a older breed and must behave as such, I still have yet to teach you much I know Lucian, your welcome to learn as well Mira. If you want we can head to my pent house later and I can show both a tricks on how to fight other vampire and live." He spoke looking between his old friend and current mistress, he knew had given up his right to hunt Vampire when they first joined but if war was to come between clans, well he would not be opposed to becoming a teacher to the younger Vampires. He hoped that they would take to his instruction and perhaps give them a chance if it came to fighting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was later on that night, getting to the time when only the serious drinkers or vampires were left in the club. The lights dimmed once again and the curtain rose. Now Maria was dressed in a beautiful green dress on a stool with a microphone in her hand. Instead of being firey and full of sauce, her eyes were as sad as her smile as she began to sing.
"Some people say, when love goes away, better luck next time... some people say, when love goes astray, that a for every rose that withers and dies, another blooms instead..."

Maria didn't just sing to incite lust and desire. There were many facets to her personality, this being one of them. She could also sing to touch the heart and the soul, to make grown men want to weep.

"That sounds alright, in a careless rhyme, but there's seldom a second time.... better luck next time, that could never be... because there ain't gonna be no next time... for me..."

(watch video for whole song she sings)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"I don't know about that, I see myself losing at strip poker unfortunately." Otto said sarcastically. As much as Otto enjoyed her flirting, he could never understand the woman. Did she just love messing with the minds of men, or was she serious about all the things she said. Then the elder entered the room and greeted then as children. This angered Otto in ways they all could not imagine, he had fought through wars, he had seen his father die right before his eyes, and unfortunately, disrespected him by not burying his body.

Otto made a fist with his hands and let out a string of curse words under his breath. Otto left his place on the couch and stalked into the kitchen, he would have taken blood, but he was not in the mood for it. He grabbed a cheery popsicle stick from the freezer, and bit into it, leaving only half of the icy treat on the stick. He walked back into the room and sat on the couch once again, and let his mind wander. Otto was about to bit into his treat once again, but was interrupted when he heard screams. They were feint, but he could still here them, they were not to far from the Manor. Otto walked outside onto the porch and looked around, it was coming from a home that was visible from were he was standing. Otto squinted, he could barely make out the form of a body on a roof, not to far from the Manor. "Hey guys, come take a look at this." He said aloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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((Double Post...))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa rolled her eyes at the suggestion of strip poker. Then the elder came in and was, quite honestly, offended by the 'child' comment; but digressed when she heard Otto and walked over to him, looking out the window next to him. "Who is that?" She squinted and leaned in closer so she could try and get a better view, but all she could see was an outline of a man. "This could be really bad... I wonder if Mira and Praetor hear it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Mira sighed, partly at her companions' dumps on Klaus and partly at the suggestion. She had been relatively lucky compared to other vampires--violence was never a large part of her life before or after death. So the idea of fighting another vampire alone exhausted her a bit. "I suppose it would be for the best. Though perhaps you should instruct the whole family," she added. "Theodora is lively but young, Adelisa could use the confidence. Otto and Theodora could use the discipline. But overall they all need to be able to defend themselves against the Blackmoores should anything happen..."

As they continued on, a beautifully haunting and sad voice filtered out from a nearby club. The vampire slowed in her pace, eyes flickering to club Tortuga; she noted a few mortal men had taken heed of the voice even out on the streets. One was openly weeping. She simply hummed, "Hm," looking the club up and down as if it was the cause of the man's distress. Don't the Blackmoores have a siren of sorts? she thought, making a point not to speak aloud; she didn't want to instigate her companions who had just made their feelings on the rival clan clear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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“Whiskey? That’s mother’s milk in comparison.” Béatrix quipped and went to take the flask back from him. Alistair tossed it into his other hand, obviously toying with her. He liked to play cat and mouse almost as much as she did, it always made the hunt more fun. If Alexander wasn’t present, she would probably have been more daring and bold in her attempts to get the flask back. Regardless, they would soon be off on the march for blood.

“I think there is far too much talking and not enough walking going on. Let us be off!” she said and held out both of her elbows expectantly “A man on each arm, as it should be.” Trixy said with a sultry smile. Trixy ignored Ali's purposeful butcher of her native language. She had long since worked to teach him the fine romance language, he knew how to speak... he just chose not to. Once again, toying with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Romulus Nightshade
"Ahh, Jericho. I would not forget about one of my new friends." Romulus said in his Spanish accent, continuing the conversation.

"Since we last met I was in Madrid, was I not, and I now have my own daughter and quite the maid at mansion, perhaps you wish to join me for a glass of blood, wine? Or shall we hunt in this neighborhood for the time being?" Romulus asked.

His perseptive senses and vigilance looked at the Kingston Manor, examining the design of the grand building before looking at the window, where two fake vampires dwelled in. Though, how he looked at the Manor the vampires at the window did not know Romulus had spotted him.

"Don't look now, but it seems those "fakelings" are spying on us, Jericho." Romulus said, keeping his eyes upon Jericho but vigilant of the Kingston Vampires.

"The Kingston family is weak, they don't drink directly from humans due to cowardice and "morality" what's next, they claim to be more morale than others by drinking blood extracted from humans anyway? Still equally as painful? The Kingston family is hypocritic...I've no taste for them....the funny thing is though, I've noticed them AND the Blackmoore family, but none of the two have noticed me....tsk tsk tsk...such stupidity..." Romulus said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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walked over to the window and peered out to see what the young one was talking about and he saw the outline of the figure and he scoffed and walked over to the couch, "Now i know my children comment was a bit, harsh, but we are all after all children of the night, any ways, where is mira, i was suppose to speak with her about the weekly blood count and the weekly exposures, and also your shipment of cloned blood has arrived, this was a special order from Italy, i prefer real blood over cloned though but who am i to judge." he chuckled, "Also, i have a charter that needs handling, which i was hoping to actually have Praetor handle it, because it is of dire importance."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Emilia continued to walk around figuring out what place to go. Perhaps she should go visit Tortuga, a club most people go to. As she got there, Emilia looked around seeing most people watching a dear friend and from her family clan, Maria. She strutted to a table sitting down, raising a leg ontop of the other, listening to her voice. It was a beautiful voice, but Emilia would never admit it infront of Maria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa stopped looking out the window and sighed, walking over to the scribe and saying "she has a few errands to run so she asked us to give you all the information. Praetor also went with her, but we could give him the information about the charter for you." She smiled politely, hoping the other two wouldn't say anything stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto was not listening to Adelisa, he was mesmerized by the figures on the roof. He took a whif of the air, and his senses could not lie, they were rouge vampires. Otto had nothing against them, but he always wanted to know why that family always assumed they were superior, it was obvious that they were still stuck in the past. Otto decided to see for him self. He sprinted off the porch and onto the driveway, and jumped, but instead of immediately falling too the ground, he shot into the air like he was a cannonball. He flew through for a few seconds before landing on the roof the a dull thud in front of the 2 vampires. "Well-well-well, what do we have here, a couple of trash lonely vampires doing in Kingston territory." He said, grinning at the vampires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

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Theodora glared at the elder Vampire and was about to answer when Adelisa answered first. As she was about to leave the manor for a night on the town an unfamiliar vampire walked into the room. He addressed the elder vampire as an equal, he seemed confident with a hint of smugness. When he looked at Theodora, she felt a chill run down her spine. She could feel the heat rising to her face and she had to look away. After she had composed herself, she straightened up and cocked her head to the side. "You must be the infamous Klaus that we've heard so much about. Huh." She let her eyes slide over his body, inspecting him before she spoke again. "I was expecting a bit more to be honest. The way Mira talks, you seemed so scary." Theodora giggled and bounced past Klaus to follow Otto. She quickly morphed into a large bat once she past the manor and flew over to join Otto where she quickly turned into a smaller bat and landed on his shoulder. A tiny voice drifted in the wind as Theodora spoke in her bat form. "Who is this and why are they here?" She sniffed the air. "They aren't Blackmoore... Come on Otto.... we need to find Mira...." Theodora didn't like the vibe she was getting from these vampires, and whether they were friend or foe, Mira needed to be notified immediately .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

At the mention of Praetor, Klaus' grin faltered but didn't quite fade. "I doubt the brute has any idea how to handle a charter," he quipped. "Better leave it to Mira--or better yet, me." Though his attention was averted. He briefly heard screams, though he had grown to filter such noise out. But even after two thousand years, the smell of blood still piqued his interest. His gaze flickered to the window momentarily, then back to the younger vampires when his name was spoken--one hopped out the window and left behind was only the mouse-y one with strange eyes speaking to the Elder and the blue eyed woman.

"The way Mira talks, you seemed so scary," she commented before filing out to join Otto. He offered an apology in the form of a shrug, but the twinkle in his eyes gave away the lack of sincerity. Honestly, he was just flattered to hear Mira spoke of him at all.

"Quite a night, eh Frankie?" he commented to the Elder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookehScarySkeleton


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Standing in his usual quiet way, that same smirk placed on his face widens as he listens to Romulus. His cold dead eyes trace the small vampire that hurtles towards them like some kind of vampiric projectile. He keeps to himself, saying nothing and keeping his hands behind his back despite the young vampires rude approach towards him and his friend. The dark, emotionless pale gaze passed his strange black remains locked on to Otto the entire time, a dead-eyed stare piercing towards him.

Jericho himself, remained calm and composed however, in his mind simply assessing these so called "fakelings", needless to say he was unimpressed. He grunts, almost as if bemused by their behaviour allowing the large spheric orb of blood circling around him to come to a halt, just above his right shoulder. Once the orb had stopped, in a peculiar way thin trickles of blood, fresh blood for that matter, composed of various kinds of creatures Jericho had drained would start to drip down his black robes from the runes etched over his enigmatic attire.

As per the norm, he allows Romulus to do the talking, whilst remaining completely still and silent aside from the strange animation of his various magical components. A sinister and heavy breathing being heard passed the mouth-guard of his macabre guise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Indeed, indeed.” Alistair hooked an arm around Trixy's, swerving her out the door and around the vampire who had knocked, not even waiting for Alexander. He would have to catch up to take the assassin's other arm. Taking another swig of the liquor, he grinned – even if he couldn't get drunk, he could certainly do a fair attempt at acting it.

“Let's go see darling Maria,” he said. “And find out if she's picked out any fresh blood at Tortuga for us. The sooner the better!”
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