Avatar of SporkoBug


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6 hrs ago
Current SOMEONE (Lexi) has convvinced me to try my paws at group dming with my Dino-based Horrorish idea, so Look out for that!
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4 days ago
gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
5 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
13 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
20 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

The truck shuddered to a halt, they were at where they were suppose to be now. The others in the truck seemed to be chatting with each other; Admittedly Harry wasn't really paying too much attention to anyone else, they had earphones in as they listened quietly to the lo-fi beat to get through the entire 4 hour trip within a cramped vehicle.

As soon as the trunk door opened, Harry quickly scrambled out into the world again. Their feet hit sand and instantly caused them to slip and crash into the ground underneath them, a couple of the other scientists laughed before one helped them up.
"Careful kid." The older scientist said to Harry calmly, "You can't just scramble like that all the time." They said before they offered some stuff into Harry's arms as they started to get more things from the truck. "You gonna be alright to help with assembling with the tent?"
Harry nodded at his words, before easily carrying the armful of stuff over to the place others had already marked out.

Sure, they had scouted out this place for months, getting the go ahead to set up camp here for a few months to study the ecological things of the beach. There were a couple of rumours of things living within this coastal area.
Harry, of course, was the first to offer to help with this assignment, never having been to the ocean. The older Scientist, Talon, had made sure Harry had learnt how to swim before he accepted the Elf into the assignment.
"Surely the rumors are wrong." A female scientist spoke to another beside her, both of them moving to attach pole pieces together. "Probably just a manatee or a shark that people saw." The second scientist gave a shrug as she was struggling to attach her pieces together.

Harry placed his things down before moving over to help her, offering his arms out to take the poles. It never really clicked to Harry that some of the fellow scientists didn't see him as an equal, and some of them were still uncomfortable with the fact that he worked along side them.

It took a few hours but the large circus-like tent was put up, Harry even offering some vines from the forest to keep the tops from tumbling over in the wind.
The other scientists were enjoying a few drinks in the tent once everything was finished. Harry on the other hand was sitting in the sand out by the sea, looking to the horizon with a neutral expression. He wasn't bored, he had just zoned out, thinking deeply.

He was startled by a seagull squawking loudly at him as it waddled up to him.
"I have nothing for you!" He called to the gull, who fluffed its' body an kept making noise before Harry moved to grab it, slipping and falling into the sand again as the gull flapped into the air with another squawk. "Yeah yeah, laugh at the oddball." Harry grumbled softly.
Name: Harivence Pineway (Harry)
Gender: Non-Binary (He/they)
Age: Looks human age of 27.
Species: Royal Forest Elf.
Stands at around 6' in height, scruffy green hair that doesn't go past the ears (Think messy Pixie cut?)
Slightly tanned skin, white freckles on most of their body; mainly across their nose and cheeks, a few down their neck and on their arms and legs. Oak brown eyes.
Dresses in more casual clothes; when working had labcoat on but only inside a lab area, otherwise he's wearing his tshirts, cargo pants and occasionally a 'harness' like apparatus that acts like Suspenders.

As an elf he's mainly humanoid, the normal elongated ears; but he also has a thin prehensile tail- Similar to a monkeys in terms of flexability and length, but it finishes in a small tuft of hair.

For the most part Harry keeps to themselves, being kept as a subject for the labs that he now works for. They are naturally curious and is always the first to dive into any unknown area.
Adores nature and animals, loves to climb things and be up high, but hates falling.

- General control over plants
- Animal communication
Please do not post here if you are not myself (Sporkobug) or Mistress Dizzy.
Argrean really wanting to melt Fenn with his eyes because Fenn actually cares about whoever lives in the forest; human or not ahaha.
Argrean turned back to the Human King and gave a soft smile before holding back the urge to laugh at the idea of teaching Fenn manners. Oh how he wanted to tell the Human King 'Good Luck' on even trying to 'fix' his son.
"I'm glad we've come to an agreement." He said with a small nod, ignoring his son once again for the time being. "Of course I will hold up my end of the deal as well with allowing your kind into our forests to hunt and build."
"Although they will have to be careful with all the wild magic." Fenn interrupted again, this time in a softer, less angry tone. "I'm sure you've noticed the workers who have gone into the forest before have come back either sick or... different." Fenn ignored the glare his father was giving him.

"Thank you for that, my son." Argrean spoke with gritted teeth. Fenn glanced to his father with a small shrug.
"You seemed like you weren't going to mention it." Fenn added, almost giving a cheeky smile before he turned back to the Human King slowly. "Apologies for speaking out of line, but as the Prince of the Wild; and since my mother is not able to join us just yet," He could feel Argreans' glare on him, a shame that the man had no powers otherwise Fenn would be in danger. "But there are wild beasts within our forest that are prohibited to harm or hunt. Once we are back at your castle, I will be happy to show you which ones to leave alone."

Fenn glanced back to Anthony as he smiled to him, Fenns' ears flattened slightly before giving a smile back. He had a feeling his father wasn't going to say much on anything that could harm the humans from the opposite kingdom, but Fenn was going to make sure the Humans would know about what to look out for.
Argrean could sense the small amount of fear that the King gave off before he simply smiled and gave a nod.
"I did." He said calmly, almost unsettlingly, "And I assume you've read them as well?" The Fae King tilted his head slightly, "I agree with the terms you have laid out, and I hope you understand and agree the terms I have laid out." Argrean having a glance towards Fenn for a moment, "Especially the part of having the Fae Prince in your kingdom?"

Fenn froze at that point, his ears pricking up before drooping them backwards as he glared towards his father.
"You're pushing me onto them?!" He suddenly spoke up, causing his father to flinch before turning to face his son.
"Hush!" Argrean hissed in their language, "Do not fuck this up. This is for the both of us!"
Fenns' feathers prickled angrily, his tail flaring out at the tip before he shook himself before crossing his arms.

The Fae Prince completely forgot about Anthony for a moment, the anger for his fathers words before he shook himself and relaxed his arms. He glanced towards the Human Prince again and gave a weak smile.
As soon as the Human Royalty arrived, Argrean seemed to suddenly change his entire personality.
Instead of his stern and angry look, he was much happier; a soft smile on his face and his eyes hid the malice hidden in his eyes. He easily towered over any and all humans around him; something that Argrean reveled in, he enjoyed being the much larger creature. It instilled fear in most others around him, and that's all that mattered to him.

If his Prey was afraid, they were more than happy to give up things if it means for them to get safe. Which he was knowledgeable on twisting things his way, of course it was always for him and never for his family.
"Good afternoon." Argrean started as he saw the Human King approach, not even caring to attempt to perceive the Human Prince. His voice was booming, and seemed to shake the ground as he spoke so loudly, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Fenn, on the other hand, had walked off from his father, looking at more of the ruins before he flinched at his fathers voice. He headed back over to Argreans side as the Human King and Prince appeared. Fenns' eyes focused in on the Prince as he tilted his head slightly, one of his feather ears flattening downwards and the other prickling up, almost like a confused puppy.
When his eyes caught the Human Princes, he looked away quickly and tried to make it look like he hadn't been looking at him.
Fenn's ears flattened slightly at his fathers words, before he looked toward the Advisor, who flashed him a small smile.
"You're doing great." The Advisor said softly, speaking their native language. They ignored Argreans' glare as they kept watch of Fenn.
Fenn didn't want to be here; he didn't want to be in this carriage, with his father, going to meet the human royalty. He wished he was travelling with his mother, at least she was less likely to cuss him out if he broke anything.

The Carriage came to a halt, Fenn tensed up as his father started to move. King Argrean slowly slipped out of the carriage, his feet landing on the soft grass below him.
"Come." Argrean rumbled to both the Advisor and Fenn, as he walked towards the stone table that stood between the two kingdoms.
The Stone Table had stood through countless wars, trifles, peace treaties and the likes. The ground was a mix of ruined brick and overgrown grass; this stone table used to sit within a large castle; long before either Kingdom dared to stand.
Argrean knew the history, as did Fenn, but unlike his Heir, Argrean didn't care for the history of this place. He stridden slowly over to the Stone table and looked over the wonky stone table.

Fenn and the Advisor followed after their King slowly, The Advisor keeping up with the larger fae as much as they could; while Fenn stayed a bit behind.
"Oh." Fenn said as he saw a couple of crumbled pillars and the vague outlines of broken rooms that once stood tall and proud, but now held only the agony of how they fell. "I bet you have a vast history." He whispered to the ruins before he straightened up as Argrean gave a growl towards his son.

Fenn darted over to his side and straightened up, looking to his father for a moment before looking down again. He shook his head slightly before he looked towards where he expected the Human Royalty to come through. His feathered ears pricked up, trying to keep listening to whatever sound was around them.

He didn't want to do this, and his mother knew this too. But his father was very adamant on 1) getting him out of the castle, and 2) sparking this 'peace treaty' to gain more 'allies' for whenever he started a war over someone else. Fenn had more important stuff to worry about, black market trading was spreading almost like wildfire through his Kingdom, with ties and links to the Human Kingdom as well; plus the poachers that had started to trap and take a few of the 'less important'(In his fathers eyes) animals within the gardens.
Dia and Sara looked at each other as Benjamin asked about getting her out, both of them had a small frown on their face but didn't speak up to start with, instead it was Ari who spoke.
"We can't." Ari said softly, "Sara has tried it with us before, even when she had more power around here. We were low on staff members so she was temporarily promoted."

"It wasn't fun." Sara said, "More stress. More anger from the other... patients."
"We'll just have to wait til she gets out." Ari mentioned, "But while we wait, we can all work together on getting out of here."
Harriet watched the two other males got a bit further along before she glanced to Ethan.
"I want the truth." She said softly, "I know it may be a hard question for you, from someone like me." She continued before she sighed.
"Do you... Trust us?" She asked, "Like, Trust my team?"
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