Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
5 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
13 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
20 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa
27 days ago
ko-fi.com/alienstrayart/com… Added Full-Body commissions to my Ko-Fi! (Replies will come soon, promise <3 )


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Ray looked to the bed silently before giving a small nod, walking over to the bed as she moved to hop up slowly. "Can I have a glass of water?" She asked quietly, she felt a bubble of darkness around her as her shadow seemed to move.

Sara had put her mug into the sink as she left the staffroom, she needed to find Marc. She scoured the main rooms with narrowed eyes.
"What are you doing?" Another nurse asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Sara to flinch and turn around with a small smile.
"I saw Marcs' name on the roster, I was wondering here he was?" She said with a grin.
The other Nurse watched her carefully before narrowing his eyes. "He's looking for Benjamin, he's missing from the head nurses call."

Oh no. Sara thought to herself, before she smiled to the other nurse and headed off towards Benjamins' room in a brisk walk.
April waited in the little coffee shop she told the boys about, secret from basically everyone on the outside. She looked up as she noticed Benjamin and Mike enter; moving to stand up to greet them with a handshake or a hug if they wanted.
"I'm glad to see you two in one piece." April said softly, she smiled to both of the boys before looking to Jackal quietly. She knew that they'd ask about him but she would wait for a moment. "I hope you had a good night?" She asked with a small smile.

Duncan finished wrapping up Harriets' side quietly in the living room of their house. She had Ethan return her alone after the mission, and Duncan welcomed her in with open arms but kept a close eye on her.
Over night her skin on her ribs seemed to fizzle and bubble with blackish inky goo, which is why he was bandaging her up. He tried his best to contact Seb, only to get no response on the matter. Was Harriet's stress over her friends causing her body to react so violently after something else? She told him about her battle which led to her disappearance but...
Not really, Possibly Niccia and Michael letting Eros join their group; and then start the push to find Michaels Dad?
Harry glanced to Chal as she mentioned she didn't know what Pollution is. They hesitated as they thought about what they would say to explain it properly. "Uh." They started quietly, "Pollution is like... Waste, bad chemicals, waste products. Dangerous stuff that harms the land." They continued quietly, "I'm unsure how you can help really, the others are... very specific on who does work for them."

The camera's on the tent had started to zone in on where Harry and Chal was, there were scientists watching the camera's quietly, chatting amongst each other. Words of 'Maybe Harry is useful for something after all?' and things along that line.
If you need to drop this roleplay in order to help your mental health please don't hesitate to tell me; I'm more than happy to continue but only if you're 100% okay with it.
Ray followed without struggle or words, she stared almost blankly in front of her as she was led along into the elevator. She lifted her head after a moment as the doors closed, she was about to ask where they were going but the demon was draining her will to care.

The butterfly stood on Benjamins arm quietly for a bit longer, before it fluttered its' wings and headed into the air and fluttered around for a moment before disappearing into a small sparkle.

Sara paused as she saw the names of the nurses on today, her eyes widening at the sight of Marcs' name. He was in today? She hadn't seen him?
Oh god, did the other nurses know about the night before? Would he have told them? What would they think??
Nygari couldn't help but chuckle at her husbands words, "Honestly if you could get a human to approach you in Pokemon Form to allow that to happen, I don't see why you couldn't do it." She said softly, It would get a good word out for Human Interaction, but I'm not sure if Father would agree. And I would hate for a trainer to somehow end up capturing you." She hummed before she leaned against his shoulder with a soft sigh.

Niccia's ears pricked up as she glanced down to Eros, "Hello sweetheart." She said, she watched Eros lean into Michaels' touch.
"A little boring, but fun to see others." Eros said quietly, "Pappa is relaxed again. I thought I'd come see you guys, I like you guys."
Niccia smiled softly, "I'm glad you like us," She said softly, "I feel like we'd be good friends if we could spend time together."

Puth hesitated at Andy's words, she closed her eyes and sighed. "He needs to keep it close, Each week he'll need to put it out in the moonlight for an hour to keep it charged." She spoke softly, "And I'm sure he's allowed to have it. I would have to give one to Niccia in time anyway." She smiled, "I really hope this will help him against Darkrai. I... Just want my sibling back; they were never aggressive like this in the past."
Frosiien gave a reassuring smile to Puth as she spoke, she glanced at Andy for a mere moment before she looked back to Puth, "Niccia will get us the old Darkrai back, or a better Darkrai." She said quietly, "I'm sure of it."

Gavin gave a nod at Harcu's words, "I wouldn't have thought Father of all people would even dare to lay with a mortal Pokemon." He said with a big of a smile, "He's a cute Pokemon, I hope he has a bright future." He watched Eros approach Michael and Niccia and interact with the two humanoids, "It seems the only ones really giving him much attention are Niccia and Michael; I wonder if either of them will take him in?"

Belle moved to sit beside Kim quietly, making sure not to disturb the small Mew as he snoozed in her coils.
"He's gorgeous." She said with a small smile, "His colouring is very interesting to me, a mix of shiny and normal." She continued as she hummed as she thought to herself, "We had a shiny mew before Niccia, back in the day. He was a bit of a Prankster, and it was before Mewtwo was created."
She laughed at the mention of her being a regular Furret, "I wouldn't think so lowly of yourself; every Guardian Pokemon was once a 'regular' Pokemon before Arceus gave them their calling." She moved to gently rubbed Kims' head, "I know you're already a trainers Pokemon so I doubt Father would dare try and take you from your trainer, but you would have made a fantastic Guardian."
Duncan had gotten back into contact with Harriet after the mission had happened with Ethan, and gotten her back to the house with Freya and the Brothers. He let her rest as long as she needed after a big feast, running diagnostics on everything that had happened.

April was heading to location quietly, she glanced to her phone for a moment as she hesitated to message Benjamin about her heading there, but she wasn't going to push for them to go any earlier than already agreed on. She glanced over to her hooded companion quietly and sighed.
"You didn't need to come with me." She stated quietly.
"It seemed important." The Jackal spoke from under his hood, his eyes glistening slightly, "Plus I'm interesting to see these humans you're so antsy about."
I understand that sentiment, but if this is for real and not just a April fools prank; I send you the best writing Vibes for the other things you wish to work on, and I enjoyed this roleplay while it lasted. Thank you for letting me be apart of this, and if you ever wish to pick it up again, I will always be here to rejoin <3
Arti will be happy anywhere really, preferably by a window so they can just stare out at everything.
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