Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current gargling wildly at wanting more roleplays.
5 days ago
House move was a success, now we just gotta set everything back up again and I can get back to art properly.
13 days ago
GOD I have idea's for dino-horror and I can't pull myself to advertise it because I'm anxiety
20 days ago
Husband got me sick and everything sucks aaaaaaaaaaa
26 days ago
ko-fi.com/alienstrayart/com… Added Full-Body commissions to my Ko-Fi! (Replies will come soon, promise <3 )


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Arceus was happy that Benny took the invitation, he looked down towards Niccia as she spoke. He didn't seem to notice the tensing from both her and Michael. He glanced over as the others seemed to gather with them as well.
"I was not expecting an audience." Arceus said softly, adjusting his grip on Sparky gently to make sure she was comfortable in his grip. "I heard you wish to take Eros with you on your travels?" He said to Niccia and Michael carefully.

Niccia cleared her throat before she nodded slightly, "Y-Yeah, He wants to get out and I thought since both of us are... Trainers, he'd be safe to travel with us?" She continued, she swallowed heavily, waiting for her fathers response.

Gavin didn't need Andy to tell him to follow when he realized that Arceus was heading to the younger trainers. He already headed over to stand behind Arceus with crossed arms and narrowed eyes, he would protect his younger sibling and her partner if Arceus decided to get hostile.
Frosiien nodded as Kim headed off, she looked around for Mindy for a moment; wondering where she was in all of this chaos. Mitch came up to her and leaned against her legs for a moment with a sigh, the legendary bird moving to gently rub Mitchs' head with a faint smile.
Dia froze as he stopped and got a look at her, before he started to speak. She tried not to panic as she thought of what to do.
"I'm new, yes." She said with a nod, "I'm an intern. I started today." She managed to spin out, "I'm kind of a bit lost and was sort of told to just... Tail someone, but I lost the person I was tailing. I think her name was.. Sarah? Sara?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"She seemed upset about something and told me she needed some time alone." Dia continued, "I'm fresh our of Uni and this was the first place that I got into with my internship so I'm pretty... Unexperienced."
Aprils' smile wavered ever so slightly as Mike mentioned that in a way he helped them get locked up, but she knew it wasn't his fault. He was being used by these assholes. She felt her muscles tense, but as Jack moved his leg beside hers, she calmed down a little bit.
"We'll get them out, of course." April said as she breathed out slowly.

"Steph is the Granddaughter." Jack said, making sure to put emphasis on the 'grand' part, but not in a way that was rude. "Lucy isn't entirely happy that she's a half-blood, but she's more angry that Humans are causing problems with her."
"Lucifer doesn't care if she's half angel." April said with a roll of her eyes, "We're over all of that demon and angel bullshit now. Only Elitists are against each other." She grumbled before she sighed. "I've seen angels do much worse things than I've seen demons do."
She put her head in her hands with a bit of a sigh.

Jack frowned at Aprils' expression before he turned to the boys, "And they didn't get the Alien as well?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I would have thought she'd be priority number one with how powerful her father is."

It felt like Gaia's bones were cracking and twisting, her scales felt like they were burning and her vision was blurring in and out. She tried to spark the mental link to whoever she could reach, hoping for Harriet or even Ethan.
Help. She called out, Everything hurts, I feel like I'm melting.
She felt some of her scales drop from her body as she quivered and moved to cover her face as she closed her eyes.
Arceus hummed slightly at Benny's words, he stayed quiet but looked over towards Eros as Benny spoke about him enjoying being with Michael.
"I was gonna ask about Eros!" Sparky chimed in excitedly, lifting her paws up to gently touch Arceus' cheeks from below. The Pokemon God raised his eyebrow at her words. "We want to know if he can travel with us! We can show him the world and let him enjoy his freedom! He'll be safe with us, promise."
Arceus stayed silent as his eyes moved towards Eros once more, he closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in. He pushed the chair out from under him slightly, moving to stand up while still holding Sparky gently, and offered his hand for Benny to sit on. Once Benny had decided or not, he headed over towards Michael and Niccia slowly.

Niccia nodded, "Some just don't like to be touched and I respect that." She spoke before she looked towards Michael, "He possibly prefers not to get himself hurt. He might have trauma in the past from it?" She asked before she glanced back as she heard footsteps. She froze up at the sight of Arceus standing beside her.
"F-Father!" She said, moving to quickly bow, "W-What can we... How can we help?"

Frosiien gave a small laugh before she looked down to Kim as Andy walked away. "It's alright. I understand that." She said with a small sigh, "My brothers can be like that sometimes, Especially Zapdos."
Jack wriggled happily into his seat and almost snuggled into April as she sat down, only to be pushed away slightly from his partner as she gave him a serious look. April turned her attention back to Benjamin and Mike with a soft smile, "I have... Vague understanding." She said softly.
"We know that Lucifers own Grandchild has been locked up and she is pissed." Jack added with a smile, April kicking at him under the table. "What? Surely they know of their companions bloodline, right?" he looked to the boys with a confused look. April sighed through her teeth as he asked the boys something she knew they wouldn't know about.

April gave a small sigh, "We know that Steph and Gaia have been... Taken?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

Gaia felt a tremble through her body, she felt something was wrong and her instincts started to click through on their own.
She felt out of place, her room was wrong; where was she? She huffed, her ears flattening back before she seemed to circle the room slightly. She needed to make a nest. Why did she need to make a nest?

She trembled before moving to the metal in the walls and moved to wrap her arms around one and bit down on it, pumping heat into it to pull it from the wall before moving to slam it into the ground near the center of her room. Gaia continued to do this until she made a rough circle around the center of the room, moving towards her bed before she started to shred parts of her bed; the mattress, the blankets and everything fabric was torn and weaved around the poles.
Ray gave a non-committed nod as she was given the paper and pencils, she didn't pay much attention as the nurse left. She just sort of stared at the paper for a moment as her brain just mainly just... fuzz.
Did she like drawing? Wasn't she suppose to be good at it?
She looked to the pencil and moved to start... scribbling? more than drawing.

Dia took a breath, looking back to Ari before she pushed the door open to walk out. She was going to risk taking a proper look around, no one was in the halls as she paced.
She listened carefully as she tried to silently walk along, picking up on footsteps before she paused as Marc rounded the corner near her. Dia watched him quietly, hoping he wouldn't question anything.
Arceus looked down to Benny as he sat down and spoke, at first his neutral expression was unchanged, even as Sparky ran over the table to clamber up to him excitedly. There was silence from him for a moment before he moved his arms slowly to gently pull Sparky up gently in a soft hold.
A small smile appeared on his face for a moment before he looked over to Benny once more. "I'm glad you enjoy it." He said, his voice strong, but he kept it gentle; in order not to startle anyone else around them. "I am sure that we can arrange a small barrel for you to take, if your human will be okay with carrying it?" He turned his attention over towards Andy for a moment before returning his attention back to the Bug Pokemon in front of him. "StarFall is a special time for everyone;" He hesitated for a moment before giving a small sigh, "It's been hard to hold it for a while, with everything happening between Niccia and Darkrai. But I'm glad we managed it this time, It's good for family to come together once and a while."

Niccia cuddled into Michael, she could feel the worry from him as she moved to gently kiss his cheek.
"We'll be okay." She said softly, "We're getting stronger, and we have the ability to defeat him." Her ears twitched as she looked over to Arceus and the Bug types, giving a small smile as Arceus was simply holding Sparky. "She enjoys being held, doesn't she?" She let out a laugh.

Frosiien seemed to relax her shoulders slightly, giving a nod. "That sounds interesting. I've always wanted to watch a Pokemon League." She said softly, "I understand why a lot of Pokemon take to trainers for battling, it always seems interesting."
Sparky looked up towards the fellow Bug type that flew up to her, "Okay!" She said with a wide grin as she continued towards Arceus.
As they got towards the table, Sparky whipped her tail; sending a string of webbing from the end of it and pulled herself up onto the table to be at a better height to look and speak to Arceus.
As the two Bug type pokemon headed over to him, Arceus moved to watch them- only giving a small smile as Sparky hopped up onto the table herself.

Eros' tail wagged as Michael gave him a treat, he chomped down on it excitedly before he looked over towards Lytse with a wide grin.
"Hi!" He said as he offered a paw to Lytse with a small tilt of his head.
Niccia watched Sparky and Benny heading over to Arceus, giving a small sigh before she leaned gently against Michael and looked down towards the two little Pokemon in front of them.
"I'd be happy to let him join us." She whispered to Michael, "He's just a gentle baby."

Frosiien looked down to Kim with a small smile, "He's got a big heart then." She said with a small smile, "Two humans? Who was Andy with?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Did Andy have another significant other at least once before?
Ray hesitated for a moment, why was she drawn to the idea of drawing paper?
She hesitated and stared off into space for a moment before she looked over towards the Nurse, "Paper, maybe?" She asked, she sounded unsure about the whole thing.

Sara listened to Marc as she looked away from him before she breathed in slowly and sighed.
"I just want someone to believe me." She said quietly before she shook her head, "I'll let you continue on your shift. I'll just go be a patient again." Sara walked off towards her room and sighed, moving to close the door and walked to her bed to sit down.

"He wouldn't listen to me even if he knew what Benjamin and I know." Sara said to herself as she moved to put her head in her hands with her elbows on her knees. "Vivian is doing something. I know she is. Only Benjamin and the girls agree with me... Even then, Ray won't even look at us anymore."
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