As Zin turned her back on the armored orc after giving him her stay of execution, the orc began droning on about him being a knight of an influential group of warriors or something about that Zin only half listened to the orc man as he said she attacked him."
You are a fool, you attacked me first during a dual with Vesta, I attacked you because you hurt me first." She repeated herself while pointing to the marks on her elbows caused by Malakaus.
The dragon woman ripped her sword from the ground nearby, she unsheathed the blade and tossed it carelessly to the ground. Zin held her great sword with both hands ready to cut this tin can open."
So reform because you harmed me and I defended myself from you. Or your group of knights is very corrupt, or your group allows idiots into their organization." Zin shot the knight a death stare ready to attack him." I refuse to reform. You do not give me orders or tell me what to do."
Almost out of nowhere the other orc stepped in an attempt to calm down his green friend, he started off by telling Malakaus that he was wrong for stepping into the fight which Zin completely agreed with then he attempted to lecture Zin on following rules of their culture.
As he finished lecturing Zin, the dragon woman readied herself for both of the orcs."
Where I come from we have unspoken norms, the first one is, don't expect to hurt somebody without being hurt back." She told him in an angered tone. Zin expected the two orcs to attack her now and she held her blade steady to cut these two down.
Then she stood down, as the smaller Vesta, Vivi, jumped in between the three. Zin kept her sword down and pointed to the ground Zin listened to the smaller Celestia talk about how Malakaus interfered with the fight and how it's his fault. Feeling happy that someone was taking her side, then Vesta yelled putting Zin on edge. The dragon listened to Vesta carefully it wasn't hard for Zin to notice the anger in her words or see how much Vesta wanted to punch a wall through a wall.
The second Vesta ordered Zin to apologize Zin sheathed her blade before bowing in front of him and apologizing. As she told him the apology, she looked as if she wanted to eviscerate the armored orc."
I apologize." After telling him that she walked over to Vesta and apologized to Vesta as well."
I'm sorry." She spoke with more sympathy to the silver-haired woman than the orc.