Rika watched as some of the others began drinking together and she let out a soundless sigh as she stared at them, she even heard one of the guys talking about stealing some of Ice's candies that he kept."
Theft can lead to 12 months in prison or up to three years depending on the cost of the item." She played a tape at one of them only for them to probably not hear it. The mummy looked away from the growing crowd of drunkards who thought drinking instead of working together was the best idea Rika awkwardly stood still staring at the group before Daimyon walked over to the now seated Ice, the poet began doing his best to see if Ice was still alive, the man examined Ice's chest then took one of Ice's arms to see if he had a pulse.
After checking his vitals, Rika held up her cassette play with a fresh tape inside the device."
The cause of unconsciousness, falling." She stopped then fast forward the tape."
Face first." The voice coming from the player was an assertive female voice, similar to the one that spoke of Rika's disability. When Daimyon changed his attention onto Krista, Rika sat on the floor of the room wondering what she could do next, but then it almost seemed to be thrown at her when Felix began talking about how they can't leave Ice in a chair to wake up overtime. The mummy grabbed Ice's legs and dragged him out of his chair, just getting him onto the floor took a lot out of the heavily bandaged girl, despite the guy being thin, Rika didn't have the muscles to drag a near thirty-year-old man down a hallway and around a corner without sweating into her bandages, and having them slip off her body.
When Felix grabbed some sandwiches and had one in his hand, Rika dropped Ice's legs and rushed over to him and snagged a sandwich from him without asking. The mummy moved the bandages from around her mouth revealing her pale lips and the damaged skin at the corner of her mouth from her past injury, Rika sunk her teeth into the sandwich chowing down and finishing it before Felix could probably ask for it back or comment on how fast she took it. Once she finished the off the food, she went back to attempting to drag Ice out of the room and held up her cassette player once again."
Assistance is required when moving heavy objects." A processed voice spoke from the device as she pointed to her thin arm."
Fourth degree burns ruin muscles and bones." The processed voice continued.