The dragon woman sighed at hearing the news of Vesta with that orc, while she knew that Vesta could take care of herself, she hated the orc for attempting to demand that she conform to whatever rules that he says. While Midori was trying to crawl away from Zin, and covering her wounded bottom, the dragon woman used her tail to slap Midori once more on her wounded bottom before using her tail to grab her ankle and drag her closer to her, all while keeping her hand on her hip. Once her hostage was back by her side once again, Zin felt a headache coming."
If you humans knew that, then we wouldn't have had to do all of this." She held her forehead and kept one of her yellow eyes on Olly.
You humans are so confusing and never straight to the point." The dragon woman held Midori by her leg off the ground, then pointed her thumb at her."
I'm going to guess that, you want to threaten or bargain with me on your small friend's life." Zin held Midori in front of her. She began examing her lithe body and thinking out loud."
What do you see in this tiny woman?" The dragon hybrid asked."
Her body isn't anything to grope at. She doesn't have any muscles I don't think she's very smart considering she ran through the forest loudly. Why don't you let me eat her and get her out of your hair?"
Zin gave Midori's leg a light poke with her claw noticing her limbs being mostly skin and bones with little fat Zin figured she could eat this little woman in a single sitting, Midori isn't that big and probably wouldn't be too chewy from the looks of it."
I could probably use her tiny horns to clean my teeth out when I'm finished." She spoke making sure that she showed her sharp teeth to both of them."
I'm pretty sure at the right temperature that she could be very delicious." Zin pinched her leg as if she was judging how much meat was on a pig."
Yup, she'd be very...Tasty."