Blood Gems
Blood Gems
It was another Monday morning and sadly I couldn't set up any jobs for us, most stores of the stores on our planet were beefing up their security and I didn't feel like stealing Gene mods for Doctor Badger on Tarkus, I flopped down on the couch in the hideout groaning knowing that I couldn't set anything up for us, I sprawled myself out on it as if I have been Noi just coming down from Rush and suddenly Akira showed up and threw my mask on my back." Yo Gaz!" He caught my attention." Gaz did you hear about the jewelry store downtown?!" He sounded excited.
I grabbed my mask and noticed he was geared up." Yeah, I know dude, I've done the math and there wouldn't be an even way split between all of us. There's me, you, Yan, Ven, Noi, Ash, and Bates. Then Cyn take a fuck ton off the top as her "payment" for fencing everything so she can get a ship and join the rush." I told him.
" Dude, they were donated some new gems from the planets in the rush." Pulled up a hologram flyer as evidence." We could do a quick smash and grab, Me, Ash, and Bates can get on crowd control and baby sit the hostages, while you and Noi crack the safe and Yan plays wheel man and Noi tracks how close the police are."
I brushed off my mask before saying." Well, shit sounds like you got this one down pack, I remember when you were first asked me which you hold a shotgun, now look at you, criminal mastermind ready to take down any bank on our side of the galaxy."
He chuckled before rubbing the back of his spiky hair." I learned from you and my big bro man."
"I'll get the gang together, but this is your caper, I'll advise and give help, but I'm not in charge." I told him pulling up my info link to call the others. It didn't take long for everyone to get here, and once Akira told them all what the job was, everyone one was on board once they heard them about the high pricing gems and jewelry. We piled into Yan's suspicious black Van and as we drove downtown I told them all I wasn't in charge of this job, I could feel that the others were a little uneasy, but they didn't say much as we were almost half way there. Yan parked up around the corner of the store as we all masked up." Alright guys, little hand, says it's time to rock and roll." Akira stole the line I wanted to use.
"Damn, uh. Remember why they call it money, because everyone needs it. Ah fuck it, imagine I said something cooler than Akira." I told everyone not even getting a chuckle. We hopped out the Van and rushed the jewelry store with a couple people on the street seeing us and avoiding us noticing our guns, I kicked the glass doors into pieces with my left foot and pulled up my hammer pistols aiming at the clerks and customers, with the others doing the same behind me." Reach for the sky or taste hollow points." The Jewelry store looked like I thought it would, shined up white floors, glass cases housing many jewels and accessories the wealthy and upper class would bring to their graves and die for.
" Get on the ground!" Akira yelled out to the customers.
" Lick the floor!" Ash ordered the others making them all hit the floor as fast as dead bodies.
While Ash and Akira began zip tying people's hands, Bates smashed a display case with his cleaver and the store's alarms began sounding off, in response a security guard emerged from a small room behind the clerks and acting quickly Akira unloaded three shells into him and blowing him back into the room." Shit!" The weeb yelled.
He looked back to me as Bates started to gather gems and watches into a bag, I sighed before talking over the blaring alarm." Ask where the safe is." I told him as Noi looked outside behind us, suddenly the info link opened up with a call from Ven." Cops are coming guys, you need to learn how to handle those hostages."
Akira pointed the barrel of his shotgun at the clerk's head and did his best tough guy voice." Where's the uncut shit, the real gems, the nice shit, not these rocks out here." The clerk meekly told him across the sales floor, it was the door with the palm reader. Taking charge of the situation, I patted Noi and directed her to the palm reader, surprising me, she pulled it apart with her claws before hot-wiring the door, I rushed over to the door and grabbed its handle and right when I did, something in me felt like this was wrong, something here wasn't right, there was only one security guard and a palm reader guarding the high end gems, then it hit me this was was sting or a trap and it took me a split second to realize it.
The moment when I turned my head to Akira to abort this, the door slammed into my face and knocked me on the floor, the alarm was turned off and my gas mask was cracked and ruined. The sound of boots touching the floor was the first thing I noticed, then it was Noi's voice." No." It was the only thing I got from her as a giant hand with burly fingers wrapped it's self around my bullet proof vest, I was lifted off the ground then another hand wrapped it's self around my neck. Through the cracks of my mask, I could recognize the long silver hair in an old school ponytail, one of the hands pulled my mask off my face forcefully and threw it onto the floor before stomping it with a heavy boot.
" Huh? I thought I killed you Gaz." Mishka told me." But like a cockroach, your hard to kill."
I stared at the massive aging, female, bodybuilder, my eyes were locked onto her sun baked skin and silver-hair getting in her left eye, I noticed she was wearing her simple black and red jumpsuit with her patched up battle coat." Jiro! Marishka! Get your asses in here!" She ordered. Before I knew it another giant emerged from the back room and tackled Bates into the wall before he could act, it was Marishka. Like her mother, she was rippling with muscles, but covered herself in black latex suit with a single green belt and a small butt pack just above her perfectly toned ass.
Moving quickly, a man in a white suit kicked Noi in the face with his fancy shoes, he wasn't as built as Mishka or even as toned as Marishka, under his suit jacket he wore a silky red shirt. The guy was clearly Japanese and had the look of a harden gangster, it was written all over his face mostly in his eyes. He put his dress shoe on Noi's head and took a silenced pistol from his suit jacket and pointed it at Akira.
" Brilliant Plan mother, lure the theives out of hiding by appealing to their greed then slaying them when they come into the trap."
" Quit being a kiss ass Jiro." She looked over her shoulder to something glowing in the dark back room." Karat, baby girl, quit hiding back there and come up to help Momma." She spoke in an oddly motherly tone.
A gold myr emerged from the darkness with an apathetic look plastered on her face, the source of the glow behind Mishka, it was the four armed ant woman's large jugs, she stepped out of the room and faced down Ash with two eagle handguns, just for Ash to point her large machine gun at the gold ant woman.
The gold myr looked starkly different than Ash, first off she had a large ant like abdomen on her backside just above her ass and had four chitin coated arms unlike Ash's two arms, then there was her big breast that almost dwarfed Ash's. The gold was covered in an odd type of black power armor that showed her breast and arms, but also had an opening for her abdomen to wobble free.
But my oggling had to wait as Mishka slammed me into the floor and put a boot over my right arm." Mask off all of you." Miskha ordered them.
Going against my rules, Ash, Noi, and Akira took their mask off, Mishka looked at them all before slowly remembering them all." Noi, you still have those furry purple arms and legs? You know Kaithrit don't have furry limbs you stupid junkie punching bag." She insulted Noi.
" You." She pointed to Ash." I thought I starved you and that nosey ass soldier, I guess 4 months of nothing but hard tack chips must have saved your chubby ass."
She then turned her attention to Akira not recognizing him." You look kinda familiar, like someone I killed a couple years back."
" You killed my brother, you ugly bitch." He insulted her before Jiro fired a shot at him, the bullet took off some of Akria's lobe.
Mishka looked down to me shaking her head." I remember sawing off one of your arms and then moving onto your leg, but I can tell you have some cybernetics, I could tell when you kicked the door into pieces. I'm gonna guess you have borg limbs wrapped in synthetic flesh because most people like to flaunt their robot parts."
She put more weight on my arm." So you assembled a group with a wannabe two bit gangster with a dead brother, a junkie punching bag who can't focus on anything for more than two seconds, a serial killer, and a soldier suffering from shell shock. You're all just a group of dead failures."