Avatar of Spriggs27
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  • Old Guild Username: Spriggs27
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    1. Spriggs27 11 yrs ago
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Gaz and Rika got me a bottle of water to help cool down, and once the 3 of us were back in her hospital room, Gaz made sure the nurse wasn't around and closed the door before he leaned on the wall asking Rika." So, Rika. You know who did this to you right? You can remember the person right?" He asked her. The mummy nodded before hitting a button on their tape recorder saying." No, my name is." She quickly hit the stop button, rewind button before hitting play once more." Yes." Gaz crossed his arms and looked towards the window before looking back to the mummy." Alright, Me and Ash are members of a... A real estate firm that makes bank surveying buildings, and our "firm" could use someone such as yourself, would you be willing to join us?"

The mummy thumbed the play button to her recorder saying."What?"

Gaz sighed before closing in on her, and putting his hands on the skinny mummy's shoulders." I know you want revenge for what Mishka's done, I have a badass team, including Ash and myself, and like you Mishka has fucked me up as well." He told her.

Rika put one of her bandaged hands onto Gaz's shoulder before hitting a button on her recorder." Please raise arms and assume the position." She played the wrong line before hitting the buttons and playing something else." Thinking, time needed." They told him before hitting fast forwards." Sleeping is a vital part of health, driving while tired is not recommended."

The white haired human cocked his head to the side before getting what the recorder spouted." Ah, I get it, I'll be back." Gaz turned to me as I took a long drink from my water bottle, he tipped the bottom of it up higher and made me spill the water all over my breast and top, I wiped the water off my breast before slapping Gaz for messing with me, his only reaction was a smile. As we left the hospital and headed to Gaz's bike in the parking garage, I heard someone's footsteps behind us, I stopped to look behind us to see nobody, I grabbed Gaz's shoulder and stopped him." We're being followed?" I told him while still looking behind us.

" Shit, you think it's one of Mishka's people?" He asked.

" I don't know." I told him, I let him go before calling out to them." Whoever you are, I know you're there. Show yourself." My antennae twitched as a woman in a black coat walked from behind a pillar. The woman had long black hair that framed her pale face well, she looked somewhat closer to a slender curvy super model, with bright red eyes, she wore long dark heeled boots that came up to her thighs and sticking up from over her shoulder was the handle of a sword.

She walked out to the middle section of the overhead parking lot before bowing politely." I am Rin Amon apprentice assassin, of the Amon clan, I am here to collect the bounty that is on Mr. Gaz's head." The assassin then stood up straight before taking her sword off her back and holding it in front of her." I would be grateful if you would please stand out of my way miss Myr."

Gaz turned around slowly to see the assassin and blurted out." The Amon clan is real?!" Before the apprentice assassin could attack us, a large black hover van drove down from one of the higher levels and stopped on the other side of us, the doors to the Van slid open and a masked man held up one of his hands with a gun in the other yelling." Stop right there, he's ours assassin! We were here first!"

I sighed, but the moment I wanted to say it, Gaz said it for the both of us."Ah fuck!"

It was almost lighting fast, the female assassin threw her sword on her back before removing a bright silver looking pistol from her coat, the hit squad began to open fire on the assassin with laser rifles and plasma rifles. The two of us hit the deck before a stray bullet hit either of us, and we began crawling towards the bike, but midway into it, I looked over to the Assassin to see her dodge and move around the lasers as if she was dancing around them and the plasma, she flipped towards the hit squad and spun in midair firing her pistol at them hitting their bulletproof before shooting them in the head one by one before she even touched the ground.

I stared wide eyed as the two survivors chose to throw away their guns and run away instead of facing her in single combat on their own. Suddenly I heard the roar of Gaz's motorcycle and threw myself into the sidecar, Gaz hit the throttle and we drove off up the parking complex instead of out, as we took off the assassin held her gloved hand out yelling." Wait!" as if we were supposed to stay and die.

When I noticed that we were heading up, I started asking Gaz where the hell we could possibly be going." Don't know, up?" He told me urgently before we hit the roof of the complex, he looked around as if there was another place to go, before seeing a small hover car parked at one of the corners. He throttled the bike towards the small hover car, and I nearly had the idea to throw myself out of the sidecar, but Gaz ramped the bike off the front of the tiny car and launched us off the side of the complex and into the street with us nearly landing on a moving hover car.

" See?! Nothing to worry about, I know what I'm doing. I at least feel as if I know what I'm doing." He muttered the last part.

" So much for keeping a low profile. Who the hell was that chick in the parking lot?"

Gaz Shrugged, then made a sharp right turn," Hell if I know, some assassin from the Amon assassins."

"Amon assassins?"

"Yeah, you know Japanese people who kill other people for money. The use the Darknet to get contracts and I guess I have a contract on my head." He said before driving us down an Alleyway. Suddenly rock music began playing as if it was one of those escape scenes from a movie, Gaz stopped the bike on the sidewalk and reached into his coat." Of all times I gotta get a phone call damn it."

He pulled out his Codex device and answered the call." Yeah, who is it?" He answered while looking around." Yeah, I kinda know that some people want me Dead Ven, thanks for telling me on your break you're very kind."

I noticed two black cars ride past us before turning around in front of traffic," Ah fuck!" Gaz started up the bike as he tossed me the device and began speeding down the street as the cars started chasing us, I put the Codex to one of my pointed ears before hearing Ven's concerned whispers." Ven it's me Ash, can you do anything about this?" I asked her.

"I could, but there's a problem." She whispered

" What is it?" I asked, getting pissed.

"Thing is I'm not at my apartment or at the hideout, I'm at work right now and would need my computer to do anything."

I groaned while Gaz drove us through someone's backyard and knocked over a grill." Your an Aoosar right? Your people are supposed to be smart, can't you just do it from your Codex? You went to college to do smart stuff right?"

Ven almost seemed to forget that she was at work before overreacting."Okay, one Ash that was kind racist and an insult to my intelligence, plus I majored in engineering to modify weapons, not computers." In the background the sound of a gruff man telling Ven her break was over and after hearing a growl she hung up.

"So we got good news? Bad news? Or in between news?" Gaz asked me as we drove around in what seemed like circles in a mall parking lot." In between news, Ven says she could do something, but we probably should get out of this parking lot."

" Alright then." Gaz began heading towards the Mall's doors and slipped into the mall past a couple humans leaving, sticking to us like glue the two hover cars slammed through the doors staying on our tail.

On the inside Yuji had an evil smirk on her face and it took all the muscles in her face to not reveal a devious smirk, she watched as not only the boy she offered the money to, but most of the others began taking some of the money as well, only one of them truly surprised her by not taking anything and looking as if she was upset over something else completely, but before the centaur knew it, what looked like a small goblin snagged some money before running off thanking Yuji, she moved so quickly that Yuji barely could tell if it truly was a goblin or a different creature of their world.

As things began to wind down a little and Yuji began thinking about how these new adventurers would be under her thumb and felt the hug that Xiang gave her, the centaur felt something in the distance, she could feel it's large thumps like the footsteps of a giant moving somewhat close to them with each thump judging between each thump her gut told her quickly what was coming. Soon everyone else noticed it as well and rushed outside to see what it was or to test their skills upon what the mystery creature was, Yuji didn't bother stopping the young warriors from rushing into the fray, but she was slowly walking behind them with her hooves clopping with each step as she went outside and confirmed what the large oversized creatures were.

Yuji placed a gauntlet covered hand over one of her blades as the new warriors sprang into action, she noticed Xiang's eagerness to want to join in, but like Yuji, she wanted to see what these new people were capable of, she could make these toads into frog meat easily, but the horse woman gave her money to these people and she didn't want to give her money to someone who could be useless or someone who'd just be lazy. Yuji watched as Anemone saved the smaller warrior Rita, and the two attempted to save each other back and forth only with Anemone just saving herself and throwing the little green creature to the beach, Yuji spied on the owl man as he was simply gobbled up by the oversized toad, she shook her head, holding back her urge to laugh before he began struggling and looking as if he was pushing himself further into the toad for some reason, instead of wanting to laugh the centaur began to show a little concern and feel as if the owl man had a death wish.

Further across the lake there was a camper fighting his own battle against two toads before losing an item and narrowly dodging a toad's tongue, Yuji put a hand on her chin thinking about getting into this fight. On one hand, she wanted to make sure her potential customers didn't die by toads and they could pay her back, but on the other hand, she wanted to make sure that these warriors weren't weaklings, money was one thing, but these guys looked as if they could be wiped out, she sighed the Centaur trotted up next to Xiang." I think we might need to jump in here, which toad you want to handle? The one with the Owl or the ones messing with the camper across the lake?" She asked Xiang feeling that she would be able to take down one or more toads.
Visiting Hours

The two of us stuck around till the police arrived, for a number of reasons, one of which was because the gooey orange Rahn store owner was afraid that the robbers would attempt to run off or continue robbing the place before the cops would arrive. As I polished off my, I looked down at the many bags of cookies that I've eaten, my fourteenth bag of cookies, it felt odd waiting for the same people that we shot at almost two weeks ago, once I finished off my last bag and dropped it onto the floor Gaz chimed in to mess with me,"Jesus why don't you just eat out the whole store while your at it Ash."

I rolled my inky black eyes, sighing at his comment as the paddy wagon showed up and gathered up the criminals in the store. As me and Gaz tried to walk away from the scene, one of the Lady cops, who was oddly enough a pig humanoid, stopped us." Hold up." She ordered us, doing his best to resist calling her bacon Gaz rubbed the back of his snowy white hair along with me." Yes, miss officer." He answered her.

The pig cop snorted before saying."We need to know what happened here, from what the Clerk told us, you two handled the situation and you pulled a gun boy. Do you have a license for that firearm?" She asked.

Gaz crossed his arms before simply telling her." We're planet rushers, just came back home from one of the newest planets out there, last one we came back from was a planet with worms that try to crawl into your ass." He bullshitted her while taking out an I.D. After she looked it over from back to front, she handed it back to him before looking to me." What about you?"

I patted my jeans realizing I had nothing in my pockets, nor did I have any real form of identification on me, seeing me hesitate Gaz threw his arm around my shoulder before saying." Sorry miss, my gal Ash just tossed some clothes on, doubt she really got her id on her, she didn't really expect to help take down a robbery with me today and be a hero." He then kept true to his bluff and gave me a kiss on the lips before looking back to the pig cop.

The swine grabbed the tip of her police cap and said an extended "Well." She turned from the two of us saying."I'd hate to ruin a nice couple and run you in M'am, but please carry your identification around with you in the future."

Once the cops were off and the Rahn began cleaning up her store, I was still frozen there surprised by the silver tongued devil and how far he went with that bluff, once he hopped back onto his bike, Gaz padded the sidecar's seat." Come on Ash, it's kind of a long ride to the hospital and that fucking robbery cut off a lot of time."

I hopped into the sidecar and like a bat out of hell, Gaz had us take off heading to the hospital, I tried to push back him kissing me to the back of my head as he sped through the streets and narrowly ran through yellow lights and just caught green lights, at one point he even drove up onto the sidewalk to get past a line of traffic, he whizzed by people on the street and a couple kids before we dropped back into the street and made it to the hospital's parking lot, Gaz drifted into a parking spot, leaving skid marks on the asphalt.

The whole ride here, the thought of who we might be visiting peaked my curiosity as he took the keys out his bike and started heading off into the hospital, I did my best to keep up with him, but all I could manage was getting to the doors before I began huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath. When I finally caught up to Gaz at the front desk, I caught the ending of the conversation between Gaz and the Leithian secratary,"Yes she's in room 101 Sir, and visiting hours aren't over yet, they end at 9pm. Take the elevator up one level and go down the end of the hall."

Thanking her looking back to me Gaz took it slowly as we walked to the elevator, once inside, he began speaking the second he hit the button." The person I know here, she's been through a lot really." The elevator trip was short and the doors opened quickly letting us out, as we continued down to the room he kept speaking." I had the chance to stop what happened to her and even could've saved her parents, but at the time I was a fucking selfish asshole." He stopped at the door and I nearly bumped into him as he reached for the door." But I let Mishka get her hands on them."

When Gaz mentioned that name my mind when back to when we first met, it wasn't a great moment of my life and I almost made the biggest mistake in my life, all because of that woman. My memory of Mishka was of a large dark amazon woman standing taller than both me and Gaz, with bright white hair in a ponytail, when I fought Mishka, it was like fighting a robot that showed no pain, remorse, or even signs of slowing down, she was a living horror movie monster that would always come back to hear her name just puts me on edge.

As Gaz opened the door, we both were greeted with the sight of a young woman covered in bandages from head to toe, she was laying in bed and quickly turned to us before getting up and wobbly walking towards us with her arms out. Her form and walking style reminded me of the old movie we all watched the other night, a horror movie about a human wrapped up in bandages and shuffle stepping toward their enemies, when the mummy closed the distance instead of biting Gaz and eating him, she instead grabbed him and did their best to hug him with their skinny arms.

Acting a bit different for once, Gaz picked up the mummy and put them back into bed, he turned to me and introduced me," Ash this here is Rika. Rika, this is Ash." He introduced her to me. Then, before anything else he clapped his hands together before saying." Now that you two ladies know each other, I'm going to. Go and take care of something."

Once Gaz disappeared, I stood over the bandaged girl and bluntly asked what happened to her, but I didn't get a response from her, but she put out one of her wrapped up hands and waved it around as if she was trying to act it out, then closed one of her hands into a fist and extended all of her fingers and understanding it, I asked out loud." An Explosion?" She shook her head and waved her hand back and forth and soon I started to understand." A fire, right?"

The mummy girl nodded, then she put her hand on her arm and rubbed it up and down and I understood." Mishka burned you." I thought out loud. Her tired purple eyes widened in alertness once she heard the name before nodding a second time." Damn, I knew Mishka was a monster, didn't know she would just do stuff like this." I sighed, before either one of us could make the situation more morbid Gaz popped back into the room with a wheelchair." Surprise Motherfuckers!" He yelled before noticing the somber mood." Damn I wasn't expecting to come back and see you guys looking all down."

He brought the chair next to Rika's bed saying." Alright Rika we're going on a little field trip, and let's make it quick because I beat the shit out some cripple dude to steal his chair." Without fighting Rika plopped down into the wheelchair before we began heading back to the elevator, he hit the lobby button, once the doors to the elevator opened we headed out to the hospital's outdoor courtyard and took the two of us to start of a long track.

"Okay Rika, I got a present for you, hell, maybe even two of them, but you have to work for them." He let go of the chair." You have to beat my muddy Ash in a foot race."

"Wait, what?" I asked him.

He ignored me." I know the odds may seem against you, waking up from a coma and all, but I'm gonna give you an edge to get back on your feet." He pulled out a medipen." This stuff is some old school drugs that will give you your motor skills back in a matter of moments, only down side or upside is that it will increase your libido and make your breast grow up a cup size." Gaz spun the medipen in his hand before asking." So you want to get the surprise? Or not?"

The moment she nodded, Gaz injected her with the medipen in a way that wouldn't get others staring at us, then he pointed to the end of the long track." Alright, Go!" He yelled out and I took off running. I wasn't running that fast, but I was moving, when I looked back to Rika and Gaz she was struggling to stand up and when she got out the wheelchair she fell on her face. Not wanting to feel like an asshole and being a cripple in a foot race, I stopped and took a breath, but the second I did Rika was getting off the ground with Gaz's help, she began taking her time, one step at a time to catch up, then she looked as if she took a deep breath and began moving faster and soon she was catching up to me on the track.

Before I knew it, the mummy was running once she got close enough to nearly pass by me, I went into a jog before sprinting trying to stay ahead of her and in mere seconds my lungs began feeling like they were in a vice, my stomach started twisting into knots, my muscles began to burn, and it felt like my veins were pumping battery acid. Then to add to all my problems at the moment the mummy girl passed right by me and reached the end just as I made it to the end of the track.

I held back my need to vomit before we walked back, sweat flowed down from my brow into my clothes and almost soaked them completely, I collapsed at Gaz's feet and nearly fell into the wheelchair before saying." I'm out of shape." In between huffs.

"You don't say?" Gaz stood over me answering, he took what looked like some type of bulky codex device from his hoodie, but it was covered in odd switches and buttons," What is that?" I managed to ask.

Gaz handed the device to Rika, before saying."It's an old school tape recorder, an ancient device used to record audio nearby."

"Correct." The device played a feminine voice after Rika hit it's play button.

The white haired human, turned away from Rika saying." I couldn't save your house in Silicon valley, nor could I save your parent's money, but I managed to save this from the fire Mishka set."
@Lucius Cypher@Spriggs27
So ah, my second character fine to roll with? Lug seems like he is in a bit of a pinch and Anemone is busy with her own frog XD

I believe Luci said he was okay with it and I'm okay with it too.
Zin Parallex


Somewhere in Zin's brains, she felt that this was kind of a bad idea, but it was a little too late for her to change her mind and go back on it. The guards pointed their spears at her, with one of the guards having shaky hands and unable to keep his pointy stick from moving around, Zin didn't put her hands up at the sight of their spears nor did she plan on doing so, when one of the guards who weren't quick to point a weapon at her asked her what business does she have with them, Zin balled her hands up at her sides before saying." I am the dragon belonging to Vesta herself! " She yelled at the guard." I haven't eaten in some time and demand to see my master and be fed. "

Then out of nowhere the smaller Celestia appeared along with one of her servants behind the dragon woman, and Vivi's first reaction was to ask who Zin was, the dragon woman spun around to Vivi fast enough to nearly slap someone with her tail as she pointed to herself." I took you for tiny Celestia Vivi, but I didn't think you were blind as well." She unknowingly insulted Vivi." I'm Zin Parallex and I've shed most of my mortal being to become what I am before you, the perfect being." As soon as she finished speaking her stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear.

Acting off of impulse, Zin jumped the Maid only to take one of her bags of groceries and shred the bag to pieces with her claws, like a beast she began eating the food that was in the single bag ripping into it with her absurdly sharp teeth and barely savoring the taste and swallowing whatever food it was that she ate, the dragon woman let out a belch and began picking between her teeth with a sharp claw." Where is Vesta Vivi? " She asked the younger Celestia." She didn't go with that stupid Orc did she? Or with those puny weakling humans that she brought here? Tell me!" The dragon woman grabbed Vivi by her arms and began to shake her back in forth attempting to get her to answer faster, even if it meant that she would get a spear to the back or one of her wings.
Don't worry guys I'm gonna help with the lack of cash problem.

As Xiang gave the new group of Adventurers a tour around the bunk house, Yuji was making her way back to it, knowing that there would be people there, most of them new arrivals to this city. Yuji didn't even need to be in the bunkhouse to know how Xiang was giving them a tour around the place, as she crested a hill, the sight of her home standing tall gave her a sense of happiness and made her crack a smile before she began trotting then broke out into galloping. While she charged down the hill and towards the front doors, Yuji's mind began to fill with the ideas of the heroes that would be there she didn't think of having mages or rogues in the bunk house she figured they'd be too good for the likes of the place, but the thought of many strong warriors came to the front of her head as she stopped hard enough for her hooves to dig into the dirt road.

Once she opened the front doors, Yuji was surprised by the people there, instead of only warriors, they had a mixed bag of different people with some looking like they were far from fighters. As her hooves met the wooden floors behind of the group, Yuji looked down to the small humans, and other creatures, some of which she didn't think exist, like the Owl man and bird woman. The centaur knew not to judge a person on their appearance it was something they couldn't control, but some people like one of the humans was a knight, like the centaur herself, some of the others were harder to read, but Yuji felt that a majority of them were good people at the end of the day.

Before she announced her presence, the centaur let Xiang continue her grand tour of the bunkhouse, even letting her call it the Yuji estate, something the centaur disliked and made her shake her head. Once the tour wrapped up and Xiang told them to ask her any questions, a person called her "Thicc." something the centaur never really heard before, then asked her if it's possible to stay by the bunk house but not use its beds. Since she was already here, Yuji stepped in to answer the boy." Well, we do have tents and camping supplies, but why would you want to sleep outside Chum?" She asked, with the idea of them having no money going over her head.

Then the idea hit her instantly, and she then noticed that most of the people here might be in a similar position, getting a clue Yuji reached around her back grabbing a large sack sitting on her back, she set it down on the table in front of Xiang." I can see you're new here pal, let me give you a hand." The centaur pulled out forty Eris from the bag and handed it to the young man, after giving him the money the centaur coughed into her fist before speaking out loud." If you have your adventurer card, please present it now!" She crossed her arms and waited for someone to show theirs, but when not a single person showed a card, Yuji grabbed and opened the sack." Everyone, please take the Eris you need in order to get your card."

The centaur knew that her kindness right now would be very expensive in the long run, but she wanted to help these people get on their feet. The money she was handing out was a reward for completing a hunt for an older man. While the hero in Yuji wanted to do this to help the up and coming heroes, the other side knew that she would have them in her pocket paying her money, if not that then have them wanting to give back and paying her more than the money she's giving." Please, take it, I would've if someone offered me the money for my card." She flashed them a motherly and caring smile.
I can see @DracoLunaris's little goblin being locked inside of a chest and thrown somewhere.
@Zelosse Your CS is good. Have Spriggs double check it for anything I'm

@Lugubrious excellente. He's good for me. But wait to see if Spriggs has anything to say about him.

I'm mostly free today so expect a opening post.

@Lugubrious Damn this Cs is extra fucking thicc. It looks okay.

@Zelosse Alright might as well look at this dumpster fire face first. Gimme like 2 days to review it and let everyone else be fine.

EDIT: The fishing hermit is okay, he can be a human pack mule and better not trail Fish into the bunkhouse.
@Lunarlors34 well I guess I'm wrong, I didn't mean to lie.
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