Avatar of Spriggs27
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I kinda felt that Rosha would just not speak unless spoken to. So more or less she'd probably just awkwardly stare at every, and if a conversation started with her, she'd probably play more of a listener, not much of a talker she's a quiet gal. She probably wouldn't bring up the Void unless asked about where she came from.
Heheheh. I guess! But the alchemist isn't a soldier at all. He hunts monsters, not medals. Line formation and shiny, over polished swords are bewildering behaviour to him.

Now rosha on the other hand ...THAT'S a soldier. -ess. ...soldieress.
or soldierette? I think. @InkIsDorian

More like a drone.
@Kalleth I don't think they were accepted.
Didn't know if I had to post it here too, so I'm gonna just do it.

"A sword? Only weaklings and unskilled wield a blade, I choose to use my hands as my weapon."


Rosha of the Void

Race / Age

Human / 22


Unlike others Rosha believes herself to be a tool and must follow the orders of those above her, whether the order is something simple as delivering a message to someone in a room across a hallway or kill someone that's across a nation, she doesn't hold her actions as a tool as her own, but as the person who commands her, she sees it as their actions being done through her whether she likes what she has to do or not.

Rosha has an earnest, quiet demeanor, but she also believes in bettering herself and always thinks there is room to improve upon something. She sees orders as the first thing that should be followed and done first, with secondary task being saved for when the primary orders are finished. Rosha on a personal level. Believes in an entity called the void and believes that she gets her strength from the entity through meditation, she also believes that no fight is worth getting into if the opponent doesn't look like they are worth it even if they are begging for a fight, but if they do attempt to attack, she is willing to defend herself but not fight back completely.


Rosha was formerly a member of a cult called the followers of the void, a wandering group of people who believed in an entity called the void that shaped everything to float within an endless expanse called such and those who die believing in him would ascend to a different plain outside of it, and death was only a way to be removed from the void. Rosha, from birth, was ordered to be the group's protector along side a number of others, she along side them were told by their leader to not take the lives of others even if they were to kill one of them or anyone in the cult.

During a long trek through a forest, the cult was ambushed by a group of thieves, and during the fighting Rosha's mother was cut by one of the thieves and acting upon pure impulse, Rosha lost her temper and tackled them to the ground, then beat the thief into a bloody stain, for what seemed like hours she punched the thief for hurting her mother and eventually killed them in the heat of the moment. When she finally came to, the others in the group cast her out, with their leader claiming that she's a brute and a murder for what she had done, with the others listening to the leader they left her without batting an eye.

For two years Rosha wandered the lands, she felt as if she had no purpose in life anymore, that it wasn't worth it to keep going on, as she wandered into a small town, someone asked what was depressing her, once she explained her situation the man suggested that she join Virtuous Company and explained it would give her a purpose once more. After considering the idea, Rosha joined the company, with the lingering thought of being without purpose in her mind, she followed every order given to her, but always mentioned that she'd rather fight using her fist instead of weapons believing them to be more effective.

Physical Talents

When she joined the Virtuous company, Rosha not only came up with new moves for her hand to hand fighting, but developed new styles to deal with different types of enemies.

Fist of the Void- Rosha's first style, it's a simple yet powerful style, relying on simple brawling, the style uses somewhat flashy, slow, and very amateur looking wrestling moves, but what makes up for the moves her powerful punches and kicks. It's mostly a style to put herself on a same level with simple fighters and to lull more advanced fighters into a false sense of security.

Destroyer- Rosha's second style, Like in the name the style is meant to do as much damage as possible to her opponent or opponents, the style focuses on Rosha using her brute strength to attack and throwing all of her body weight behind all of her attacks while taking blows while fortify her balance, but the downside to the style is her slow movement and attacks.

Bolt- Rosha's third style, unlike the other two the style is very unrefined, it focuses on using mostly speed and dodging attacks instead of guarding against them or outright taking the blows, the style also uses fast punches such as jabs, hooks, and uppercuts. It's a style that makes Rosha easier to take down due to her not expecting to be hit or harmed while utilizing the style.

Magical Talents



Steel bracers to help in blocking swords


Rosha stands at the height of five-foot-seven with long, straight, black hair stretching from the top of her head down the length of her spine, with her bangs just covering her eyebrows. Rosha has a dark, and nearly caramel colored skin tone, with even darker plump lips. Her eyes are a bright gray color, lighting up the rest of her face, she has a small rounded nose and a smooth rounded chin. Rosha's form is a mix of curvy but also muscular, with her midriff being sculpted six pack, but with flared hips and smooth less muscular thighs. Her arms on the other hand have visible muscles, that when flexed grow two times their original size.

Despite the location or do to not caring too much about clothes, Rosha wears a black, sleeveless Gi made from a dense silk like material, wrapped around her wrist, palm, fingers, and forearms are several bandages and steel bracers, on her feet she wears a pair of dark boots.


-Dying without a reason

-Losing a master

-Have nothing to serve

That's not what I meant. Lol. You're welcome to sign up! (If the host thinks there's still space.) Definitely. Welcome! :). I was kinda just shocked at how unbelievably OP your character seemed, that's all.

<Snipped quote by Bishop>


Yeah, his character does seem oped. I got a character I'm about to post up that's meant to be a fighter and bishops' just seems overpowered in some aspects.

Oh, and my character will be kind of a tank.
@71452K Seems like we got a team of squishes.
I show interest within this, prepare the OOC's body daddy has come.
Ghost hunting

I had us drift around in space for a bit as I access the Darknet to get more info on the person I needed to find, it took me hours before I began getting anywhere, Noi began playing around on the ship cutting the gravity on and off and floating around the low gravity before turning it on and having a number of things just hit the floor. I ignored her before I found the planet we were heading off to." Noi, get your furry butt up here and stop playing with the gravity." The purple cat girl rushed into the cockpit and jumped into the co-pilot's seat before spinning around in the seat." Oh where are we going?" She asked while trying to spin herself around faster in the chair.

" Easy, the Sol system, we're going to Earth, L.A to be more specific." I told her.

" Cool, we're going to the blue planet!" I stopped her from spinning anymore in the chair.

Turning off the ship's internet computer, I cut off several ships before going straight for the warp gate out of the system and to Earth, before I could think about how the planet would be, Noi blurted out my thoughts asking me the same thing I was thinking." Gaz how is Earth?" She asked.

" If I'm right, it should be like Koth is, has different seasons, cities, towns, humans and probably even aliens as well. The planet is the origin planet to all human kind, but I've never been to Earth myself and people who are fancy like to call it Terra."

I noticed Noi cock a purple eyebrow at me and look at me curiously, for once she looked as if she was using her head." Wait." The gears in her head were starting to turn." If you have never been to Earth that means you're an alien Gaz, you're not a human, you lied to me." And they didn't turn far enough.

" No, I'm Human Noi, just not from Earth, so I'm not an Earthling, I'm from a planet like New Texas out on the fringes, I'm from New Finland, it's probably gone by now, though, it's a human colony so I am a human, just not from Earth." I explained to her the best I could." Like how you are a modded Kaithrit, but you aren't from their homeworld Rosha."

She started to get it slowly nodding as the Earth came into view."Whatever happened to your home world?" She asked.

" That's a story for another day Noi, the planet's right there." I quickly hit the exit door to the conversation. Now that we found the planet, I needed to find where the place was, the blue planet looked more like a planet that was green, blue, white and brown, not too much blue more of a blend of other colors with blue being the base of everything. I pulled up a hologram of the planet and searched for the state? Or country that we were looking for as Noi sat in the co-pilot's thinking up a badass game plan for when we land and meet the person I'm looking for, quickly glanced in her direction and noticed her groping her own tiny breast as she was coming up with the plan and blankly staring at the planet as we closed in on it.

Once we were planet side and in the air, the planet looked a little bit greener, but that probably was just from the area we were in, the second I found us an uncertified area to land, just a patch of empty land, I debated getting Noi a leash so she wouldn't run around and get lost or hop on people randomly, I shrugged before dragging her along with me outside the ship and locking it up.

The second we began our search and saw a couple people, I slowly began regretting coming here. Some of the first people we encountered was a human couple with their child sitting in a park, they were giving their toddler mods to change up their appearance and very being, part of me felt it was kind of messed up for parents to do that to their kid, but I felt it wasn't enough of my problem for me to do something about it.

Me and Noi moved on from the park and eventually stumbled upon a dog park, where people were leashing up Ven's people and walking them around as if they were animals, also they were having normal Earth dogs play around with other normal dogs and somewhat avoiding the Ausars. As we watched the dogs, one of them a massive husky breed caught my eye as it sniffed an Ausar woman's butt before it's owner yelled something in Russian."Pyatka!"

The dog leaped back from the canine woman before running to its owner. It was the woman that helped us at the jewelry store, she was wearing a thin hoodie with the hood up on her head and some small shorts, Noi followed me as I walked through the growing crowd of Ausar and pups playing with each other, once the dog owner spotted me and Noi, I could tell by the way she looked at us that she knew who we were.

" Hey, I need your help with something important, and only you and your people can help me." I told her

The pale petite woman looked back and forth at the people around us subtly without drawing attention to either one of us." Listen bank robber, I'm not a thief like you, I don't rob banks and fight waves of cops. If you need my people's help then you use the Darknet to make a contract or get in touch with the academy." She spoke in a whispered tone.

I crossed my arms and watched Noi cuddle up against the woman's large husky, rubbing her face into it's groomed fur." Well, I was just asking where I could get my pet cat there euthanized, but I guess you just look too busy."

She glared at me with big blue eyes." That's a really messed up thing to say."

" No, what's messed up is what happened back on Koth." I told her." We all were nearly "euthanized" and I need help to prevent something like that from happening again."

She put a hand on her forehead before saying." Let's take this conversation somewhere more private?" She groaned." I'd rather not have this conversation get attention."

I grabbed Noi by the back of her cat collar and pulled her to her feet as we left the park, the woman took us up the side of hill before taking us to her home, it looked somewhat like a small mansion with a couple houses nearby. The second we got inside I looked around before she went into the kitchen and poured a dog bowl filled with dog food, not surprising me, Noi rushed over along with the husky to eat some of its food and try to push the dog away from his own meal, but the dog growled before nudging her away and started eating." Noi bad cat, leave the dog alone." I told her like a pet owner berating their pet for doing something bad.

The woman set down a bowl of water before pulling a pistol out on me and I instantly raised my hands." Alright, now I know how this may actually seem, but I want you to know this is how most people like me, and others I know speak. So now, I'm going to ask questions and you're going to answer them and once I get answers I like then I'll put the gun away."

" First question, how did you find me?" She asked.

" Easy Darknet, if you ask the right people they can find anything, no matter how stupid it is or dangerous." I told her.

" Second one, why did you find me?"

" Like I said before, I don't want us to have another situation with Mishka like that. I need to be tougher, stronger, I need training and from what I know, the academy is the best without me having to join a military outfit or become some wannabe merc. I need to be better to take her down."

She stared at me for a minute before lowering the weapon, she sighed looking me, I hoped she didn't think I was trying to lie to her, she walked up next to me saying." I'm not a teacher." Before walking behind me." But I can help you." She told me before hitting me in the back of the head and I dropped to the floor, I struggled to stay awake before my eye lids grew heavy and soon darkness overtook me.
@Noodles it's been 4 weeks actually just trying to help out.
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