Even though she spent countless nights away from the group, Rosha still found herself not being able to sleep the same way she use to, the feeling of regret was still housing it's self within her very being making the pugilist's night restless, sometime within the night she found herself meditating. Even though she was forced away from the others who believed in Void, she still meditated to the unseen entity, maybe out of habit or something more personal. Once her meditation was finished, she found the sun had not yet rose into the sky, years of travelling prepared her for rising early and finding the energy to walk even when tired.
Memorizing the letter and her orders burned inside of her mind, she knew where to go, a ship not too far from the inn she was told to stay at. Once she had found the ship, the sun finally showed it's self in the sky and illuminated the large boat she had to board, Rosha stared at the water as the sunlight brightly shined off it and had a bit of an uneasy feeling in her stomach, she wasn't sure if it was from seasickness or something different. She held her gut with her wrapped up fingers before silently looking over to others boarding the boat and the sailor that constantly roamed around the wooden vessel.
It wasn't long before the others that Rosha were told about to arrive, one of the few reminded her of a small stuffed toy she once had as a child, but with less talking as it did, it was a small furry creature that knew how to speak as normal humans, he then began laughing and rolling around the deck as he laughed before abruptly stopping awkwardly and staring at the water. From the shade of her corner, Rosha spotted another person who claimed pirates were coming, hearing about the incoming threat, Rosha got to her feet quickly, ready for a group of pirates as the man stated only to find that he was lying, Rosha held back having any anger." You shouldn't do things like that. " She told him.
Then suddenly a heavy musk hit Rosha's nose, it was an Orc, the smell of some kind of heavy drink was on their breath as they spoke, it wasn't really too surprising to her that they had a couple smells coming off them that were heavy, it wasn't exactly a bad musk, but it was very heavy. As the group began growing, Rosha found a secluded spot on the ship where the sailors weren't too active at and shaded to stay cool, she sat on the deck with her legs crossed in the meditation position, but she just looked around silently at the others, she began thinking if the group was going to be like this, then they might be annoying.
Standing at the stature of five-foot six and hating his height, Gaz has lightly tanned skin and shaggy, unkempt white hair due to lack of proper care, he has deep green eyes that pick up on both allies, hot alien women, and people looking to shoot him, he has a nose with a narrow bridge and a squared chin that shows off his masculinity. Along a couple spots on his body, Gaz has a couple gunshot and stab scars from unlucky encounters, his body borders upon drawing muscles, but sadly lack of constant exercise, besides running for his life, keeps him bordering it.
Unlike most people in their day in age, Gaz doesn't bother wearing power armor, or armor that looks like it was built on an ancient alien planet. Gaz wears a simple set of urban clothes, a black leather jacket with a thin hoodie just in case it rains, with a tough pair of loose jeans, on his feet are a stolen pair of sneakers best used for both sneaking around and running from death, hanging from his belt are two holsters for his pistols.
Pilot and Smuggler
To many others, it would be easier to describe Gaz with a couple of words, egotistical, stubborn, stupid, asshole, loquacious, Annoying, loud, rude, foul mouthed, thief, liar, but also useful and skilled. While at first Gaz may not seem like he cares for others, he surprisingly strives to have himself look flashy or cool either by doing impressive feats that most others couldn't do or by mouthing off about how he could do what someone else did, but in a cooler fashion. Unlike others Gaz has incredibly small patience for hearing things that seem overly boring or waiting for something that takes too long and he'll usually get very angry and frustrated, then insults others or objects for taking so long or try to speed things up to the best of his abilities.
Two of the few things Gaz takes completely seriously, next to his own life, are what he calls gunslinging and also his piloting. When it comes down to his piloting Gaz claims he's one of the best pilots in the galaxy, with him saying his secret is "It's all in the reflexes" he also isn't against showing off by pulling off tight maneuvers and tricks with ships. What Gaz calls gunslinging is pretty much just him firing from the hip and hoping that his bullets hit the mark he sets up, or firing his handgun from an odd stance that many would never do or would do in extreme situations, while he's sub par at it he claims that he's the best at it and practices it in his free time.
While overconfident and somewhat rash, if he knows the odds are against him, Gaz wouldn't hesitate to become cowardly and flee from the situation, even if it meant the loss of someone's life, but he wouldn't just up and leave his friends high and dry without trying to convince them to do the same. Despite also seeming somewhat stupid, Gaz has a good amount of knowledge of the most commonly known aliens and a few obscure ones, but it's mostly knowledge that people already know or small, trivial things, but he actively learns more about aliens when he has nothing else to do.
"It's a long story, probably boring, pull up a seat."
"I was born on a shitty moon named like Uveto seven or eight, it was a frozen ice ball with lightning storms that constantly cut off the power and fuck you over at night to freeze you to death. But I'm getting off track, I was born by a mommy and daddy doing a special hug, and since one or both of them didn't give enough of a crap to leave the fucking ice ball planet, I spent most of childhood there freezing my ass off as ships would come and go once in a while heading off into space. Being an impressionable child, I decided to one day say, screw it, I'm gonna hop onto a ship when the adults aren't looking, don't ask why I did it, I was a stupid kid we all did stupid things as kids."
" But let's get back into the story, I decided to hop onto a ship and the thing took off with me on it when the owners came back, due to some weird malfunction or because people are lazy for some reason once we left the system and left my home planet we couldn't get back and I was adopted by the ship's captain probably because I was a crying and covering the floor with snot and tears. So what had happened next was, uh, I ended up being apart of a smuggler team and while I was a kid, I smuggled stuff around through my clothes and when I became an edgy teen I ended up getting in some fights once in a while and ended up in space jail once a while due to being drunk and getting into fights. I did learn how to fly their ship, a junk heap they kept in shape for who knows how many years."
" Where it all comes together though, is when I learned my one handed talent. I found these old ass comics that had nothing but cowboys and being like 18, I was like, I wanna do that, and practiced it, around the time, most of the smugglers I was with began getting shot and arrested and sent to prison and since I was without a crew I went on my own for like two years. I also found a nice hot alien lady, told her I'd give up the smuggler's life for her, then she left me like a couple months right after I told her that. So here I was back where I started, crying on the floor and getting snot all over the place again, but this time I drifted around when the crying was done, I drifted around planets and soon found myself piloting a crew of douche bags to some weird ass uncharted planet for an insane amount of credits and when we got there, out of nowhere the ship's going down and I'm all like "Last guy to the escape pods is a dead guy." And next thing I know, I'm on an uncharted planet shooting aliens in the face, not one has asked to eat me politely. Then again, I am a Liar."
2 Hammer pistol customs, both with a double stacked magazine to hold more ammunition, and better hand grips to have better control over the pistols
Standing at the stature of five-foot six and hating his height, Gaz has lightly tanned skin and shaggy, unkempt white hair due to lack of proper care, he has deep green eyes that pick up on both allies, hot alien women, and people looking to shoot him, he has a nose with a narrow bridge and a squared chin that shows off his masculinity. Along a couple spots on his body, Gaz has a couple gunshot and stab scars from unlucky encounters, his body borders upon drawing muscles, but sadly lack of constant exercise, besides running for his life, keeps him bordering it.
Unlike most people in their day in age, Gaz doesn't bother wearing power armor, or armor that looks like it was built on an ancient alien planet. Gaz wears a simple set of urban clothes, a black leather jacket with a thin hoodie just in case it rains, with a tough pair of loose jeans, on his feet are a stolen pair of sneakers best used for both sneaking around and running from death, hanging from his belt are two holsters for his pistols.
Pilot and Smuggler
To many others, it would be easier to describe Gaz with a couple of words, egotistical, stubborn, stupid, asshole, loquacious, Annoying, loud, rude, foul mouthed, thief, liar, but also useful and skilled. While at first Gaz may not seem like he cares for others, he surprisingly strives to have himself look flashy or cool either by doing impressive feats that most others couldn't do or by mouthing off about how he could do what someone else did, but in a cooler fashion. Unlike others Gaz has incredibly small patience for hearing things that seem overly boring or waiting for something that takes too long and he'll usually get very angry and frustrated, then insults others or objects for taking so long or try to speed things up to the best of his abilities.
Two of the few things Gaz takes completely seriously, next to his own life, are what he calls gunslinging and also his piloting. When it comes down to his piloting Gaz claims he's one of the best pilots in the galaxy, with him saying his secret is "It's all in the reflexes" he also isn't against showing off by pulling off tight maneuvers and tricks with ships. What Gaz calls gunslinging is pretty much just him firing from the hip and hoping that his bullets hit the mark he sets up, or firing his handgun from an odd stance that many would never do or would do in extreme situations, while he's sub par at it he claims that he's the best at it and practices it in his free time.
While overconfident and somewhat rash, if he knows the odds are against him, Gaz wouldn't hesitate to become cowardly and flee from the situation, even if it meant the loss of someone's life, but he wouldn't just up and leave his friends high and dry without trying to convince them to do the same. Despite also seeming somewhat stupid, Gaz has a good amount of knowledge of the most commonly known aliens and a few obscure ones, but it's mostly knowledge that people already know or small, trivial things, but he actively learns more about aliens when he has nothing else to do.
"It's a long story, probably boring, pull up a seat."
"I was born on a shitty moon named like Uveto seven or eight, it was a frozen ice ball with lightning storms that constantly cut off the power and fuck you over at night to freeze you to death. But I'm getting off track, I was born by a mommy and daddy doing a special hug, and since one or both of them didn't give enough of a crap to leave the fucking ice ball planet, I spent most of childhood there freezing my ass off as ships would come and go once in a while heading off into space. Being an impressionable child, I decided to one day say, screw it, I'm gonna hop onto a ship when the adults aren't looking, don't ask why I did it, I was a stupid kid we all did stupid things as kids."
" But let's get back into the story, I decided to hop onto a ship and the thing took off with me on it when the owners came back, due to some weird malfunction or because people are lazy for some reason once we left the system and left my home planet we couldn't get back and I was adopted by the ship's captain probably because I was a crying and covering the floor with snot and tears. So what had happened next was, uh, I ended up being apart of a smuggler team and while I was a kid, I smuggled stuff around through my clothes and when I became an edgy teen I ended up getting in some fights once in a while and ended up in space jail once a while due to being drunk and getting into fights. I did learn how to fly their ship, a junk heap they kept in shape for who knows how many years."
" Where it all comes together though, is when I learned my one handed talent. I found these old ass comics that had nothing but cowboys and being like 18, I was like, I wanna do that, and practiced it, around the time, most of the smugglers I was with began getting shot and arrested and sent to prison and since I was without a crew I went on my own for like two years. I also found a nice hot alien lady, told her I'd give up the smuggler's life for her, then she left me like a couple months right after I told her that. So here I was back where I started, crying on the floor and getting snot all over the place again, but this time I drifted around when the crying was done, I drifted around planets and soon found myself piloting a crew of douche bags to some weird ass uncharted planet for an insane amount of credits and when we got there, out of nowhere the ship's going down and I'm all like "Last guy to the escape pods is a dead guy." And next thing I know, I'm on an uncharted planet shooting aliens in the face, not one has asked to eat me politely. Then again, I am a Liar."
2 Hammer pistol customs, both with a double stacked magazine to hold more ammunition, and better hand grips to have better control over the pistols
Standing at the stature of five-foot six and hating his height, Gaz has lightly tanned skin and shaggy, unkempt white hair due to lack of proper care, he has deep green eyes that pick up on both allies, hot alien women, and people looking to shoot him, he has a nose with a narrow bridge and a squared chin that shows off his masculinity. Along a couple spots on his body, Gaz has a couple gunshot and stab scars from unlucky encounters, his body borders upon drawing muscles, but sadly lack of constant exercise, besides running for his life, keeps him bordering it.
Unlike most people in their day in age, Gaz doesn't bother wearing power armor, or armor that looks like it was built on an ancient alien planet. Gaz wears a simple set of urban clothes, a black leather jacket with a thin hoodie just in case it rains, with a tough pair of loose jeans, on his feet are a stolen pair of sneakers best used for both sneaking around and running from death, hanging from his belt are two holsters for his pistols.
Pilot and Smuggler
To many others, it would be easier to describe Gaz with a couple of words, egotistical, stubborn, stupid, asshole, loquacious, Annoying, loud, rude, foul mouthed, thief, liar, but also useful and skilled. While at first Gaz may not seem like he cares for others, he surprisingly strives to have himself look flashy or cool either by doing impressive feats that most others couldn't do or by mouthing off about how he could do what someone else did, but in a cooler fashion. Unlike others Gaz has incredibly small patience for hearing things that seem overly boring or waiting for something that takes too long and he'll usually get very angry and frustrated, then insults others or objects for taking so long or try to speed things up to the best of his abilities.
Two of the few things Gaz takes completely seriously, next to his own life, are what he calls gunslinging and also his piloting. When it comes down to his piloting Gaz claims he's one of the best pilots in the galaxy, with him saying his secret is "It's all in the reflexes" he also isn't against showing off by pulling off tight maneuvers and tricks with ships. What Gaz calls gunslinging is pretty much just him firing from the hip and hoping that his bullets hit the mark he sets up, or firing his handgun from an odd stance that many would never do or would do in extreme situations, while he's sub par at it he claims that he's the best at it and practices it in his free time.
While overconfident and somewhat rash, if he knows the odds are against him, Gaz wouldn't hesitate to become cowardly and flee from the situation, even if it meant the loss of someone's life, but he wouldn't just up and leave his friends high and dry without trying to convince them to do the same. Despite also seeming somewhat stupid, Gaz has a good amount of knowledge of the most commonly known aliens and a few obscure ones, but it's mostly knowledge that people already know or small, trivial things, but he actively learns more about aliens when he has nothing else to do.
"It's a long story, probably boring, pull up a seat."
"I was born on a shitty moon named like Uveto seven or eight, it was a frozen ice ball with lightning storms that constantly cut off the power and fuck you over at night to freeze you to death. But I'm getting off track, I was born by a mommy and daddy doing a special hug, and since one or both of them didn't give enough of a crap to leave the fucking ice ball planet, I spent most of childhood there freezing my ass off as ships would come and go once in a while heading off into space. Being an impressionable child, I decided to one day say, screw it, I'm gonna hop onto a ship when the adults aren't looking, don't ask why I did it, I was a stupid kid we all did stupid things as kids."
" But let's get back into the story, I decided to hop onto a ship and the thing took off with me on it when the owners came back, due to some weird malfunction or because people are lazy for some reason once we left the system and left my home planet we couldn't get back and I was adopted by the ship's captain probably because I was a crying and covering the floor with snot and tears. So what had happened next was, uh, I ended up being apart of a smuggler team and while I was a kid, I smuggled stuff around through my clothes and when I became an edgy teen I ended up getting in some fights once in a while and ended up in space jail once a while due to being drunk and getting into fights. I did learn how to fly their ship, a junk heap they kept in shape for who knows how many years."
" Where it all comes together though, is when I learned my one handed talent. I found these old ass comics that had nothing but cowboys and being like 18, I was like, I wanna do that, and practiced it, around the time, most of the smugglers I was with began getting shot and arrested and sent to prison and since I was without a crew I went on my own for like two years. I also found a nice hot alien lady, told her I'd give up the smuggler's life for her, then she left me like a couple months right after I told her that. So here I was back where I started, crying on the floor and getting snot all over the place again, but this time I drifted around when the crying was done, I drifted around planets and soon found myself piloting a crew of douche bags to some weird ass uncharted planet for an insane amount of credits and when we got there, out of nowhere the ship's going down and I'm all like "Last guy to the escape pods is a dead guy." And next thing I know, I'm on an uncharted planet shooting aliens in the face, not one has asked to eat me politely. Then again, I am a Liar."
2 Hammer pistol customs, both with a double stacked magazine to hold more ammunition, and better hand grips to have better control over the pistols
Rosha meditates outside in the hallway, taking up not too much space."Everyone here is kind of annoying" She thinks to herself as she starts to meditate.