Avatar of Spriggs27
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Spriggs27
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6160 (1.51 / day)
  • VMs: 7
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    1. Spriggs27 11 yrs ago
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No demons or Angels or godlike entities or un-killable immortals, besides that go crazy



Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
Any? If not then say none)

Gang information if you are making a gang: Stuff such as the gang name for one, what they do, and what area they have please ask me in the ooc for areas

Just the stuff you mainly have on your person.

Random stuff your character likes

Belwyn City of Gangs

Welcome to Belwyn City, a little man made island city smack dab in the middle of international waters, it was created when an influx of creatures from different races came into the human realm at an alarming rate, after dealing with the heavy amount of new beings coming into their world the humans constructed Belwyn island city just for the creatures coming in and most new monsters or beings are usually sent straight to the city without hesitation. Due to the massive amount of different races of creatures brought in and dumped into the city, the city goes by many names besides just Belwyn, some call it the city of dreams, others the city of angels almost like L.A. The city while it may look great and nice from the air or from pictures, is ripe with racism and hatred stemmed from the creature's old world, many people like dark Elves and Orcs are nearly always considered to be thieves and brutes by other creatures, but there are diamonds in the rough that believe in fighting for equality and trying to bring people together.

Despite the fact that the place seems littered with Monster people from another world, the technology they have is equal to modern day technology, toy drones, machine guns, solar panels, hand grenades, and electric cars are as common as they would be in most other places. Even though they piled all the creatures onto one Island, there are some humans that live in Belwyn city for their own reasons and deal with almost the same amount of racism as much as the next group of Elves, Orcs, or dwarves. One of the other things the city is ripe with is also gangs made by the creatures, most gangs are pretty much comprised of the same race, like Orcs stick with each other, and Dwarves stay with each other, but there are rare occurrences where humans would be accepted by Elves or Dark Elves would be accepted by normal Elves.

Mostly there are four major gangs that control Belwyn, The Steel Lance Elves, The Chopper Orcs, The Silver Axe Dwarves, And the hidden Vulkar Humans, they are the major gangs with organized crime all over the city, with the Dwarves selling firearms, Elves extorting businesses, The Vulkars stealing from them all and selling drugs, and the Orcs disrupting most of others as a wild card. After the bigger gangs, there are the littler gangs in the slums, most with almost no name and comprised of small groups attempting to make it big in the city and be up there in the organized crime ring wit the main four.Lastly there are the vigilantes that prowl the streets, and the ruthless police force comprised of many different creatures including humans that brutally capture. Now that you've been warned welcome to Belwyn again.

No more Orc memebers please


1. Please take fighting to the pms not here in the OOC

2. No godmodding or Metagamming please

3. Be respectful to me and my CO-GmM

4. Submit character sheets in the OOC before the character's section

5. Please try not to post less than a paragraph too often, I can understand if you got nothing to work with

6. Please, Please, Please, no Demons or Angels or un-killable 1000 year old immortals.

7. Have fun ask questions and I'll try to answer them or my CO-Gm


Any pics are available, if Description then please put at the bottom




No demons or Angels or godlike entities or unkillable immortals, besides that go crazy



Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:
Any? If not then say none

Just the stuff you mainly have on your person.

Nothing oped or anything that would ruin the game for others.

Random stuff your character likes
I'll get working on an ooc
So I came up with the idea of making an rp based around our modern day with fantasy creatures, but with most of the creatures falling into gangs and going against each other. The Rp can be based around one single gang or multiple gangs planing against each other to get the upper hand on each other. Mostly it will be just Gangs, fighting or making alliances with each other.

Sperg, Trashtalking, Tumblrina
Criminal among killers

I don't know how long I was out, could of been days, or just a mere amount of hours. The second my eyes slowly opened I was in a different area, it looked a little like the hideout, but the floor was stone cold concrete instead of wooden planks, as I rose off the ground slowly, a female's voice behind me yelled out." Freeze!" I stood still going full statue mode. Behind me were heavy footsteps, almost the same as Mishka's boot steps, but the voice that yelled for me to freeze was too feminine to be hers and too feminine for the woman that knocked me out.

" Now turn around." She told me. I turned around standing as if I spun around a million times and took a step to balance myself and was greeted by the sight of a giant. She was a bright caramel colored giant, with breast were bigger than my head and hers, on her face were a small pair of glasses, She wore what looked like simple black jeans, and a bright yellow sweater, her stomach was gravid and massive in size, she looked as if she ate a couple people before telling me to stay still. Then out of nowhere she gasped and held her massive belly." If only they wouldn't kick so much." She looked down at her gut rubbing it before her eyes locked onto me.

I took a moment to collect myself before I asked her where we were, she held out her arms before annoucing." We're in the backdrop!"

" Backdrop?" I parroted." Backdrop of what?"

Before the giant could answer, a door at opened by my side and I instantly turned towards it." It's the backdrop of an ancient fun house." The new guy said to me. He wore a dark trench coat with stylish sunglasses while we were indoors." Personally, I wouldn't care what Eiko does in her spare time, but this is a breach in security, you should not be here." The guy spoke with a mix of calm anger.

Before I could even have a chance to defend myself, another door opened up, for some reason I didn't hear the water of a shower running because, at my back, this time was a door leading to what looks like a shower room, coming out was the albino I met the almost nearly a month ago. He was wearing only a towel around his waist and looking confused about the situation." What's happening here?" He asked.

The guy with the trench coat pointed a robotic carbon fiber finger at me before saying." Eiko is breaking one of the rules of a safe house appointed by the Director himself. She allowed a bank robber inside of the place and now she's nowhere to be found." He still sounded calm but angry.

The albino stared at him with calm red eyes for an awkward amount of time, then simply told him." So." Adjusting his towel he continued." I trust Eiko, I doubt she would bring someone here and put our lives in danger John."

" I don't like this, I'm reporting it to the director." He turned around and left the room and before I knew it, another person walked in. A lanky woman with long blonde hair tied into a ponytail, she was wearing a burgundy vest with a black dress shirt and matching colored pants, peeking out from her rolled up sleeves were snake tattoos, she had a toothy grin that a cat would be jealous of, speaking of cats." Where's Noi?"

" Who?" The giant asked.

" Purple hair and fur cat girl, bought her contract cheap, snorts a bunch of rush and has a jacked up libido."

The giant put a finger on her chin as if she was doing her best to remember." She was here, but I took a nap and ate, then she was gone. Eiko must've taken her."

Great, not only was the person that took me here to help me vanished, but she had my only traveling companion. Suddenly the blonde woman slapped me on the back and grabbed my shoulder." Eh, don't worry buddy, Ei-chan will be back, she went chasing after her big ass dog."Out of nowhere she slapped me be on the ass and pulled herself close to my ear." But I guess we could waste some time before you get down with Ei-chan."

I pushed her away from me and she gave me the smile of a goblin from a video game ready to get down to business." I think I remember you buddy boy." She told me." White hair, dark skin, hoodie." She put a hand on her pointy chin and stared down at me with a malicious grin." Jiro would be really happy if I brought you to him." She mentioned Mishka's baby boy, the space Yakuza." But Fuck him, I care too much for Ei-Chan to go against her."

Before anything else could happen, the woman of the hour showed up, by her side was Noi crouched down like a dog and covered in mud, or at least I hope it was." Your cat got mounted by my dog and rolled around in some mud with him." She told me bluntly, she kicked Noi in the muddy backside with her boot before Noi began coming at me.

"No, stop!" I yelled as Noi stopped just before touching me.

"Oh, so she listens to you, but she doesn't listen to nobody else. I'm not a.." She snapped her fingers twice." What do they call it? A Tard wrangler."

I almost instantly petted Noi before recoiling my hand from her muddy hair, but it didn't stop me from going to her defense." Noi isn't a retard, she's just eccentric, and fun loving." I caught a whiff her and wanted to hold my nose." And stinks like Ausar shit."

" Enough!" She snapped her finger a second time." No more of this small talk, we need to get down to brass tacks. You want to be tougher for that monster you need to kill right? Well, these people can help you."

" Not this person." The albino told us as he sat on a couple ammo crates." I'm a sniper, I don't get in people's face, I shoot them in the face from miles away." He finished before drying his hair with another towel.

" I know something that could toughen him up." The giant told them.

It didn't take long before me and the pregnant giant took a journey out the back of the safe house, the two of us took a trip down a hill and to a waterfall and she sat down on a massive stump just big enough for her." Alright strip down to your undies big guy." She told me while cradling her belly.

I looked at her as if she spoke an unknown dead language before she waved one of her hands." Oh come on, it's not like you don't have anything I haven't seen before." She then thought about it before saying." You don't have anything I haven't seen before have you?"

I shook my head telling her don't have anything before taking my shirt and hoodie off and taking off the rest of my clothes." Wow, you sure have a body that tells some history." She commented on my form." Alright, go stand under that waterfall." She told me." The water is extremely cold this time of year and it should make you tough."

Thinking about it, I almost didn't want to do the damn thing, then the thought of Ash clinging to me in fear and the feeling of being manhandled by Mishka popped into my mind, the thoughts of everyone around me being dead or dying came to mind. I leaped onto a rock and without hesitation stood under the waterfall as freezing water came down on my head and shoulders, I felt an odd feeling in my head as an endless stream of cold water came down on me, I could feel my skin turning numb to the water and as I struggled to stay under it the giant lady spoke.

She pushed up her glasses on her face before saying." Humans on Earth, use to do rituals similar to this, they would have special waterfalls with special water, they would do this for martial arts and Pilgrimage, they-"

She stopped the second I fell out of the waterfall's current and nearly landed face first into the rock I was standing on." Maybe this isn't for you." She thought to herself before we headed back.

Once we were back in the same room from before, and I was in slightly wet clothes, I got a good look of the room, there was ammo lining up some of the walls of the room, some boxes stacked to the ceiling and others sitting badly stacked. Then out of nowhere the Agent Smith with the trench coat walked in and approached me this time he looked a little different." Listen, since you're not asking for training, I'm willing to help you quote un-quote toughen up, Follow me."

He brought me out to the rest of the fun house backdrop where there were long hallways, he brought me out to long massive room with targets set up, mostly cardboard cutouts of what must've been the fun house's old occupants. Nearby shooting from the hip was the cowboy from the other day, he was bandaged up and firing a revolver at some of the cutouts, he was fanning the hammer of his revolver with each shot, getting head shots on the cutouts, when he noticed us he emptied the cylinder." Who's this snake on stilts fool?"

I wasn't sure if he insulted me or complimented me, his old western jargon was something I didn't understand correctly." He's a bank robber." He stood in front of me before putting both hands on my shoulders, his hands were clearly robotic and had some weight to them." I use to be a bodyguard and still do it from time to time, so I'm going help you not get knocked down so easily, or not stunned as badly as you usually would be from some attacks."

I cocked my eyebrow, thinking about how he could help me, he went to a corner of the large room and grabbed a wooden plank and placed it on my shoulders," Keep that there." He told me before grabbing two ammo boxes." Alright, this is some of the heaviest ammo we have, due to my augmentations, I can heft these up without trouble, for you it will be the weight of your team."

Before I could ask him how does he know my team, he put one box on then the other and it felt I was holding Yan and Ash on my back." Now that you're carrying the weight of your team on your back, imagine I'm everyone you hate." He told me before slugging me in the chest with his carbon fiber coated fist, all of the wind was knocked out of me, I almost fell as he threw another one and hit me in the chest as hard as he could.

" Don't fall, endure the pain, get angry and let it fuel you." He told be before slamming his metal fist into my gut and then into my shoulder in his best attempt to make me drop this heavy shit.

Gaz's head felt like he had a terrible hangover, he wanted to lie to himself and say that he wouldn't drink again for another couple years only to feel a set of hands shaking him. He opened his eyes to a hazy vision, once it soon cleared up, he saw a Qari woman, he pulled himself off the floor holding his head, groaning, soon the on board A.I began speaking to them. It told them of the other planets nearby in their system." You could've said more nicely that we're fucked." Gaz began shaking away the grogginess surrounding his head, he began looking at the others in the pod with them and wondered what could've caused them to be here." Shit! What happened? Did we get attacked?"

Checking himself for some of his only possessions, he nodded as he pulled his weapons out of his holsters and sliding them back in spinning one around his trigger finger before dropping it back into the holster the wrong way then fixing to sit properly in the leather holder. Getting a bad feeling in his gut, he decided to move his way over to the controls of the pod." I don't know about you, but I'd rather not just be drifting around in a defenseless escape pod, whatever may have caused us to be in this pod might also be lurking around in space, tell me when and where and I'll set this thing down where we should be. Good thing you got one of the best pilots in the galaxy to fly you around."

Chaos filled her head, she had an insatiable hunger of endless destruction and battles fueled her, she wanted to be powered by her anger and rip a tank to pieces, she wanted to watch an empire burn and see the people scatter, She was snoring, rather loudly. As Xi slowly woke everyone else up, or tried to, Quinn began waking up from the sounds of the stuttering AI, Shaking her head and letting out one last snore waking up, her eyes were met the only being standing up and attempting to wake the others up. She looked around the small object they were trapped inside of." What is this thing?" She slowly rose in her heavy armored suit." Where are we? Who are you?" She pointed to Xi, each of her questions sounding more like orders than anything else.

Sniffing heavily from the inside of her helmet, she couldn't get an idea who was what from their weak space suits, she could make out a robot and a couple of humanoid figures, but she could tell the race of one of them, she couldn't forget the height of a Qari, either they were a Qari or a really tall human or other alien with extreme height. With her mind falling into her stomach, she licked her lips at the thought of cooked Qari, mouth watering from just the thought of how it would smell, if they only had more meat on their bones they would make good for group meals. She focused and looked back to Xi." Answer me Where are we? And what is this thing we're inside of?" She asked again sounding as if she was getting angry.
I feel as if you stole my plan, might as well fucking change what plans I had and come up with something different. And before you say it Bee, no don't change your plan because I feel a certain way, keep your plan I'll just make something else up.
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