Avatar of Spriggs27
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Spriggs27
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Spriggs27 11 yrs ago
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Guys, Guys, no need for apologies.
Dude, it's just your post comes off as angry. If you say you're not mad, then I'll take your word for it.
@ManoftheNorth Jesus, calm down man.
<Snipped quote by InkIsDorian>

Oh fuck.

He literally sank because of wearing his armour to the bottom of the sea.

Fuckin' called it.

Well to be honest, we were knocked out before being thrown over, also we were poisoned to be paralzyed if I'm correct. So we all fucking died from drowning.
Rosha silently walked after Fiers, part of her wondered if they were even near or at the place they needed to be, or if this was a part of everything they needed to do or had to do in order to complete the mission, despite Fiers being the captain or leader, Rosha was starting to get the impression that he didn't seem like he was up for it."We should find the others." She spoke up as he was rubbing his medallion. She figured speak might help him focus more.

" We need to find the others and complete the mission, right?" She asked him.

She stared at him, hoping that he'd stop humming and rubbing his medallion, it wasn't freaking her out or annoying her, but his humming did seem distracting like the crabs that were scuttling around the beach." Calm down." She told him simply." The others should have washed up on the beach if they were thrown off the boat as well, there's no need to worry." She spoke the most she usually would.

" Maybe you should sit down and calm down, right? I'll go look for the others if you need a moment, shouldn't I?." She began walking off on her own without the guy, she felt lucky keeping her bracers, but it would pretty hard for the sea to wash away something strapped tight to her forearms and wrist. She began moving a little further inland towards the cliffs, she could climb them, but she'd be leaving Fiers behind on the beach, if anyone washed up they'd be on the beach or somewhere close by.

Rosha began walking along the beach before noticing small tracks in the sand, following after them the best she could she, but soon her eyes were drawn to a blue glowing light, she slowly moved towards it cautiously taking slow steps before noticing it was a member of the crew, they were doing something with a number of crystals around them. Rosha slowly approached before a thunder crack lit up the sky and her shadow appeared in the cave.
Shit Kalleth, let some of the others post before you pounce on someone. I like posting as the next guy, but slow it down a bit, we got people waking up to like 10 post that have gone by. Hell I think I woke up earlier to like 4 post, but I think that was because I got lucky and woke up early.

Quiinn "Quinn" Alta Mazz








Like her mentor, Quinn tries to do her best to come off calm, cool, and stoic, but struggles trying to do it and let her emotions out instead of controlling most of the time. Staying true to her people, she loves fighting and getting angry, well not really just the getting angry part the feeling after breaking a number of objects or crushing her enemies completely. One of Quinn's many wants is to become a weapons master and know how to use every piece of weaponry in the galaxy even if she dies attempting to do it, in hand of the weapons master wanting, she also wishes to have sort of an ark for weapons, two of each weapon, firearm, sword, bombs, if it kills then she'll want it.

Quinn doesn't understand the concept of wanting peace, just as most of her people, she revels in the chaos of battle, enjoying the almost deafening sound of explosions, the ringing in her ears, the sounds of gunfire, the spilling of alien blood on the ground, the fact that she could destroy something beautiful in a blinding rage. Silence is one of the many things Quinn hates the most, it makes her irritable and angry with her complaining that it's eating away at her.


Born on the Halion home world, as a child Quinn worked as a tank operator learning the ins and outs of heavily armored vehicles, once she hit puberty, she was told she would need to fight in front line combat due to her new gained height and weight. She underwent the intense training and went on a strict diet of foods, once her training was complete she was a only seventeen ready to see combat off world. In her first ever battle, the strike team, she was a part of were ordered to retreat against a group of Humans and Qari working together on a colony planet, the strike team leader ignored the orders along with the rest of the team and wiped out the entire colony leaving only ruins and burned bruised bodies.

When they returned to the general that gave them the order to retreat, they were told that they would be discharged for not following orders and wiping out an entire colony instead of taking prisoners. Their fire team leader went against the general and told them they were weak, retreating would be cowardly and the colonist attacked first, after the tongue lashing, Quinn stayed with her fire team leader who later became her mentor trying to teach her how to control her rage and use it as a weapon against their enemies. While learning under him, the two found themselves working security on Faren V, using brutal intimidation to scare off and crush pirates and other enemies alike with no mercy, when they were launched out of escape pods, her mentor disappeared and ever since her pod slammed into the planet she couldn't find him.



Mentor teacher-Roza Hji


-While enraged she doesn't hesitate with her attacks, even if she's close to allies or non combatants
-She thinks Qari is tasty when cooked and prepared correctly
-She carries around a weatsone to sharpen her blade in her free time and as a way to concentrate and not let silence get to her.
-Quinn knows how to upgrade and how to add components to her power armor
Well, fuck, I've been Found.
Rosha ignored everyone and everyone else ignored her back, she didn't ask for them to speak with her, nor did she expect them to even notice her, she soon began staring out at the sea wondering what would this mission be like, she ventured around the ship on her own silently glancing at the sailors and their equipment, then before she knew it, nightfall came and everyone began eating. Stomach growling, she joined the others in their meal, she drank a bowl of soup before the others began heading to their cots for the night, not feeling tired Rosha decided to meditate once again, but this time it was different, she got into her crossed legged position and closed her eyes feeling an out of body experience something she never felt before as she meditated many times in the past.

She felt locked inside of her own mind, all control of her body was taken from her, something else was acting and she couldn't do anything about it. A heavy hit landed on her head, she couldn't get an idea where it was from with her eyes closed, then she felt as if a couple of people were carrying her before she started falling, as she fell, she hoped that she wasn't going where, she thought, but the moment she felt her entire body submerged she felt it was over for her and she was headed for the void.

But the very moment her eyes opened quickly she found herself on a beach, with a starfish latched to her cheek, she pulled off the small sea creature before shaking any sand from her Gi." I don't get to see the void today." She told herself in a groggy voice, her two steel knuckles were gone, either taken by the sea or taken by who ever threw her overboard. Rosha took a breath, this wasn't the first time she was left on her own and she felt it wouldn't be her last.
I hope these guys aren't too oped.




Due to their creator's attempts to make humans, Halions from afar, look almost exactly the same as humans, but with many differences when seen up close. Most Halion adults average at the height of six feet or six foot and five inches for both genders, one of the first things many other races notice of them are the black scalara of a Halions eyes and the golden color of their iris, that glow a bright color when in darker enviroments. Most members of their race have a stocky build dude to their militaristic government's mandatory training regiments and the fighting of local wildlife or aliens that attack their planet.


Due to the harsh environment of their planet, most, if not all Halions can survive on planets that have harsher environments than most others could, and do it with ease. Their forms are usually stocky and even bulkier with power armor, even without physical protection, Halions have thick protective skin across their body, while it won't stop a bullet from killing them, it does protect them from light cuts, scrapes or contusions. Over the years of eating other alien races, their people have slowly strengthened the acid in their stomachs to digest almost any alien that doesn't have poisonous skin.

But even with their almost invincible physiology, the Halions suffer from a short life span ending in their early forties with some females living to their fifties or sixties. One of the things that make the Halions a deadly and feared race is their beserker like anger, that makes them ignore physical pain caused to them, but it also makes them throw rationality and logic out of the window in order to sate their anger in the moment, while most of their people can get angry only some truly know how to use it to its fullest. Probably one of the things that most other races do not know about is their enhanced smelling, like a bloodhound they can pick up on smells that most others with weaker noses would never know of, but it comes with the downside of picking up scents or smells that could harm them such as poisonous gasses or bad smells that don't agree with them.

While most see their race as almost unstoppable, they have a couple forms of weaknesses, one of the most common is their hair and eyes glowing when they stand in direct moonlight making their heads clear targets to enemies.




Being a culture of militaristic warriors, the Halions have a love of war of combat seeing fighting and or training as the ultimate past time for most of their race, with their daily morning routine being several exercises before doing anything else. One of the many things that Halions pride themselves on is their power armor something they claim are second to none and to be their second skin, the suits usually look bulky for extra protection for most ground troopers while spies, scouts, and officers have a thinner, sleeker, and more customized look to their armor.

On the home world and some planets close to it, Halions engage in open polyamorous relationships, but also have a form of marriage among their people, it's called The Oath, it's a series of trials involving pain, teamwork, and sacrifice, once finished, the couple would both present each other with a weapon that they must construct with their own two hands, when both are given their weapons they both must take an Oath to be loyal to one another and to never lose or break their weapon or their Oaths will be considered weak or easy to be misplaced.

Before aliens would submit to them, art was one of the many things Halions cared the least about, but when aliens began to produce art and dance, they slowly embraced art such as paintings and statues, creating paintings and statues of their most well known Generals. Public works of art such as statues or hologram displays are made to be pleasing to the eye, but also have a form of usefulness, such as telling the time of day or giving simple directions to stores many wouldn't find.

Even though their people have firearms, some of which are almost small Gatling guns and have their own category of weapon, a good portion of their warriors prefer to use metallic similar to arming swords or energy blades, the reason of their use is due to their berserk ability making them want to crush or break everything around them with their hands, with a sword they don't have to use their hands.

On worlds nearby the home world, the Halions and other locals adopt the customs of other aliens that they see as interesting or as better than theirs, they aren't against change and are willing to better their people in many different ways, one of the many ways they've tried to better themselves is by studying their creator's genetics and other alien genes in order to expand their normal life expectancy.


Their government isn't an empire like Qari or a Federation like the humans. The Halions have a form of Stratocracy letting the government be controlled by a council of Military Generals who create laws and actions for the people under the government, anything that wishes to get turned into a law, a bill, or if some new form of rights were to be made, they would have to be approved by the council of Generals before anything would get done. Generals are often, but not always picked by troopers and some civilians for their wisdom and choices made during their time as former officers, but in order to become a general, they would need to first complete officer training and would have to see some form of combat and given orders to troops under them to show that they wouldn't be a hindrance.
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