Neither of us wasted time in a stare down, I ducked and rolled, firing as many bullets as I could at the guy, but most of my shots just ended up hitting his shield." Fuck you and your Shield!" I yelled out as he began firing his pistol from behind it. His gun oddly enough was an automatic, it blasted out rounds in a three shot burst, he was putting more bullets in the walls instead of my shields. I quickly reloaded my guns as the guy tossed his metal shield on the ground and pulled out a second pistol like his first, why a guy with full armor and helmet would need a shield was beyond me, the both of us began trading shots, with him missing each of them as I kept moving to avoid staying still.
Each of my shots hit the guy's armor plating, with each hit ringing out with a loud "CLANG!" As my ammunition began to run low, I could feel the guy behind the helmet was getting angry with me. He pulled a grenade from behind his back and slung it at my feet, before I had the chance to hop back from it, the thing flashed and I felt a shiver run up my legs. I looked down to see ice creeping up my jeans and soon I felt it run up to my waist and chest, once it got to my neck, I couldn't move, I struggled against the ice coating my body with my limbs shivering.
The armored Hale approached me putting a finger on one of his gauntlets." Suspect Apprended." He spoke. The idea of taking the wrap for Bates began entering my mind, I wasn't going to jail for that serial killer. I don't know what kinda energy was in me, but pushed myself to break out of the ice and shake off the cold feeling it gave me. The Hale jumped back telling his gauntlet." Suspect resisting!" The armored Hale put his fist up and threw a punch at my gut, I returned the favor slugging him with my left hand knowing that it would be enough to actually hurt the guy.
He retched himself forwards in pain from the punch before bringing his dull colored metal fist across my face, I held my breath before punching him in the chest with a left hook, then smacked up his helmet, revealing his black body glove mask before punching him in the nose and knocking back and almost off his feet. The guy pulled his helmet down before standing up straight and breathing heavily right with me, I couldn't see his face, but I could tell from the heavy breathing that he was out of breath. Suddenly the guy charged at me and tried to deliver a head butt, but at the last second I moved my head out of the way, grabbed him in a bear hug and slammed him on the ground, knocking his helmet off.
Taking advantage, I punched him across his masked face several times before I stopped and felt like my lungs were on fire. I felt sore all over before taking a knee next to the guy and instead of punching him again, I put a hand on his shoulder and looked down at his masked face, I looked the guy in the eye before saying." You should use semi automatic pistols, not fully automatic, due to their small size and small magazine you'll end up spitting all your ammo into the walls and environment instead of your target. Sure full auto works when you're surrounded, but against one guy, it's stupid, stick to semi autos. Besides that, you're pretty good, you could've actually arrested me."
"Pretty good?!" He groaned. Out of nowhere the guy had a burst of energy and tried to grab me with one of his arms. Thinking quick, I pushed him down into the ground with my arm and his eyes squeezed shut, then he groaned again before letting out short breaths.
The moment I stood up, I realized a couple things, in that fight I went all out, doing the best I could in order to avoid being caught by that guy. Then I also realized I just gave a guy who's gonna probably try coming for my ass in the future tips on how to better kick my ass. I left the alley way and went back onto the main street thinking about how much I was worried of Mishka killing me, then I thought back to my crew. Then something hit me, where the hell was Noi? I yanked my codex out only to see Eiko had texted me saying."Nice job in that fight back there. Now do you want that training?"
I quickly texted her back."No, I want my cat back damn it!" It may have taken me a bit of time to realize it, but I forgot what I told Ven back at the hospital, this isn't just about me, it's about the whole team. When Eiko texted me back she sent me coordinates and a picture of a location, I pocketed my codex before jogging to the coordinates she sent, I was fucking up hard being away from the crew and not giving them anything to do. As I closed in on the Harbor, I began thinking I was turning into one of those dorks from one Akira's mangas or Anime he watched so god damn much.
At the coordinates, there was a backpack, I picked it up and looked it over noticing it had strings like the parachute. Before I could think too long about why Eiko would give me a fucking parachute she sent me another message telling me it was something along the lines of a Fulton recovery device, just put it on and it will take me into the sky. Thinking twice about being sucked into the sky by a balloon, I put it on and tug on the cord. I only had a second to look back as a group of white orbs erupted from the backpack and quickly inflated in seconds, I felt my feet be lifted off the ground before being pulled into the sky.
After passing through the clouds and watching the ground grow smaller and smaller, I looked around danging from a string thousands of feet in the air as if my surroundings would change, then in the corner of my eye I noticed a dark colored starship cut through the clouds and close in on me. The ship flew right for me, and the moment I expected it to slam into me and just kill me, the ship caught the string between me and the balloons and pulled me along for the ride and I ended up behind the thing, I felt the cold wind and the speed before things began to slow down and I began to thank whatever gods watched over us that the pilot slowed down.
The back of the ship soon opened up and I saw who I could guess was the pilot in an all black jumpsuit and flight helmet, it took me a while, but I managed to swing myself into the back of the ship and took the damn Fulton backpack off. I looked to the pilot as they closed the ship's cargobay, I called out to the guy feeling somewhat out of breath." Hey do you have a cat girl on board? One with a single tail, Purple fur, probably very annoying and trying to grab your crotch."
They took their helmet off before revealing that they were Eiko, the petite pale woman who likes to knock me out." Of course I do, but I had to restrain her, several times."
"How many times Freckles?"
She glared at me taking notice to the freckles going across her nose before telling me." Seven."
"Well she'll be fine, take me to my ship, I want go home and back to my team."
The skinny Asian woman put the hemlet on saying." Fine, gonna be a bit of a flight before we get back to Earth so get comfy."