Avatar of Spriggs27
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  • Old Guild Username: Spriggs27
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Spriggs27 11 yrs ago
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Neither of us wasted time in a stare down, I ducked and rolled, firing as many bullets as I could at the guy, but most of my shots just ended up hitting his shield." Fuck you and your Shield!" I yelled out as he began firing his pistol from behind it. His gun oddly enough was an automatic, it blasted out rounds in a three shot burst, he was putting more bullets in the walls instead of my shields. I quickly reloaded my guns as the guy tossed his metal shield on the ground and pulled out a second pistol like his first, why a guy with full armor and helmet would need a shield was beyond me, the both of us began trading shots, with him missing each of them as I kept moving to avoid staying still.

Each of my shots hit the guy's armor plating, with each hit ringing out with a loud "CLANG!" As my ammunition began to run low, I could feel the guy behind the helmet was getting angry with me. He pulled a grenade from behind his back and slung it at my feet, before I had the chance to hop back from it, the thing flashed and I felt a shiver run up my legs. I looked down to see ice creeping up my jeans and soon I felt it run up to my waist and chest, once it got to my neck, I couldn't move, I struggled against the ice coating my body with my limbs shivering.

The armored Hale approached me putting a finger on one of his gauntlets." Suspect Apprended." He spoke. The idea of taking the wrap for Bates began entering my mind, I wasn't going to jail for that serial killer. I don't know what kinda energy was in me, but pushed myself to break out of the ice and shake off the cold feeling it gave me. The Hale jumped back telling his gauntlet." Suspect resisting!" The armored Hale put his fist up and threw a punch at my gut, I returned the favor slugging him with my left hand knowing that it would be enough to actually hurt the guy.

He retched himself forwards in pain from the punch before bringing his dull colored metal fist across my face, I held my breath before punching him in the chest with a left hook, then smacked up his helmet, revealing his black body glove mask before punching him in the nose and knocking back and almost off his feet. The guy pulled his helmet down before standing up straight and breathing heavily right with me, I couldn't see his face, but I could tell from the heavy breathing that he was out of breath. Suddenly the guy charged at me and tried to deliver a head butt, but at the last second I moved my head out of the way, grabbed him in a bear hug and slammed him on the ground, knocking his helmet off.

Taking advantage, I punched him across his masked face several times before I stopped and felt like my lungs were on fire. I felt sore all over before taking a knee next to the guy and instead of punching him again, I put a hand on his shoulder and looked down at his masked face, I looked the guy in the eye before saying." You should use semi automatic pistols, not fully automatic, due to their small size and small magazine you'll end up spitting all your ammo into the walls and environment instead of your target. Sure full auto works when you're surrounded, but against one guy, it's stupid, stick to semi autos. Besides that, you're pretty good, you could've actually arrested me."

"Pretty good?!" He groaned. Out of nowhere the guy had a burst of energy and tried to grab me with one of his arms. Thinking quick, I pushed him down into the ground with my arm and his eyes squeezed shut, then he groaned again before letting out short breaths.

The moment I stood up, I realized a couple things, in that fight I went all out, doing the best I could in order to avoid being caught by that guy. Then I also realized I just gave a guy who's gonna probably try coming for my ass in the future tips on how to better kick my ass. I left the alley way and went back onto the main street thinking about how much I was worried of Mishka killing me, then I thought back to my crew. Then something hit me, where the hell was Noi? I yanked my codex out only to see Eiko had texted me saying."Nice job in that fight back there. Now do you want that training?"

I quickly texted her back."No, I want my cat back damn it!" It may have taken me a bit of time to realize it, but I forgot what I told Ven back at the hospital, this isn't just about me, it's about the whole team. When Eiko texted me back she sent me coordinates and a picture of a location, I pocketed my codex before jogging to the coordinates she sent, I was fucking up hard being away from the crew and not giving them anything to do. As I closed in on the Harbor, I began thinking I was turning into one of those dorks from one Akira's mangas or Anime he watched so god damn much.

At the coordinates, there was a backpack, I picked it up and looked it over noticing it had strings like the parachute. Before I could think too long about why Eiko would give me a fucking parachute she sent me another message telling me it was something along the lines of a Fulton recovery device, just put it on and it will take me into the sky. Thinking twice about being sucked into the sky by a balloon, I put it on and tug on the cord. I only had a second to look back as a group of white orbs erupted from the backpack and quickly inflated in seconds, I felt my feet be lifted off the ground before being pulled into the sky.

After passing through the clouds and watching the ground grow smaller and smaller, I looked around danging from a string thousands of feet in the air as if my surroundings would change, then in the corner of my eye I noticed a dark colored starship cut through the clouds and close in on me. The ship flew right for me, and the moment I expected it to slam into me and just kill me, the ship caught the string between me and the balloons and pulled me along for the ride and I ended up behind the thing, I felt the cold wind and the speed before things began to slow down and I began to thank whatever gods watched over us that the pilot slowed down.

The back of the ship soon opened up and I saw who I could guess was the pilot in an all black jumpsuit and flight helmet, it took me a while, but I managed to swing myself into the back of the ship and took the damn Fulton backpack off. I looked to the pilot as they closed the ship's cargobay, I called out to the guy feeling somewhat out of breath." Hey do you have a cat girl on board? One with a single tail, Purple fur, probably very annoying and trying to grab your crotch."

They took their helmet off before revealing that they were Eiko, the petite pale woman who likes to knock me out." Of course I do, but I had to restrain her, several times."

"How many times Freckles?"

She glared at me taking notice to the freckles going across her nose before telling me." Seven."

"Well she'll be fine, take me to my ship, I want go home and back to my team."

The skinny Asian woman put the hemlet on saying." Fine, gonna be a bit of a flight before we get back to Earth so get comfy."

Once the pod landed on the planet, Xi told them all to run towards the colony, he tried to make them all rush to the colony. But once Quinn got out she noticed the wildlife seemed a little similar to the wildlife to her home planet, but there were more creatures to hunt and cut down if she got the time to. She then noticed the dirt colored sand, or the darker colored sand, it wasn't the same as her home's bright golden colored sand that would make make her armor shine as if she polished it for hours with the best armor polish and then cleaned the blood of all the aliens that would splatter it on her. Then her mind went back to the Azaali and began following him running in her power armor before the Azaali stopped to look back to anyone that may have fallen behind, looking back for a second Quinn kept running towards the facility with her sword in both hands just in case there was something that was against them inside.

The moment she entered the colony, she was greeted by the sight of more survivors." I thought this place was abandoned?" She spoke out loud, the next thing she noticed was Qari, the tallest being in the room, then she noticed some of the others which were a mixed bag of mostly humans and some other short creature she didn't really know much of. She remembered one time when she was in the field and was given human to eat and it was the worst thing she ever ate, she didn't know if it was the person who cooked it that messed it up or if humans just taste horrible but she wasn't interested in human. Plus their food just seemed weird as well, they had food that was creamy and then stuff that seemed crunchy and put the oddest things inside of things that shouldn't be in them, then they deep fry stuff that should never be deep fried. Suddenly Quinn's stomach growled through her armor loud enough to echo through the main area.


Gaz sat there and waiting for some props for landing the pod, only to get the goblin man gave Gaz some form of praise by patting him on the back. Suddenly the Qari woman began barking orders at them again, since nobody else took charge, she was the one leading them and ordered them outside of the pod after gearing up in their EVA suits before they turned into a fireball. Once outside Gaz tried to use to the gravity as quickly as he could while the AI, Feynmen, started to list off all the things that could kill them besides each other, and it listed no apex." Hey, FeyFey." Gaz called out to the AI." List humans as the Apex predator." He joked before hearing the pod explode behind them in the distance.

Out of nowhere, FeyFey then told them that there was a sandstorm incoming, his response to it was only." If only we had some Darude to listen to right now to race this thing." As they were told it would only take two hours for them to reach the mining facility and the sandstorm was only three hours away from them. It seemed like a short journey to the mining colony, once they made it to the colony and got inside, he took a moment to take a break sitting on the floor and then the Qari had FeyFey scan the place top to bottom telling them that they might not be alone, hearing that Gaz took out his favorite guns, keeping his fingers out of the trigger guards and next to the barrels.

The very moment that they were told that only one life form was in the station, Gaz rested his back on the wall and was about to say."Well, I'm taking a-" Before he could finish, Irisa told him and Odd, the complete white looking ghost to go see what it was in the cryo chamber, Gaz just stood up before saying." Or I can just go fuck myself. Fine." He cracked his back before looking to the Qari woman saying." Ya know, it would be really nice if you said please, thank you, and nice work when people do things lady." He looked up at her. Turning back to Odd." Alright guy, let's go see what this thing is. " He then noticed his rifle and held out his hands in front of him." You go first, I'll be behind you."

Earlier in the day, Rin made her way a scrapyard near the outskirts of the city, it was owned by an orc with a bum leg who barely cared for the metal he housed in the gates. Rin had been here many times before for scrap metal for her Kunai, this time though, she was looking to make something different than daggers and a junk sword, she was looking for a long curved piece of metal and a long piece of string for a bow she was getting her muscles stronger for a long ranged silent weapon. It didn't take long for her to find a windshield wiper and some old fishing wire, finding a good secluded spot in the yard where the orc wouldn't spot her, Rin began constructing her makeshift bow, but the second she made it, the thing felt flimsy when she pulled on the string, and when she aimed it at a pile of buckets she felt it would be a one time use weapon.

Once the sun began going down, Rin started to suit up in her black outfit, it had next to no protection, but it would make her hard to see in darkness. Armed with her flimsy bow, a single arrow, a hand full of Kunai daggers, and scrap sword she was ready to go. Her only next problem was who to attack, going by the eni meeni mini mo method, she ended up going after the black rose tonight, masking up before heading outside through her window and sneaking off to the dead light district. Being as lit up as downtown, Rin stayed on the rooftops moving silently around the back of the Rose garden, she was lucky enough to see only a couple of guards moving around in the alleyway and then she saw her enterance, a small air vent. Sneaking between them silently with a flickering light being some of the only section of darkneess in the alleyway, breaking her silence, she ran when the light started blinking and kicked a bottle as she jumped to the vent and stabbed kunai into the wall as one of the thugs turned to the flickering light and looked around suspicous.

Rin begain sweating as she used a second kunai to unscrew the vent half way before using her hands to take out the screws, sliding the vent open and climbing in, she crawled in the vents looking down at the clubbers dancing before continuing, she didn't exactly know where she was going or who she was taking out, but she felt that if she took out only one person, she'd be doing a little bit of good here, she began feeling as if she was lost as she crawled around and wondering if she was going in circles. And lost in her thoughts, she ended up putting a hand on a loose vent cover and fell out of the ducts and in front of two guards. Flipping to her feet, she quickly drew and fired her flimsy bow and the string snapped after the arrow went soaring into the shoulder of one of the guards, she then clubbed the other guard across their face with wiper blade and in the same motion drew a kunai and stabbed them in the chest, then brought the kunai across the throat of the other.

Once the two guards were dealt with she noticed a security camera was watching her and caught her every action she did, if she wasn't masked she'd be rushing to hide her face. Instead, she chucked one of her kunai daggers at the camera and broke the lens. She began running away from the room the two guards were standing outside of, she knew that going into the ducts a second time wouldn't work as a good hiding spot and taking on anymore of the guards without a surprise attack to get the upperhand would be suicide on their home turf. Running away would've been the better option right now, she rushed past an open door with a couple of dark elf girls doing a number of different things in a dressing room.


Turning her attention over to the Azaali, she knew there was something right in the space hippie's words." I speak of the Qari as something they should feel pride in, they lost to Humans, humans some of the physically weaker races in space and some of the least motivated. They should take pride in having flesh and meat that makes my people's mouths water." She told the Azali, the second he insulted her race, she wanted to go off on him, but held back her anger for later."And your people are all big glowing balls of light that run around forest humping trees and acting all peaceful, if only you've shown some bite, or shown a bit of anger then you'd know that there is more to a Halion's brain than simple miss-firing synaptic nerves. Its strategy, strength, and reveling in battle, something your people will never feel, a feeling your people will never discover the bliss of it, or the respect because of your lack of knowledge of combat." She began getting angrier." If your people shown any combat prowess besides simple hunting, then you'd learn to fear our race and all we can do."

The Female Halion began reaching her limit in anger the inside of her helmet was starting to fog up as Xi kicked her weapon away from the Qari, the moment he did it, she wanted to run the sword through him, but she held back on it. Her breathing turned heavy, once Xi attempted to press her into a seat she pushed him back from her before taking her seat." Your gun doesn't scare me, peace walker." She sat across from the Qari glaring at her from behind her helmet.

@Thantos Yeah, we still accepting.

It was just another night in Belwyn. The once salty rough waves caused by incoming ships and boats settled down and the ocean water was calm once more, hidden among the warehouse district were many, if not dozens, of drug dens constructed by humans to sell to the poison off to the populace of the city. It was one of the few areas claimed by the humans on the island, it wasn't exactly as luxurious as downtown, or as safe a police station, but it was their place to make drugs and call home.

Further outside the city were the Orcs, housing themselves in some of the older former human buildings before the island was claimed for the creatures, the forest was quiet for some time, but not for long with the Orcs roaming around them and possibly going into the city. The forest was largely claimed by the Orcs when they first arrived and most feel drawn to it or are urged into go into the forest with the rest of them by other creatures who feel intimidated by the race's height or stance, or as an insult by other races around the.

Lastly, within the city, the night in the slums and the more upper wards were completely different for some if not all, at night some of the nastiest gang came out to crack heads and take lives in the dark alleyways. Next to all of the smaller unknown gangs stuck in the slums where the more organized crime rings don't bother claiming due to either their business taking up a lot of their time or just lacking interest in taking the area or just not wanting to waste the manpower on the vast area.

Further from the slums, there was the most corrupted cesspool of the island, where most of the criminals thrived in bright light with some cops turning a blind eye to their antics, it was downtown. Disguising its true intentions with bright colorful lights, downtown was just as crime riddled as everywhere else, walk down the wrong alleyway where the lights cannot see you and you'd end up just as dead, as you would if you wandered in the slums. Downtown was the only place that most fat cats would live if.

Smack dab between both the slums and Downtown, was the red light district, the one place where the dogs from the slums would rub shoulders with people from the rich and bright nightlife of downtown. The main people in control of the red light ward are the Black rose gang, a gang mostly composed of dark elf street walkers who's lead by their leader Tarvona Moran, the owner of the rose garden.

@ADamnFiddle Your good too man.
@TheDarkTemplar eh, shes fine.

It felt like I was being slugged in the chest and gut for hours, the pain of his metallic fist just felt like pokes to me at this point, pokes with a very massive finger, then I remembered that this guy wasn't supposed to help me, and this shit here was starting to feel stupid, I threw the ammo boxes off my back and heard them break open as the guy stopped punching me." What's wrong?" He asked, as if he didn't think that I would catch on to this."You're just fucking with me aren't you?" I asked." You accepted this to just punch a guy you think is a piece of shit didn't you?" I asked.

He looked away from me back to the perforated targets the cowboy lit up with his revolver, then looked back to me." No, I didn't do this because I wanted to slug you in the chest, If I really got off on giving peoples' pain, I'd be like Chi smiling like a fool." He went off on me in a strange calm rage." I did this so someone doesn't get the upper hand in slugging you in the chest, it dulls the pain of your stomach, you never know when someone will punch you in the gut and try to bring you to your knees." I turned away from him going back to the room with the giant and Noi, I slammed open the door to see the Giant and some of the others laughing." Alright, Eiko, I don't want your buddies giving me tips like standing under a cold waterfall naked or taking some punches to the gut, I want you to give me some training, I need to make sure my team doesn't end up dead, I came to you for help, not them."

Eiko sat on a large crate rubbing her big fucking dog's coat, she stared at me the same way the albino guy did for a second before getting up." Fine, you're right, you did come to get my help, so I'll give you the help." She hopped off the crate." I can't exactly train you." She told me again." I'm in a different weight class as you, I focus on different fighting unlike you. You shoot guns with two hands, I leave one open, and use a different style, so I think I got one last ditch effort to help you Gaz."

" What?" I asked holding out my hands."Knocking me out and moving me to a different spot?"

The moment I said that she pulled a gun on me, Noi leaped into action only to be held back by the giant woman and be put into a headlock." Yes, just exactly that." She squeezed on the trigger and instead of a loud bang, the only noise was the gun's trigger. I looked down to see if I was hit by her gun only to see a dart jutting out of my chest, I felt my body growing heavy and the last thing I could feel was my shoulder hitting the stone cold floor.

The moment I woke up, I noticed that this time I was in a dark room, I slowly got to my knees as a red light appeared in a corner. The floor felt very metallic instead of like stone, then an intercom creaked to life." Good finally you're awake, best that you are, we're nearly at your drop off." Eiko's disembodied voice told me. Then I realized where I was, I was on a ship, and from Eiko's words I could tell that she was that I was in the drop bay." Where the hell are you dropping me?!" I yelled in a hoarse tone.

"We're dropping you in at Hardy." She answered." It's a test by me, if you pass or fail, I'll do my best to mentor you if you want, but it will take a long time."

Right when I was about to answer her, she cut me off without realizing and the light changed to green." Oh, we're over the point get ready for drop."

" Wait, what?!" The bay doors began opening under me and soon I was dropped out of the ship, massive winds whipped past my head, my eyes nearly teared up as I spotted the ruins of Hardy from above, the place looked like it was asking to be demolished. I reached around my back as quickly as I could, hoping that Eiko didn't just drop me into the retard cat kingdom to die hitting the ground, my hand met a pull string and the situation felt a little bit less tense. I yanked the cord and felt the parachute pull me back as it deployed and slowed my descent, before I even touched the ground, one of the worst smells in the galaxy hit my nose and I wanted to just puke, I suppressed the urge to vomit from above and watch where I was landing.

I passed by a water tower before landing in Hardy's main street, the town was small and filled with beat up old buildings, I ditched the parachute once my feet hit the ground and in almost seconds, a number of cat girls swarmed the parachute, many of them smelled it and licked it as if it could be food, before a number of them began fighting over the chute to keep it for themselves. It was like a town full of Noi with all of them almost rabid, I made sure to get away from the gang of cat girls fighting over the parachute. I ducked down an alleyway to keep away from them, probably a dumb idea for me to do as they would probably be coming down here any minute once the winner of the fight gets away with the chute and goes home, I thought on my feet, climbing up a fire escape I went to the roof of the building with the water tower and chilled out on the roof.

Suddenly my codex vibrated to life, turning the device's screen on I noticed Eiko made a contact for herself, then I noticed she sent me a picture of a medium sized lot surrounded by buildings, the picture looked familiar, it wouldn't take me long to find it, she also attached to the photo."Don't catch Furpies." I read aloud.

Pulling myself off the roof, I went to the ledge, part of me thought about jumping for a split second and knew it was a stupid way to die, I began looking around from above, I first spotted a trio of cat girls surrounding a stack of cartoonishly thick waffles, from what I could guess from the trio in the alleyway they were arguing before two began clawing at each other and the third took the chance to scarf down the food as fast as she could. Taking my attention off them, I looked from a different part of the roof and spotted the winner of the cat girl gang, a really tough looking petite cat with her kitten child following her as she pulled the chute away from the bloodied scuffle.

Looking away from that, I began concentrating on where the empty lot could be, then it hit me, I knew where it was, I knew the place I needed to go and leaped down onto the fire escape and raced down to ground level and began following my memory, I ran across the main street, stepping over the knocked out cat girls before heading into another alley way and nearly running right by the narrow back alley leading into the empty lot. Stepping into the empty lot, it oddly looked better than the rest of the town, it was dirty sure, but it had less dirt than the rest of the place, I looked around to see some trash in the corners, but nothing else, before I could wonder why I was here, my codex buzzed again, it was another text from Eiko, she just told me to wait.

Walking further into the lot, I looked up to the cloudy gray sky and hoped I wouldn't be here overnight, the clouds had no opening to show the sunlight, just an endless expanse of of the puffy gray stuff, I started to feel glad Noi wasn't just dumped here, then the sound of metal on asphalt broke me away from my thoughts, I turned to come face to face with who I hoped was Eiko, I was wrong, the fully armored being standing at the only exit of the empty lot was someone completely else. The armored being had to be a Hale, the armor was different from the other troopers, his was a dull pale gray color the same as the sky, mounted on his arm was a metal shield, in his other hand was an odd pistol, one I've never seen before." Bates! I'm here to bring you in." He told me through the helmet.

He put his shield in front of him and aimed his pistol at me from behind his shield, I wanted to yell fuck you to Eiko, right as drew my pistols and looked around for cover because shooting this guy was gonna be a bitch.
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