Name: "Missy" Mysva Kortis
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Personality: Missy is a pragmatic, pig-headed woman with an ambitious drive. She is a cruel and callous individual who seemingly cares for few people and things. However underneath that layer of unpleasantness is a layer that yearns a soft-hearted princess, which hides another yet another layer of cold-heartedness. In short she is generally an unpleasant and ill-tempered individual with a bit of a 'girlish performer's' heart who will do what is needed to thrive.
Bio: Mysva Kortis can't really recall 'the other realm' that the other more monstrous inhabitants of Belwyn City seem to remember. For Missy, she is mostly familiar with the mean streets of Belwyn City. For a few years she managed to scrape by as a drifter facing off various challenges and scavenging for whatever food and shelter she needed. However she knew that was not the life she wanted to lead; so when she found a advertising flier for a Sports-themed Restaurant Mysva decided that would be an okay stepping stone as she planned for life scheming.
So Mysva Kortis became one of many waitresses who were dressed in skimpy outfits and had to act perky and flirtatious to the customers in order to keep them coming back for the cheap booze, cheap eats, and sporting events instead of going to a classier establishment. This job at least paid the bills for an apartment in the slums, and she at least got to show off a little. But Mysva knew that she was meant for more than being a waitress for the rest of her life.
After a few months of being a waitress there Missy managed to become acquainted with the more, 'privileged' clientele aka some of Belwyn City's lowlife bookie operations. She grew close with them, in particular a loanshark known as Hrulg "Tap Shoes" O'Mulligan. These loansharks saw how well Mysva stopped bar conflicts and they figured that as strange as it sounded
that waitress could probably bust a couple of heads. So Miss Kortis found herself being solicited for shakedowns, which she happily accepted to supplement her meager legal income as well as to finally move up in the world. Soon word spread that if you owed debts to these loansharks, you'd come into contact with Missy and you don't want to come into contact with Mysva Kortis...
At the moment she still currently is employed by that restaurant that kick-started her criminal career and still collects the debts owed by two-bit gamblers. But Missy knows in her heart of hearts that soon she will find herself skyrocketing through the ranks of the criminal underworld...
Gang affiliation or Other Affiliations: Technically she is not affiliated with any real gang.
However she is associated with a handful of bookies and loansharks as being a "debt collector" and any euphemism variations thereof for what essentially means 'goon who will beat you up for cash'. The most prominent of these loansharks is known Hrulg "Tap Shoes" O'Mulligan.
Stuff:Polka-dotted Purse - A regular, but thick-strapped purse that is bright pink with white polka-dots, it contains a variety of mundane things such as; pocket change, credit cards, gift cards, driver's license, an assortment of make-up, pens, wet wipes, apartment keys etc.
Pepper Spray - Usually kept in the purse, this is a simple cylindrical vial of pepper spray.
Baseball Bat with Nails - Typically used for enforcement jobs it has rusty nails that just generally make the experience more unpleasant.
Sawed-off Shotgun - The serial number of this particular shotgun have been filed off. Missy usually carries enough ammunition on hand when she brings out her shotgun for a small firefight.
Magic: Bend Architecture - Mysva Kortis can magically alter structures through physical contact of metal, asphalt, cement and other synthetic building materials. The scale of these alterations can vary from producing holes, to destroying the internal structure of the building, re purposing it into smaller pieces or reconstructing depending on how long physical contact can be maintained with the materials.
Disease Resistant - A passive trait that Mysva Kortis possesses; it is very hard for her to get sick from diseases as her immune system is unnaturally strong and can resist nearly all diseases both mundane and magical.
Other: Mysva likes long walks on the beach.