Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

I posted again. Im sorry if how often I post is annoying anyone. I just get so damned bored.
Ink groaned and opened her eyes. What she saw made her blink. A guy with white and black flame hair was sitting next to her. Her shoulder felt sore. She sat up and fingered it, finding a puffy scar where the arrow had pierced. "What the hell?" She couldve sworn there was a wound there last time she was awake. The memories came rushing back and she grimaced. It was just her luck to get shot in the shoulder with a poisoned arrow from some random asshole and then refused help when some other guy found out she was a supernatural.

Inkness huffed. Like being able to change into a damned panther really mattered when you had an arrow sticking out of your flesh. Fucking asshole, she thought. see if i ever help you when you need help from me. She shifted into a panther and stretched out on her belly next to the white haired guy. He stroked her fur gently, surprising her with his kindness.

"I'm Draco," He said to her. "I saw what was happening, crashed into their warehouse and prevented them from tying you up. I used my saliva to heal you once i pulled the arrow out and got pissed when the young hunter tried to shoot you. Then the other one dropped a smoke bomb in there when I went after the first one. I flew out, set you down and now here we are." His eyes were closed, as if he was listening to everything else to tell him what was happening. Inkness purred to let him know she had heard and understood.
Ok. Maybe contol over air? like creating windstorms and such. Or maybe fire. I like fire. As my cousin would say to that; Fie fie! :)
What kind of power? Demonic powers or maybe elemental powers?
thank god. Im starting to get bored
Draco decided it was too smoky so he picked Ink up in his arms and flew out of the hole in the roof. He landed a few feet in front of them, his eyes streaming from the smoke. He took a deep breath then expelled it fom his lungs along with the smoke he had inhaled through his nose. Draco gently set Ink down and ran a hand through his neck length hair. He sat back on his heels next to her and closed his eyes letting his other senses inform him of what was going on.
Draco swore. "Shit. Hey, look here. I may be a dragon but you have no idea what i could or could not possibly understand. Im not going to kill anyone." He took Ink out of his neck hollow and set her down gently. He then shifted to his human form and scrubbed his eyes and pulled the arrow out of his thigh where it had landed. "Sonofabitch!" He spit in his hand and rubbed it in the wound. It healed in a matter of minutes leaving a faint scar.

He coughed as he watched Ink begin to stir. He placed a soothing hand of her forehead and she stilled, sighing in her sleep. Draco noted how impossibly black her hair was. She was pretty but she wasnt his type. But maybe she would prove to be a loyal friend instead. He stood and stretched, pulling his wings out of his back through the specially designed slits in his jacket and waited for the others to get their bearings.

Draco remembered the fear on the first hunters face and unwillingly remembered his time on the streets. Every day had beem a struggle to find enough food to fill his belly, learn to control his dragon and stay alive. He had had to learn to fight dirty to prevent himself from being beat to death by street gangs, muggers, and typical everyday crooks and bullies that would kill you just for the shirt off your back.
Sure. Link me
Draco growled and shielded Ink with his body by putting his paw against his chest. He blew asmall ball of black and white fire at the shot gun. "What is your issue you fool?!" He roared. "Do you aim to kill her for no reason other than just because you can?!" Draco placed ink in the hollow at the base of his neck where spikes formed a wall. He swiped at the hunter, tearing his shirt. he bared his fangs which were nearly four feet in length and three feet around at the base. "Come here you ass!" Draco swiped at him again.
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