Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 11 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

I've been waiting for Pathfinder to respond to my post at the top of page two.
Inkness hesitated, not knowing who to go after. Damn this was confusing. She didn't know who was good, who was bad, who to fight, who to help. She growled in frustration, tail twitching. She needed to help but didn't know how and it was confusing the hell out of her. Dammit all to hell, She thought. Just kill the vampires. She bunched her muscles and shot into the fray, She leapt to Marcus's side and growled at the vampire. Her ears lay flat against her skull and her deadly, curved claws were out.

She had realized it was best to act as a trained panther, so she positioned into what she knes was the ready-to-attack-at-your-command crouch. A low, deep growl emanating from deep down in her chest, fur spiked, tail twitching. She hoped the hunter would get the message and tell her to attack. She'd been waiting for a chance to sink her teeth and claws into the flesh of an enemy for months. Now was her chance to let her wildcat out and she didn't plan on missing it even for a moment.
If anyone has an open dragon Winter is open for them to talk too. If you're wondering.
Winter walked forward and fingered her long hai nervously. She didn't know any of the dragons here. Her slitted blue eyes darted around, hoping someone would notice her and talk to her. So she sat down near a pair of dragons who were talking to each other, picking up the name Selameet and another one she was sure started with a V. But she did not listen to their conversation out of respect and just sat there, feeling lonelier than when she had woken up not knowing who she was or where she wad from.

Winter forced back tears as she remembered the Grandpa dragon who had helped her back then. He was the only friend she had had. She got up and started wandering around, not paying attention to where she was going. She hummed a little lullaby she had heard a human woman sing to her child when she went into the village at nighttime.Winter hummed and played with a ball of snow in her hands, pulling it this way and that, shaping it into a baby. She sat down at the base of a cedar tree and played with her snowbaby.
Hey @TalijaKey, did you see what i said on page five?
Draco watched him go, a dark, stony look of anger etched upon his face, violet eyes glowing. He unfurled his wings and followed him once more. He landed and pounded on the door and shouted, "Get out here you judgemental bastard! You have no damned right to judge me! You have no idea what it was like in the seventeenth century!" He snarled furiously. "If you were dirt poor you were either killed or you killed yourself! If you have any brains in that tiny skull of yours you would judge people for who they are not who they were! You are a mere child compared to me, I'm over a hundred years old and I've seen the whole world in that lifetime!" Draco was beyond pissed. He was absolutely infuriated.

"Get your ass out here and talk to me like I make mistakes the same way you do." Draco stopped roaring and said calmly, "I'm a man just like you, with regrets and feelings and every right to be treated with respect as you do. If you don't come out here in the next three minutes it will prove to me you are just a clueless, idiot who has no real understanding of the phrase bloodied hands." Draco took a deep breath and expelled it, keeping a tight rein on the dragonrage that threatened to overflow. "To have bloodied hands is to have killed without remorse or regret at the murders you have commited and keep on doing it without shame at all. I haven't killed anyone in 125 years and soon to be 126. Next time consider the source before you accuse someone of bloodied hands. One tiny glimpse into my past isnt enough to go by on alone. Have a good day asshole. "

Draco turned and walked, about to unfurl his wings and go home to his giant house, and think of a way to help the childrens hospital. "The less you give a fuck," He riminded himself."The happier you'll be. Except I do give a fuck. I care about whether or not someone decides to judge me for my past and who I used to be instead of who I am now. I'm sick of being treated like shit because I used to be a damned assassin but there aint a damn thing I can do about it because that was in the past." The only thing that made Draco happy was donating the vast amounts of wealth he had collected over the years to the Childrens Hospital and the childrens wing in the regular hospitals and womens shelters. Not to mention the cure for breat cancer. He sighed. Nothing about the way people treated him was going to change much and he might as well get used to it.
Draco ran after him. "Hey! David! Whats wrong?" He snapped his wings open and flew towards David, landing in front of him and grabbing his arm before he could run the other way. Draco blinked hard and the contacts popped out, his eyes turning from blue to his natural deep violet. "David tell me what scared you. I wont hurt you and I certainly dont trust them. I learned a long Time ago to not trust anyone, but keep yourself from becoming a target. Then you'll be prepared when they try to attack you."

Unwillingly he remembered learning that lesson in a dark alley when a street gang tried to beat him up. Draco had lost it and let his dragon out, scarring the would be thugs so badly they stayed away from him and gave the message out to every other street gang; dont fuck with the violet eyed kid with the weird looking hair or you'll regret it. And then when people had learned of his effective way of dealing with enimies, they hired him as an assassin, paying him well for jobs well done. Draco shook himself mentally and stepped away, taking his hand off of the wizard's shoulder.
Draco nodded and went to do as he asked. He wondered if the Hunters had a leader and how he or she would react to him and Inkness trying to help them out. Hopfully not the same way Connor and Damien had, but there was a fifty-fifty chance they would. Well, he would just have to expect the unexpected. "Hey David," Draco said to the wizard. "Connor asked me to keep you out of the warehouse for awhile while he sets up."
Inkness pelted after him, keepin pace with him. She may not be a cheetah shifter but she was almost as fast as one. She slowed when he stopped, chest heaving and she relaxed her breathing. "I'll be right back" She rumbled softly. "I need some sort of meat to restore myself. And if we have to fight Im gonna need all my strength." She padded into someones yard and stalked foward towards the rabbit she had sotted roaming free. She pounced and turned to Damien. "You're not squeamish are you? She asked around the rabbit in her mouth, referring to her eating it where she could see him.

Draco watched as Inkness and Damien too off. He turned to connor and pulled his wings back into his back underneath his jacket. "What can I do to help?" He grinned, violet eyes seeming to glow a bit. Draco took a small box out of his coat pocket and opened it, revealing two contack lenses. He put them in and and looked up, his once purple eyes a crystalline blue with darker rings at the edges. "Makes me less noticeable." He explainex.
Inks round ears perked up. "Mind if I come with you? I want to help. I mean I probably should to make sure you know that I'm not going to kil you or vice versa." She chuckled. She really did want to help. She wasnt one to hold a grudge against someone for shooting her with an cyanide poisoned arrow. But if it was serious, like trying to kill the ones she cared about she would. "Plus I'm pretty sure if you had something with your friend's scent on it I could track them for you." She offered. "And my fighting skills aren't too bad."

Draco pulled his wings out of his back and stretched them, the light making the membranes glow. "I could scout ahead if you wanted me too. But its up to you. If not then I'll be on my merry way and leave you to it." His stomach growled and he grinned. "I was hunting when I saw what was happening. If you need me just use this." He tossed Connor a dark violet stone set in black iron that looked like an eye. "Press on the pupil and call my name. I will hear you."
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