Inkness hesitated, not knowing who to go after. Damn this was confusing. She didn't know who was good, who was bad, who to fight, who to help. She growled in frustration, tail twitching. She needed to help but didn't know how and it was confusing the hell out of her. Dammit all to hell, She thought. Just kill the vampires. She bunched her muscles and shot into the fray, She leapt to Marcus's side and growled at the vampire. Her ears lay flat against her skull and her deadly, curved claws were out.
She had realized it was best to act as a trained panther, so she positioned into what she knes was the ready-to-attack-at-your-command crouch. A low, deep growl emanating from deep down in her chest, fur spiked, tail twitching. She hoped the hunter would get the message and tell her to attack. She'd been waiting for a chance to sink her teeth and claws into the flesh of an enemy for months. Now was her chance to let her wildcat out and she didn't plan on missing it even for a moment.