Hey! Wake up. (who gets that?)
@IrishAngelQueen @Ogobrogo
Me. Definitely me. Especially on summer break.
Hey! Wake up. (who gets that?)
@IrishAngelQueen @Ogobrogo
Ya, the two "making" you must agree, but that won't be hard. Most of us are willing to help others come into this RP. Once you have decided what kinda character you want, you should probably go about trying to figure out what god whould have birthed such a character.
If you are the God of Ants, for example, you would probably be a child of Vowzra- who created ants. If you are a Goddess of Death, you would probably be a child of Escre, the God of Life and perhaps Vestec, the God of Chaos (life + chaos= death, I would guess)
<Snipped quote by IrishAngelQueen>
I love Creepypasta!
I demand you join this RP at this moment.
<Snipped quote by @Hael>
Like the rest of us, you can be the god of just about anything you want. Earth, Air, Emotions, Mortality, Death, Love, and so on.
If you're serious about joining, then after reading everything you should check out the Characters section to see what's been taken.
<Snipped quote by @Kho>
The quota for characters starting out as gods is maxed out. However, demigods eventually become gods.
Edit: @IrishAngelQueen Read question 29 of the FAQ then come tell us about this strange new world you live in, beyond the fourth wall, where all the lurkers dwell O.O (Q29 is the first one, just in case)
<Snipped quote by IrishAngelQueen>
Good luck. Ichika's social development has been messed up enough that he can be a little dense.