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    1. StarGemini 8 yrs ago


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I'm always ready and waiting.
Name: Clyde De’thaal

Age: 24

Sex: Male


Race: Cused Human

Element: Fire

“Charge into the unknown, chart it, and make it known. For those who dare, win.”

Personality: Clyde is at first sight, a gutsy nomad who won’t back down from a challenge. Kind hearted and always ready for an adventure, Clyde would be seen by many as reckless for his love of the unknown. When he gets in a fight however, he becomes a man on a mission, and that’s to kill his opponent. Outside of battle, when he isn’t being friendly, he can use his keen eye and sharp wit to get what he needs to done.


Clyde was born in Agni, to his nomadic father, and gypsy mother. The duo, now a trio, traveled the land and explored anything they could. Clyde’s father was also a spelunker for hire, heading into uncharted ruins and territories for the sake of finding loot, or hunting a rare beast. Clyde grew up with the same free spirit his father had, but the sharp eyes and wit of his mother. He was a growing prodigy, and was doing quite a bit to show for it, he helped his mom haggle many prices upward for the family to profit, and kicked a few asses when they got cocky. He eventually earned a gift from both parents when he turned 18. A custom hand cannon, made just for him by a gunsmith in Agni, and from his mother, a small short sword with a curved blade. It was only a short while before Clyde stepped out into the world, and moved to carve his own mark into the history of Agni.

After a couple years of roving mercenary work, Clyde joined up with a crew who would guard merchant caravans when they traveled. Sometimes he got put on high end jobs, guarding some nobles daughter, but usually he was a caravan guard. That’s about as good as it got, because he eventually received a letter, his parents had been killed by a bandit group, and his father’s own pistol was stolen. Taking a leave of absence from his group, he hunted down these bandits, and made them pay in blood.

That’s when he first encountered the one thing his father hid from him, the everlasting Curse of his father’s bloodline. It was a demon, everything it touched burned, but the fire wasn’t normal, it was black, and felt more evil than hot. It strode straight up to Clyde, explaining the story of his cursed bloodline, and that the two were bound for eternity. He placed his father’s pistol into Clyde’s hand, and simply faded away. Returning to the mercenaries he worked with, he continued to train, and try to master this newfound power he carried. He eventually was revered enough to become a frequently hired bodyguard for the rich and prosperous. However, at this point he’s hit a standstill in his training, and he refused to stay that weak.


Cursed Mercenary Clyde
At 3 stars, Clyde still looks the same, however, now one can see his power beginning to manifest, when in battle, his rounds do bonus damage, as they are engulfed in Hellfire.

Vengeful Hunter Clyde
At 4 stars, Clyde begins to shrug off the garb of the nomadic merc he was, losing the armored leather coat for an armored and hooded leather duster, also abandoning his hat and mask for a shemagh he wears as a face mask most of the time. Also now one can begin to make out some of the form of the demon that resonates with Klyde as the two begin to grow in power while he’s in combat.

Hellfire Gunslinger Clyde
At 5 stars Clyde looks more like a vigilante than a mercenary, removing his shemagh, he now dons a metal mask, he does take it off when he socializes, however outside of that and sleeping, he wears it. Now, when in combat the demon’s form is fully visible, and mimicking his attacks, effectively doubling how much damage he deals.

Hellfire Hand Cannoneer Clyde
At his six star evolution, Clyde truly is one with the demon he bears, in combat the two fight as independent entities, but yet fully in sync. (If he had an in game look, it’d be similar to how the twins look.)

Clyde, Master of Hellfire

At 7 stars Clyde and the demon are just short of their strongest potential, Clyde added more armor to his duster, making him look as if he wears a full coat of upper plate armor. The Demon seems to have the strength of an Archdemon alongside his host. The two have now found a way to achieve their true strength, and one with the right sensory strengths can feel, one final chain is about to break on their limitations, and something great will happen when it does.

Clyde, Oblivion’s Death Dealer (If allowed)

When he reaches his Omni evolution, Clyde himself has eyes the color of fire, and any hit he lands marks a target with Hellfire’s Primer. If they take damage from Clyde again, the Primer detonates, causing a large explosion, and consuming the target in Hellfire for a brief moment. The Primer can be on several targets, but fades after it isn’t triggered for a minute.

Misc: All of Clyde’s fire is black, forgot to mention that earlier.


Lead Rain: If Clyde dodges an enemy attack, he will leap skyward, and rain bullets down on the enemy and those around them.

Brave Burst: Hellfire Hand Cannon: Before five stars, Hellfire Hand Cannon is simply a large magical attack delivered by Clyde to a target, leaving them covered in Hellfire for a moment. After five stars it’s two blasts, one from Clyde, and one from his Demon.

Super Brave Burst: Ragnarok Revolver: When this ability is used, Clyde and his Demon fire two special shots, that when they connect with a target, unleash a massive explosion, marking all nearby targets with Hellfire.

Ultimate Brave Burst: Apocalyptic Barrage: If it gets to the point where Clyde uses this ability, he will call forth the full power of him and his Demon, unleashing a massive barrage of magical blasts, aiming to completely annihilate anyone who opposes him.

Corroding Hellfire: Any targets burned by Hellfire have all their resistances reduced for the duration of the burn.

Hellfire Primer: Marks a target with the Hellfire Primer, visibly shows as some sort of soot like substance where the person was struck, if struck again, that mark detonates, damaging the main target and all around them, consuming them with Hellfire.

Just some images of the weapons he wields, and what his Demon will look like when it manifests.

I'll have something up ASAP
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