Taking a pretty permanent hiatus. Thanks for all the stories!
5 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Taking a pretty permanent hiatus. Thanks for all the stories!
5 yrs ago
Feelin' pretty fine, feelin' pretty sharp.
5 yrs ago
Blizzard Entertainment supports the tyrannical government of China. Blizzard Entertainment ends the careers of those who dare dissent against their chinese overlords. And they're not the only ones...
6 yrs ago
Got to get back into the swing of the things
6 yrs ago
In other news, Republicans in Oregon have laid siege to the state capital, shutting down the democratic process. They have the support of right-wing militia groups who have shot at police before.
I've been on and off this website for six years now. Right now I've only barely got time for one RP, and even then I mess that up. Trying to be more consistent and online more often, because I really do enjoy online roleplaying. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to write as much as I used too. Until then, I shall brood gloomily in the shadows.
Life goes on! Hobbies change and so do schedules. I hate ghosts, so I'm trying to put myself to rest as best I can with a status and bio officially marking my departure. If I'm going to do any writing, it's going to be working on that book I always wanted to finish.
[s]I've been on and off this website for six years now. Right now I've only barely got time for one RP, and even then I mess that up. Trying to be more consistent and online more often, because I really do enjoy online roleplaying. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to write as much as I used too. Until then, I shall brood gloomily in the shadows.
Life goes on! Hobbies change and so do schedules. I hate ghosts, so I'm trying to put myself to rest as best I can with a status and bio officially marking my departure. If I'm going to do any writing, it's going to be working on that book I always wanted to finish.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><br>	<span class="bb-s">I've been on and off this website for six years now. Right now I've only barely got time for one RP, and even then I mess that up. Trying to be more consistent and online more often, because I really do enjoy online roleplaying. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to write as much as I used too. Until then, I shall brood gloomily in the shadows. </span><br><br>Life goes on! Hobbies change and so do schedules. I hate ghosts, so I'm trying to put myself to rest as best I can with a status and bio officially marking my departure. If I'm going to do any writing, it's going to be working on that book I always wanted to finish. </div>