Avatar of Strange Rodent
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 658 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Strange Rodent 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current You couldn't even imagine it...
5 yrs ago
Why does saying "I love you" have to have so many romantic connotations? There are so many people I love in a way seperate from anything romantic. <3
5 yrs ago
I'm fucking back with a fucking vengeance, I just wish I had some wine
5 yrs ago
Bourbon and tea is a good idea
5 yrs ago
He's made of bones, he's made of blood, he's made of flesh, he's made of love. He's made of you, he's made of me. UNITY!


A thing that will die after eating rat poison

But really, a guy that likes to RP. Not too keen on sharing personal info in my bio, but after I get to know you, I may open up a bit more in regards to certain things.

I have been roleplaying for most of my life, but forum RP is newer to me than tabletop. I wanted something to do to kill time without putting wayyyy too many hours into Dark Souls 3.

I love music, historical fencing and re enactment, making shit, and just being cool with people. Talk any of these things with me, and you'll be cool with me. I have very strong thoughts on sandwiches. Ask if you dare.

Here's a list of cool people from this site that are just cool people that I enjoy talking with, and a quote from each of them. In no particular order, here they are:

"What the shit?"

"Don't quote me."

"Rodent is a little shit, I want to beat him up but in the most loving way"

"If you're feeling unimportant, always remember that every protagonist was an NPC before their most important story began"

"haha yeah"

"I'm just running an aux through my amp, Playing Van Halen at 05:50"

And that's that. There's not much else I feel like saying. Here's a list of bands I like (to be made soon)

Most Recent Posts

Yo. I've expressed my interest in the interest check post for this. Here's my character:

@TheUnknowable If this is going to take off, I'd be happy to join
@Dynamo Frokane

No worries. Looking forward to starting!

@Dynamo Frokane Didn't I grab Pride and Steel?

You're totally right. I'll change it to The Free United Cities, I reckon. Fits better anyway. I have info on the Government under Jajeme & Warlords in the 'Political environment & Government Type' section. Unless you mean more elaboration, or something totally different.


Working on a flag now. It'll be a few hours tops, I reckon. I'll move it to the character section after it's done.


That sounds great! Maybe The Free City Pact could have been offered to your minor city state, but due to already being under the Aegan, it was politely declined? Vice versa, even. The Aegan pact is probably older than TFCP, so it might make more sense that Seme was offered to join (or even had for a while) before TFCP was even conceptualised.

I guess that the cultural influence on Seme could be Paganism? I imagine quite a few of the refugees who fled the bombings in the middle east went into or through Europe, and so there'd be significant cultural influence from your nation on the Seme people.

As for a defensive pact, that sounds golden (...steel?). Jajanhart (in Somalia) is the main military power in TFUC, and anyone attacking from the south has to get past them and Eljawhera (in Oman), which has a decent navy. Seme (NE Saudi Arabia) would be more likely to protect from the east, as I control most civilisation south of it.

What are your thoughts? I'm just throwing ideas around, so don't be afraid to say you don't want to do them.
@NecroKnight @EveryMemeAKing

Do you want more details, or is this passable? I'll add a flag later, I need to sleep now. Too fucking tired


Update coming shortly! Got it loaded in a text box, just a few fine points to iron out, and a few historic figures to create. Should be done in the next 30 mins - 1 hr.

@Strange Rodent

Im all for an alliance, the North Africans west of the Suez are agreeable people. The city states East of the Suez may be difficult, not hostile but just annoying.

You're talking about your people here? One of my settlements is on the east of the Suez, around the far north Saudi Arabia area. Maybe there'd be significant cultural crossover?

Although my people are Anarchists at heart, they're still logical enough to see that alliances should not be squandered. Especially with a neighbour so close.
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