Avatar of Strange Rodent
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  • Posts: 658 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Strange Rodent 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current You couldn't even imagine it...
5 yrs ago
Why does saying "I love you" have to have so many romantic connotations? There are so many people I love in a way seperate from anything romantic. <3
5 yrs ago
I'm fucking back with a fucking vengeance, I just wish I had some wine
5 yrs ago
Bourbon and tea is a good idea
5 yrs ago
He's made of bones, he's made of blood, he's made of flesh, he's made of love. He's made of you, he's made of me. UNITY!


A thing that will die after eating rat poison

But really, a guy that likes to RP. Not too keen on sharing personal info in my bio, but after I get to know you, I may open up a bit more in regards to certain things.

I have been roleplaying for most of my life, but forum RP is newer to me than tabletop. I wanted something to do to kill time without putting wayyyy too many hours into Dark Souls 3.

I love music, historical fencing and re enactment, making shit, and just being cool with people. Talk any of these things with me, and you'll be cool with me. I have very strong thoughts on sandwiches. Ask if you dare.

Here's a list of cool people from this site that are just cool people that I enjoy talking with, and a quote from each of them. In no particular order, here they are:

"What the shit?"

"Don't quote me."

"Rodent is a little shit, I want to beat him up but in the most loving way"

"If you're feeling unimportant, always remember that every protagonist was an NPC before their most important story began"

"haha yeah"

"I'm just running an aux through my amp, Playing Van Halen at 05:50"

And that's that. There's not much else I feel like saying. Here's a list of bands I like (to be made soon)

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Plus, if I get totally fucked by one of your cards, I'll definitely remember you have it.
Gareth would have expected to be nauseated by the sudden change in scenery. He was, a little. As he gained his bearings he noticed that he wasn't him anymore. He heard a voice speaking inside his head, the same one that interrupted his conversation. He couldn't tell you what it said verbatim, but he was rather quickly filled with a strange knowledge he didn't have before...

He knew the cards were used to do battle. He saw a black, shadowy figure standing across the swamp from him. His instincts told him that he probably didn't mean well. Time to fight.

The swamp in front of him erupts in smoke, as if it had been set alight. The smoke blows away to reveal a rotted unit of Foul Marksmen. The call of "FIRE!" is heard, and they begin to loose their arrows in an arc.

A Throwing Chakram appears in his hand, and using the marksmen as a distraction, he casts it, attempting to bounce it off a tree and around the marksmen, then into his opponent.

He decides to not use up too many of his resources before he knows what his opponent can do, and assumes a stance optimised for dodging.

I like that idea as well. I've skimmed most of the decks already anyway, but I can't really remember what was in them
The doors swung open, and a girl walked in. She looked surprised, but a bit vague. For a moment Gareth wondered what she was doing, but then he remembered: She was one of the people in the dream! Holy shit! Maybe she'd know something about these crazy happenings...

She introduced herself before sitting on the couch opposite him.

Barely remembering the correct words, he said "Hi. I'm Gareth, but most people just call me Gaz. You... were in my dream last night.".

He decided after saying it that it definitely sounded creepy, so he tried to make a smooth recovery, "Err... that sounded creepy. There were other people, too. Not just you so it wasn't weird or anything."

'Fuck. Dig up!' He thought.

He decided that there was no recovering from those first sentence, so he changed the subject. "Do you have cards like this?", he asked.
@numachi Hey, glad you made an account! I guess that means you've been here longer than I have.
You should join! It's only just started so I can't imagine the GM would be against having you join
After rubbing his eyes for the third time that minute, Gareth saw his culture teacher, Mr Nishikii, approach almost as soon as he got off the bus. They weren't too well acquainted, so it was somewhat surprising. The whole situation seemed much less strange as Gareth got told off for being late.

However, Mr Nishikii started taking furtive glances around. Almost as if he was looking for someone. Then he leaned in and whispered,
"You've met your battle mage, correct? You also are in possession of 15 cards that you didn't have before this? I was in the dream too, listen to your battlemage. He will know what to do next. Also if you're interested in obtaining new cards come see me at the old common room after lunch. I've arranged for you and the others to take the rest of the day off on 'study leave' use this time wisely Gareth... I will be watching....".

The whole sentence was too strange, but those last words shook Gareth to the core. He had forgotten about them until now. As Mr Nishikii disappeared toward the school, Gareth took his notepad again, and wrote:

I will be watching...

Fucking hell. This is a definite connection, then. The cards have some kind of connection to a conduit of sorts. A conduit of what sort? If Nishikii was in the dream as the voice, and if he knew that the others were there, then this could be otherworldly stuff he'd previously written off with a wave of the hand.

Research seemed the best route. He reasoned that google would be no help: It contained too much unorganised fiction. The state library was too far to get to and back from in time for lunch. The school library probably wouldn't offer much, but it was his only option.

The history section of the library was surprisingly informative. On all the wrong subjects. Nothing on battlemages or conduit stones, and he'd spent 2 hours there! He borrowed a few books that were interesting anyway and left, heading for the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was as crowded as it gets at lunch time. The food they have there is usually pretty average, but at a nice price. He sat down with his food and took his cards out. As he ate he fiddled with them, being very careful to not get any food on them. They had beautiful art, but he didn't know what they were for. He'd found them in a garage sale on his first day here, and decided to buy them as a housewarming gift to himself. Finishing the last of his food, he slipped the cards back into their case and pocketed them.

He decided he'd head to the old common room after all. Nishikii would probably be able to explain. On his way there he saw a few of the others from the dream, but they seemed busy so he didn't bother them. It was at the end of this hall.

The doors swung open, revealing a slightly run-down little room. It had a few couches and armchairs, and two tables with chairs. Quite moody. The room almost begged for jazzz to be playing. There was no-one else there yet, so he sprawled on a couch and started reading one of the books he'd borrowed from the library.
Yo. I'm new too, so it feels kinda weird posting on a newcomer's thread :P

Welcome! And remember that you have to get a character approved in the Out Of Character tab before writing. Took me a bit to get that

Have a great time here :)
Augie watched in silence. He was contemplating the power of these crystals. If this lady was for real...

The sound of a scream brought him back to reality. A brunette he hadn't noticed before had just tased one of their assailants, and rolled out the door, running away. Augie gripped the crystal, birthing possibly one of the more stupid ideas he'd had. He rushed the last man, copping a taser shot in the arm, which sent him sprawling. As he lay on the floor, all he could focus on was the electric current running through his body. Perfect. That lady said he needed to concentrate, after all.

He willed the electricity to pool in his hand, just before the man came forward to handcuff him. Augie took a firm grip of the man's arm, releasing the stored energy into his body. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as the man dropped, probably unconscious. Probably. He still had some static in him, so he crawled over to the man who had only been winded and sent a fist into his head. Neither the fist nor the static were enough to knock him out, but the two combined were enough.

Augie scrambled to his feet, pulling the taser shot out of him as he did so. He ran out the door and followed the brunette.

I lie in my bed, stunned. My small apartment felt eerily quiet after the ear-shattering BASS I had just experienced. I raise my hand and click, just to make sure my ears still work.


I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even realise I was holding in, switch on my phone, notice the time, and freak out again. Lateness is a pet peeve of mine. I scramble out of my bed, hastily getting ready. At times like these I'm grateful for sleeping in everyday clothes. Less things to do when late. I stop before leaving, doing a things check. Pockets first; Phone, keys, wallet, and a pen and notepad. Cool. Bag next; Books, projects, laptop, cards, and duct tape. All good, then. Wait, ring in the dream. Grab that. See if those others in the dream knew about it. What were their names again? Kilo was the American one... Rana, and... Nasuri? Something like that. I'll recognise them all by sight, anyway. My headphones were on, and plugged into my phone. On my way out the door I shuffled my high-energy playlist: You Really Don't Care. Fucking perfect! Blast my functioning eardrums with The Drones.

I race down the stairs several steps at a time. I nearly fall a few times, which would've hurt. The lift opened on the third floor, and I decided I'd race it. They're usually designed to go smoothly rather than quickly in these buildings, so I figured I had a fair chance. I round the corner, and almost faceplant into someone going up. He hurls some abuse at me, which I cleverly rebut with 'Shit C***!'. The Aussie insult of choice. I'd say sorry if he were nice to me, but oh well. He must've been stressed or something.

I didn't beat the elevator because of that. I did manage to make it to the footpath and hail the bus with barely seconds to spare, though. I guess that matters more anyway. The first thing I notice when I hop on is just how crowded it is. The only open seat is next to some girl I'd never met. I take it. No point standing up if there's a free seat. I must've reeked, judging by the glances people shot at me, so I rolled on some deodourant. The music is turned up enough that I don't have to listen to others. As I sat, my mind had time to turn to that... Dream?

What was it about? And what the fuck could a Conduit Stone be? Probably nothing to do with electrical conduit, judging from the talk of Mythic Wars and Lost Empires. What else did it say? Something about battlemages? Oh, and there was an ethereal grey dude... who hugged me? Hey, there was a yellow one, too. He was wearing armor. Holy shit, could it be talking about Mythic Legends? I rub the sleep from my eyes, dismissing the thought. I had no way to prove it wasn't just a freak dream. I did write it down in my notebook, though. I'd made a habit of doing that. Odd things give me ideas. I closed the notebook as the bus pulled up at school. I got off, stretched, and rubbed my eyes again. I hate that. How when you rub your eyes it makes them more itchy.

All the others were spilling off the bus or milling around the courtyard outside. Maybe I'll try to find the others in the dream...
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