Avatar of Strange Rodent
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 658 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Strange Rodent 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current You couldn't even imagine it...
5 yrs ago
Why does saying "I love you" have to have so many romantic connotations? There are so many people I love in a way seperate from anything romantic. <3
5 yrs ago
I'm fucking back with a fucking vengeance, I just wish I had some wine
5 yrs ago
Bourbon and tea is a good idea
5 yrs ago
He's made of bones, he's made of blood, he's made of flesh, he's made of love. He's made of you, he's made of me. UNITY!


A thing that will die after eating rat poison

But really, a guy that likes to RP. Not too keen on sharing personal info in my bio, but after I get to know you, I may open up a bit more in regards to certain things.

I have been roleplaying for most of my life, but forum RP is newer to me than tabletop. I wanted something to do to kill time without putting wayyyy too many hours into Dark Souls 3.

I love music, historical fencing and re enactment, making shit, and just being cool with people. Talk any of these things with me, and you'll be cool with me. I have very strong thoughts on sandwiches. Ask if you dare.

Here's a list of cool people from this site that are just cool people that I enjoy talking with, and a quote from each of them. In no particular order, here they are:

"What the shit?"

"Don't quote me."

"Rodent is a little shit, I want to beat him up but in the most loving way"

"If you're feeling unimportant, always remember that every protagonist was an NPC before their most important story began"

"haha yeah"

"I'm just running an aux through my amp, Playing Van Halen at 05:50"

And that's that. There's not much else I feel like saying. Here's a list of bands I like (to be made soon)

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oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus oneofus
Ceiran Strivelyn

He thought the whole thing was rather absurd. The exaggerated display at the gates, the headmaster, the death, and the curfew. Most of all, the fact that he would never be truly alone, and nobody knew it. All this is what kept him up all night, chuckling. Time is better spent laughing than worrying, after all. Another benefit of staying up all night was that he didn't have to drag himself out of bed to wash the blood out of his nails. He was never quite sure how it got there, it just was. Every morning since... since then.

He hadn't talked to anyone on the first day. He just hadn't felt like it. He knew someone died on campus, but didn't want to get close to the crowds that he knew would rush there. He didn't do well with crowds, especially if they're all there gawking at a dead person. He was legitimately confused as to why everyone thought death was such a bad thing. Better to make peace with the inevitable than to fear it. Instead he managed to locate a windowsill that overlooked the courtyard. He watched it all from there.

He wasn't given a schedule that day. Probably admin issues related to the death. He had read the other student's schedules, though. The potions class sounded most interesting out of the ones there, so he got dressed. He decided he'd make an effort today, so he donned a pair of dress pants, a buttoned up shirt (top two buttons undone.), and his broken in leather boots. Of course, he had his coat on over the top of that. It had a pocket on the inside that he slipped his wand into. His bag held all the less important things. He decided to set off, even though he was a touch late.

He had no-one to walk with, but there was nobody around to notice. He knocked on the door, and entered. No mind was paid to him at first, so he made himself unobstructive at the back of the classroom.
@KoL @TheWindel

I'll move him to the character tab, then. Is there anything else that needs to happen before he joins in?
Yeah, that all makes sense

I was just thinking I'd allow Augie some room to develop. He has never modified objects on a molecular level before, and so isn't very skilled at it :P

The story's moving though, so it works either way
I was saying it was warm because it had just been welded shut, but we're out now so whatever
Augie Clevenger

The brunette smiled at him, which was strange because there were people chasing them. Trying to kidnap them, and fuck up their bodies. He assumed it was just a nervous gesture of goodwill. Dwelling on it would only stress him out.

He stepped out of the building, and was immediately reminded that he was barefoot. The sand scorched his feet as he ran. And he ran for a while. He ran past several people with tasers, paying them no heed. He could deal with tasers now, although it was painful. The sand was causing excruciating pain now, only serving to make him run faster.


Gah! Shit! What? They have real guns now?! He thought. So the taser trick he used before wouldn't work. He dropped flat on the sand, and began to commando crawl through the scrub. The dead leaves and twigs clawed at his eyes, but he just kept going and paid no attention to where.

He heard several meaty smacks, and a man grunting in pain. It punctured the apparent silence like a bullet would a person. These people wouldn't want to be attacking each other, would they? No, probably not. He crawled over, the sand filling his shirt and burning his chest. It was that brunette from before. He'd forgotten about her. He stood up and approached, staring at the unconscious man lying in the sand.

"Do you want this machine gun thingy?" she asked him.

"Uhh... sure?". He was hesitant about taking it. Guns are not his strong point. "I want his boots, though. My feet are having holes burned in them."

He took the gun and sat down, unlacing the man's boots.

Logically yes, that would make absolutely perfect sense. No-one posted in a few days though, so I thought I'd do something. I also posted somewhat short in an attempt to not disrupt the turn order too much
Augie ran along the barren hall, willing himself to go faster with each step. When he got to the end he came across a metal door. He scrambled at the handle, hoping against hope that it would turn. It did. Freedom!..... Only the door still wouldn't budge. It must've been locked from the other side.

He placed his hand on the oddly warm steel of the door, and willed the lock on the other side to open. A little click was heard. He tried to open it again. Still nothing.

He turned to the brunette who had just caught up with him and said only a few words:

"Fuck. Where to?"

Done. It's not stressed, but it's in there
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