Avatar of StrangerDanger


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6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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Most Recent Posts

Tell me about the second plot. I'd like to know more.
Because I absolute love your name, bludgeon me with all of the strange AnimalMagicDragonMedieval plots and ideas in every combination that tickles your fancy. I'd like to see what the options are.
Oh my, let's see.

Thief x {{{Victim}}}
Explorer x {{{Guide}}}
{{{Asylum Victim}}} x Crazy Person (possibly mature) [Need to know more]
{{{Police Officer}}} x Working Guy/Bartender (mature) [Need to know more]
Alien x {{{Slave}}} (mature) [Need to know more]
{{{Elf}}} x Human [on the fence]
{{{Angel}}} x Human [Need to know more]
{{{Angel}}} x Vampire [on the fence with vampires]
{{{Jailer}}} x Jailed [Need to know more]

Aand here be my interest in your interests!
Don't forget to take picture of before and after...
The Longest Yard is still ahead of them though....
Sorry! I kind of dropped an atom bomb's worth of dialog on you all at once. x3
"Oh the sass you have! Well noted Ms. Solomon. As the only other industry leader aboard this flight I am invested in your well being, am I not? It's only natural for me to ensure the future of my potential wife is a healthy one, yes? Your parents would be elated by the arrangement don't you think, their blessing is assured, one would think. After all, when there's a missing piece to a puzzle that requires two and my chips are down the missing person is who? The who, is you, Melanie. You can put that down Elena as 'proposal by man and professional, will the world see global market change?' Yea, that's good." Adrian looked across the aisle at the woman sitting next to the window quickly before turning back to Melanie, a twinkle in his eye. "Now, I don't intend on simply cannibalizing your assets of course, you'd naturally have full control of them as the division leader but under my protective umbrella and influence. It's mutually beneficial with much happiness to be had for both, I would think."

Pausing, Adrian looks over to his business rival, a semi-serious look to his face. Even as he teased the young woman with unclear intentions the plane continued to shake harder. It wasn't too much different from flying into the face of a storm just to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft, a feeling that was rather nostalgic for him. Her eyes only met his for a few moments but it had done it's job before she broke his gaze to peer out the small window. The frustration and obvious posturing was endearing in the most amusing sort of ways. Between her more than likely pouting face and the slim chance of her being red, he couldn't help but chuckle. Reaching out to pat her on the shoulder was interrupted by the sudden retreat of their overhead lights and a cracking over the intercom.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we're experiencing a bit of unexpected turbulence caused by tropical conditions but we should be clear of them soon so please sit back and relax, Tokyo is only a few hours away."

Well that set the mood quite well didn't it? 'Plane rides are awful' they said, 'there's nothing to do' they said! Poppycock, there was pleanty to keep him occupied and the flight crew had just poured fuel on the fire.

"Melanie, dear. I simply want for us to get along. After all, we only have things to gain by the things ventured here do we not? It wouldn't be too hard you know, I offer my hand openly and without conditions. I understand the world in which you live, the world We live in. Can you honestly expect a normal sod of a man to understand priorities? I myself and head of a corporate juggernaut while you are tenderly raising a seed into a stalwart tree, deep of root, branches heavy with fruit. You know why and how you've gotten it to this point, as do I, which is why I respect you greatly, Melanie..."
Can't being too many, somebody might get Gun Shy...
You couldn't find it even if you happen to, you know, Run All Night...
Wherever it happens to go, it's used Non-Stop...
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