Avatar of StrangerDanger


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6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
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6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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In HI! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome @White Iris, I'm more than confident that there will be any number of roleplays here for you! Not just that, you can stir up interest yourself if there's something specific you want. :]
Dima nudged Davidsen, signalling he was ready, and Davidsen leaned around his shield brother and tossed the flashbang into the room. A loud BANG! along with a blinding flash of light could be seen coming from the room. As quickly as the grenade went off, the duo were on the move to breach the room.

Dust and smoke gave the dim room an eerie atmosphere, godrays speckled with the floating debris. These factors combine made picking out targets a less than routine task as both men stormed the breach. "Movement, to the right, I keep to the left." Said the Russian in an even tone, knowing anyone in the room would be utterly incapacitated. Shield front, weapon resting against it's edge, Dima moved on the first man to appear out of the haze. Tapping a burst from his weapon, the malnurished fighter went down in a heap. "Clear left!" He shouted, orienting his shield to the rest of the room, intending to absorb any rounds after announcing his presence.

Davidsen had his left hand resting on Dima's shoulder as they entered the room, but as soon as they crossed the threshold, he detached and hugged the right wall, clearing the corner to his immediate front. With no enemies in a possible flanking position, he hit the corner and moved his attention to the adjacent corner. A tango was on one knee rubbing his eyes. Davidsen put a short burst into the center of his chest. The tango quickly dropped dead, and Davidsen spun to to look at the center of the room, finally getting a good view of it. A beat-up, up-turned red cloth couch and dirty long wooden coffee table dominated the middle of the room. A hooka lamp sat on the table. A torn, brightly-coloured rug, covered a good portion of the floor. There was an older television sitting upon a simple stand was on the wall opposite the door, just in front a dirty window. No other tangoes were in Davidsen's sight. As such, he echoed Dima's words, "Clear right!"

Hearing the clear from his partner, Dima nodded "Room is clear! Two men coming out!" He screamed, more for the sake of letting anyone from Echo holding the hall know. Unfortunatly for the Russian however, that was far from the truth of it. As he bought his weapon in to pop in a fresh mag, a trap door cut out in the large rug burst open, three pirates emerging. Before Dima could respond or investigate the noise from behind the couch, it exploded as they began to fire wildly through it. "Der'mo!" was all the man grunted as the uncoordinated barrage pelted his shield and around the wall behind him. Taking a knee, he could feel the rounds pounding his cover. "Shoot them!", he screamed. "Shoot, I have cover!"

"Dritt!" Davidsen shouted. He brought his weapon to bear on the trio of new contacts. He pulled the trigger and let loose his own barrage of fire. The rounds tore into the pirates and they soon collapsed into a bloody mess back into the hole. "Dima, you alright?" Davidsen asked. Davidsen made his way over to Dima to check for any wounds.

"Da, I am fine. Going to bruise up, but fine. Let us blow that hole, yes?" Responded the Russian, a slight smile on his face.

"Right. I guess It would take more than a few bullets to kill a Russian Bear like yourself," Davidsen said as the dynamic duo moved to the trap door. With Dima covering him, Davidsen primed a frag grenade, slightly lifted the trap door, and tossed it inside. The pair quickly moved away from the danger zone. A loud explosion soon followed, and the trap door bounced in the air before again resting on the floor. Grey smoke rose from the hole as Dima and Davidsen prepare to exit the room. "Two men, coming out!" Davidsen echoed Dima's ealier words.

Once he was done absorbing yet more shrapnel, he frowned a bit at the state of his shield. Looking down at the interior it became clear he had to ditch it. The thing was begining to bulge after taking so many 7.62x39 rounds at such a close range. Unstrapping the device, Dima let it fall to the floor, holstered his Sub-gun and clicked his rifle to auto. "Ready, moving." Was all he said before exiting the room, Davidsen at his back.

End of Collaboration between @Grim327 & @Rain

Exiting back into the hallway, Dima and his Norwegian battle buddy quickly blazed through the first floor once the Dutch had begun to start holding the ground Echo took. Grabbing a passing Marine Lieutenant, the Russian tugs the man to get his attention.
"Sir, if you could respectfully tell your boys to hold the bottom floor for us, it would be much appreciated." He almost ordered more than asked. The Marine nodded his understanding, obviously having stumbled into Echo's objective. "We'll more then likely need you all to pull out fast on the chance it needs to be blown." The young Lieutenant blinked a moment but then nodded the affirmative again. As the Operators moved away, the man behind them could be heard barking orders through his radio, effectively halting Dutch activity in the building.

Making their way to the stairs, Dima posted up on the corner as the first one there, kneeling while Davidsen stayed standing behind him. Feeling the tap of a hand on his shoulder, the Russian slid his leg out and leaned around the corner, his partner doing the same over his head. Bingo, they had caught four pirates fleeing from the sudden explosion that had just happened on the other side of the building. Without mercy the soldiers cut their targets down, moving as the bodies tumbled to their feet at the base of the stairs. Half way up, the crackling of Crypto as someone keyed the radio got Dima's attention. It was confirmation from Nikolaj, they had found the PETN and lots of it.

Encountering no more resistance, the pair reached the second floor and what Dima saw before him could only be described as a military grade clusterfuck.
"No, no, no, this is no good at all." He confirmed, moving to Nikolaj's side. "We don't have the time, environment, or security to properly assess this mess." He informed the Team Leader. "I say we just blow it and move on. There are Marines in the lower levels but they should be on standby to get the fuck out." Looking back at the explosives Cache, the man shook his head. "This is just about as bad as storing Napalm next to a wood stove!" He muttered, not sure what to think of it all. "My suggestion is this. The EOD techs can help me rig this with blasting caps and we toss a reel out the window. Once we know the building is clear of friendlies, we blow it from a building or two back. A third opinion would not hurt though." Dima finished, looking over to Nikolaj the Russian smiles, "but, I'm an impatient man at times. This is one of those times." He finished, eyes twinkling with excitement.

Without another word, Dima releases the straps on one side of his pack before setting it on the floor. Digging out his stash of blasting caps used for breaching charges, the Explosives expert looks at the massive pile of poorly stored PETN with a hint of disgust. Carefully moving on it, he looks the pallets over then decides on his course of action. Pushing the first two into the exposed blocks on the first pallet, he looks back to Davidsen while pointing to the window.
"Cut a notch into the windowsill" He instructed, going to work on the next pallet. "When he run the line it'll be put in that notch so as to avoid pulling the caps out." He added, before turning around. "I need someone to get the spool of firing wire so I can get everything rigged up right." He called, still busy with the cache.
I shall be posting shortly, prepare your bodies. xD
If nobody else does by this evening I'll finish mine and post now that the Colab portion with Grim is done.
I'm sorry! I happen to be particularly guilty of long posts.
No worries! I eagerly await your post @Monochromatic Rainbow.
Roger @ChaoticFox. I want to let as many people post as I can before exploding the IC with my unnecessarily long post. (Muahahah?)
Who's throwing down next?
@Andromedai your CS is a no-go.

Eehhhh, I didn't want to be the one to say it.
Exciting it will be Mr.@Silverwind Blade. ;)
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