Avatar of StrangerDanger


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
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6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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Most Recent Posts

So! With the permission of Grim, I'm going to continue our collaborative post from Dima's perspective with Davidson as his backup. All the way up to getting to the explosives and whatnot.
Hahha...I was even thinking to myself, set it off from the helicopter with a radio remote detonation and blow that fucker up. Might be epic to watch, though cord would be difficult to use in a situation like that. You can still go ahead with using a shitload of detcord and something to blow it up, getting to the building across the road then leveling it would be a possibility.

An explosion like that, I'd be worried about shrapnel being in a helicopter. If it was the demo of support structures or vehicles I'd be all for it.
Tactical nukes, they're always the end of match solution right? Cawruhdooty told me so!
@BigPapaBelial, Take the reel and toss that bitch out the window. xD I ain't running that shit indoors. Get about across the street and a few buildings back and the explosion will be dampened to a degree that it won't significantly effect us. I mean, haven't you seen those explosions in Syria/Iraq? Only a few buildings down and the damage is minimal. It's the way explosions work. There's a reason exuberant amounts of boomy stuff is used during suicide attacks.
Blasting caps @BigPapaBelial. I have them, we have EOD Techs. From what I've read it also deteriorates very quickly if not stored correctly, which this is not. Not just that, it's got to be a shoddy batch, imbalanced if you will. So, in light of that, I make an assessment, get a Tech up there, they install the blasting caps, we run a wire. Boom. :D
(is going to be reading a lot on the degradation of PETN to make a well informed explosives expert post)
@_@ Super posts incoming.
Another thing that really grinds my gears and churns the fire in my belly is this. When you have a GM who goes out of their way to ensure players are compatible and will follow through with a long term roleplay... Then people get upset and the butt hurt begins to flow. They go through the same process the rest of us who get accepted do but the moment there are discrepancies with anything it's suddenly a personal slight against them. It's like they're thinking "Okay..??? I'm not good enough..??? Really..??? I'm just as good as the rest of them of not better. You're too uptight. This is stupid, why should I have to prove anything...???"

The snowflake is strong with these ones and it makes me angry to no end. Simply because their egos aren't being stroked like the stout erect phalic symbol they act like. It's even explicitly stated by the GM before application! It's almost as though the thought of them not making the cut is unthinkable in their minds.
@Andromedai @Monochromatic Rainbow Venerate Protects.
In Hiya! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Your avatar is adorable... Wonderful anime as well, by the way.
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