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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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@boomlover oh this is just the tip of the iceberg, I am an idiot magnet lmao
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have more!

*please note that none of this has occurred on this site. this has all happened elsewhere.

  • RPers who don't communicate effectively. Meaning the people who don't express expectations, where they want the rp to go, etc.
  • People who just want a smut rp, but don't let you know. Seriously, making Howls Moving Castle mad awk with trying to incorporate random sex scenes, dude.
  • RPers who say "I'm up for anything!" You are not up for anything, don't lie to me (I mean this playfully). Seriously, everyone has a list of what they want or do not want. It doesn't have to be long, but EVERYONE has a list.
  • Having to try and figure out how to tell someone an rp isn't working out, particularly if it's because they're not a good writer (and I don't expect people to be Hemingway, but you all know what I mean- one liners, poor grammar, VERY short sentences if it gets that far). Mostly, because they give you nothing to reply to.
  • Those partners that haven't worked out in the past but they continue to contact you to try and rp by making multiple accounts on things.
  • People who ACTIVELY ignore you. On another forum I have been waiting for someone to message back, and they have logged in RECENTLY, but they are not answering my messages. Rude. As. Hell.
  • Just happened: had someone accuse me of having "fangirl fantasies" because I really wanted to pair my OC against Brynjolf in a Skyrim rp. She knew nothing about my OC, nothing about what I wanted. Then she proceeded to accuse me of immaturity and of not being logical because I was taken aback by the fact that she analyzed my plot suggestion in depth in terms of Skyrim politics, and the fact that I was pretty staunch about wanting my pairing (for reasons she didn't bother to ask about). She then went on to tell me this was her "nice" way of saying she wasn't interested. She also accused my plot and pairing of being cliche, but didn't explain why she felt that way.
    TLDR; a girl didn't upfront tell me she wasn't interested, got upset with me when I wouldn't bend to her interests that she did not clearly convey, insulted me, and then blocked me.
  • Going off that, people who nitpick instead of saying, "I'm not interested." That's not helpful, and comes off as bitchy, imo. I'm all for constructive criticism, but there's nothing constructive about just telling me what's wrong and then insulting me.
  • People who personally attack you because you say something they don't like. Seriously, there's no reason to go after someone personally over something they said on an rp forum.
  • On a different site: When you tell the mods you've been having issues with members and all they say is "Sorry to hear that!" Like, dude, you have members personally insulting others and you're just going to say, "sorry lol"? Alright. Bye.

There's honestly a part of me that kind of wants to quit rping. People are insanely rude now, and I'm just not having any luck getting my cravings filled. It's so discouraging and this isn't what I had hoped for in trying to come back :/
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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@karmacrushh the bucket list of rp's XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@boomlovermore like a shit list hahaha
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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@karmacrushh you been here 1 day and already have a list of shit?

Holy crap dude. o.o

*offers hug and says "there there"* xD

Oh and welcome. Lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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@NuttsnBoltslol I have ten years of experience, so this is like a lifetime of fuckery xD

ahaha thanks xD
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 days ago

@karmacrushhwell, new site, new people. I've had some bad rp experiences myself but the overall attitude of people here on RPG are generally pretty good. Minor things at most, but people here want to rp and have fun.

Unlike the last site I was at that said I couldn't have super strength as a super power in a super hero rp... yet the gm could fly and fire lasers out of his eyes. =_=
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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@NuttsnBoltsI definitely do prefer it on here, none of this happened on RPG. Idk if I should drop the name of the other site, but it's very... I dunno, elitist? Like you have people on there who think they're amazing writers and so clever but they're literally just jackasses like everyone else lol.

THAT. That is so annoying. That was basically my first experience with a forum rp for X Men First Class. All these rules, and none of the admins followed them lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 days ago

@karmacrushhI wouldn't drop the name. Actually told off a newbie in chat once for doing that because he was acting like a spoilt brat that wanted to slag out the other site rather than turning a new leaf and saying, "fuck it. New site, new me"

Just take your time here and have a look around. You'll find what you're after eventually. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karmacrushh
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@NuttsnBoltsYeah, as tempting as it is it's really not a good idea. I'm trying to find the site that works for me, I guess that one just isn't it. It just sucks that my experience was so bad on there so quickly.

I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard when cravings are burning a hole in the back of my head xD I like it here though, everyone's really nice and relaxed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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My big peeve when RPing with anyone is when they act super self-important. Like the whole damn RP revolves around them, and that everyone should bend forward to their wishes just because! When most of the time, the RP will totally go just fine without them. It's a surefire way to get me to hate you - and want you far away from my RP as possible - in three posts or less!

Another thing that's starting to get to me is whenever someone complains about long posts/character sheets... in the Advance Section. Okay, I get it, some people don't like them (Or that it might be a bit of an inconvenience to read them), but there's two sides to that coin. I do like reading a long, meaningful, and well written, post than something shat out in five minutes. It should more of a sign of dedication and passion that you're willing to write such a long post. And, this might sound contradictory, but it's sometimes a real chore to write a post sometimes. Last thing I want to hear is someone whining about the length of the post, rather than the content - but whatever.

But here's the simple solution, don't like long posts/sheets?

Then get out of the Advance section, you moron.

Last complaint is a little bit less specific, and something I wanted to share since I find it humorous. There was this one chick who joined an RP I ran a few months ago, but she kept up this annoying image that "nice characters" are better. She complained about how she disliked the "mean" characters (A huge chunk of mine were these characters lol), or whatever. And basically blowing herself about how her character was the nicest and purest special snowflake out of all of them! And I'm sitting here like - Bitch, do you want everything to become a boring hunky dory circle-jerk where everyone does nothing but bake pies for the poor and homeless. I mean, I don't particularly wank "mean" characters either, but I like giving my characters actual flaws (And on the flipside, positive traits so they're not edgy 90's anti-heroes), and things to work around. Makes them feel a bit more human, imo. I find it really hard to root for a character that's already perfect, and has no room to develop. The characters she disliked (And some of the nicer characters for that matter) had way more depth and personality than her own character would ever had.

Then again, her character was basically a self-insert, so the self-wanking wasn't all that unexpected.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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@Mr Allen J

Gotta love those Mary Jane type characters. I believe I mentioned a special lady I RP'd with on a different site before. She was similar in the way her characters (or shall I say Character as she used the same one for each and every game she was in) always seemed to be perfect. She also always had her as a young teenage girl and ALWAYS used anime as her character image. Now, I am not against anime in any sense, but I find it kills the mood for me in some games when others use detailed cartoons/art styles as their image, and then there's this bug-eyed anime girl. It just kills it for me. Unless the game is very anime-centric, then by all means.

I agreed with your view on Advanced section. I love having detailed sheets and posts. However, I've also had it where I can't make a detailed post or maybe I'm in a sour mood and don't want to. I think having short posts are ok in that sense, but it should mean having them be more detailed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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I do like reading a long, meaningful, and well written, post than something shat out in five minutes. It should more of a sign of dedication and passion that you're willing to write such a long post.

I agree with you on this, but many of those extensive posts are incredibly purple, riddled with unnecessary detail and superfluous ramblings about things that has no weight or relevance at all. I think these kinds of posts are what people mean when they don't like 'long posts'.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fillet
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Then again, her character was basically a self-insert, so the self-wanking wasn't all that unexpected.

I was in random threads in the Advanced and Casual sections and I was surprised to see some RPers said that their characters were pretty much themselves (with different names and other basic unimportant details). What's funny was when other RPers pointed out how these Gary/Mary Sues were too problematic, unrealistic, etc etc, the Gary/Mary retorted that since the chars were based on themselves, they couldn't possibly be unrealistic.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Another thing that really grinds my gears and churns the fire in my belly is this. When you have a GM who goes out of their way to ensure players are compatible and will follow through with a long term roleplay... Then people get upset and the butt hurt begins to flow. They go through the same process the rest of us who get accepted do but the moment there are discrepancies with anything it's suddenly a personal slight against them. It's like they're thinking "Okay..??? I'm not good enough..??? Really..??? I'm just as good as the rest of them of not better. You're too uptight. This is stupid, why should I have to prove anything...???"

The snowflake is strong with these ones and it makes me angry to no end. Simply because their egos aren't being stroked like the stout erect phalic symbol they act like. It's even explicitly stated by the GM before application! It's almost as though the thought of them not making the cut is unthinkable in their minds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Child characters. I have nothing against children in general but when it comes to people using them in a roleplay with a more matured theme ― e.g. post-apocalyptic ―, I develop a deep sense of loathing behind their logic of it. I mean why would you, of all the character types available, choose someone who is weak, fragile and incapable of making the most basic of decisions in a post-apocalyptic setting? You're basically incorporating a living, breathing hindrance to a group who're striving for any means of survival. In my opinion, the best use for these characters is just being NPCs alone. I can understand some people who use them on an effective and more realistic approach. Let's say the purpose of which is to establish a point of development that this child can muster over the span of the RP. I don't know if there are roleplayers who are like these because I rarely see any of them. All I see are people describing their child characters as strong-willed, nimble, sneaky or capable of slipping through vast hordes of zombies without being bitten at the slightest bit and able to make intelligent decisions, later making fools out of the adults. Worst of all, when these so-called child characters are played IC, their actions and way of thinking are of no different from the adults. Sorry, these things just make me want to crack an acorn using my teeth.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mr Allen J>

I agree with you on this, but many of those extensive posts are incredibly purple, riddled with unnecessary detail and superfluous ramblings about things that has no weight or relevance at all. I think these kinds of posts are what people mean when they don't like 'long posts'.

Well, I do admit that I was blowing long posts just a little when I didn't mean to (I was mostly going towards people who complain - but that's a whole another discussion). In my irritation, I forgot to mention that some posts don't need to be that long, and that I'm totally fine with a short post that gets the point across. Some people just need to learn to find a balance between action, character thoughts, and dialogue. I still find myself removing unnecessary parts of a post, or changing it so that it flows better.

I was in random threads in the Advanced and Casual sections and I was surprised to see some RPers said that their characters were pretty much themselves (with different names and other basic unimportant details). What's funny was when other RPers pointed out how these Gary/Mary Sues were too problematic, unrealistic, etc etc, the Gary/Mary retorted that since the chars were based on themselves, they couldn't possibly be unrealistic.

I personally never got why people base characters so heavily on themselves (Other than pure self-insertion). I'll probably never do it because I always put a little bit myself into all my characters. That's how I make my characters relatable. Though, I can't say all people who base their characters off themselves are bad. Because some of these characters were really well-written, fit the cast, and weren't mary sues in the slightest.

@Mr Allen J

Gotta love those Mary Jane type characters. I believe I mentioned a special lady I RP'd with on a different site before. She was similar in the way her characters (or shall I say Character as she used the same one for each and every game she was in) always seemed to be perfect. She also always had her as a young teenage girl and ALWAYS used anime as her character image. Now, I am not against anime in any sense, but I find it kills the mood for me in some games when others use detailed cartoons/art styles as their image, and then there's this bug-eyed anime girl. It just kills it for me. Unless the game is very anime-centric, then by all means.

I tend to avoid RPs that heavily use anime faceclaims. Mostly because I find anime characters to be very... robotic, or stilted. It's also especially irritation when you got that one guy who uses in anime faceclaim in an RP where everyone else uses real(istic) ones. lol Though this is mostly a thing in the casual section.

I agreed with your view on Advanced section. I love having detailed sheets and posts. However, I've also had it where I can't make a detailed post or maybe I'm in a sour mood and don't want to. I think having short posts are ok in that sense, but it should mean having them be more detailed.

Well, even in the advance section, sometimes people don't feel like writing a long post - or they have very little material to respond to. Which is fine - I just prefer doing things in collabs just for that reason.

Child characters. I have nothing against children in general but when it comes to people using them in a roleplay with a more matured theme ― e.g. post-apocalyptic ―, I develop a deep sense of loathing behind their logic of it. I mean why would you, of all the character types available, choose someone who is weak, fragile and incapable of making the most basic of decisions in a post-apocalyptic setting? You're basically incorporating a living, breathing hindrance to a group who're striving for any means of survival. In my opinion, the best use for these characters is just being NPCs alone. I can understand some people who use them on an effective and more realistic approach. Let's say the purpose of which is to establish a point of development that this child can muster over the span of the RP. I don't know if there are roleplayers who are like these because I rarely see any of them. All I see are people describing their child characters as strong-willed, nimble, sneaky or capable of slipping through vast hordes of zombies without being bitten at the slightest bit and able to make intelligent decisions, later making fools out of the adults. Worst of all, when these so-called child characters are played IC, their actions and way of thinking are of no different from the adults. Sorry, these things just make me want to crack an acorn using my teeth.

A child character can be quite interesting if it makes sense for them to be in the story/setting. I've seen some people write child characters pretty well, and I've done a few myself when it makes sense (An RP set in a big city, and a school, of course). It's a little bit of a challenge to write a character younger than what you usually do. But, I have to agree with you on the fact that child characters can easily be Mary Sues. I don't see why anyone would write a little boy in a post apocalypse setting unless they were doing a Lee/Clementine kind of relationship. And a lot of people tend to basically make their characters "adult in a child's body", or give them an unrealistic amount of skills.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fillet
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Fillet So fresh

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just a thought: maybe we should divide the forum into

Flaky - if you are interested in start up and enjoy posting for the moment
Somewhat Committed - if you want more development in your roleplay for the foreseeable future
Totally Commited - you will only drop an RP if you get hit by a bus and your hands are broken

with filter tags for Free, Casual and Advanced.
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