Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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1 mo ago
Current I'm also younger and in the south though. Mostly our older people are sticklers for "thank you/you're welcome" this way. Dunno if that helps, but there's my two cents.
1 mo ago
As an American waitress, I use "You're welcome", "no problem" and "no worries/sweat". Switching it up makes me feel less like a broken record, and thank you feels too... transactional, honestly. 1/2
1 mo ago
Can't wait until I have a laptop again so I can properly turn my profile into a shrine for Ethel Cain.
2 mos ago
Merry Chrysler 🎄
4 mos ago
We're fucking cooked, dudes.
1 like


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

As he hit the keys on the piano to create the perfect t ih ne, Jasper found that he was no longer screwing up the song in any aspect. Not when it came to pacing, forgetting a note - not in anything. A small smirk creeping up to his face as the realization came to mind, the young man finished the tune with gusto.

Getting up from the piano bench, Jasper rolled his sleeves back down before heading outside to do some people observing.

It seemed as if this morning at Kings Academy was in full swing. People were getting things from their lockers, chatting and surprisingly... everyone was getting along. Figuring he should do some talking himself, Jasper quickly scanned the grounds for a potential target before making his way over to them.


Neither one of them was seriously going to tell her what was in the fucking box?

Taking a second to look at the box again, it occurred to Ariel that she had seen boxes this exact size and shape multiple times. You could find them anywhere the contents of the box were sold. But why April was buying her man a PlayStation - Ariel didn't know. Ariel had been the one to break it, and she was planning on surprising Kavi with his gift on their date this Friday. She and Marisol had taken a trip to the mall where she had purchased it, had it gift wrapped - the whole nine yards. Leave it to April to screw that up too. She could replace the TV, sure - but Kavi had already taken it upon himself to fix that. So now her big plan for this weekend was ruined once again by April Fucking Foster.

I hope this bitches baby comes out Shrek green.

Unsure of her next move, Ariel stood their awkwardly looking back and forth between the other two people before an old, familiar face decided to make it's appearance.

It had been quite a while since she had seen Ryland, though they had kept in touch over the years and even had a certain thing going on for a while. She had sent him a text earlier saying that she had some good news, though she hadn't specified what said news was. Rather her friend would approve or not - Ariel didn't really know. Judging by the fact that he had just made it to Palm Beach to see her standing hand in hand with the guy that she had expressed possible hatred for a few times, called toxic, and was hung up over for months - he probably wasn't going to be happy. Add all of that plus his tone of voice and yeah - Rye wasn't happy.

"Rye!" she said, rather enthusiastically compared to his current demeanor. "This is Kavi and April." Pointing to each person respectfully as they were introduced, Ariel was almost certain that Rye knew who everyone was, but it couldn't do any harm, right? "And this is my friend, Ryland," she said more in the general direction of Kavi.

"You know that I'm more than great at making excellent choices," she said in response to his remark.

@Altered Tundra

@dh Dylan looks amazing!

Just do me a quick favor and fix that header, would ya? Would also love if you could add a bit to the extra section. Just a few incites about them. Do they drive? Favorite foods? Little snippets like that.


Watching everything unfold around him, Eli felt the conversation come to him easily. Giving Lana a small smile as she took her seat beside them, he adjusted himself to a comfortable position.

"Lana! There you are. I honestly thought you'd rather dye than show up, honestly." As the two girls exchanged words, Eli found himself looking Ricky and Alex's way as well. He had to admit that his friend had good taste in what a guy looked like, but personality wise? She could use some work in that department. As Ricky grabbed Alex by the shirt, Lana left without saying a word to either of her friends. Had Eli had time, he would have made a joke of the situation.

Watching the situation closely, Eli tried his best to keep the conversation going with Minty.

"I understand where she's coming from trying to defuse the situation, but if one of them so much as raises their voice in her direction, I'm kicking their ass."

Still looking for more?

Indeed we are. <3


Aria was spending most of her time at the party making sure people didn't get into fights or do anything else stupid, though it seemed that with Ricky and Alex interacting something may go down way sooner than later. While keeping an eye on the situation, she continued to greet people as they came over to get drinks. A few nods to some foot ball players, a couple of girls that she recognized from the cheer squad and so on. Keeping her eyes peeled for any of her friends, she was soon approached by Ludvig and Cami.

"Oh thank the gods you guys came!" she exclaimed, wrapping Ludvig in a hug. "I was beginning to think that my invite was to random and turn off-ish, but it looks like I was wrong." Taking a sip of her drink, Aria did her best not to stare at the red head, but rather try and keep the vibe friendly at most. She didn't even know if Cami liked girls or anything, so why ruch and make a fool of yourself, right? "You two look great, by the way. Is there anything I can get you to drink?"
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