In 1979, the ground-breaking real-robot anime Mobile Suit Gundam aired in Japan for the first time, resulting in the boom in the sale of plastic model kits based on the robots, or “Mobile Suits” of the show. The sales of the model-kits, or “Gunpla” as they are commonly called by fans and officials alike helped the franchise grow, making more shows and new Gunpla available at shows. In the year 2000 Gundam saw the first large scale overseas exposure starting with “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing”, globalising the franchise to reach the Americas and Europe. Tis resulted in countless kits in different scales such as the “High Grade”, “Master Grade”, “Perfect Grade” and “Real Grade” made for builders of all sorts. They are customizable as well, making way for new Mobile Suit ideas through new colour scheme or new equipment/features, making the possibility infinite.
The boom was brought even further by the discovery of Plavsky Particles by PPSE. The Plavsky Particles have the property to animate plastic model kits, finally allowing the common dream using your own Gunpla to fight others. With no risks of lives unlike the television shows, a lot of people joined the hobby. The surge of popularity resulted in World Tournaments where builders from around the world gather to determine the best Gunpla and fighter but that is another story.
Now we are three years after the 7th Gunpla World Tournament. The expansion of Gunpla Battles saw no brakes that apart from the world tournament, other tournaments began appearing in the horizons such as the regional tournaments and under 19 competitions held nationally.
The United States is part of this new boom, where national tournaments began. The tournament we will look at is the “Under-19 Team US National”, where 64 teams from the 50 states participate and fight for the title of the Nation’s strongest. You are all students of Von Braun High School and in order to participate, you will need a team and must go through the State Qualifiers. Will Von Braun High qualify into the National Tournament? Can Von Braun achieve the glory of victory, crowning themselves the strongest in America? Now as the introduction is moved aside, this is a RP roleplay based on the Gundam franchise’s Gundam Build Fighters. We start with forming a team to represent a local high school and qualifying in the State tournament. Standard Mobile Suits from all shows are allowed, customisations are allowed but keep in mind not to make it overpowered. We will fight other teams that use a variety of Gunpla, from unmodded to heavily customised.
The number of players for now are undermined along with team size for now.
Additionally I will allow upgrades part way for anyone that wants them. When I say upgrades are available at a certain point, feel free in submit a new Mobile Suits where I will look and approve.
- Listen to GM. The GM will act and judge as fairly as possible for the RP. Respect his decisions.
- No overpowering okay? At some point with the excuse of build problems, some enemies and allies may be nerfed for fair fights and you should know the limits of your character and Gunpla.
- Standard RP Guild rules apply
Character Sheet:
Appearance: (written or picture)
Favourite Gundam series:
Gunpla Info:
Model number:
Gunpla role:
Gunpla model scale:
Gunpla based from if original:
Special Features:
Here's an example along with my character:
Name: Petrus “Peter” Sabbatius Iustianus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Favourite Gundam series: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Personality: Pete usually a person that thinks negatively. Stoic, strict and self-righteous he takes the hobby seriously, dismissing those weak as “plebian”. He is however able to swallow his pride when he has to, such as make doing with available resources in Von Braun High.
History: An Italo-Greek American who was once part of a well-reputed Gunpla battle team in a different state, notorious for taking Gunpla battles seriously. His family was forced to move to Von Braun City, where there is no Gunpla team. As a result, he is forced to build one from scratch and take the helm.
Gunpla Info:
Name: Byzantine Gundam
Model number: BZ-13MS
Gunpla role: Commander Close-combat Mobile Suit
Gunpla model scale: HG 1/144
Gunpla based from if original: OZ13-MS Gundam Epyon, ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam
Armaments: Beam Sword, Epyon Claw, Epyon Shield, Heat Rod, Vulcan Gun
Special Features: MA Transformation with Byzantine Flamethrower in Double-headed eagle pieces
Description: Byzantine Gundam was created during Petrus’ time in his old team. Coherent with his old team’s motifs, he painted his Epyon into a predominantly red and gold colour and modelled the dragon heads into eagle heads. Compared to the Epyon is it still close-combat oriented but with more emphasis on defence. However, the heavily defended backpack for MA transformation bring a major drawback in speed and agility, forcing further reliance on brute force and defence.
Player Roster:
NPC Roster
IC and OOC Thread: