Sometimes when I think about how I used to RP years ago it make me glad the guild lost my old stuff, shhhh don't tell Mahz!
8 yrs ago
My fellow guildmates I have returned finally!
I'm a queer English trans lady and I'm also a Guild veteran from way before guildfall (if anyone still remembers that terrible day). I've just come back from a long hiatus and just looking to enjoy myself and make some cool stories together
I'm a queer English trans lady and I'm also a Guild veteran from way before guildfall (if anyone still remembers that terrible day). I've just come back from a long hiatus and just looking to enjoy myself and make some cool stories together
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm a queer English trans lady and I'm also a Guild veteran from way before guildfall (if anyone still remembers that terrible day). I've just come back from a long hiatus and just looking to enjoy myself and make some cool stories together</div>