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2 yrs ago
Current It's been 6 years, but I'm back, baby! Old 4 eyes is back, and hopefully less horribly cringe than I was when I was just starting out! Armed with a keyboard and wit, I'm back.
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7 yrs ago
Hello. It is I, Supernova. I am new here, and I am glad to be here!


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Most Recent Posts

Oh, and one more thing. Are nonhuman species allowed? As in something mostly human, but with some nonhuman traits that they've stopped trying to hide.
Alright. Essentially, my idea was a doctor who also works with robotics, and acts as a relatively recent employee for the company we are focusing on. Two questions. Are cybernetics a thing I can work with? And would it be okay if I had my OC from a relatively decently sized tech company that ended up going out of business when they got involved with an anomaly quite literally destroying their headquarters and leaving few survivors? Such an incident would lead to him working for the company I forget the name of, not only because they were abke to save the life of him and a few lucky survivors, and to help ensure nobody else would have to witness he had suffered.
Hey! Is this open for a new member? And if so, I have a few questions regarding the specifics of a character!
Ahh, sounds fine by me. Good to know!
Ohh, I'm very much interested in this! Permission to post a character application?
Sigh... I will have to write it over again tonight when I get on my computer, since I cannot type properly on this small iPad and it took far longer than it should have with my quick typing...
Understood. When I get on tonight I will join the discord. Also... Something horrible happened... I was nearly finished typing a highly detailed character sheet with over 4000 characters, and unfortunately, I accidentally pressed a button that deleted my entire character sheet before I could save it!
Ahh, I see, that makes sense, and with your information, I shall begin writing my character sheet. If this is on a discord however, I shall have to bow out, since I only have a two hour window every day(if I am lucky) to use a computer, since my iPad cannot use discord(as it is a school iPad and I cannot download apps). If being on once a day is fine however, then I will be more than happy to join the discord!
Alright, excellent. I was wondering if my character would be able to have genes from certain other animals inserted into his genetic code for an experiment on genetic manipulation as a fetus, and as a result, he would gain catlike and tiger-like features and abilities, including but not limited to; short fur with distinctive tiger-like stripes and minor foxlike facial features, a short catlike tail growing from the tailbone area, very good balance and agility, and decent vision in darkness and a keen awareness of the world around him. Is that okay? I mean, of course, I will have to put mild night vision, keen awareness, and good agility/balance as enhanced traits, but hopefully, that will be fine.
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