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Some demonic spell ideas:

World of the Blind: The forces of darkness cover the victims eyes with shadow, making them unable to see what's going on around them and forcing them to rely on their other senses. This crippling effect lasts 1 minute for the first circle and thirty extra seconds for each additional circle. (Strangely, when cast upon those who are already deaf and dumb, this spell has been known to make it's victims skill in pinball drastically increase to inhuman proportions.)

Fear and Self Loathing: The victims mind becomes plauged by fear and self-doubt for approximately ten minutes. The amount of circles used determines the strength of the effect. 1 circle being a minor distraction that makes it slightly difficult to focus on attacks and defenses, while a full 6 circles can be completely paralyzing to even the most couragous and strong willed warriors.

Evil Dead: In which one turns a corpse into a temporary bridge which lesser demons can utilize to enter this world and inhabit the corpse. These entities are not as powerful as summoned demons. But they are hungry for souls and eager for battle. When they inhabit the body it becomes an undead berzerker. The demon doesn't care wether the undead host dies again, sometimes dismembered limbs keep fighting until the effect fades. 1 Circle will last for 5 Minutes. Each succeeding Circle adds an extra 3 Minutes.

Invocation of Heavy Metal: This spell causes an unholy racket of demonic music to sound throughout the surrounding area for anywhere from 2:59 to 13:02 minutes, depending on the length of the song. This enables the demonic knight (and any of their allies who happen to be ready to rock) to enter a mystical state of battle meditation known as "The Zone". While in The Zone all demonic knights/allies who rock receive a significant boost to their fighting ability depending on how loud the music is. More circles = louder. However, since Heavy Metal can only be played loud, this spell can only be cast with 3 or more circles.
"Izzy, you wound me. Right here" I say as I pat my chest where my heart is. "Besides, you don't think a cliqueless student will cause chaos? Think about it. Everyone in this school runs with a pack of similar kids. I mean, Ray is right. Anyone who goes here long enough will be absorbed eventually. They're like those star wars cyborgs that Sarah told me about. Resistance is futile."

But then before I could say more, the new girl gave us her own set of thoughts. And walked off. Or started to walk off. She tripped halfway and I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little bit.

But then I started to clap and sarcasticly quiped "Dude, she's gonna be a jock in no time."
Also, if accepted I have some ideas for Demonic Knight spells. If that's cool.
Name: Andred Karrion
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Affinity: Demonic Knight

Appearance (Normal):

Andred is of average height, with a muscular build and a devious grin. And, at times, a judgemental scowl. He keeps his long hair tied in a ponytail, while some of the shorter locks left in place give the impression that his hair isn't as long as it is. He tends to wear the latest finery popular among nobility when not wearing armor. Trusting no one, however, he does always carry a sword.

Personality: Proud. Vain. Intelligent, yet uncaring. Viscious, yet hedonistic. Andred is the epitome of the noble decadence. He is generally apathetic in matters which don't directly effect him. He has little sympathy for the weak or foolish. Like most other Lords son's he has a keen interest in the latest gossip about royals, nobles, priests, highranking knights and anyone of high birth. He is also an avid fan of good bards and a notorious critic of less skilled bards.

Biography: Being the second eldest son of the esteemed and powerful Lord Nareth Karrion was a spoiling experience. In his youth, he was a terrible brat with disturbing tendencies. His mother, Lady Elswin, had a suspicion that he was born to be a Demonic Knight. So, when he came of age, she hired one of the best, brightest and most beautiful to test and tutor him.

Andred spent his adolescence bathed in the sort of comfort and luxury which only that only noble blood can attain. When not training to become a "glorious warrior" under a renowned femme fatale, he was engaged in the social games of the elite classes. Though his older brother would inherit the lion's share of their father's holdings, Andred's dark gift for demonic magic was a strong consolation.

By the time he turned twenty, he had developed his skills evenly into three distinct directions: Swordplay, Sorcery and Seduction. And by these means did he come to learn the the dirty secrets of more than a few Zerandaran nobles. It's amazing what an imp can find out or a sister reveal with the proper motivation.

It was perfect. He was there to aid those who could aid him in gaining more power while being able to destroy those who would stand against him. At this rate, he might manipulate his way into more holdings within a decade than his brother could ever inherit.

Now at twentyfive with the patronage of his long time tutor, the Demonic Knight Talia Vinzai, he's been recruited into the Excalibur Guild of Zerandar and he's ready to make a name for himself as a Demonic Knight.

- Ancient sword, rumored to be demonic in origin.
- Large Round Shield, black with an Eye of Zar motif
- Custom crafted black armor
- Emblem the Eye of Zar
- Vast wealth. Both in currency and in favors owed to him by very powerful people.
- The skull of his childhood pet Narwhal, Vetty.
Hey Smiies, I'm not really a manga kind of guy. So I feel like I'm lacking a good frame of reference here. What are some good examples of acceptable secrets that characters can have??
Sorry that took so long.
Brilliant. She hasn't even had a drink and already wants to fight me. So much for hooking up. Still, maybe there's a chance that she plays the drums...

Even Ray seemed to think I meant some harm by my line of questioning. As if he doesn't know that I don't want to fight a chick. I might be an asshole. But I'm not a fuckin' asshole. I raise my eyebrow at the other male in our group before returning my attention to little miss spunky newcomer.

I genuinely sighed then. "Oh, c'mon. I haven't uttered a single threat. I'm just curious. Aren't the rest of you? I mean here we are casting our castes aside with these rooftop meetings, calling ourselves cliqueless, when the school is suddenly invaded by a..." I look into the new girls eyes, mirroring her own intensity as I describe her. " ferocious fox full of luciferean defiance..."

I then looked back at the others, each in turn, as I expressed what I thought was the most logical idea. "If we really wanna help the vixen cause a bit of chaos, we should help her flaunt the aspects of her personality that will disgust our own groups so much that they'll choose to porpusefully exclude her. Or at least give her a few pointers on it. Y'know? If she can be utterly unappealing to each of our groups, none of them will want her anymore and she can go about her days completely and utterly..."

Always pause for dramatic effect. It helps to drive your point home. "Cliqueless."
I'll have a Jake post up asap. I have to say, he's enjoying Hanna's presence so far.
You and your comedies... *shakes head judgementally* I swear...
If the mascot is a panda. It will have been turned into This at least once.
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