Avatar of SweetOwlette
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. SweetOwlette 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I admit, change is something I need and this is the place to start.
1 like
5 yrs ago
I'm back! :)
6 yrs ago
Due to recent events, I am finally home and will be replying alot til the 3rd! :) Sorry for no responses for the last week! <3
6 yrs ago
Readdy to have some fun!
6 yrs ago
Sicker than a dog currently, trying to ger caught up! Sorry for late replies!
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I have been RPing for going on 10+ years. I took a small hiatus due to a ton of personal/work issues. Now that things are settling down for the most part, I am able to get back into my RPing and gaming!

I currently work for a prison. I do work the graveyard shift (8pm - 7am). So please bare with me and slow responses. I work 6 days on, and 3 days off. On my 3 days off, I will be most active, but I will also hop on to reply to any roleplays I have joined.

I enjoy 1x1's (hard to get my interest though. Once I got a 1x1 going.. I have a ton of fun). I also LOVE group RP's. I have managed some with a little help with friends and they always turned out wonderful. Currently, I am just working on one Group RP. I am not looking to over load myself, so the one RP I have going is all I am wanting to do at the moment. But, feel free to chat with me on any ideas, I might start another soon! :)

Most Recent Posts

This is a great idea. Maybe you could do a school trip to you can stick with the younger generation! :)
Everything has been updated. I do believe we may have a Co-GM, I will announce that once it's been confirmed! I will be back later and hopefully we can get this thing started soon!! I think we may have hit our limit with characters once The Karken and Wintergrey submit there applications. However, I am open to anyone else submitting something too. My goal is to continue to have new characters introduced. So, please, feel free to submit anything and I (or the Co-GM), will look at it and make a determination! I doubt we will say no!
Hope everyone has a great day and be back soon!
@Tancuras@hagroden Applications have been accepted! :D


Have room for another? If so I can have a CS up tomorrow

Yes, your more than welcomed to join! :)


@Wintergrey Awesome! Can't wait!


I will be updating the characters today. I did update the rules (nothing major). I work till 5pm CST but will be making dinner for family. So I will be gone till tonight! :) I will check once in a while if ya'll need something.
@XxLyraxX Accepted. I love them!

I'm at work till late tonight. I will update the character portion either tonight or tomorrow morning! :)
@XxLyraxXI was thinking maybe the start of Autumn, unless any disagreements?

I like the coast idea too. Maybe around the gulf of Mexico area?
Welcome back! I hope you enjoy RPing again!
Does anyone have a general place in mind for the characters to meet up?
@XxLyraxX :) Okies! Thanks for letting me know!
@Tancuras Great! I would like someone to help me create new ideas and mold the story into something great. Everyone has a say, but I was also hoping to at a little spice into the story. Have the GM and Co-GM throw some unexpected events into it. Also help when I am not around if something was to happen (life, you know how it works). :)
I am also looking for a Co-GM. If anyone is interested, please letme know!
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