Location: Karaoke Room
Interacting With: Little V @lovely complex; Surprise visitors @BeastofDestiny@Viciousmarrow
Uh → Business → Curious → Hungry AF → Confidant and more business → Upset → Slowly composing himself → Awk and visibly sick → NOPE.
Flirtatious → Business → Annoyed → Playful → Bored → Angry → Tense → Pissed → Dangerous → Playful → Teasing
Cara had trouble containing herself from bursting out laughing at this kid. He never stopped talking! She just stood by his side silently, observing. For a moment, when Harts, excuse me Virgil’s, guard came she thought she was going to have to give herself away. Thankfully he quickly sent the guard away and brought her back to a private room. She gave a declining curt nod to the girl who took Virgil’s orders before following him inside. When it finally seemed like he was done talking she cleared her voice, giving him a small smile before starting to speak.
”Well Virgil…” she drew out his name, letting it roll around on her tongue. Guys went crazy for that shit. ”My name is Cara Reaper, though Goldie works just fine. As much as i’d love to say that this is a pleasantry visit, I am here on business.” Pausing to let her words sink in, she walked over to sit near him. Winking she added, ”Or maybe a bit of both.”
Awkwardly sitting up, Virgil rested his dark orbs on his new acquaintance. Clearing his throat and running his hand through his sleek hair, he offered, “Uh… you don’t have to get intimate or whatever. I respect ladies. If I want to kiss you, I’m taking you out on a date first. Sorry that’s just my philosophy.”
After taking off his black suit jacket, revealing his gray button up, he started to unbutton his cuffs and roll up his sleeves, “I need to get comfortable for this… business takes cake in my family.” When he was all situated, Virgil leaned back, took out a lollipop in his pants pocket, unwrapped it, and placed it in his mouth, “I’m all ears, Goldie.” He gestured to her, showing she had the floor.
Standing, Cara took a deep breath in to calm her nerves. This might just be the breaking point. Don’t blow it like you did with fake Eli. ”You mentioned wanting to be great, right? In your own way.” Focusing in on his face, she realized he had a lollipop in his mouth. Was that… cherry? Fuck she wanted to rip that out of this little kids mouth.
Closing her eyes for a moment, she clenched her teeth repeating to herself not to shove the lollipop in Virgil’s ear. Walking up next to him she squated down so they were at eye level. Her eyes were the only factor that could have given away her… tendencies. Playfulness and mischief bounced around in those blue orbs of hers. ”Tell me Virgil, what is it exactly that you want?”
Dude. This woman was invading his personal space. Wayyyyyyy too close for comfort. Not in any position to trust her, he immediately went into a dark haze and went to the other side of the room, to the red sofa - FAR away from the bodacious blonde. Taking out his lollipop and moving it along with his words, he warned, “We just met, pretty lady. What I want isn’t really that big of a deal. We’re here for you, are we not? So.” He stood up and challenged, “The way I see this is… you want something from me. If anyone is striking a deal, it’ll be me for you. Now tell me. What do you want?”
Cara stood looking boredly to where Virgil had reappeared. This game was growing tiresome. ”I’d heard you Harts had some interesting abilities.” Instantly she was standing right next to him. ”Two can play at that game.” The words dripped out of her mouth filled with dangerous venom. A second later she was on the other side of the room, voice cheery and light as it had been in the beginning of their conversation. ”I just need some information, whereabouts, locations, that sort of thing. I’m more than willing to pay.”
Biting into his lollipop at her display, Virgil’s brown orbs were deadlocked on Cara. He took in her words, her expressions, her mannerisms, and tilted his head in intrigue. Ah, she’s a dangerous one here. If he wasn’t a Hart, he’d probably be shakened up or even scared shitless. Virgil was the youngest in his family and had yet to optimize all his powers. If this stranger wanted to, she could very well kill him (of course, not without a fight) but in this moment, he was valuable to her until she was given what she needed. It’s easier to approach the cub than the Alpha wolf. “You aren’t from here, are you?” He asked, his expression unwavering from childish amusement.
“We don’t want your money and I can tell… your information is limited when it comes to my family. But I suppose your strategy is smart since I can get you the information you want. Of course, with a price, but not with money. Nah, we don’t need that.”
There was a knock on the door and he yelled, “Come in.” The karaoke room felt tense. With a cart, the server from earlier brought in all of Virgil’s food. After leaving the cart behind, she quickly left the room - feeling the vibe and knowing this wasn’t the time for her to start small talk with the young Hart.
When she left, Virgil placed his stick on the cart and uncovered the platter with wings. Excitedly grabbing one, he bit into it and continued to talk “I don’t think you’re in any position to do… bad things to me. Especially since you’re in a place my family considers home. What do you want to know? I’ll tell you right here and now, I’m not the one with all the answers, but.” He took another bite out of the wing (yes, talking with his mouth full of food), he was apathetic for the most part, “My cousins know the ins and out of this area. Hell, they have operations going around throughout the entire country and world. I can get you information. But how far would you go for it?” He licked his finger of the honey barbecue, before adding one last tad bit, “We like having allies but we don’t make allies for the sake of having them. Tell me a little bit more about yourself, Cara Reaper.”
”Money, drugs, power, fame, death, life, I offer a lot more than you know Hart.” She turned her back to him shrugging, ”No matter I-” She was interrupted by the young server reentering the room. For a moment she thought of slitting the girls throat. Clenching her fist, she held herself back and allowed Virgil to ramble on once again. Raising an eyebrow she looked at him, ”Looks like the little Hart’s finally stepping up. Try not to be too cocky, first and foremost. I’m in your home, yes, but just as easily-”
She teleported across the room ripping the wing out of his hand and biting it, ”I can be anywhere.” Tossing the half eaten wing back on the table she continued ”You were right about one thing. I’m not from here. Despite that, I expect you’ve still heard of us- me. It was right in the open from the beginning. I’m one of the Reapers, and not the better half. What I want from you, is to know where the other is.” She paused but couldn’t help but add a small jab to the end. ”Even someone as low as you on the totem pole has got to know about at.”
Virgil was personally offended when the now-turning-to-be-a-pain-in-his-ass dumb blonde snatched his wing, DIDN’T EVEN FINISH IT, and tossed it on the table. That was a sin! A waste! How could she?! She took his food right out of his mouth! Screw her desire to want information. He needed a moment to collect himself before he reacted irrationally. Just breathe. “You…” Oh man, he could hear his irritation. Taking a deep breath in, he grabbed a napkin and wiped his fingers, trying to gather his thoughts, “Ms. Reaper, you obviously don’t know the rank system of my family… but that’s okay, I don’t expect you to.” Mockingly, he waved his hands, “Oh whoopie doo! The Reapers. Better known as the Forsaken. Blah, blah, blah, they killed a bunch of people in Auckland. What was the massacre called again? Well, it doesn’t matter.” He picked up a celery and placed it in his mouth like a cigar, “The names I know off the top of my head are Eli, the big guy, Raco, his main man, and I think… this girl named Annie? No. Ariana. No… Anna...belle? Maybe. MAYBE. I don’t fuckin’ know.” He crunched the celery and began swinging it around while he talked, “I think Bi has a contract with them. I mean, I’m pretty sure my cousin would have killed uh… Raco… I think. It’s none of my business, though. I’m not ‘in’ on all the happenings of my family. I don’t care to be either! I have a documentary to make!” This was a seventeen year old’s way of putting: your family is probably my family’s bitch.
Delighted at Virgil’s response, Cara clapped her hands together and bounced up and down. Did he think she actually cared about Eli? Oh man, he should have seen her when she went after him all those years ago. This little kids stomach would have been turning.
Suddenly and without warning, the door to the Karaoke lounge burst open, followed by two individuals, one wrapped up like a bow around the other, furiously making out, before slamming the door shut behind them. Hurriedly the two entered the room, mouths completely fixated on each other, avoiding nearly all obstacles, save for some metallic cart, that crashed to the floor, the sound of ceramic breaking on impact. Kayla was suddenly thrown back first onto a table as Leon had his way with her, and her way with him. She was moaning audibly to his touch and kisses and bites, and she reciprocated the favor. How did she even end up in here? One second she was grinding lustfully against him on the dance floor, and the next, she jumped him and started playing tonsil hockey, begging him to take her. Oh fuck it, she didn’t care, she was about to have this man all to herself, and there was no one around to stop them, though as she opened her eyes, she couldn’t help but notice a couple of people in the room. ”Oh my, Leoooon~, we have guests~.”
All his glorious food was on the floor, Virgil was visibly shocked. Horrified, even. “I think I’m going to be sick.” When they entered, their movements were swift, but the young, Italian boy quickly nudged him and his… what was she? Business acquaintance? Out of the way. Knowing he wasn’t going to stay here for too long, he went into his pant’s pocket and pulled out a business card, and placed it in Cara’s nearest hand.
Through her rather dilated eyes, she looked intensely at the two people in the room. The blonde one was rather beautiful and sexy, Kayla wouldn’t have minded going to town on her, as for the boy, he looked absolutely adorable, she could just eat him up. ”Heeey~ you two, just planning on watching us, or were you looking to join in?” Her eyes were filled with lust and want. ”Damn girl, you nasty, and I like that.” A just as lust filled grin was smeared across his face as he looked towards his partner, hearing her proposal.
At this point Cara’s mind was completely split. This night had turned into a shit show for information. The pasta muncher who gave her, his card had done nothing but confirm he knew a couple big names. That didn’t help at all, though he had mentioned his cousin Bi… Rolling her eyes at him, she crumpled the card in her hand and dropped it to the floor. ”Useless.” The only thing that kept her from teleporting Virgil, more like virgin, on top of the Eiffel tower was the new arrivals to the scene.
Giggling happily, Cara teleported right in between the two lovebirds. ”Little V, if this is your attempt to sway me… it’s working. Throwing an arm around the little girl’s shoulders she leaned in whispering in her ear, ”I’m always looking to join.” She leaned in close to her, till their lips were nearly touching. The air was hot around the two. Just before they kissed Cara pulled away. Teasingly she said ”Gunna have to try a little harder than that.”
Laughing she winked at them both before disappearing. Before another word could be spoken she reappeared with Virgil. ”Careful partner, I need you to get my back. You take that beauty and I’ll with this stud,” she patted Leon on his firm chest. Disappearing again she appeared back facing Virgil holding up a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs. ”Here.” she tossed them into his hands. ”You might needs those. Cracking up at the awkward situation she had created, Cara leaned against Leon expecting to see the color drain from Virgil’s face. Serves him right for annoying her.
Kayla giggled back as the woman suddenly appeared right in front of her, causing Leon to step back a couple of steps as he was shoved aside. When she leaned in close, her breath and whispers against her ear, it sent shudders up her spine, she was such a tease. It became all the more apparent as she leaned in to kiss before teleporting away. Kayla was distraught for all but a moment before the blonde returned with a pair of fuzzy handcuffs, her eyes lighting up in delight at this new kinky revelation. She handed them to the little boy, before leaning right on top of her man, Kayla reciprocated by sitting up and pressing herself against Leon, her finger gently wagging towards him to join their little grouping.
Words could not escape his lips. No this… ALL THIS… was beyond him. Dropping the handcuffs on the floor, Virgil was done for the night. Not giving anyone a chance to stop him, his body turned into pure darkness and he bounced the fuck out of that room. Screw you guys. I’m going home.
While Kayla was fairly disappointed that the cutie was leaving, she still scored at least two people who wanted to spend the night with her, and oh my were they attractive. Giggling she looked to the two of them, ”Guess he couldn’t handle us, so...shall we get back to business~,” she said, all the while tracing her finger over Leon’s chest. ”Girl, you know it.” Immediately the two began kissing again before Kayla had a chance to look around and notice...they were still in a public space, despite their overall privacy. Breaking off the kiss, she looked to the new girl, ”Hey~, you don’t know of any place where we could all be intimate a little more,” leaning around Leon she whispered in the girl’s ear, ”Privately?” A small giggle erupted from her lips as she temptatively brushed her fingers along her side.
”You ever been to Canada?”
”Well Virgil…” she drew out his name, letting it roll around on her tongue. Guys went crazy for that shit. ”My name is Cara Reaper, though Goldie works just fine. As much as i’d love to say that this is a pleasantry visit, I am here on business.” Pausing to let her words sink in, she walked over to sit near him. Winking she added, ”Or maybe a bit of both.”
Awkwardly sitting up, Virgil rested his dark orbs on his new acquaintance. Clearing his throat and running his hand through his sleek hair, he offered, “Uh… you don’t have to get intimate or whatever. I respect ladies. If I want to kiss you, I’m taking you out on a date first. Sorry that’s just my philosophy.”
After taking off his black suit jacket, revealing his gray button up, he started to unbutton his cuffs and roll up his sleeves, “I need to get comfortable for this… business takes cake in my family.” When he was all situated, Virgil leaned back, took out a lollipop in his pants pocket, unwrapped it, and placed it in his mouth, “I’m all ears, Goldie.” He gestured to her, showing she had the floor.
Standing, Cara took a deep breath in to calm her nerves. This might just be the breaking point. Don’t blow it like you did with fake Eli. ”You mentioned wanting to be great, right? In your own way.” Focusing in on his face, she realized he had a lollipop in his mouth. Was that… cherry? Fuck she wanted to rip that out of this little kids mouth.
Closing her eyes for a moment, she clenched her teeth repeating to herself not to shove the lollipop in Virgil’s ear. Walking up next to him she squated down so they were at eye level. Her eyes were the only factor that could have given away her… tendencies. Playfulness and mischief bounced around in those blue orbs of hers. ”Tell me Virgil, what is it exactly that you want?”
Dude. This woman was invading his personal space. Wayyyyyyy too close for comfort. Not in any position to trust her, he immediately went into a dark haze and went to the other side of the room, to the red sofa - FAR away from the bodacious blonde. Taking out his lollipop and moving it along with his words, he warned, “We just met, pretty lady. What I want isn’t really that big of a deal. We’re here for you, are we not? So.” He stood up and challenged, “The way I see this is… you want something from me. If anyone is striking a deal, it’ll be me for you. Now tell me. What do you want?”
Cara stood looking boredly to where Virgil had reappeared. This game was growing tiresome. ”I’d heard you Harts had some interesting abilities.” Instantly she was standing right next to him. ”Two can play at that game.” The words dripped out of her mouth filled with dangerous venom. A second later she was on the other side of the room, voice cheery and light as it had been in the beginning of their conversation. ”I just need some information, whereabouts, locations, that sort of thing. I’m more than willing to pay.”
Biting into his lollipop at her display, Virgil’s brown orbs were deadlocked on Cara. He took in her words, her expressions, her mannerisms, and tilted his head in intrigue. Ah, she’s a dangerous one here. If he wasn’t a Hart, he’d probably be shakened up or even scared shitless. Virgil was the youngest in his family and had yet to optimize all his powers. If this stranger wanted to, she could very well kill him (of course, not without a fight) but in this moment, he was valuable to her until she was given what she needed. It’s easier to approach the cub than the Alpha wolf. “You aren’t from here, are you?” He asked, his expression unwavering from childish amusement.
“We don’t want your money and I can tell… your information is limited when it comes to my family. But I suppose your strategy is smart since I can get you the information you want. Of course, with a price, but not with money. Nah, we don’t need that.”
There was a knock on the door and he yelled, “Come in.” The karaoke room felt tense. With a cart, the server from earlier brought in all of Virgil’s food. After leaving the cart behind, she quickly left the room - feeling the vibe and knowing this wasn’t the time for her to start small talk with the young Hart.
When she left, Virgil placed his stick on the cart and uncovered the platter with wings. Excitedly grabbing one, he bit into it and continued to talk “I don’t think you’re in any position to do… bad things to me. Especially since you’re in a place my family considers home. What do you want to know? I’ll tell you right here and now, I’m not the one with all the answers, but.” He took another bite out of the wing (yes, talking with his mouth full of food), he was apathetic for the most part, “My cousins know the ins and out of this area. Hell, they have operations going around throughout the entire country and world. I can get you information. But how far would you go for it?” He licked his finger of the honey barbecue, before adding one last tad bit, “We like having allies but we don’t make allies for the sake of having them. Tell me a little bit more about yourself, Cara Reaper.”
”Money, drugs, power, fame, death, life, I offer a lot more than you know Hart.” She turned her back to him shrugging, ”No matter I-” She was interrupted by the young server reentering the room. For a moment she thought of slitting the girls throat. Clenching her fist, she held herself back and allowed Virgil to ramble on once again. Raising an eyebrow she looked at him, ”Looks like the little Hart’s finally stepping up. Try not to be too cocky, first and foremost. I’m in your home, yes, but just as easily-”
She teleported across the room ripping the wing out of his hand and biting it, ”I can be anywhere.” Tossing the half eaten wing back on the table she continued ”You were right about one thing. I’m not from here. Despite that, I expect you’ve still heard of us- me. It was right in the open from the beginning. I’m one of the Reapers, and not the better half. What I want from you, is to know where the other is.” She paused but couldn’t help but add a small jab to the end. ”Even someone as low as you on the totem pole has got to know about at.”
Virgil was personally offended when the now-turning-to-be-a-pain-in-his-ass dumb blonde snatched his wing, DIDN’T EVEN FINISH IT, and tossed it on the table. That was a sin! A waste! How could she?! She took his food right out of his mouth! Screw her desire to want information. He needed a moment to collect himself before he reacted irrationally. Just breathe. “You…” Oh man, he could hear his irritation. Taking a deep breath in, he grabbed a napkin and wiped his fingers, trying to gather his thoughts, “Ms. Reaper, you obviously don’t know the rank system of my family… but that’s okay, I don’t expect you to.” Mockingly, he waved his hands, “Oh whoopie doo! The Reapers. Better known as the Forsaken. Blah, blah, blah, they killed a bunch of people in Auckland. What was the massacre called again? Well, it doesn’t matter.” He picked up a celery and placed it in his mouth like a cigar, “The names I know off the top of my head are Eli, the big guy, Raco, his main man, and I think… this girl named Annie? No. Ariana. No… Anna...belle? Maybe. MAYBE. I don’t fuckin’ know.” He crunched the celery and began swinging it around while he talked, “I think Bi has a contract with them. I mean, I’m pretty sure my cousin would have killed uh… Raco… I think. It’s none of my business, though. I’m not ‘in’ on all the happenings of my family. I don’t care to be either! I have a documentary to make!” This was a seventeen year old’s way of putting: your family is probably my family’s bitch.
Delighted at Virgil’s response, Cara clapped her hands together and bounced up and down. Did he think she actually cared about Eli? Oh man, he should have seen her when she went after him all those years ago. This little kids stomach would have been turning.
Suddenly and without warning, the door to the Karaoke lounge burst open, followed by two individuals, one wrapped up like a bow around the other, furiously making out, before slamming the door shut behind them. Hurriedly the two entered the room, mouths completely fixated on each other, avoiding nearly all obstacles, save for some metallic cart, that crashed to the floor, the sound of ceramic breaking on impact. Kayla was suddenly thrown back first onto a table as Leon had his way with her, and her way with him. She was moaning audibly to his touch and kisses and bites, and she reciprocated the favor. How did she even end up in here? One second she was grinding lustfully against him on the dance floor, and the next, she jumped him and started playing tonsil hockey, begging him to take her. Oh fuck it, she didn’t care, she was about to have this man all to herself, and there was no one around to stop them, though as she opened her eyes, she couldn’t help but notice a couple of people in the room. ”Oh my, Leoooon~, we have guests~.”
All his glorious food was on the floor, Virgil was visibly shocked. Horrified, even. “I think I’m going to be sick.” When they entered, their movements were swift, but the young, Italian boy quickly nudged him and his… what was she? Business acquaintance? Out of the way. Knowing he wasn’t going to stay here for too long, he went into his pant’s pocket and pulled out a business card, and placed it in Cara’s nearest hand.
Through her rather dilated eyes, she looked intensely at the two people in the room. The blonde one was rather beautiful and sexy, Kayla wouldn’t have minded going to town on her, as for the boy, he looked absolutely adorable, she could just eat him up. ”Heeey~ you two, just planning on watching us, or were you looking to join in?” Her eyes were filled with lust and want. ”Damn girl, you nasty, and I like that.” A just as lust filled grin was smeared across his face as he looked towards his partner, hearing her proposal.
At this point Cara’s mind was completely split. This night had turned into a shit show for information. The pasta muncher who gave her, his card had done nothing but confirm he knew a couple big names. That didn’t help at all, though he had mentioned his cousin Bi… Rolling her eyes at him, she crumpled the card in her hand and dropped it to the floor. ”Useless.” The only thing that kept her from teleporting Virgil, more like virgin, on top of the Eiffel tower was the new arrivals to the scene.
Giggling happily, Cara teleported right in between the two lovebirds. ”Little V, if this is your attempt to sway me… it’s working. Throwing an arm around the little girl’s shoulders she leaned in whispering in her ear, ”I’m always looking to join.” She leaned in close to her, till their lips were nearly touching. The air was hot around the two. Just before they kissed Cara pulled away. Teasingly she said ”Gunna have to try a little harder than that.”
Laughing she winked at them both before disappearing. Before another word could be spoken she reappeared with Virgil. ”Careful partner, I need you to get my back. You take that beauty and I’ll with this stud,” she patted Leon on his firm chest. Disappearing again she appeared back facing Virgil holding up a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs. ”Here.” she tossed them into his hands. ”You might needs those. Cracking up at the awkward situation she had created, Cara leaned against Leon expecting to see the color drain from Virgil’s face. Serves him right for annoying her.
Kayla giggled back as the woman suddenly appeared right in front of her, causing Leon to step back a couple of steps as he was shoved aside. When she leaned in close, her breath and whispers against her ear, it sent shudders up her spine, she was such a tease. It became all the more apparent as she leaned in to kiss before teleporting away. Kayla was distraught for all but a moment before the blonde returned with a pair of fuzzy handcuffs, her eyes lighting up in delight at this new kinky revelation. She handed them to the little boy, before leaning right on top of her man, Kayla reciprocated by sitting up and pressing herself against Leon, her finger gently wagging towards him to join their little grouping.
Words could not escape his lips. No this… ALL THIS… was beyond him. Dropping the handcuffs on the floor, Virgil was done for the night. Not giving anyone a chance to stop him, his body turned into pure darkness and he bounced the fuck out of that room. Screw you guys. I’m going home.
While Kayla was fairly disappointed that the cutie was leaving, she still scored at least two people who wanted to spend the night with her, and oh my were they attractive. Giggling she looked to the two of them, ”Guess he couldn’t handle us, so...shall we get back to business~,” she said, all the while tracing her finger over Leon’s chest. ”Girl, you know it.” Immediately the two began kissing again before Kayla had a chance to look around and notice...they were still in a public space, despite their overall privacy. Breaking off the kiss, she looked to the new girl, ”Hey~, you don’t know of any place where we could all be intimate a little more,” leaning around Leon she whispered in the girl’s ear, ”Privately?” A small giggle erupted from her lips as she temptatively brushed her fingers along her side.
”You ever been to Canada?”