S Y L V I A, A M E L I A, J E N N A & E L I A N A

Location; Mall → Outside Delirium → The Wolf's Den → The Beast's Belly (Main Club Area)
Interacting with; Each other @lovely complex@Legion02@Viciousmarrow, Virgil; Will Blake at the very end @smarty0114
Excited → Fearful → Morose → Vengeful → Down
Unpleasantly surprised → Brave → Catty → Ice cold → Grateful → Concerned → Fake cheerful
Confused → More Confused → Scared → Concerned → Worried → Assured → Confidant
The day passed by faster than a blink of an eye. One minute Eliana Lovelace was being asked about the tournament by Minako, which was odd to physically want to meet for that (rather than just email), the next she was shopping with Amelia, Sylvia, and her little sister, Jenna. The shopping trip was strange... as anything was when it came to dealing with the youngest Lovelace girl. Eliana knew Slyvia and Amelia were worried for no reason (though the vampiress had more of a reason since she didn't know anything about the other Lovelace). When Jenna found out about the incident, she didn't seem to care. Hell, she even said that her and Slyvia weren't dating. Ouch. Anyone who wanted to be with her little sister needed to realize she wasn't an easy girl to contain, and unfortunately, she didn't realize when someone had feelings for her. Ellie purchased a nice, suitable dress for a highschool birthday party. Jenna even offered to hold it for her, which was weird, but sure why not, right? While she tried on many dresses, Jenna and Sylvia gave her a bunch of outfits only Aunt Maybelle would buy for her. They said they just wanted her to try them on! Fast forward to a little before they had to leave for the party, turns out they forgot the outfit she bought and somehow bought a rather... revealing red dress for her. She was NOT going to wear that. Hell no. That started a large debate before they reached a compromise. Ellie would wear the dress, but with a sweater (of course, during their car ride Sylvia deliberately spilled alcohol on it). Why were they even drinking alcohol?! They were going to a HIGHSCHOOL party. Jenna however explained how this is what kids did and that Ellie would embarrass her if she wasn't at least buzzed.
Her little sister did what she does best and brought out a quarter and said: Heads or Tails. Eliana trusted her sister and this was a game they did for one of them to cave in, but what Ellie didn't know was Jenna was a goddamn cheater and had two coins. One with just heads and the other with tails. More often than not, Ellie said Tails. It was a no brainer that Ellie would lose, so under peer pressure, she drank. After the first shot, she was going to stop so she could keep an eye on her sister at the party, but somehow one shot, turned into three, which turned into FIVE... Ellie didn't even know how Amelia was convinced to join along in all of this but Sylvia and Jenna together were hella' intimidating. Long story short, both Eliana and Amelia were convinced to drink prior to this teen party (oh, yes, Amelia does know Jenna is 16 years old now).
Amelia couldn’t believe her ears when Jenna said it wasn’t a big deal. At first, she was relieved. For a quarter of the day, guilt had been eating from inside of her. In fact, for half an hour she had been crying her eyes out. All that now ebbed away from her. But she couldn’t help but feel bad for Sylvia. It was clear she, at the very least, had feelings for Jenna. To get them answered in such a blandly uncaring way, she couldn’t imagine how much it had hurt Mayweather’s princess. Still, she seemed to be able to carry herself just fine, for now. Amelia was then dragged along for shopping. Something her father rarely approved off. For himself, he had a tailor fashion all his suits custom made for him. In fact, for their 21 birthday, Marcus and Kondrad each received their custom made a suit. There was little doubt she would get a custom made dress when she finally passed the last legal milestone. But for now, she had to be happy with dresses from upscale shops where paying cash was not a possibility. Not that she had many of those. Almost all she owned she bought herself, just so she could have some normal ones.
Luckily Sylvia and Jenna left her alone in choosing a dress for the party. She settled for a nice, red one. When she got back to the Lovelace girls, though, she felt rather underdone. Especially by Eliana who wore a very revealing dress. One she’d never expect on the girl she first met in some sloppy attire. It was quickly revealed that none of it was her own plan. Her sister and would-be-lover seemed to be very persuasive. On the car ride, Amelia joined in on the drinking, until she heard it was a high school party they were going. She tried to ask Eliana, with whispers, how old her sister was that she was going to a high school party. But after Eliana repeated the question, much louder this time because of the alcohol, Jenna answered that she was 16. Not Amelia’s 18 estimates. Somewhat shocked she fell back in the seat of the car. So many things suddenly changed.
Despite the internal hurt Sylvia was dealing with, she appeared to be okay on the outside when the youngest Lovelace revealed that the two were, in fact, not dating. She laughed and goofed off with Jenna in the entirety of their mall trip, and, surprising absolutely no one, she was full of complaints, particularly about how the Headmasters (and her own mother) were forcing her to apologize to Cecilia Lovelace. It really felt like an infringement on her right to free speech, but there wasn't much she could do about it besides bitch and moan. There was also a triumphant moment for her where she emphasized the harsh words and the beating she gave Gianna earlier. Needless to say, everyone actually seemed disappointed in her at the revelation rather than proud. Jenna made a quip about how she had been a huge bitch to Gia and Eliana thought that Sylvia should apologize for her actions. The princess had been expecting a round of applause and soaring praise, but only received soul crushing reprimands.
The car ride to the party gave her plenty of chance to douse the shame. Jenna and herself practically drowned themselves in alcohol, as they were like to do when they were together, and were completely trashed. Luckily, they were great at covering up their inebriety and, by some miracle, were able to convince Eliana and the vampiress to join in on their celebration. Despite the overall shittiness of the day for Sylvia, it could only get better, right?!
The driver to the 'party' was one of Sylvia's mules (since Nora, the Lovelace girls' manager, only took the girls to and from the mall). The devious little sister was ready for the biggest challenge ahead: their arrival. The limo pulled up like they were celebrities (because, let's be honest, Jenna and Sylvia together were flashy as fuck). The car pulled up and the chauffeur went to open the door for some of the most wealthy 'princesses' of NYC. The first one to exit the car was Eliana, since she was sitting by the door. She was too focused on talking to Amelia, whispering that she really needed to learn how to deal with her sister, that she didn't realize they were nowhere near a house of some sort with teens. Staring up at the large sign that said, Delirium, Eliana's eyes widened. All those in line stared at her and she even received whistles and cat calls. Before she could even get back in, her sister was already out pushing her, "Surprise!"
"J-Jenna! We shouldn't be here. Why are we here?! How did--" Eliana was freaking out and the alcohol didn't help. "Getting me to wear this is one thing but a club?! We're--"
"Shuuuush. Don't blow our cover. You are a special guest." Her minx of a little sister kittenishly cooed.
"C'mon, out we go, darling!" Sylvia virtually dragged Amelia out of the car to join the other two girls outside. A wide grin was plastered on her face and there was a flush of red on her cheeks from the alcohol pumping through her veins. "You're our honored guest tonight, Amelia. All eyes on us." Forcefully, she held the vampiress' hand like a vice grip just in case she tried to get away.
No way this ends well. Was the only thing she could think as Sylvia pulled her from the limo. In fact, Amelia wanted nothing more than just tell the driver to get her back to Mayweather. But Eliana was already out and she couldn't leave her friend behind. Besides, it would just be a high school party. How bad could it be? That thought lasted until she got out of the car, seeing the long line and the bright neon letters saying: Delirium. "Oh crap." The vampire looked at Eliana, was busy with her sister. So instead she turned to Sylvia: "This... Isn't a high school party! Why?" Obviously Amelia was confused. Did they really expect that Eliana and her would go clubbing just because they were tricked into going there?
Like the entilted girl she was, Jenna hooked arms with her sister and walked straight to the bouncers, not even bothering getting in line, "Lovelace." The two bouncers looked at each other and then down at the four girls. They were hulks compared to them, and the more foreboding but handsome one (Nico) asked to see only Eliana's ID. Thrown in a terrible position, Eliana inhaled in and placed a flirtatious smile on her fair face, keeping her cool and acting like she knew what she was doing. Confidence.
Ellie knew if they saw her ID they wouldn't be allowed in. She was only 18... this was her escape! Going into her clutch, she quickly grabbed her wallet and took out her ID. Positive that this would ruin her sister's horrible plan, Eliana glanced over to her sister, who still had a cheesy ass grin plastered on her face. How annoying.
What the hell, Jenna! The guy grabbed the idea and stood unnervingly silent comparing Eliana's face with her car. Why-why was this taking so long? Her nerves were all over the place.
The man handed her ID back and lowly said, "Follow me." Alarms set off in the older Lovelace as they were led to the side (an alleyway). This was the end. Their parents would be called and her mother was going to kill her! Eliana just wanted to pass out from the amount of freaking out she was doing until... the guy swiped them in through the side door and directed them to the stairs that led down, "That's the Wolf's Den. The family wants to meet you. Hope you girls have fun. Since it's your first time here, always remember: tonight is a night to forget yourself."
Amelia eyed the bouncer with suspicion. The way he used the word 'family' made her uneasy. Nothing good came from big, old or families that were more than that. Blood-related. Being a von Carstein, she knew just how screwed up any family that ruled could become. Even from behind her, the vampire noticed how tense Eliana stood. So she took a step forward to walk next to Eliana. Throwing her a comforting smile as they both descended the stairs, side by side. "Not going to let you walk into a place named the Wolf's Den without a friend at your side. Now let's go see the wolves of the wolf's den." She feinted confidence. Because deep down she too was rather scared of what tonight would bring.
Behind the trio, Sylvia, dressed like a refinded personal escort in her sultury red dress and fishnet stockings, struggled to keep up with them. Heels were not ideal for a night of heavy drinking, but c'est la vie. Forcing herself to step a bit faster, she finally caught up to Jenna and laced her arm through the younger girl's own. The thought of everyone's age flashed through her head momentarily, and Sylvia was met with the realization that she was the eldest person in their group. How... odd. It didn't particuarly matter, considering they were all underage, but a momentary crisis of mortality caused the normally chatty redhead to reside in silence. This Wolf's Den that they were headed to sounded dangerous, yet if she knew anything about these clubs, it was that they liked to create exotic or dangerous names to draw customers. For the most part, their marketing schemes worked. Hopefully they would have something to eat there though. The grumble of her stomach let it be known that she was starving.
Her little sister did what she does best and brought out a quarter and said: Heads or Tails. Eliana trusted her sister and this was a game they did for one of them to cave in, but what Ellie didn't know was Jenna was a goddamn cheater and had two coins. One with just heads and the other with tails. More often than not, Ellie said Tails. It was a no brainer that Ellie would lose, so under peer pressure, she drank. After the first shot, she was going to stop so she could keep an eye on her sister at the party, but somehow one shot, turned into three, which turned into FIVE... Ellie didn't even know how Amelia was convinced to join along in all of this but Sylvia and Jenna together were hella' intimidating. Long story short, both Eliana and Amelia were convinced to drink prior to this teen party (oh, yes, Amelia does know Jenna is 16 years old now).
Amelia couldn’t believe her ears when Jenna said it wasn’t a big deal. At first, she was relieved. For a quarter of the day, guilt had been eating from inside of her. In fact, for half an hour she had been crying her eyes out. All that now ebbed away from her. But she couldn’t help but feel bad for Sylvia. It was clear she, at the very least, had feelings for Jenna. To get them answered in such a blandly uncaring way, she couldn’t imagine how much it had hurt Mayweather’s princess. Still, she seemed to be able to carry herself just fine, for now. Amelia was then dragged along for shopping. Something her father rarely approved off. For himself, he had a tailor fashion all his suits custom made for him. In fact, for their 21 birthday, Marcus and Kondrad each received their custom made a suit. There was little doubt she would get a custom made dress when she finally passed the last legal milestone. But for now, she had to be happy with dresses from upscale shops where paying cash was not a possibility. Not that she had many of those. Almost all she owned she bought herself, just so she could have some normal ones.
Luckily Sylvia and Jenna left her alone in choosing a dress for the party. She settled for a nice, red one. When she got back to the Lovelace girls, though, she felt rather underdone. Especially by Eliana who wore a very revealing dress. One she’d never expect on the girl she first met in some sloppy attire. It was quickly revealed that none of it was her own plan. Her sister and would-be-lover seemed to be very persuasive. On the car ride, Amelia joined in on the drinking, until she heard it was a high school party they were going. She tried to ask Eliana, with whispers, how old her sister was that she was going to a high school party. But after Eliana repeated the question, much louder this time because of the alcohol, Jenna answered that she was 16. Not Amelia’s 18 estimates. Somewhat shocked she fell back in the seat of the car. So many things suddenly changed.
Despite the internal hurt Sylvia was dealing with, she appeared to be okay on the outside when the youngest Lovelace revealed that the two were, in fact, not dating. She laughed and goofed off with Jenna in the entirety of their mall trip, and, surprising absolutely no one, she was full of complaints, particularly about how the Headmasters (and her own mother) were forcing her to apologize to Cecilia Lovelace. It really felt like an infringement on her right to free speech, but there wasn't much she could do about it besides bitch and moan. There was also a triumphant moment for her where she emphasized the harsh words and the beating she gave Gianna earlier. Needless to say, everyone actually seemed disappointed in her at the revelation rather than proud. Jenna made a quip about how she had been a huge bitch to Gia and Eliana thought that Sylvia should apologize for her actions. The princess had been expecting a round of applause and soaring praise, but only received soul crushing reprimands.
The car ride to the party gave her plenty of chance to douse the shame. Jenna and herself practically drowned themselves in alcohol, as they were like to do when they were together, and were completely trashed. Luckily, they were great at covering up their inebriety and, by some miracle, were able to convince Eliana and the vampiress to join in on their celebration. Despite the overall shittiness of the day for Sylvia, it could only get better, right?!
The driver to the 'party' was one of Sylvia's mules (since Nora, the Lovelace girls' manager, only took the girls to and from the mall). The devious little sister was ready for the biggest challenge ahead: their arrival. The limo pulled up like they were celebrities (because, let's be honest, Jenna and Sylvia together were flashy as fuck). The car pulled up and the chauffeur went to open the door for some of the most wealthy 'princesses' of NYC. The first one to exit the car was Eliana, since she was sitting by the door. She was too focused on talking to Amelia, whispering that she really needed to learn how to deal with her sister, that she didn't realize they were nowhere near a house of some sort with teens. Staring up at the large sign that said, Delirium, Eliana's eyes widened. All those in line stared at her and she even received whistles and cat calls. Before she could even get back in, her sister was already out pushing her, "Surprise!"
"J-Jenna! We shouldn't be here. Why are we here?! How did--" Eliana was freaking out and the alcohol didn't help. "Getting me to wear this is one thing but a club?! We're--"
"Shuuuush. Don't blow our cover. You are a special guest." Her minx of a little sister kittenishly cooed.
"C'mon, out we go, darling!" Sylvia virtually dragged Amelia out of the car to join the other two girls outside. A wide grin was plastered on her face and there was a flush of red on her cheeks from the alcohol pumping through her veins. "You're our honored guest tonight, Amelia. All eyes on us." Forcefully, she held the vampiress' hand like a vice grip just in case she tried to get away.
No way this ends well. Was the only thing she could think as Sylvia pulled her from the limo. In fact, Amelia wanted nothing more than just tell the driver to get her back to Mayweather. But Eliana was already out and she couldn't leave her friend behind. Besides, it would just be a high school party. How bad could it be? That thought lasted until she got out of the car, seeing the long line and the bright neon letters saying: Delirium. "Oh crap." The vampire looked at Eliana, was busy with her sister. So instead she turned to Sylvia: "This... Isn't a high school party! Why?" Obviously Amelia was confused. Did they really expect that Eliana and her would go clubbing just because they were tricked into going there?
Like the entilted girl she was, Jenna hooked arms with her sister and walked straight to the bouncers, not even bothering getting in line, "Lovelace." The two bouncers looked at each other and then down at the four girls. They were hulks compared to them, and the more foreboding but handsome one (Nico) asked to see only Eliana's ID. Thrown in a terrible position, Eliana inhaled in and placed a flirtatious smile on her fair face, keeping her cool and acting like she knew what she was doing. Confidence.
Ellie knew if they saw her ID they wouldn't be allowed in. She was only 18... this was her escape! Going into her clutch, she quickly grabbed her wallet and took out her ID. Positive that this would ruin her sister's horrible plan, Eliana glanced over to her sister, who still had a cheesy ass grin plastered on her face. How annoying.
What the hell, Jenna! The guy grabbed the idea and stood unnervingly silent comparing Eliana's face with her car. Why-why was this taking so long? Her nerves were all over the place.
The man handed her ID back and lowly said, "Follow me." Alarms set off in the older Lovelace as they were led to the side (an alleyway). This was the end. Their parents would be called and her mother was going to kill her! Eliana just wanted to pass out from the amount of freaking out she was doing until... the guy swiped them in through the side door and directed them to the stairs that led down, "That's the Wolf's Den. The family wants to meet you. Hope you girls have fun. Since it's your first time here, always remember: tonight is a night to forget yourself."
Amelia eyed the bouncer with suspicion. The way he used the word 'family' made her uneasy. Nothing good came from big, old or families that were more than that. Blood-related. Being a von Carstein, she knew just how screwed up any family that ruled could become. Even from behind her, the vampire noticed how tense Eliana stood. So she took a step forward to walk next to Eliana. Throwing her a comforting smile as they both descended the stairs, side by side. "Not going to let you walk into a place named the Wolf's Den without a friend at your side. Now let's go see the wolves of the wolf's den." She feinted confidence. Because deep down she too was rather scared of what tonight would bring.
Behind the trio, Sylvia, dressed like a refinded personal escort in her sultury red dress and fishnet stockings, struggled to keep up with them. Heels were not ideal for a night of heavy drinking, but c'est la vie. Forcing herself to step a bit faster, she finally caught up to Jenna and laced her arm through the younger girl's own. The thought of everyone's age flashed through her head momentarily, and Sylvia was met with the realization that she was the eldest person in their group. How... odd. It didn't particuarly matter, considering they were all underage, but a momentary crisis of mortality caused the normally chatty redhead to reside in silence. This Wolf's Den that they were headed to sounded dangerous, yet if she knew anything about these clubs, it was that they liked to create exotic or dangerous names to draw customers. For the most part, their marketing schemes worked. Hopefully they would have something to eat there though. The grumble of her stomach let it be known that she was starving.
O H ! & V I R G I L

Hospitable → W-what's going on? → Awkward and concerned → A motha' fuckin' gentleman
When the girls arrived to the large white double doors that had The Wolf's Den written in elegant golden letters, the doors automatically opened, as if someone had been waiting for them all along. Eliana led the way with Amelia by her side. They entered an enormous suite with the finest of wood and gold, biege, and browns as its main color scheme. Their heels resounded in the luxurious home away from home. No one was there to direct them but there was a romantic Italian song playing: I Have But One Heart by Al Martino. When they entered the lounge area, there was a old vinyl record player emitting to sweet song as Leonardo Hart Jr. danced with his wife, Donna-marie. On the couches sat Valerio, who was incharged of contraband, training underlings, and dealing with unwanted visitors in the Maw, chatting with his sister and Drug Lady, Bianca (though no one outside of the family knows that's their domains). Eliana stopped in her tracks, feeling like she was invading a private family moment. Until from behind them, she heard a young, Italian boy's voice, "Ladies!" Turning on her heel, the oldest Lovelace locked eyes with a boy, who stood at 5'8" and looked around her age, maybe younger? Unfortunately, she didn't know much about the owners of Delirium and as such, even the presence of a handsome boy with this cool air about him kept her on ege. His light brown orbs scanned the four girls that stood before him. Walking slowly, he made his way to Eliana and Amelia, who stood in the center of the archway. He grabbed Eliana's right hand and Amelia's left and planted a smooth, gentlemen's kiss on both of them. A charmer, this kid was. Letting their hands free, he gestured them to follow him into the kitchen where he prepared them all a drink. The finest of wine imported from Tuscany.
Before he walked though, he introduced his family. "How rude of me! The name's Virgil. Virgil Hart. And these are my cousins. Leo and his beautiful wife, Donna-marie. She's a Lucchese. If you know anything about the five familias, just know... she's really damn important." The two lovers continued to dance, Leo gave them a light smile and nod but kept his attention on his wife. Virgil gestured his hand toward his other cousins on the couch, "My cousins who are like a bro and sis to me, Valerio, and my darling ,Bianca. They're great. Oh did you know B is dating the Prince of Fashion in LA! We're so proud of her. She got him whipped. Okay, come come. I don't want to waste your time."
Entering the kitchen, there was smoke gray italian designer glassware with sweet wine waiting for them. He, however, grabbed a can of coke. Not one for alcohol. Personal preference.
The moment Eliana heard the surname, Hart, her nerves picked up a notch. Keeping silent, she brought her sister closer to her as a means of protection. From what her father told her, this family was not... a joke.
Sylvia had been expecting club music and erratic dancing in the Wolf's Den, but instead, they were greeted by slow "grandpa" music and a bunch of well dressed Italians. Herself and Jenna were largely ignored by the dark haired boy that greeted them, which perturbed the ginger haired woman to no end. However, she was too shaken by the recognition of the people in the room to get fired up about it. These were the Harts. Her daddy had told her all about them: ruthless cut throats, murderous rapists... He had never once said a good word about these people. Yes, she had once crushed on Vincent Hart, but she'd never gotten close to him nor thought about meeting his family. But now that she was, Sylvia was beginning to panic. Her hazel orbs fluttered down to Jenna, wondering what the hell she had just gotten them into. Suddenly, she found herself on Amelia and Eliana's side. They needed to get the fuck out of here! Or they might all end up dead.
In the kitchen, her gaze fluttered over to the vampiress and the eldest Lovelace with pleading eyes. This was no place for four attractive, elite women. Fear was visibly scrawled upon her face and there were tremors running up her spine. If the sense of being held hostage hadn't gripped her, the redhead might have actually fled from the building. But she remained, as if a gun were at her head and there was no where else to go.
When Virgil made Lucchese comment, Amelia turned to the lady. No doubt one of her ancestors did business with either her grandfather or great grandfather. She gave a respectful nod. Though the comment of the LA Prince of Fashion earned Virgil only a brief stare. Among people like these, she disapproved of such terms. As much as she disavowed her family, she was a Carstein. So she couldn’t help but tell Virgil: “Lucchese you say? Hmm, I think grandfather mentioned that name before.” She said it with a certain aura of indifference. As if the surname didn’t mean that much. Though she knew very much how dangerous these people were. The Lucchese to begin with, but the Harts were definitely a last name to remember in NYC.
The boy had manners, though, by kissing their hands. That surprised Amelia. Enough to persuade her to let him guide her to the kitchen. Where he poured them all a glass of wine. Before the boy could put the bottle away she took it, glancing over it. Years of formal dinners and being educated in the fineries of life did stick to her. “A 2005 Chianti. You got taste.” She remarked, before putting the bottle on the counter and taking the glass. But she wasn’t done yet. First, she held it up before a light to look through it. The wine was dark, a token to its age. She then smelled the glass carefully, made a few small circles with the glass to shake it all and once again peered at the glass. Seeing the thick tears of wine go down. A testament to its sugary content. After a final round of smelling the wine, she took a fine sip and with a curt nod approved.
Turning to Sylvia, Amelia could see only fear. Her recent laps in slight arrogance gave her enough confidence to look completely unafraid by the situation. She took one of the glasses Virgil poured and slowly walked up to Sylvia. When close enough she handed it over, while taking another sip of her own glass. The alcohol was grabbing her, though. It made her a little looser too. That, combined with confidence and the knowledge that the wouldn’t be guilt-ridden by doing anything to Sylvia made her bold. She inched closer to the princess’ ear and whispered: “Don’t be afraid.” While touching her cheek. While pulling back she gently pushed the cheek. So she’d lock eyes with the oldest girl there. She whispered: “Everything will be okay. You’re safe with me.” She then turned her back to the girl to face Virgil again. Holding her glass with red liquid before her.
Virgil did not understand why the room was so tense. Chugging his soda down, he observed the girls in silence. His eyes were drawn to Amelia, who examined the wine with such class. He knew her alright. He knew about all their familes. The young Hart didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to meet the Lovelaces since they were at the top of the list. The fact that Eliana came with a Carstein appealed to him even more. He was surrounded by the rich and beautiful. Trying to ease the tension, he placed his can down on the counter and absentmindely cracked his knuckles, "Sorry for the sudden invitation. I was just really stoked on meeting you."
"But why? What do the Harts want with us?" Eliana seemed to calm with Amelia by her side. She knew a family like the Harts didn't want to make enemies with her family, who had close ties with the Styles. That was just asking for unnecessary trouble. They may be villains but that didn't mean they weren't reasonable, right?
"Us? We didn't even know you'd grace our presences until we came in like twenty minutes ago. Your our star guests, so I took it upon myself to introduce myself."
Eliana had a bewildered expression on her face. They had no idea? What was even going on? How did Jenna get them to be... at the top of the list? "Who invited us?"
Virgil leaned on the counter and dumbly blinked at the princesses of the room, "You really don't know?"
Amelia's spectacle had given Sylvia some amount of poise, but it was still quite obvious that she was terrified. However, it was bit peculiar that this Virgil here had no idea they were coming. If the Harts didn't invite them, then who did? Fear flashed into anger as her gaze fell onto Jenna. "What are you hiding from us?!" she exclaimed loudly. Everything felt so suspicious, as if they were being lured into a trap. "This is so like you! Accepting invitations from strangers?! You're going to get us all fucking killed." The Vargas' voice was overwrought and shaky as dread mixed with exasperation.
Virgil wanted to speak but Eliana lifted her hand warning him not to. Standing in close proximity between the two girls that got her in this situation, she waited for her sister to respond, knowing this wasn't going to end well for anyone.
Are they all fucking serious right now? Jenna's green orbs emitted annoyance and sharp daggers. She wasn't having any of their shit. Crossing her arms, the curly-haired blonde snapped her gum before scowling at her so-called best friend, "And look at you. Jumping to assumptions, as always." Flipping her hair in the redhead's face, she brought her attention to Virgil, "I apologize for my friend's rudeness. She obviously doesn't know how to handle situations like these." With that, Eliana squeezed herself right between the two girls and if Sylvia acted out on her emotion, she would respond accordingly. But of course, Jenna didn't stop there. She never stopped when she should. Laughing to herself, the young Lovelace swirled the red liquid in her glass and locked her gaze with Sylvia, "Not once did you question my intentions and now that we're in the Wolf's Den, you blame me? You didn't have to come along. First, you had borderline sex with Amelia. Assuming I'd care, when not once you asked me out on a proper date. Second, you ask for our opinions on you being an irrational bitch against Gia. I'm sorry but you need to calm the fuck down and get your priorities straight."
"That's ENOUGH, Jenivieve." Eliana was holding her sister's wrist ready to drag her ass out of here. The music stopped in the other room and Virgil knew his family was listening in. He gave a nervous laugh.
"Uh... guys... I don't know what this is all about but..." He handed the girls four gold cards that had VIP in bold. "If you do choose to stay, everything is on the house. If you have any trouble, just go to any staff member and drop my name. They'll help you instantly. I... I'd really appreciate it if you guys did check out the club. We could use clientele such as yourselves..." God. He felt so awkward.
Tensions were high, and to Amelia there was but one person to blame. Jenna. If the girl had even an inkling of responsibility, empathy or forward thinking she would know she wouldn’t be thanked for luring her sister here. As for the Wolf’s Den surprise, if she even cared for her friend she would try to calm down Sylvia. Of course, Sylvia did some pretty stupid and careless things too. Like hitting Gianna. But at least she got karma hitting her back for it. Nothing seemed to hit Jenna. Her anger made her bolder.
She stepped up next to Sylvia, with a hand on her shoulder. Looking at Jenna with ice cold eyes. She didn’t care that Eliana stopped her. “You’re a greedy one, aren’t you?” she said with not even an inkling of a tone. “Wanting to get asked on a date. Wanting to go clubbing. Wanting to drag along your sister. All that without ever thinking of someone else.” Her tone made clear she wasn’t up for the game the youngest Lovelace was playing. “Then again, maybe that’s to be expected from a sixteen-year-old.” She turned towards Virgil who handed her a VIP card and threw him a smile. The youngest Hart here, while definitely flirty, did seem like a good guy. And Amelia knew no harm would come to them down here. Such a thing would be bad for business. She locked eyes with Virgil and said: “Thank you. I’ll stay.”
After that, she walked up to Eliana who was holding her sister. Now she sounded genuinely concerned. “You and me both need to blow off some steam. Not only from today. I mean for a few weeks now. I know you’re not a girl that goes clubbing often but here’s an offer. We check the club out. If you don’t like it you come down here.” She then first turned to Virgil and asked: “If that’s okay.” She then turned back to Eliana, saying: “At the very least we should honor the Harts’ their hospitality.” The smile on her face was gentle and concerned at the same time. Sylvia definitely could use a break from everything, including Jenna. And Eliana, well she had stress mounting on her since day one. Now she was given a chance to relax a little and by Amelia’s judgement, there weren’t going to be many of these opportunities in the near future.
Sylvia probably didn’t have to speak up after the vampiress put Jenna in her place, but much like her “best friend”, she didn’t know when to put a lid on it. “You’re forgetting the worst part, Amelia. She’s not just a sixteen-year-old, she’s an insecure little girl who whores herself out to every person that gives her an inkling of attention. The only thing she’s ever been right about is that she’ll never do anything great like her sister.” she venomously spat. Leering at Jenna with intent to kill, she cocked her head to the side and a snide smirk curled onto her lips. “Why is that you turn into such a bitter bitch when I do one kind of sexual thing with another woman? I think it’s because you’re a manipulative cunt. You can do this and that and do every fucking person within a five-mile radius, but when I screw up once, it turns into the end of the fucking world. I am so done with you. In fact, I’d much rather hang out with Eliana from now on.” Sylvia knew her words would hurt Jenna. She knew nearly everything about her: all of her wants and desires and all of her weaknesses. Somehow the young girl forgot that and paid the harsh price. An aura of bravado surrounded the fiery redhead, no longer afraid of the scenario she was in, if only to show the youngest Lovelace that she could overcome anything. Finished with her spiel, her right hand plucked one of Virgil’s golden tickets out of his hand.
Assertively and with her head held high, the Princess of Mayweather began to stride out of the room. She didn’t know where she was going, but she certainly acted like it. There was emotional pain that lanced through her in the aftermath of the storm, suffering that should have made her cry. However, she was far too stubborn to bawl, especially not in front of her now ex-best friend.
"Amelia. Can you go on ahead? I don't know if I'm staying but I'll let you know... I need to speak with my sister." Eliana's hold onto her sister's wrist turned into their hands intertwined. Jenna was completely silent. "Virgil, is it alright if I talk to my sister in a private area down here?"
"Yeah, of course. There's an office down the hall and to the right." With concern written all over his face, he looked at the group of girls. There was so much estrogen up in this piece. They all needed to find a guy and get laid. Or girl. Whatever floated their boat. Eliana gratefully thanked him and walked away with her little sister, who looked very much defeated.
Amelia nodded, knowing full well Eliana had some sibling responsibilities now to take care of. While at the same time Amelia had Sylvia to look after. No matter what she claimed, she was in a vulnerable place now. Which meant she was probably easy “prey” for whoever was waiting upstairs. She finally caught up with Sylvia, grabbing her by the hip while cheerfully saying: “How about we go check out that VIP area? We got the gold cards after all!?” the cheerfulness was a little feinted, but after all that Amelia felt like smiles were far more needed than angry scowls. Besides, they were in an upscale club with drinks on the house and VIP access. They might as well make the best of their situation.
The redhead was actually surprised that Amelia came to walk with her. After the cruel things she had said, she didn't really expect anyone to be on her side nor give her any sympathy. Gulping, she nodded to the blonde and wiped away a few stray tears that had managed to leak. "I'd like that... Thank you, Amelia. You're a really good person." Sylvia managed to croak out. "I'm sorry about all that back there... I was really mean wasn't I?" There was regret for the things she had said, but she couldn't change anything. She and Jenna would just have to work out their feelings another time, but knowing her, it definitely wouldn't be tonight. Taking Amelia's hand from her waist, she gripped the other woman's hand tightly, and together, they walked hand in hand, as if they were best friends now.
Before he walked though, he introduced his family. "How rude of me! The name's Virgil. Virgil Hart. And these are my cousins. Leo and his beautiful wife, Donna-marie. She's a Lucchese. If you know anything about the five familias, just know... she's really damn important." The two lovers continued to dance, Leo gave them a light smile and nod but kept his attention on his wife. Virgil gestured his hand toward his other cousins on the couch, "My cousins who are like a bro and sis to me, Valerio, and my darling ,Bianca. They're great. Oh did you know B is dating the Prince of Fashion in LA! We're so proud of her. She got him whipped. Okay, come come. I don't want to waste your time."
Entering the kitchen, there was smoke gray italian designer glassware with sweet wine waiting for them. He, however, grabbed a can of coke. Not one for alcohol. Personal preference.
The moment Eliana heard the surname, Hart, her nerves picked up a notch. Keeping silent, she brought her sister closer to her as a means of protection. From what her father told her, this family was not... a joke.
Sylvia had been expecting club music and erratic dancing in the Wolf's Den, but instead, they were greeted by slow "grandpa" music and a bunch of well dressed Italians. Herself and Jenna were largely ignored by the dark haired boy that greeted them, which perturbed the ginger haired woman to no end. However, she was too shaken by the recognition of the people in the room to get fired up about it. These were the Harts. Her daddy had told her all about them: ruthless cut throats, murderous rapists... He had never once said a good word about these people. Yes, she had once crushed on Vincent Hart, but she'd never gotten close to him nor thought about meeting his family. But now that she was, Sylvia was beginning to panic. Her hazel orbs fluttered down to Jenna, wondering what the hell she had just gotten them into. Suddenly, she found herself on Amelia and Eliana's side. They needed to get the fuck out of here! Or they might all end up dead.
In the kitchen, her gaze fluttered over to the vampiress and the eldest Lovelace with pleading eyes. This was no place for four attractive, elite women. Fear was visibly scrawled upon her face and there were tremors running up her spine. If the sense of being held hostage hadn't gripped her, the redhead might have actually fled from the building. But she remained, as if a gun were at her head and there was no where else to go.
When Virgil made Lucchese comment, Amelia turned to the lady. No doubt one of her ancestors did business with either her grandfather or great grandfather. She gave a respectful nod. Though the comment of the LA Prince of Fashion earned Virgil only a brief stare. Among people like these, she disapproved of such terms. As much as she disavowed her family, she was a Carstein. So she couldn’t help but tell Virgil: “Lucchese you say? Hmm, I think grandfather mentioned that name before.” She said it with a certain aura of indifference. As if the surname didn’t mean that much. Though she knew very much how dangerous these people were. The Lucchese to begin with, but the Harts were definitely a last name to remember in NYC.
The boy had manners, though, by kissing their hands. That surprised Amelia. Enough to persuade her to let him guide her to the kitchen. Where he poured them all a glass of wine. Before the boy could put the bottle away she took it, glancing over it. Years of formal dinners and being educated in the fineries of life did stick to her. “A 2005 Chianti. You got taste.” She remarked, before putting the bottle on the counter and taking the glass. But she wasn’t done yet. First, she held it up before a light to look through it. The wine was dark, a token to its age. She then smelled the glass carefully, made a few small circles with the glass to shake it all and once again peered at the glass. Seeing the thick tears of wine go down. A testament to its sugary content. After a final round of smelling the wine, she took a fine sip and with a curt nod approved.
Turning to Sylvia, Amelia could see only fear. Her recent laps in slight arrogance gave her enough confidence to look completely unafraid by the situation. She took one of the glasses Virgil poured and slowly walked up to Sylvia. When close enough she handed it over, while taking another sip of her own glass. The alcohol was grabbing her, though. It made her a little looser too. That, combined with confidence and the knowledge that the wouldn’t be guilt-ridden by doing anything to Sylvia made her bold. She inched closer to the princess’ ear and whispered: “Don’t be afraid.” While touching her cheek. While pulling back she gently pushed the cheek. So she’d lock eyes with the oldest girl there. She whispered: “Everything will be okay. You’re safe with me.” She then turned her back to the girl to face Virgil again. Holding her glass with red liquid before her.
Virgil did not understand why the room was so tense. Chugging his soda down, he observed the girls in silence. His eyes were drawn to Amelia, who examined the wine with such class. He knew her alright. He knew about all their familes. The young Hart didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to meet the Lovelaces since they were at the top of the list. The fact that Eliana came with a Carstein appealed to him even more. He was surrounded by the rich and beautiful. Trying to ease the tension, he placed his can down on the counter and absentmindely cracked his knuckles, "Sorry for the sudden invitation. I was just really stoked on meeting you."
"But why? What do the Harts want with us?" Eliana seemed to calm with Amelia by her side. She knew a family like the Harts didn't want to make enemies with her family, who had close ties with the Styles. That was just asking for unnecessary trouble. They may be villains but that didn't mean they weren't reasonable, right?
"Us? We didn't even know you'd grace our presences until we came in like twenty minutes ago. Your our star guests, so I took it upon myself to introduce myself."
Eliana had a bewildered expression on her face. They had no idea? What was even going on? How did Jenna get them to be... at the top of the list? "Who invited us?"
Virgil leaned on the counter and dumbly blinked at the princesses of the room, "You really don't know?"
Amelia's spectacle had given Sylvia some amount of poise, but it was still quite obvious that she was terrified. However, it was bit peculiar that this Virgil here had no idea they were coming. If the Harts didn't invite them, then who did? Fear flashed into anger as her gaze fell onto Jenna. "What are you hiding from us?!" she exclaimed loudly. Everything felt so suspicious, as if they were being lured into a trap. "This is so like you! Accepting invitations from strangers?! You're going to get us all fucking killed." The Vargas' voice was overwrought and shaky as dread mixed with exasperation.
Virgil wanted to speak but Eliana lifted her hand warning him not to. Standing in close proximity between the two girls that got her in this situation, she waited for her sister to respond, knowing this wasn't going to end well for anyone.
Are they all fucking serious right now? Jenna's green orbs emitted annoyance and sharp daggers. She wasn't having any of their shit. Crossing her arms, the curly-haired blonde snapped her gum before scowling at her so-called best friend, "And look at you. Jumping to assumptions, as always." Flipping her hair in the redhead's face, she brought her attention to Virgil, "I apologize for my friend's rudeness. She obviously doesn't know how to handle situations like these." With that, Eliana squeezed herself right between the two girls and if Sylvia acted out on her emotion, she would respond accordingly. But of course, Jenna didn't stop there. She never stopped when she should. Laughing to herself, the young Lovelace swirled the red liquid in her glass and locked her gaze with Sylvia, "Not once did you question my intentions and now that we're in the Wolf's Den, you blame me? You didn't have to come along. First, you had borderline sex with Amelia. Assuming I'd care, when not once you asked me out on a proper date. Second, you ask for our opinions on you being an irrational bitch against Gia. I'm sorry but you need to calm the fuck down and get your priorities straight."
"That's ENOUGH, Jenivieve." Eliana was holding her sister's wrist ready to drag her ass out of here. The music stopped in the other room and Virgil knew his family was listening in. He gave a nervous laugh.
"Uh... guys... I don't know what this is all about but..." He handed the girls four gold cards that had VIP in bold. "If you do choose to stay, everything is on the house. If you have any trouble, just go to any staff member and drop my name. They'll help you instantly. I... I'd really appreciate it if you guys did check out the club. We could use clientele such as yourselves..." God. He felt so awkward.
Tensions were high, and to Amelia there was but one person to blame. Jenna. If the girl had even an inkling of responsibility, empathy or forward thinking she would know she wouldn’t be thanked for luring her sister here. As for the Wolf’s Den surprise, if she even cared for her friend she would try to calm down Sylvia. Of course, Sylvia did some pretty stupid and careless things too. Like hitting Gianna. But at least she got karma hitting her back for it. Nothing seemed to hit Jenna. Her anger made her bolder.
She stepped up next to Sylvia, with a hand on her shoulder. Looking at Jenna with ice cold eyes. She didn’t care that Eliana stopped her. “You’re a greedy one, aren’t you?” she said with not even an inkling of a tone. “Wanting to get asked on a date. Wanting to go clubbing. Wanting to drag along your sister. All that without ever thinking of someone else.” Her tone made clear she wasn’t up for the game the youngest Lovelace was playing. “Then again, maybe that’s to be expected from a sixteen-year-old.” She turned towards Virgil who handed her a VIP card and threw him a smile. The youngest Hart here, while definitely flirty, did seem like a good guy. And Amelia knew no harm would come to them down here. Such a thing would be bad for business. She locked eyes with Virgil and said: “Thank you. I’ll stay.”
After that, she walked up to Eliana who was holding her sister. Now she sounded genuinely concerned. “You and me both need to blow off some steam. Not only from today. I mean for a few weeks now. I know you’re not a girl that goes clubbing often but here’s an offer. We check the club out. If you don’t like it you come down here.” She then first turned to Virgil and asked: “If that’s okay.” She then turned back to Eliana, saying: “At the very least we should honor the Harts’ their hospitality.” The smile on her face was gentle and concerned at the same time. Sylvia definitely could use a break from everything, including Jenna. And Eliana, well she had stress mounting on her since day one. Now she was given a chance to relax a little and by Amelia’s judgement, there weren’t going to be many of these opportunities in the near future.
Sylvia probably didn’t have to speak up after the vampiress put Jenna in her place, but much like her “best friend”, she didn’t know when to put a lid on it. “You’re forgetting the worst part, Amelia. She’s not just a sixteen-year-old, she’s an insecure little girl who whores herself out to every person that gives her an inkling of attention. The only thing she’s ever been right about is that she’ll never do anything great like her sister.” she venomously spat. Leering at Jenna with intent to kill, she cocked her head to the side and a snide smirk curled onto her lips. “Why is that you turn into such a bitter bitch when I do one kind of sexual thing with another woman? I think it’s because you’re a manipulative cunt. You can do this and that and do every fucking person within a five-mile radius, but when I screw up once, it turns into the end of the fucking world. I am so done with you. In fact, I’d much rather hang out with Eliana from now on.” Sylvia knew her words would hurt Jenna. She knew nearly everything about her: all of her wants and desires and all of her weaknesses. Somehow the young girl forgot that and paid the harsh price. An aura of bravado surrounded the fiery redhead, no longer afraid of the scenario she was in, if only to show the youngest Lovelace that she could overcome anything. Finished with her spiel, her right hand plucked one of Virgil’s golden tickets out of his hand.
Assertively and with her head held high, the Princess of Mayweather began to stride out of the room. She didn’t know where she was going, but she certainly acted like it. There was emotional pain that lanced through her in the aftermath of the storm, suffering that should have made her cry. However, she was far too stubborn to bawl, especially not in front of her now ex-best friend.
"Amelia. Can you go on ahead? I don't know if I'm staying but I'll let you know... I need to speak with my sister." Eliana's hold onto her sister's wrist turned into their hands intertwined. Jenna was completely silent. "Virgil, is it alright if I talk to my sister in a private area down here?"
"Yeah, of course. There's an office down the hall and to the right." With concern written all over his face, he looked at the group of girls. There was so much estrogen up in this piece. They all needed to find a guy and get laid. Or girl. Whatever floated their boat. Eliana gratefully thanked him and walked away with her little sister, who looked very much defeated.
Amelia nodded, knowing full well Eliana had some sibling responsibilities now to take care of. While at the same time Amelia had Sylvia to look after. No matter what she claimed, she was in a vulnerable place now. Which meant she was probably easy “prey” for whoever was waiting upstairs. She finally caught up with Sylvia, grabbing her by the hip while cheerfully saying: “How about we go check out that VIP area? We got the gold cards after all!?” the cheerfulness was a little feinted, but after all that Amelia felt like smiles were far more needed than angry scowls. Besides, they were in an upscale club with drinks on the house and VIP access. They might as well make the best of their situation.
The redhead was actually surprised that Amelia came to walk with her. After the cruel things she had said, she didn't really expect anyone to be on her side nor give her any sympathy. Gulping, she nodded to the blonde and wiped away a few stray tears that had managed to leak. "I'd like that... Thank you, Amelia. You're a really good person." Sylvia managed to croak out. "I'm sorry about all that back there... I was really mean wasn't I?" There was regret for the things she had said, but she couldn't change anything. She and Jenna would just have to work out their feelings another time, but knowing her, it definitely wouldn't be tonight. Taking Amelia's hand from her waist, she gripped the other woman's hand tightly, and together, they walked hand in hand, as if they were best friends now.
In a study covered with wood from ceiling to floor and books that looked ancient, Eliana peered down at her sister who sat down in silence in a chair in front of the elegant desk. Rather than reprimand her like mother would, the older sibling knelt down and put the smaller hands of her sister's in her own, "You didn't deserve that."
"Yes I did." her sister's face broke Ellie's heart, she looked so torn. "I'm a terrible person. I just wanted you to have fun..."
"By filtering information and telling us hardly anything? I still don't know who you know.. And why you didn't just tell me." The brunette kept her voice calm, not wanting to make her already shakened sister worse.
"You know you wouldn't have come. I wasn't the one they sought anyways, it was you." Eliana's chartreuse green orbs gazed up at her sister's fair face, knowing that the words that Sylvia said earlier cut deep, especially when it came to Jenna feeling second-rate to her. Taking a deep breath in, Ellie decided to not inquire who the culprit was until the morning. This was neither the time or place to find out who wanted her here this badly to get her little sister involved. This actually gave the older Lovelace more incentitive to stay just to find out but at the same time... she was tired. Having gotten lost in her own thought, she didn't realize that Jenna was now looking at her, her own piercing green staring at her. Her gaze softened, "Can I have your dorm key?"
"Wait, Jenna we're not--"
"We can talk when you're back at school. I want you to have fun and not have to babysit me. Plus... I want to be alone." Her voice grew fainter and fainter by the minute.
Shaking her head, Eliana disagreed, "I can't leave you by yourself. I'll go with you."
The blonde squeezed her sister's hands, "Please, Ellie. All you do is worry about me. Don't. I'll be fine. I already texted Nora and she's on the way. I'll tell mom everything tomorrow morning... just don't ruin your night because of me. It's the least I can do. You're so beautiful right now... I want people to see you."
Standing up and bringing the 16 year old up with her, Eliana brought her into a sisterly embrace. The girls stood silent. Burying her face in her sister's curls, Ellie sighed, "You...sure?" Conflicted emotions coursed through the petite brunette's body, but she knew... giving Jenna space was for the best. She had a lot to think about and when Ellie returned home they could watch flicks until she feel asleep.
"Mhm. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make this all about me." Sniffling could be heared from the younger Lovelace and in response, Eliana petted her hair.
"I'll stay down here until Nora gets you. You'll text me when you get to my room, okay?" Jenna pulled away and nodded with a weak smile, wiping the tears running down her cheeks
"Yes I did." her sister's face broke Ellie's heart, she looked so torn. "I'm a terrible person. I just wanted you to have fun..."
"By filtering information and telling us hardly anything? I still don't know who you know.. And why you didn't just tell me." The brunette kept her voice calm, not wanting to make her already shakened sister worse.
"You know you wouldn't have come. I wasn't the one they sought anyways, it was you." Eliana's chartreuse green orbs gazed up at her sister's fair face, knowing that the words that Sylvia said earlier cut deep, especially when it came to Jenna feeling second-rate to her. Taking a deep breath in, Ellie decided to not inquire who the culprit was until the morning. This was neither the time or place to find out who wanted her here this badly to get her little sister involved. This actually gave the older Lovelace more incentitive to stay just to find out but at the same time... she was tired. Having gotten lost in her own thought, she didn't realize that Jenna was now looking at her, her own piercing green staring at her. Her gaze softened, "Can I have your dorm key?"
"Wait, Jenna we're not--"
"We can talk when you're back at school. I want you to have fun and not have to babysit me. Plus... I want to be alone." Her voice grew fainter and fainter by the minute.
Shaking her head, Eliana disagreed, "I can't leave you by yourself. I'll go with you."
The blonde squeezed her sister's hands, "Please, Ellie. All you do is worry about me. Don't. I'll be fine. I already texted Nora and she's on the way. I'll tell mom everything tomorrow morning... just don't ruin your night because of me. It's the least I can do. You're so beautiful right now... I want people to see you."
Standing up and bringing the 16 year old up with her, Eliana brought her into a sisterly embrace. The girls stood silent. Burying her face in her sister's curls, Ellie sighed, "You...sure?" Conflicted emotions coursed through the petite brunette's body, but she knew... giving Jenna space was for the best. She had a lot to think about and when Ellie returned home they could watch flicks until she feel asleep.
"Mhm. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make this all about me." Sniffling could be heared from the younger Lovelace and in response, Eliana petted her hair.
"I'll stay down here until Nora gets you. You'll text me when you get to my room, okay?" Jenna pulled away and nodded with a weak smile, wiping the tears running down her cheeks
After ten minutes, Virgil had given Donna-marie's anniversary basket with sweets and fine alcohol, with her permission, of course, to the little Lovelace to cheer her up. He gave both girls his card and told them if they ever needed him to just give him a call. The Harts respected them. He walked with the girls out of the Wolf's Den and to the side door that led to the alleyway. Jenna gave her sister a kiss on the cheek before she exited the door and scurried to her manager's car. Offering his arm to Eliana, Virgil grinned (hopping he was helping the situation), "My lady, shall we enter the belly of the beast?"
Brushing all her worries off her shoulders, the gorgeous brunette nodded, "Absolutely. Like your bouncer said earlier, let's lose ourselves."
"My fam can be creative, sometimes. It's a slogan that fits. Delirium is a strange club where you can't help... but live." Leading her to the main area, Virgil brought her to Giovanni and drummed the bar with his hands, "Gio-baby, give this lady right here only our best stuff! Everything on me. She's had a rough day. Make her smile." Curious of where Gianna was, Virgil decided to dismiss himself by grabbing Eliana's hand once more and kissing it gently, "I'll catch you around, Ellie. I hope this won't be the last time I see you."
The next mintues were spent with Ellie and Giovanni flirting with each other and him giving her a drink, or two, or three... and then she heard a voice of a boy she's never met: "Eliana Lovelace. Here to drink away the stress of the tournament? Because if so, feel free to join me,"
Turning her head to glance at the boy, she contemplated his face. Oh yeah, he was at the meeting. Will Blake? Wasn't he Sam's boyfriend? Suddenly her ears perked up to a obscure song. You know what. Just do it. Have fun.
Standing up and giving Gio a tantalizing wink, she went up to Will and offered her hand, "Why don't we dance our stresses away, instead? I hope you've had enough to drink because you're coming with me."
Brushing all her worries off her shoulders, the gorgeous brunette nodded, "Absolutely. Like your bouncer said earlier, let's lose ourselves."
"My fam can be creative, sometimes. It's a slogan that fits. Delirium is a strange club where you can't help... but live." Leading her to the main area, Virgil brought her to Giovanni and drummed the bar with his hands, "Gio-baby, give this lady right here only our best stuff! Everything on me. She's had a rough day. Make her smile." Curious of where Gianna was, Virgil decided to dismiss himself by grabbing Eliana's hand once more and kissing it gently, "I'll catch you around, Ellie. I hope this won't be the last time I see you."
The next mintues were spent with Ellie and Giovanni flirting with each other and him giving her a drink, or two, or three... and then she heard a voice of a boy she's never met: "Eliana Lovelace. Here to drink away the stress of the tournament? Because if so, feel free to join me,"
Turning her head to glance at the boy, she contemplated his face. Oh yeah, he was at the meeting. Will Blake? Wasn't he Sam's boyfriend? Suddenly her ears perked up to a obscure song. You know what. Just do it. Have fun.
Standing up and giving Gio a tantalizing wink, she went up to Will and offered her hand, "Why don't we dance our stresses away, instead? I hope you've had enough to drink because you're coming with me."