"Fireball, huh? Interesting choice."
Lily shifted self-consciously at the mention of her preferred vice, but was ecstatic that Ana had decided to join her after all.
“I just… really like cinnamon, I guess. Cinnamon rolls, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Apple Cider… Stuff like that…'' she muttered quietly while following Ana to her car, wondering if her predilection for the spice was a little too much. “I mean, you don’t have to treat me to Fireball necessarily, it’s just… you know, it’s cheap.” Ana was certainly a sweetheart. She was really sure what to expect from her, but it was nice to feel included in something. On top of that, Lily couldn’t help but stare at Ana’s bottom as she leaned over and put away the basket and books. The auburn haired woman blushed, pondering why she couldn’t have been so lucky to be so endowed. Perfection just wasn’t meant for everyone, she supposed.
Lily was distracted by inward physical comparisons until Ana suddenly called out: "Moxi!" The name elicited a sense of panic in the anxious librarian, even more so when her new friend exclaimed this was the person she was going on a date with. Lily couldn’t even begin to count off the number of rumors she’d heard about Moxi, and not a single one of them was good.
His gaze was one of an icicle, his expression as unending as a frozen crevasse. Lily couldn’t help but fidget nervously in his presence. There was a strange handsomeness to him, a sort of Patrick Bateman or Casanova Killer-adjacent charm to him. She reminded herself that she needed to stop watching horror movies and those murder documentaries… especially when someone like this Moxi guy was around.
As he seemed to agree to Ana’s ask and walked off, Lily immediately grabbed Ana by the shoulders, eyes as wide as the burgeoning moon above.
“What are you doing?! You can’t date that guy! He’s bad news!” she frantically whispered to the blonde. “He’s like…. Our bad guy. Not the good kind of sexy, you know, bad boy, but like a real bad guy. Ms. Matilda thinks he trafficks women out of the night club. Jane thinks he’s the opium mule around these parts. Linda says she swears he threatened her husband’s life!” Lily slightly shook Ana for good measure.
“Point is, he’s bad news! Handsome, yes, but you know who else everyone thinks is handsome? Ted Bundy!!” She suddenly pulled her new friend into a hug. “I barely know you, Ana Rork, but I don’t want you to die because you’re so nice and pretty and I just can’t have that at all!”
"Fine, fine, although I don't think he's told us who I'll be taking home tonight, I'll still help out…"
Zack humored himself with Mitch’s quip, even thinking it was a real question. Rubbing his chin as he led his help over to their gear, he considered who would actually be most likely to go home with Mitch. “Hmm… Let’s see. Who would you end up with? Definitely not Em. She’s never done anything with anyone, ever, as far as I know.” He immediately scratched his sister out of the picture
“Kitty… Maybe? She’s probably the most adventurous. Just don’t get your hopes up with anything long term. Don’t think she’s ever had a real thing before. I’m kind of in between them, I guess. I’ve had flings and I’ve had relationships before, but I can’t say those relationships ever really lasted long, I guess… Just haven’t found that person, not yet I anyway.” Zack shrugged, giving too much of an answer to a sarcastic question.
“You shound like a real fracking losher talking like that.” Em piped up, passing the trio as she carried out some cymbals haphazardly out to center stage. Zack scoffed, half-surprised to see his sloshed sister actually doing any work.
“Don’t pay her any mind. She’s drunk, sure, but for some reason she plays and sings better that way… Guess it takes the stage fright or whatever away. Anyway… Let’s help her with the drums, then we’ll set up the guitars and keyboard.” He directed the duo to where their equipment was: on the back of his truck, just behind the stage. They probably would have performed on the back of the truck, but why do that when the town actually gave them a real stage?
“So you two got names? Feel like I’ve definitely seen you around town before. Definitely sorta remember seeing you around school.” He pointed at Mitch while pulling the bass drum and its pedals out of the truck, trying to place a name to the face but coming up short. Man, high school felt like a long time ago. Hell, 11 years had gone by so fast and he was still out here in the middle of nowhere, no love life and no record deal to boot. Ah well, it’d all come in time, right?