Avatar of The Savant


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13 hrs ago
Current Tally, someone just sent me that last night with a multi paragraph of what they believe it means. I didn't ever wanna see that again 😭
18 hrs ago
An autosave for PMs would be amazing. I always write off site because I've lost too much while writing.
20 hrs ago
Autosave partially saved the day. Autosave needs to do better next time and save the whole day.
22 hrs ago
I would recommend always asking the professor if you could do it by yourself. Sometimes there is no way out of group work but sometimes professors will say yes to you working alone.
1 like
22 hrs ago
Group assignments are the worst. I always feel like I get the people that don't want to do anything or they do it wrong/not enough so points will be deducted. Can't stand group work in college.


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

Especially with such a corrupt system and community that Nocturnia has. It makes more sense that everyone naturally blends with each other and against each other no matter their title of mafia or badge.
How am I suppose to answer this lol

I have no idea. I think I put other xD

The broadcasting would have been normal – the news constantly having broadcasts throughout the day – though this one came on about fifteen minutes early. Rough, 11:45 AM, Liora Vex was standing at the podium she usually does with a positive smile for the camera. β€œGood late morning everyone, I know, doesn’t that sound funny?” she lightly laughed while organizing the papers on her desk.

β€œWe have an emergency warning about earthquakes, it is not severe, it should not impact the cities of Dominion, though people might notice that it will be hard to stand for roughly ten to twenty minutes once it hits. There is a possibility that cracks could occur on the outer parts of the city, so beware, and miners in the Khia district, please have your emergency-medical kits near, and please report to your main halls in the mines. If any cave-ins happen, rescue teams will be there as quickly as possible once it is deemed safe,” she explained in her positive yet stern voice. She wanted people to know how serious this could impact the mining crews and workers in Khia.

As she clasped her hands together, she continued, β€œPlease note, the estimate time this will happening is around 12:20 – 12:45 as a starting time. We do not know how long these will last so we urge all citizens to be alert, careful, and make sure to take cover when the trembles begin. Be safe citizens of Dominion!”

That was when the broadcasting turned off.

A deeper blue screen came into view with a quick explanation:

Thank you, Citizens of Dominion. All the information that would be shared on our usual broadcast time of noon will be shared with tonight’s broadcasting. Thank you.

Scotti; the street rat

The young man could hear Selene Syn following him by the pounding of the metal under their feet or the smacking of the stone. Dust was flaring up because of them and quite a few bystanders began to cough and mumble under their breath in irritation – he swore he could hear someone yell his name because they recognized him. No time to stay and chat… or get beat up because of the mess he was causing.
Going through a cloud of uncomfortably hot steam, he continued to run through the corridors like his life depended on it, because it most certainly did. If Selene wasn’t the one going to kill or hurt him – the unknown man in the trench coat and fedora might as well. That man didn’t give him much of a choice.

From the ancient ducts that once supported Dominion cities were slamming echoes of someone running. Scotti didn’t hesitate to go into the ducts or stop running. Right when she stepped into the darkness, a scream let out, and it sounded from a faintly familiar voice. Scotti. His feet came out from under him, far down the passage, and he slid into something that he didn’t know. Into darkness.

Slamming to a floor that was about ten feet under him, and he groaned while trying to look around. There was no light around him. Nothing could be heard. He had been through those tunnels a handful of times; how did he never fall into something like this before? The young man stood up and began to brush off his clothing as he tried to get his eyes to adjust but they wouldn’t.

When he knew it was a lost cause to try his eyes, he fetched his phone from his pocket, and he brought it up. The screen flashed though it would have only exposed his face from how dim it was before he turned the flashlight on. That was when the area around him brightened up and he went to gasp but covered his mouth. His heart began to pound in his chest as the light exposed something that he didn’t want to see – human skeletal remains. Nothing looked fresh, not concerning enough that he was going to be somethings dinner, but it was terrifying that they were there in the first place.

Looking up at the panel that he fell through, it still held on to the original duct by a few screws. How was he supposed to get back up there? It was high enough that he most likely couldn’t get up there by himself and a horror began to dwell on him – he was going to have to go further in this cave system and hope he can find an out or he was going to have to stay there and hopefully someone would help him up. A dry swallow and a wetting of his lips showed his anxiety once his hand fell to his side.

The light of his mobile device moved and continued to expose skeletal remains, but he couldn’t hear anything around him. Scotti then thought about it… it was too quiet.

Interaction(s) running from Selene Syn @Qia
Current Situation Fell into a hole.
Non-player characters

@Yankee Replied.
I'll probably get one more post out today hopefully before that gm post :)

I'll be posting the GM post later. No sooner than 20:00 or 8 PM EST.
I will be posting a small intermediate post sometime this day (most likely way later during the evening time). It will be nothing too extreme though it will help interaction(s) along with pushing forward the story a bit more.

This future post will be affecting individuals that are outside of Dominion's walls, primarily, and will possibly affect individuals who are on the outskirts of Dominion (such as the Gray market).

If anyone wants me to add more (ideas or what not to this post) just @/DM me ideas, if you have questions please ask them, and if people want this post to be delayed - speak up. Thank you.
@The Savant

If they are evil, I don't mind playing the bad guy. In fact, I think it would be a lot of fun. I would like to know more about the cult. Like what the structure of the cult is, what their goals are.

Also, I would love to hear your ideas for my character once I finish making the character sheet.

We can definitely take this conversation to DMs and I can show the ideas of what I had for the cult but they are extremely unknown if you are an outsider or so on. Which is why I am not sharing much information even out of character.

I'll DM you sometime today with a whole list of information about the cult, if you would like that?
@Expendable Tag! Thank you for approving me.
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