Damn... I really want a milkshake now.
I already had me one. Not to rub it in or anything. :)
Damn... I really want a milkshake now.
@HushedWhispersTis is done. In progress with Will
@HushedWhispers currently in the middle of a collab, sweetheart, then I think me and gowai will be ready to book
@Dirty Pretty Lies @HushedWhispers
Here is Wesley Alastair Cross, my fourth character(not last depending on how I'm feeling and how much I want to take on.)
"Manners maketh man."
William Horman
Sympathy — Goo Goo Dolls | Hallelujah — Leonard Cohen | Troubadours — Van Morrison![]()
"Hello, my name is Wesley Alastair Cross. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
N A M EWesley Alastair Cross
N I C K N A M EWes
B I R T H D A T E10 | 24 | 1999
A G E18
G E N D E RMale
S E X A L I T YPansexual
R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U SSingle
O C C U P A T I O NSenior Student/Junior Instructor at Sawtelle Judo School
C L A S S I F I C A T I O NSenior
R O L EDrifter![]()
"You are looking rather radiant tonight."
I N - D E P T H A P P E A R A N C EWhat is there to say about Wesley? This guy always presents himself in the best that he could. He indeed comes from a family of a lot of money, and the way he dresses and looks is represented in that. His hair is always well-groomed. It doesn’t matter if he wears it short or long, it’s always combed and groomed to the best of his ability. He treats his body like a temple. Working out when he can and always keeping up with his diet. As such, this guy here has always kept his figure slim and fit. Even if his height of 6’0 is above-average for someone his age, he has never let that get him down in any way, shape or form. He has always kept his body in prime condition. As someone who seems to get attention one way or another, one thing to say about him is that his eyes have a certain gentleness about them. His entire presence might be demanding, but his soft chocolate-colored eyes are something to note because it just fits the entire shape of his face.
Wesley’s skin color has always been the subject of a lot of conversation. Some say he’s more white than he is tan, while there are some that say he is more tan than white. The truth of the matter is that he is both. As funny as it sounds, Wesley has a nice middle ground when it comes to his skin color. However, contrary to what everyone has been led to believe, he actually has his shade through natural means. He does not go to the beach for a tan or anything like that. What you see is what you get.
It’s not hard to assume that, as someone who comes from a lot of money, that Wesley has an entire collection of high-priced, high-quality items. He has clothes for all kinds of situations and any possibly social gathering one might expect him to have. He has suits for formal events such as parties he’s invited to(assuming they require such an outfit), he has casual wear for school and the like, he has a wide selection of swimwear for trips to the beach or just for swimming. Truthfully, Wesley is well-prepared for any kind of scenario. He likes to be ready for anything.![]()
"Shall I tell you about myself?"
H A B I T S | Q U I R K S | O D D I T I E S♚ Crossing his legs each time he sits — This can be in his desk in any class he’s in, going to prep rallies, or even sitting at his own home. Wesley has the habit of crossing his legs like women do, but in a more dignified way.
♚ Studies before fun — One could say that Wesley is a proper fellow because, even though he might be pressured into it, he would much rather get all of his work done before he pursues something fun. It’s just how he was raised.
♚ Violence isn’t the answer — This isn’t to say that Wesley is a pacifist. If someone comes at him, by all rights, it is within his own to defend himself. He has the means to, but if he could avoid a physical confrontation, then let’s just say that Wesley will rather take that road rather than the lower road. Of course, if not, then he will show people why he’s the top of his Judo class.
♚ “Yes Sir/Mam” — In this day and age, men of Wesley’s age don’t show respect as much as he does. As such, when speaking to anyone that might hold a superior authority to him, he will end each sentence that ends with “yes sir” or “yes mam”, depending on the gender of whomever he is speaking to. This could be a parent, teacher, or whatever.
♚ Highly Organized — One could say that Wesley has a borderline OCD tendencies. Again, this comes with being raised the way that he was. Everything for him must be a certain way. If it isn’t, there is complete anarchy from where he stands. He must have his clothes ironed out and pressed the night prior to wearing them. His school supplies must be organized a certain way. Pretty much a lot of stuff must be a certain way for him
H O B B I E S♛ Chivalry is not dead — Contrary to what most believe, the art of chivalry didn’t die with the middle-ages. In fact, it still lives on in those that choose to keep it alive. For one Wesley Cross, he was raised with grounded beliefs that a man must, above everything else, be polite to anyone. This just doesn’t extend to the female gender. Wesley was raised in the way that a man is bound by honor to be polite whenever possible, and show proper manners for anyone. And taking the high road is a must.
♛ Your body is your temple — In simple terms, Wesley works out as much as he can. To keep up with a certain reputation that he has built for himself, he must look the part. He cannot be the kind of young man that he is if he has a beer gut. Adding to exercise, Wesley abides by the Straight Edge lifestyle. In this, he doesn’t take foreign substances, smoke anything that might be harmful to his body, or does he drink alcohol. Granted, he doesn’t condemn those that do, but he will not take anything that will otherwise harm his body.
♛ Judo — Ever since he was a young boy, Wesley has been practising in the martial art of Judo. His father originally entered him into a local dojo because he wanted his son to channel his energy into something productive. Of course, as he grew older, Wesley would channel it into other mediums, but Judo, for the longest time, it’s been one of his greatest past times. A lot of what the man that Wesley is now has to do with the teachings he has learned from Judo. As it stands, he’s very close to becoming a third-degree black belt in Judo.
♛ Going to the Beach — This is rather simple. Wesley loves the beach. He loves the sun, the water, and the way the wind feels on his body. He enjoys walking on a moonlit night. Yes, that sounds corny and cheesy and cliche, but it’s the absolute truth. He also enjoys when his father takes out the S.S. Alexandria, his father’s Yacht, out for family days.
♛ Debating/Debate Club — One can say that debating is a passion of his as well. Quite simply, Wesley loves a good debate about pretty much anything.
L I K E S✔ Manners(and people with them) — It’s not like he will judge anyone who does not have proper etiquette, but he sure will favor some over others that present themselves properly. Granted, Wesley will not also try to impose “proper” ways of present themselves. He will simply note that “there is a better way of doing it.”
✔ Law and Order(the show and the state of things) — When it comes to the show, Wesley will openly admit that he holds a deep love for it, especially the SVU spin-off of the original series. As for the state of things, this falls under Wesley’s OCD of wanting everything to be organized. As it is with how things might seem under law and order, he believes that if there is order, the least amount of destruction and carnage is possible. If there is order, it will allow for peace to reign. Of course, this isn’t always guaranteed, but Wesley is an optimist.
✔ Judo — See Hobbies for detailed description.
✔ The Beach and beach-related activities — See Hobbies for detailed description.
✔ His Family and Friends — One could say that Wesley holds a deep love for his family. They are what gives him pride. He loves them all no matter what they have done in their life to garner negative credibility to their reputation. That’s what second chances were invented for.
✔ Deep, intellectual conversations — As someone who speaks well for himself, Wesley values a good conversation. It doesn’t have to be about serious topics like politics or the state of the Middle-East. But as long as there is non-threatening rhetoric and respect for one’s opinion, he will engage in conversation about any topic. He also likes facts to be supported with the opinions.
✔ Geek and Nerdom — Wesley will openly admit his love for all things nerdy and geeky. This can range from technology to comic book-related material. He won’t say that he’s a mega fan, but he also won’t say that he isn’t a huge fan. If you ask him, he’ll tell you. So, perhaps it’s one of those “don’t ask, don’t tell”-kind of situations.
✔ Food — Simple isn’t it? Wesley loves food. He enjoys trying new cuisine. He is open to trying everything once.
✔ Art in general(music, writing, paintings, etcetera) — Coming from a high-class family and being around the finer things in life, Wesley has come to appreciate art in ways that most wouldn’t be able to. He is able to appreciate any kind of art. If it’s presented to him, he will give it a fair shot. If it connects with him on an emotional level, then he will state as such. He won’t shy away from saying that he doesn’t dig it. Of course, that’s assuming whatever is presented in front of him has a disconnecting effect on him.
D I S L I K E S✘ Disrespect — Not necessarily disrespect to him, but Wesley doesn’t like that either. He will stand his ground if things get heated. But, Wesley also won’t stand for disrespect for anyone whom he sees doesn’t deserve it. Automatically, his family and friends are included in this. He will take action if necessary. This can include bullying as well. Normally he wouldn’t do anything about it, but for the select few in his life that he holds close to his heart, he will act.
✘ Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco — As noted before, Wesley dislikes the idea of taking in anything harmful into his system. He doesn’t judge others for using drugs, drinking alcohol, or smoking cigs, but he won’t do it himself. At the very least, this makes him the perfect designated driver.
✘ High School Politics — Let’s be honest here. Wesley doesn’t care for all of the politics that it would mean to be popular. Of course, this includes being nice to certain groups of people at high school, appeasing to others. Now, WEsley will always show manners to everyone, but he will not play those games that the Royals require. He has been, more times than he can count on his hands and feet, approached by the royals to be one of the “Princes”. He tried it, and found it severely soul-sucking. Plus, WEsley saw what it did to his older brother, and he wasn’t about to have that.
✘ Anarchy — The opposite end of law and order, WEsley just can’t have it. It really doesn’t matter what is in disarray, Wesley just won’t have it. Everything needs to stay in order. Even if one piece of the puzzle is out of whack, Wesley will have a mini-meltdown. Everything needs to be perfect. No disruptions of order. No chaos. Nothing resembling it. All must be in-sync.
✘ Really Hot Days — Wesley doesn’t hate the heat, but when it’s over 100 degrees(F), then he might have a problem with it. That’s just too hot for him, and he wouldn’t be able to enjoy his outside activities if he had to deal with that kind of heat.
✘ Judgement of any kind — Wesley really hates it when people judge him or anyone for that matter. Why judge someone for being a certain way? Or for liking a certain thing? Or even judging someone for something that they have done? Nobody isn’t perfect, and everyone is absolutely flawed. YOu shouldn’t judge them simply because you have a problem with how they’re living their life. If someone judges another because of something like that, then what does that say about the future generation?
F E A R S☠ Anything happening to his family/friends — Wesley holds his family and friends close to his heart. So it should be understandable that, should something happen to them, he would be an utter, and complete mess. That is his worst fear to be quite honest.
☠ His OCD consuming him/something becoming out of his control — It’s no surprise that Wesley suffers from severe OCD, and it can sometimes affect the way he handles his day-to-day routine. He fears that it might consume him in the worst of ways. Also paired with that is something happening that he can’t control. This could fall with the first fear of something happening with his family/friends, or even something more on an emotional side of things. He could feel something for someone, and not know how to control it - and that scares him.
☠ Too-close-to-call events — Simply put? Near-death experiences and the like scare him to no end. Something like that would surely put the fear of death into anyone, and after the first time that he had something like that happen to him before,Wesley doesn’t want to experience it again.![]()
"There are things that I do not want to be judged for just as you have things that I will not judge you for."
P E R S O N A L I T Y♦ Urbane ♦ Wary ♦ Non-judgemental ♦ Meticulous ♦Everyone in this age thinks chivalry is dead. They believe that being well-mannered is no longer a requirement. WEsley doesn’t think so. His father didn’t think so when raising Wesley, and his three siblings. He invoked the chivalrous code upon them. Granted, some things were left out because of the times it is, but for the most part, Simon raised his four children using the same morality that the knights of the Middle-Ages abided by. If any of SImon’s children that showed the perfect of what his parenting was, Wesley was it. He not only grew up to be incredibly kind and as respectful as he could be, but Wesley also grew to appreciate all the little things in life. When it comes to fighting, Wesley knows how to protect himself, but spending all of that time in Judo has taught him that he doesn’t need to resort to violence unless it is absolutely necessary. It’s not that he’s a pacifist, but Wesley would rather avoid a confrontation like that. He’d much rather hash things out verbally.
Wesley, all his life, has often been judged because of the way he is, so what right would he have to be judge anyone for being different? None that’s what. Besides that, he has a great dislike for anyone that takes it upon themselves to judge anyone for any reason, when those very people are probably the most flawed people of them all(Wesley’s looking at you Royals). Granted, he doesn’t hate any of the Royals. Wesley doesn’t hate. He is too good-hearted for that, but he does dislike when they take it upon themselves to make the lives of the lower-class(clique-wise) miserable. Or when they bash those who seem to be a little different, just so that their lives aren’t as boring. It irritates him to no end. It almost makes him want to do something to them, but restraint is what Wesley has a lot of. Thank the lords, right?
Anyone who truly knows Wesley is that he values control over certain things in his life. That could range from how he goes about homework and fun, to the events in his life. He’s kind of a control-freak in that sense. He’s also very obsessive about making sure it goes according to plan. He hates -yes, he actually has the feeling of hate - when things go out of control. Order and even construction is important to him. Because of that, if anything goes off the rails, Wesley will lose it. He will lose his well-mannered disposition, and he will seem a bit erratic at times. It’s to be expected, especially when the thing he wants to control the most is guarding his worst experience from anyone that can get past those initial walls.
Wesley Alastair Cross is deeply-flawed. He might be able to charm his way with chivalry. He might be able to talk about a lot of subjects with passion. H might b e able to politely persuade someone out of a violent solution to problems by proposing something less-physical, but when it comes to anyone finding out about what happened to Elias, Wesley will begin to crack...
H I S T O R YWesley was not the first born of the Cross children. That belongs to Elias Frank. He was born first. Followed by Wesley, only a couple of minutes later, was his twin sister, Cassandra Lenore. Only a few years later, Benjamin Ryan was born after the fact. Their parents are wonderful, honorable, loving people. Their father, Simon Thomas Cross, an International Art Dealer, and his wife of twenty-five years, Yvonne Lena Cross(nee-Blanc), a native of Los Angeles, California who moved to London when she was just ten years old, birthed these four wonderful children. She, with her husband, raised them. They were all born in england, to which they lived there for the first half of Elias’ life. In 2004 was when they left London to live closer to Yvonne’s dying mother. Ever since then, they had stayed in California.
In their time while in California since moving here from England, they have made their name known. The Cross name has been the talk of many social gatherings. They might not be as well known such as the Greens, or the Saunders. Hell, probably not even more than the Mossos’ or Salazar’s, but that doesn’t discredit their fame and wealth. Quite frankly, when you combine the amount of money that Simon has gained through his extensive art dealings across all seven continents, and how well Yvonne has handled her father’s PR, it should come as to no surprise that they have a rather elaborate house. Again, not to the level of the families mentioned, but enough to say that they hold a firm standing among the Beverly Hills Elite.
And WEsley has never complained about his life. He always has been thankful for his life given, but there was a time just last year where he almost ended all thankfulness he had for bitter anger. It was a horrible night last Christmas Eve. He and his brother Elias were returning from a long drive from Long Beach. They had just attended a gala that their grandfather was hosting for President Obama. It was late, and dark. It was also raining like it was no one’s business. Adding to that, there was a lot of fog, so it was hard to tell how far or near other cars were. Elias was driving, and he took a wrong turn. He thought it was clear, but he didn’t realize that until it was too late. Before either brother knew it, a black Ford F150 had T-boned Elias’ BMW on the driver’s side, and the car had flipped three times. It was a hard hit, and blood was everywhere. Wesley doesn’t remember much after that. The next thing that he does remember is waking up being treated for a mild concussion. As for his brother, it didn’t come to his knowledge until a little later. Elias suffered a massive spinal injury. They said he may never walk again, and other extensive injuries pending further investigation. However, after a week had occurred, Elias had fell into a coma, and he’s been in that coma up until this day.
This is something that Wesley doesn’t like to talk about, and only those within his immediate family know about it. Wesley would rather keep it that way. He doesn’t want anyone to know that his best friend is now in an unwakeable slumber with no telling when he’ll wake up — if he’ll wake up.
Front Shot of house and parking | Foyer | Living room | Kitchen | Dining Room | Garden | Pool and back Patio | Study - Library | Study - Office | Master Bedroom | Elias’ Bedroom | Wesley’s Bedroom | Cassandra’s Bedroom | Ben’s Bedroom
Simon’s 2016 Bentley Continental GT | Yvonne’s Aston Martin Vanguish Convertible |Wesley’s 2015 Jaguar XFR-S | Cassandra’s 2006 Chevrolet Convertible | Ben’s 2015 Ford Mustang GTSimon Thomas Cross | Father | 55 | International Art Dealer | Face Claim: Colin FirthTo his family, Simon is a man of much love and generosity. He gives to charity even when some tell him it’s too much. He throws so many monthly parties for organizations that are known to devote their money to important causes such as anti-bullying, hunger, poverty, and the like. His image is just as impressive to the public and his clients that he deals art with as it is with his personal friends and family. He is one of the kindest men out there. He does not judge based on status wealth-wise or class-wise. It doesn’t matter if you’re from a lower-class family or even richer than he is. If you present yourself as respectable, Simon will give you the same greeting that he gives the President of the United States.
Yvvone Lena Cross(nee-Blanc) | Mother | 45 | Senator’s Daughter/Head of PR for the Governor's Office | Face Claim: Rose ByrneAs someone who all her life has been involved in politics, Yvonne has a decent head on her shoulders. The corruption that usually follows the life her father has lived has not gotten to her. She might be a bit more assertive than her husband at times, that does not state that she isn’t without the same respect that he has for others. She, like her husband, values respect and honor above all else. But, unlike her husband, she’s also more laid back than Simon. To her children, she is known to be the type of mom who is very firm, but doing so in a passive approach. She is also known as the kind of person that will warmly welcome people into her home, offer them something to drink or eat, and treat them as if they were her own child.
Elias Frank Cross | Older Brother | 24 | Face Claim: Justin ChatwinElias could be described in a lot of words, but passive like his mother is not one of them. He might have the grounded chivalrous upbringing that all of his siblings had to be raised with, but one could say he’s more aggressive than any of his siblings, or even his parents for that matter. Ever since he was a young child, Elias always loved politics. His grandfather inspired him(his mother’s father), while his father’s grandfather motivated him to be ruthless, since he was a general for the British Royal Army for thirty years until he passed away five years ago(2011). Because of that, ELias pursued a career in politics. He is a republican, and graduated from Harvard just last summer. He started his internship with his grandfather’s office, but due to a tragic car accident last Christmas Eve, he has been in a coma ever since.
Cassandra Lenore Cross | Twin Sister | 18 | Face Claim: Emily BrowningIt’s true that Cassandra is the twin sister of Wesley, but that’s where their similarities stop. They are as opposite as one could get. Where her brother is the kind of guy who is respectful and doesn’t indulge in anything harmful, Cassie is the kind of person that, well, does. One could definitely say that she gets into a lot of trouble. Not as much trouble as her younger brother Ben, but enough to warrant a lot of groundings from her parents over the past couple of years. She hasn’t been arrested or anything of the like, but Cassandra does like to sneak out a lot, and get with men almost twice her age. Granted, she is eighteen, and there’s not much they can do about that, but she is still living in their house, so whether she likes it or not, Cassie must abide by the rules that Simon and Yvonne have set forth.
All that aside, Cassie can be really sweet. She does have quite the opinion to her. She isn’t one to shy away from speaking her mind. She does like to curse a lot, which SImon and Yvonne don’t like that much. Of course, they let Cassie be the free spirit that she is. She also is quite sarcastic, often going a bit overboard sometimes. But, underneath all of that, most believe she means well. She does love her family, and will show it when it really counts. Wesley sure as hell loves her with all of his heart. He’s a bit protective of her because he thinks the men she attracts don’t see the person she really is that he sees.
Benjamin Ryan Cross | Younger Brother | 16 | Face Claim: Shiloh FernandezIt’s hard to say what the youngest of the Cross children will do because he has been getting progressively worse as the years went on. He used to be a sweet kid, often showing signs of wanting to go into charity work when he graduated, but everyone in the Cross family have noticed that, ever since Eli’s accident, it’s been getting to him. He hasn’t showed any of his previous sweet, gentle tendencies, and has been staying out a lot later than he used to. He got a tattoo, which Simon and Yvonne didn’t like, but gave their son some space. He’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd, smoking, drinking, and even doing drugs. One could even say that he’s been experimenting...sexually, and it’s kind of scaring the rest of the family. They don’t know what he’ll do next, and if it will be too much for him to come back from.![]()
"My right to judge was taken away after what happened to my brother."
E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E SDebate Club
Judo practice every Tuesday and Thursday after school
Helps out in the Cafeteria at lunch
E X T R ATake me down by The Pretty Reckless![]()
<Snipped quote by Ace of flames01>
Take your time. No rush! :)
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
Lovely character, Tundra. Accepted, of course! Place him in the character tab whenever you get the chance. :)
@HushedWhispers @Dirty Pretty Lies
i think ari's done w/ the party as well
safe to assume his lifeless body was dragged home by someone
<Snipped quote by HushedWhispers>
Yay! I'll write a post for him once we timeskip, cause I feel like he made a decent presence in just the couple of cameos he has had thus far.
@HushedWhispers @Dirty Pretty Lies
i think ari's done w/ the party as well
safe to assume his lifeless body was dragged home by someone
@HushedWhispers Troy, Audrey and Sierra are officially done with the party. ^.^
And with that, Jade and Jay are done with the party. Jackson's post will be up either tonight or tomorrow, and I'll officially be all done with the party. :)