Avatar of SweetOwlette
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
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    1. SweetOwlette 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I admit, change is something I need and this is the place to start.
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5 yrs ago
I'm back! :)
6 yrs ago
Due to recent events, I am finally home and will be replying alot til the 3rd! :) Sorry for no responses for the last week! <3
6 yrs ago
Readdy to have some fun!
6 yrs ago
Sicker than a dog currently, trying to ger caught up! Sorry for late replies!
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I have been RPing for going on 10+ years. I took a small hiatus due to a ton of personal/work issues. Now that things are settling down for the most part, I am able to get back into my RPing and gaming!

I currently work for a prison. I do work the graveyard shift (8pm - 7am). So please bare with me and slow responses. I work 6 days on, and 3 days off. On my 3 days off, I will be most active, but I will also hop on to reply to any roleplays I have joined.

I enjoy 1x1's (hard to get my interest though. Once I got a 1x1 going.. I have a ton of fun). I also LOVE group RP's. I have managed some with a little help with friends and they always turned out wonderful. Currently, I am just working on one Group RP. I am not looking to over load myself, so the one RP I have going is all I am wanting to do at the moment. But, feel free to chat with me on any ideas, I might start another soon! :)

Most Recent Posts

@WilsonTurner In some ways, it is ridiculous. However, this isn't real life. This is a fictional world, with people running with great ideas. If people became over-powered in this NRP, I would hope the GM/Co-GM would say something.
Marcus sighed in slight relief and put his hand down. "Sarah and I are not infected. In fact, we haven't seen any infected in about a week." He slightly turn to look at Sarah and his cat Pepper. "In case you were wondering, the cat is safe too. Animals seem to be immune to this virus." He said softly. He raise his baseball bat and slid it back into it's rightful place in his back pack. He held up his hands again and slowly began to walk forwarded. "However, the little girl behind us, I have no information about.. if you couldn't tell. Sarah can handle her on her own." He stated, continuing forwarded. "Are you infected--" feeling silly asking the question, knowing the answer. "-- and whats your name?" He began to roll up his sleeves and took his gloves off to show no blisters or open wounds. Just minor scratches from the travels Sarah and him had endured.

@Derlerks123 Thank you.
I have babysitting duty tonight. Once I get done and get my son to bed, I will start on my portion of the application tonight! :)
I think once you get a OOC going, you will get more people! :)
@SweetOwlette Yes, but just a note the U.S. Is all "Taken" if you will.

No problem. Is there a map I can look at that has all the territories taken?
Marcus was growing impatience. "Fucker." he mumbled to himself. He brought the baseball bat to his side and gripped it. "Lower your damn weapon, and I will put mine down. If you do that, I will tell you anything.." He growled. The last thing anyone needed was a rifle firing off and those things come running. Marcus felt Sarah pull the cat out of his pack and didn't argue. "Don't lose her Sarah!"

Marcus focused back at the young male and sighed. He was worried the young male would be stupid about things. "I don't mean harm, it's the last thing I want to do. Like I said, you lower your rifle, I will put my bat down and we can talk about this man to man." he said, raising one hand up to show he was being serious.

SO I am new to the NRP (I have been Rping for 8 years). This really caught my interest and I already have place in mind. Still accepting applications? :)
I like the idea of this! If you get more interests, I would love to help out and join this!
By the way, great job everyone. I am already having fun starting this! I love the length of the posts everyone is putting into and the detail. Keep up the great writing and have fun! :D
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