Avatar of SweetOwlette
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SweetOwlette 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I admit, change is something I need and this is the place to start.
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5 yrs ago
I'm back! :)
6 yrs ago
Due to recent events, I am finally home and will be replying alot til the 3rd! :) Sorry for no responses for the last week! <3
6 yrs ago
Readdy to have some fun!
6 yrs ago
Sicker than a dog currently, trying to ger caught up! Sorry for late replies!
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I have been RPing for going on 10+ years. I took a small hiatus due to a ton of personal/work issues. Now that things are settling down for the most part, I am able to get back into my RPing and gaming!

I currently work for a prison. I do work the graveyard shift (8pm - 7am). So please bare with me and slow responses. I work 6 days on, and 3 days off. On my 3 days off, I will be most active, but I will also hop on to reply to any roleplays I have joined.

I enjoy 1x1's (hard to get my interest though. Once I got a 1x1 going.. I have a ton of fun). I also LOVE group RP's. I have managed some with a little help with friends and they always turned out wonderful. Currently, I am just working on one Group RP. I am not looking to over load myself, so the one RP I have going is all I am wanting to do at the moment. But, feel free to chat with me on any ideas, I might start another soon! :)

Most Recent Posts

I am going to group together the people that have met already on the character sheet so we know who is who, and with what group!! I hope this will help if anyone gets confused. :)
Marcus instantly got angered by the man. "Who the hell do you think you are asking that fucking question?!" He snapped at the guy, reaching behind him and grabbing for his baseball bat. "You come running towards us with your damn rifle and you tell me not to worry about your name, boy!" He said calmly. "Tell me your damn name, and I will tell you if I am infected." He said. Pepper was becoming more uneasy in his pack. "Girl, stop!" He said, reaching around and patting his book bag. He kept his eyes focused on the man coming at him. "Don't you think you coming at me unexpectedly gives me the right to ask the questions? You did stumble among us!" Marcus snapped again.

"Marcus, cool down!" Sarah said in a slight panic noise. The last thing she needed was the young male to attack because Marcus was loosing his temper. Sarah looked back at the young girl and watched her pull out a notepad. She didn't have any fear in the little girl, but stay focused just in case this was becoming a trap. Sarah began to fear for the worse. It was odd how a young man and a little girl came about at the same time. She watched at the girl placed the paper on the ground and stepped away. Sarah raised her hands to show no weapons or harm to the little girl. She smiled softly and proceeded forward to pick up the note. Sarah grabbed the note and read it. She looked up at the little girl and nodded. "Wait here.."

She placed the note in her pocket and smiled once again. She held her hand up to indicate to wait and turned around to go to Marcus. She looked back twice before getting back to Marcus. "Marcus, I am grabbing Pepper." She said while unzipping his back pack and pulled the shiny black cat out of his pack. Pepper instantly began to purr in her arms. She placed Pepper in her arms like a baby and began to pet her belly. She turned back towards the little girl and smile. She slowly walked towards her, and stopped where the note was originally at. "I know your scared. It's a scary place. Would you like to pet my friends cat?" She said softly, kneeling down onto one knee and stilling smiling softly. "We can help you. We aren't infected and just trying to make our way through, just like you and your brother."

@XxLyraxX Nope. I get the just fine!
@XxLyraxX Haha posted ;)
Sarah quickly turned around and widen her eyes when she saw a young male running towards them with a weapon. "Umm Marcus!" She said quickly. She pulled her .22 hand gun from her side and clicked it off from safety. Marcus quickly scanned the area to find a good place to take off, if needed "Stay put.." he mumbled to Sarah, back still towards the young man. "Hey! Stop where you are!!" Sarah yelled at the young man. "Stop!" She said once again just in case he didn't hear her. She held her weapon loosely to her side and watched the young man, hoping he wasn't going to do anything stupid.

Marcus slowly turned around and laid eyes on the young man. He sighed and shook his head. "I doubt he wants much, but keep your eye on this one." He said. He could feel Pepper moving around in his pack. The cat wasn't easy to keep calm once Marcus or Sarah began to raise there voices. However, Pepper was great about staying in the backpack. Marcus looked over his shoulder and noticed something off in the distance. He quickly turned and adjusted his eyes. It couldn't be..

"Sarah.. on my count, turn and I will turn to watch the guy." Sarah quickly gave a confused sideways look and nodded. "One... two.. three!" he said. They both quickly turned around. Marcus facing the young man, and Sarah searching the area till she also saw it too. A young female child. "Oh no..." she mumbled, fearing for the worse. She sighed and bit her lip. "What do we do?" She said softly. "I'll take care of the guy, if you can try to help the little one."

"Marcus, we can't afford to take care of a..."

"Hush! Go see if she is ok!" Marcus cut off Sarah and glared at her for a moment. "Fine..." she growled.

Sarah pocketed the .22 hand gun, but left the safety off, just in case. She began to walk towards the young girl and sighed. 'How do I talk to a.. child?', She thought to herself. She was never good with children. "Ummm.. hey.. little gal! Are you ok?" She called out, getting closer to the girl, and noticing she was holding herself pretty well. Too well for a young girl. "Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?" She called out.

Marcus cringed at Sarah being so loud. "Hush! We don't want to fight off anything.. do weee?" He quietly called out to her, still facing the young man. "Who are you?" He called out to the young man.


IC threat is up and running. I figured we could meet in California or near the coast somewhere. Please at lease post your threat with somehow meeting up with characters or wondering around. We don't all have to meet up at once. :) We can meet in small groups and find each other, or what not.
@Wintergrey Looks good! :) Accepted
I was thinking of having Orion and Estelle be separated at the start. Mind having Estelle run into your two characters?

Not a problem! I think it could work out!! :)
Fiddling with the folded up picture between his fingers, grief came over Marcus. He felt like he had failed his family. He couldn't save them, nor understand why in the world scientist would be so stupid about a prehistoric virus. He lost his beautiful wife. The last image he had of her was the fear she had in blood shot eyes. The closes thing he had to save himself was his child's baseball bat, yet, he felt like he took his wife's life to soon. Tears filled his eyes. He shoved the picture back into his pocket, moving the backpack slightly. He felt Pepper slightly move within it, making a soft 'meow' sound. She popped her head out and pawed at his hand as he removed it from his back pocket. He felt a slight warmth from the paw touching his hand. "Pepper.." he mumbled.

"Pepper!!" Sarah giggled. She reached over and petted Peppers head that was peeked out of Marcus's backpack. Pepper began to purr. "Marcus, ever heard of the old wise tale about black cats?" Sarah said with a smile as she was petting the cat. "Of course Sarah. Why?" He asked as he began to look around for an sign of a resting area. "Well, Pepper is most certainly not bring us any bad luck!" She said softly. She stopped petting Pepper and looked at Marcus. Pepper meowed for more attention.

"Whatcha looking for?" She said softly. "Just.. looking. Something isn't right Sarah. The grass to the left has been disturbed recently. I thought we were alone in this area." Marcus said, pointing towards a grassy area. Leery of the potential, he shook his head and looked down at the path they were traveling on. "I'm not sure were to go. Signs point to areas that are claimed to be safe, and well.." he mumbled, "They haven't been too promising.. I know." Sarah finished his sentence. They both met eyes together, wondering what each other were thinking, they stood in silence for a moment. "Marcus, I think we need to make camp somewhere till morning. I know we haven't gotten far, but maybe if we settle down nearby, we could find out who disturbed the grass in that area." She indicated in the area of the grass with a nod of her head. Marcus gave a worried look but nodded softly back at her. "Sure. Let's follow this trail for a bit longer. Maybe we will get lucky and run into a car or house." He said. Sarah smiled and reached into Marcus's backpack and petted Pepper once again. "Maybe she will bring more luck for us!" She said as the cat began to purr once again.
@The Kraken I love the look of your character! Accepted! :)
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