Patches-The Secret Revealed
Patches waited and waited for the reply. Nothing. His mind sparked to life and ran at lightspeed. He had forgotten the most important thing. He ignored the cat again in order to head to the comms system.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Hello? Is this thing on? Broadcasting to all you fine folks out there running for your lives. Can you hear me? Good. Listen up to this. That spider you're fighting? It absolutely loathes loud shockwaves and soundwaves. It'll be stunned by those to no end. If it goes down underground, use any explosives near its position. Should rightly knock it out of the ground for a nice pounding. Patches out. Enjoy your fight.Anastasia-Ticking Death Clock
Anastasia looked down at her stomach. If the suit had not been there, her insides would be mostly gone. Melted and pooled on the ground. Thankfully, the acid wasn't prepared to eat through metal. Still didn't stop it. It had already done damage to her abdomen and stomach. Damage that would put her out of commission and into recovery when combined with the radiation exposure.
The radios buzzed to life on everyone's suit. The tip was given, and then it went silent. Ana yelled out.
Everyone got that? Blow it out of the ground! No mercy given! Let's finish this! I'll do the honors! Ana unhooked a grenade from her belt. she pulled the pin with her teeth and tossed it into the air. Its explosion went off, creating a blast across the area. The dirt displaced and the spider launched into the air, landing on its back.
Everyone! Attack! Ana dove in, her trigger finger warming the railgun.